96 research outputs found

    Symmetry conditions of a nodal superconductor for generating robust flat-band Andreev bound states at its dirty surface

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    We discuss the symmetry property of a nodal superconductor that hosts robust flat-band zero-energy states at its surface under potential disorder. Such robust zero-energy states are known to induce the anomalous proximity effect in a dirty normal metal attached to a superconductor. A recent study has shown that a topological index NZES{\cal N}_\mathrm{ZES} describes the number of zero-energy states at the dirty surface of a pp-wave superconductor. We generalize the theory to clarify the conditions required for a superconductor that enables NZES0{\cal N}_\mathrm{ZES}\neq 0. Our results show that NZES0{\cal N}_\mathrm{ZES}\neq 0 is realized in a topological material that belongs to either the BDI or CII class. We also present two realistic Hamiltonians that result in NZES0{\cal N}_\mathrm{ZES}\neq 0.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Josephson effect of superconductors with J=3/2J=3/2 electrons

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    The angular momentum of an electron is characterized well by pseudospin with J=3/2J=3/2 in the presence of strong spin-orbit interactions. We study theoretically the Josephson effect of superconductors in which such two J=3/2J=3/2 electrons form a Cooper pair. Within even-parity symmetry class, pseudospin-quintet pairing states with J=2J=2 can exist as well as pseudospin-singlet state with J=0J=0. We focus especially on the Josephson selection rule among these even-parity superconductors. We find that the selection rule between quintet states is severer than that between spin-triplet states formed by two S=1/2S=1/2 electrons. The effects of a pseudospin-active interface on the selection rule are discussed as well as those of odd-frequency Cooper pairs generated by pseudospin dependent band structures.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Nuclear spin relaxation rate of nonunitary Dirac and Weyl superconductors

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    Nonunitary superconductivity has attracted renewed interest as a novel gapless phase of matter. In this study, we investigate the superconducting gap structure of nonunitary odd-parity chiral pairing states in a superconductor involving strong spin-orbit interactions. By applying a group theoretical classification of chiral states in terms of discrete rotation symmetry, we categorized all possible point-nodal gap structures in nonunitary chiral states into four types in terms of the topological number of nodes and node positions relative to the rotation axis. In addition to conventional Dirac and Weyl point nodes, we identify a novel type of Dirac point node unique to nonunitary chiral superconducting states. The node type can be identified experimentally based on the temperature dependence of the nuclear magnetic resonance longitudinal relaxation rate. The implication of our results for a nonunitary odd-parity superconductor in UTe2_2 is also discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Spin Susceptibility of a J=3/2 Superconductor

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    We discuss the spin susceptibility of superconductors in which a Cooper pair consists of two electrons having the angular momentum J=3/2 due to strong spin-orbit interactions. The susceptibility is calculated analytically for pseudospin quintet states in a cubic superconductor within the linear response to a Zeeman field. The susceptibility for A1gA_{1g} symmetry states is isotropic in real space. For EgE_g and T2gT_{2g} symmetry cases, the results depend sensitively on choices of order parameter. The susceptibility is isotropic for a T2gT_{2g} symmetry state, whereas it becomes anisotropic for an EgE_{g} symmetry state. We also find in a T2gT_{2g} state that the susceptibility tensor has off-diagonal elements.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Comparative studies on supersonic free jets from nozzles of complex geometry

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    Experimental and numerical studies are conducted to compare free jets from different supersonic nozzles for mixing enhancement. A conical nozzle of Mach 1.80 is the reference. Three complex nozzles are a beveled nozzle, a nozzle with six chevrons and a six lobed ESTS nozzle.All nozzles have the same throat diameter and designed average exit Mach number. The studies are conducted at NPR = 6, using acetone PLIF, centerline pitot pressure measurements, and 3D RANS simulations. A novel method of decomposing PLIF images based on intensity histogram and then recomposing after applying selective gains to emphasize the growth of shear layers is discussed. PLIF images are processed to extract the growth rate of jet width which indicates the rate of mixing. The ESTS lobed nozzle shows the highest enhancement of mixing (430%) followed by chevron (222%) and the beveled nozzle with a moderate (138%). The numerical simulations are validated and agree well with experimental results. ESTS lobed nozzle is found to produce widespread streamwise vortices compared to clustered vortices of the chevron nozzle. The mechanism of streamwise vorticity production from ESTS nozzle is clarified for the first time in this study

    A censura aos meios de comunicação durante a ditadura militar : um olhar dos alunos do 9º ano

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    Orientador : Eguimara Selma BrancoArtigo (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica, Curso de Especialização em Mídias Integradas na Educação.Inclui referência

    Investigations on Compressible Mixing Layers in Confined Ducts

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    The lacuna in addressing the fundamentals of compressible mixing layers subjected to pressure gradients in confined ducts motivated the current investigations. Studies are conducted on a canonical compressible mixing layer established between M1=2.0 and M2=1.5 flows within a suction type supersonic wind tunnel. Pressure gradients are imposed on the mixing layer by placing appropriate inserts on the test section walls. High speed schlieren visualizations and static pressure measurements are performed. Interesting shock-shear layer interactions are observed in the test section

    Measurement of evaporation-residue cross sections with light beams and deformed lanthanide target nuclei

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    To obtain a better understanding of the fusion reaction, we have focused on reactions involving deformed nuclei. Evaporation residue cross sections of the 169Tm+20Ne reaction were measured, from which we extracted the fusion excitation function. This is compared with literature data of the 169Tm+16O and 165Ho+20Ne systems. Irradiation with 20Ne ion beam has been carried out at the incident energy near the Coulomb barrier, where the effect of nuclear deformation is prominent. The results are consistent with the idea that the degree of deformation has an effect on the threshold value of the excitation functions near the Coulomb barrier