3,410 research outputs found

    A superconducting absolute spin valve

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    A superconductor with a spin-split excitation spectrum behaves as an ideal ferromagnetic spin-injector in a tunneling junction. It was theoretical predicted that the combination of two such spin-split superconductors with independently tunable magnetizations, may be used as an ideal absoluteabsolute spin-valve. Here we report on the first switchable superconducting spin-valve based on two EuS/Al bilayers coupled through an aluminum oxide tunnel barrier. The spin-valve shows a relative resistance change between the parallel and antiparallel configuration of the EuS layers up to 900% that demonstrates a highly spin-polarized currents through the junction. Our device may be pivotal for realization of thermoelectric radiation detectors, logical element for a memory cell in cryogenics superconductor-based computers and superconducting spintronics in general.Comment: 6 pages, 4 color figures, 1 tabl

    Revealing the magnetic proximity effect in EuS/Al bilayers through superconducting tunneling spectroscopy

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    A ferromagnetic insulator attached to a superconductor is known to induce an exchange splitting of the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) singularity by a magnitude proportional to the magnetization, and penetrating into the superconductor to a depth comparable with the superconducting coherence length. We study this long-range magnetic proximity effect in EuS/Al bilayers and find that the exchange splitting of the BCS peaks is present already in the unpolarized state of the ferromagnetic insulator (EuS), and is being further enhanced when magnetizing the sample by a magnetic field. The measurement data taken at the lowest temperatures feature a high contrast which has allowed us to relate the line shape of the split BCS conductance peaks to the characteristic magnetic domain structure of the EuS layer in the unpolarized state. These results pave the way to engineering triplet superconducting correlations at domain walls in EuS/Al bilayers. Furthermore, the hard gap and clear splitting observed in our tunneling spectroscopy measurements indicate that EuS/Al bilayers are excellent candidates for substituting strong magnetic fields in experiments studying Majorana bound states.Comment: 9 pages, 4 color figure

    Polar molecule reactive collisions in quasi-1D systems

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    We study polar molecule scattering in quasi-one-dimensional geometries. Elastic and reactive collision rates are computed as a function of collision energy and electric dipole moment for different confinement strengths. The numerical results are interpreted in terms of first order scattering and of adiabatic models. Universal dipolar scattering is also discussed. Our results are relevant to experiments where control of the collision dynamics through one dimensional confinement and an applied electric field is envisioned.Comment: 25 pages, 13 figure


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    In viticoltura, la non corretta preparazione del terreno prima dell’impianto comporta la formazione di aree degradate caratterizzate da scarsa produzione e la presenza di piante più suscettibili a fitoparassiti e fitopatologie. Le cause del malfunzionamento del suolo possono essere imputate alla riduzione del contributo della fauna del suolo e dei servizi ecosistemici a essa legati come il ciclo dei nutrienti, l’impoverimento nel contenuto di sostanza organica, alterazione del pH, il deficit idrico e la compattazione del suolo. ReSolVe è un progetto transnazionale, finanziato dal programma Core-Organic+, finalizzato a valutare gli effetti di tre diverse tecniche agronomiche per il ripristino della funzionalità ottimale in aree degradate di vigneti biologici. Ante trattamento, i più alti valori di abbondanza di individui e ricchezza di famiglie sono stati rilevati nell’area non degradata di ambedue i siti. Gli indici bio-qualitativi hanno evidenziato un ambiente degradato con dominanza di specie generaliste e colonizzatrici. I nematodi batteriofagi erano predominanti nelle aree degradate, mentre i fitoparassiti nelle aree non degradate. L’abbondanza di nematodi fungivori e predatori è stata bassa in ambo i siti

    Analysis of the absorption and emission spectra of U4+ in α-ThBr 4

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    The low temperature form α-ThBr4 has a scheelite structure I41/a in which the tetravalent uranium occupies the thorium site which is S4. Assuming that the ground state remains Γ 4 as in the β-ThBr4 form, the polarized absorption spectrum at 4.2 K shows that D2d is a good approximation. A peculiarity of this host is the exaltation of very numerous fluorescences of U4+ which permit to assign four Stark levels of the ground state 3H4 : Γ5 at 110 cm-1, Γ 1 at 473 cm-1, Γ1 at 623 cm-1 and Γ5 at 830 cm-1. 30 levels have been assigned and the crystal field parameters of U4+ (5f2) have been calculated in the D2d approximation : B20 = - 382, B40 = - 3 262, B44 = - 1734, B60 = - 851 and B64 = - 1828 cm-1. It is interesting to note that a small distortion in the scheelite structure of the α-ThBr4 compared with the zircon structure β-ThBr4 induces important changes in the crystal field parameters

    Semiparametric estimation of random coefficients in structural economic models

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    This paper discusses nonparametric estimation of the distribution of random coefficients in a structural model that is nonlinear in the random coefficients. We establish that the problem of recovering the probability density function (pdf) of random parameters falls into the class of convexly-constrained inverse problems. The framework offers an estimation method that separates computational solution of the structural model from estimation. We first discuss nonparametric identification. Then, we propose two alternative estimation procedures to estimate the density and derive their asymptotic properties. Our general framework allows us to deal with unobservable nuisance variables, e.g., measurement error, but also covers the case when there are no such nuisance variables. Finally, Monte Carlo experiments for several structural models are provided which illustrate the performance of our estimation procedure

    Atmospheric circulation patterns, cloud-to-ground lightning, and locally intense convective rainfall associated with debris flow initiation in the Dolomite Alps of northeastern Italy

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    The Dolomite Alps of northeastern Italy experience debris flows with great frequency during the summer months. An ample supply of unconsolidated material on steep slopes and a summer season climate regime characterized by recurrent thunderstorms combine to produce an abundance of these destructive hydro-geologic events. In the past, debris flow events have been studied primarily in the context of their geologic and geomorphic characteristics. The atmospheric contribution to these mass-wasting events has been limited to recording rainfall and developing intensity thresholds for debris mobilization. This study aims to expand the examination of atmospheric processes that preceded both locally intense convective rainfall (LICR) and debris flows in the Dolomite region. 500 hPa pressure level plots of geopotential heights were constructed for a period of 3 days prior to debris flow events to gain insight into the synoptic-scale processes which provide an environment conducive to LICR in the Dolomites. Cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning flash data recorded at the meso-scale were incorporated to assess the convective environment proximal to debris flow source regions. Twelve events were analyzed and from this analysis three common synoptic-scale circulation patterns were identified. Evaluation of CG flashes at smaller spatial and temporal scales illustrated that convective processes vary in their production of CF flashes (total number) and the spatial distribution of flashes can also be quite different between events over longer periods. During the 60 min interval immediately preceding debris flow a majority of cases exhibited spatial and temporal colocation of LICR and CG flashes. Also a number of CG flash parameters were found to be significantly correlated to rainfall intensity prior to debris flow initiation
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