690 research outputs found

    Monopolizing global justice: International criminal lawas challenge to human diversity

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    Over the past two decades, international criminal law has been increasingly institutionalized and has become one of the dominant frames for defining issues of justice and conflict resolution. Indeed, international criminal law is often presented as the road towards global justice. But the rise of international criminal law and its equation with global justice come with a profound risk: alternative conceptions of justice can be marginalized. Based on field work in Uganda and Sudan, we present five examples of alternative conceptions of justice that in fact have been side-lined: the restoration of relationships, putting an end to on-going violence, redistribution, non-criminal law forms of punishment and equality. However, international criminal law’s monopolization of discourses of justice threatens not only alternative conceptions of justice, but also international criminal law itself. It frustrates one of its main aims: the protection of diversity.This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available from OUP at http://jicj.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2014/12/17/jicj.mqu078.full

    Speaking of legacy: Toward an ethos of modesty at the international criminal tribunal for Rwanda

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    Pour qu’un héritage soit réellement grand, il faut que la main du défunt ne se voie pas.In 2014, a year of memorial ceremonies commemorating the twentieth anniversary of the Rwandan genocide, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) marked its own twentieth year with the launch of a “legacy website.” With the closing of the Tribunal scheduled for December 2015, the question of its legacy had become increasingly pressing. The website premiered a video that “celebrates the accomplishments of the ICTR” in a “visually compelling” style. Blurring the distinction between documentary account and film trailer, the video begins with iconic images of the African continent: a boy rolling a hoop down a dirt road; laborers ferrying wares; women in colorful dresses tending children. These scenes of daily life are interrupted by images of men wielding machetes and corpses, interspersed with the figure of the radio, reminding the viewer that the 1994 genocide was encouraged through broadcasts inciting Hutus to take up arms against their Tutsi neighbors. The video lists the Tribunal’s contributions to international criminal law, but also describes a much broader impact: “a record of legal reform in Rwanda, and outreach, education, legal training, and healing.” Young boys leap into a body of water to punctuate the final term, suggesting the hope of a new Rwanda. The narrator proclaims, “today in Rwanda, it’s safe to listen to the radio again: the sound is of a nation rebuilding.” The film’s final words reach beyond the Rwandan context, affirming that ours is “a world pushing forward despite great imperfection, each day closer to a time when international law offers justice to all people, everywhere.”Economic and Social Research Council (Grant ID: ES/L010976/1)This is the author accepted manuscript. It is currently under an indefinite embargo pending publication by American Society of International Law

    Coverage and Rate Analysis for Downlink HetNets Using Modified Reverse Frequency Allocation Scheme

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    The deployment of heterogeneous networks (HetNets) inevitably demands the design of interference management techniques to elevate the overall network performance. This paper presents a novel interference mitigation technique known as reverse frequency allocation (RFA), which provides an efficient resource allocation compared with the other state-of-the-art techniques. RFA reverses the transmission direction of interferers, thereby minimizing the cross-tier interference. Eventually, better coverage as well as increased data rates are achieved by providing complementary spectrum to the macro and pico users. In this paper, we present a tractable approach for modeling HetNets under the proposed RFA scheme. Specifically, we employ well known tools from stochastic geometry to derive closed-form expressions for the coverage probability and rate coverage in two-tier cellular network employing RFA and its variants. The modeling is performed using two approaches; first, where the base stations and users are modeled as independent Poisson point processes (PPPs) and second, the interference is approximated using the fluid model. It is shown that the results obtained from the PPP model are accurate for higher values of path loss exponents, while the results from fluid model are useful for smaller values of path loss exponents. The plausibility of model is validated through the Monte-Carlo simulations and the network performance is evaluated in terms of coverage probability, coverage rate, and outage capacity. The results demonstrate that 2-RFA yields outage capacity gains of 13% as compared with the soft fractional frequency reuse scheme, whereas, the performance gains can be further improved by 14% by employing the proposed variants of RFA

    The use of blog to facilitate clinical learning during practicum among undergraduate nursing students: a preliminary study

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    Blogging has been increasingly used in the education field. This study is the first to explore the use of blogging to facilitate clinical learning for undergraduate nursing students (N=57) with surface or deep study approaches during their clinical practicum in Hong Kong. The findings indicated that blogging is useful in facilitating clinical learning as it fulfills different learning styles and needs of students by promoting information and knowledge sharing, enhancing self-reflection and providing emotional support.postprintThe 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM 2009), Hong Kong, 3-4 December 2009. In Proceedings of ICKM, 2009, p. 1-1


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    nduksi persalinan terjadi antara 10%-20% dari seluruh persalinan dengan berbagai indikasi baikuntuk keselamatan ibu maupun keselamatan janin. Beberapa penelitian menyebutkan bahwamisoprostolefektif untuk induksi persalinan karena dapat mematangkan serviks dan memacu kontraksimiometrium. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik pasien, dan karakteristik obatpenginduksi meliputi lamanya persalinan, indikasi induksi dan statuskehamilan dari penggunaanoksitosin, misoprostol atau kombinasinya di RSUD Kota Bandung. Cara pengambilan data denganmenggunakan sumber berupa rekam medis pada periode Oktober sampai Desember 2016. Subjekpenelitian adalah ibu yang melahirkan sebanyak 135. Data yang diperoleh dilakukan uji statistik.Terdapat 77 subjek untuk oksitosin, 36 subjek untuk misoprostol dan 22 subjek untuk keduanya. Hasilpenelitian menunjukan bahwa lama persalinan terbanyak pada penggunaan oksitosin yaitu dengandurasi waktu 2 jam (18,20%), pada penggunaan misoprostol yaitu dengan durasi waktu 6 jam (27,80%) dan penggunaan keduanya yaitu dengan durasi waktu 7 jam (22,70%). Hasil penelitian indikasiinduksi terbanyak pada oksitosin yaitu kala 1 fase laten sebesar 66,20%, pada misoprostol yaituketuban pecah dini (25,00%) dan pada keduanya yaitu preeklamsi (22,70 %). Hasil penelitian statuskehamilan terbanyak pada oksitosin yaitu dengan kehamilan anak ke 1 (33,80%), pada penggunaanmisoprostol dengan kehamilan anak ke 1 (36,10%) dan pada penggunaan keduanya yaitu dengankehamilan anak ke 1 dan 3 dengan masing-masing sebesar 31,80%.
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