6,647 research outputs found

    Ultrafast control of donor-bound electron spins with single detuned optical pulses

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    The ability to control spins in semiconductors is important in a variety of fields including spintronics and quantum information processing. Due to the potentially fast dephasing times of spins in the solid state [1-3], spin control operating on the picosecond or faster timescale may be necessary. Such speeds, which are not possible to attain with standard electron spin resonance (ESR) techniques based on microwave sources, can be attained with broadband optical pulses. One promising ultrafast technique utilizes single broadband pulses detuned from resonance in a three-level Lambda system [4]. This attractive technique is robust against optical pulse imperfections and does not require a fixed optical reference phase. Here we demonstrate the principle of coherent manipulation of spins theoretically and experimentally. Using this technique, donor-bound electron spin rotations with single-pulse areas exceeding pi/4 and two-pulses areas exceeding pi/2 are demonstrated. We believe the maximum pulse areas attained do not reflect a fundamental limit of the technique and larger pulse areas could be achieved in other material systems. This technique has applications from basic solid-state ESR spectroscopy to arbitrary single-qubit rotations [4, 5] and bang-bang control[6] for quantum computation.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, submitted 12/2008. Since the submission of this work we have become aware of related work: J. Berezovsky, M. H. Mikkelsen, N. G. Stoltz, L. A. Coldren, and D. D. Awschalom, Science 320: 349-352 (2008

    Capturing egocentric biases in reference reuse during collaborative dialogue

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    Words that are produced aloud—and especially self-produced ones—are remembered better than words that are not, a phenomenon labeled the production effect in the field of memory research. Two experiments were conducted to determine whether this effect can be generalized to dialogue, and how it might affect dialogue management. Triads (Exp. 1) or dyads (Exp. 2) of participants interacted to perform a collaborative task. Analyzing reference reuse during the interaction revealed that the participants were more likely to reuse the references that they had presented themselves, on the one hand, and those that had been accepted through verbatim repetition, on the other. Analyzing reference recall suggested that the greater accessibility of self-presented references was only transient. Moreover, among partner-presented references, those discussed while the participant had actively taken part in the conversation were more likely to be recalled than those discussed while the participant had been inactive. These results contribute to a better understanding of how individual memory processes might contribute to collaborative dialogue

    Mapping degeneration of the visual system in long-term follow-up after childhood hemispherectomy - A series of four cases

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    OBJECTIVE: Although hemidisconnection surgery may eliminate or reduce seizure activity in patients with epilepsy, there are visual, cognitive and motor deficits which affect patients' function post-operatively, with varying severity and according to pathology. Consequently, there is a need to map microstructural changes over long time periods and develop/apply methods that work with legacy data. METHODS: In this study, we applied the novel single shell 3-Tissue method to data from a cohort of 4 patients who were scanned 20-years following childhood hemidisconnection surgery and presented with variable clinical outcomes. We have successfully reconstructed tractography of the whole visual pathway from single shell diffusion data with reduced number of gradient directions. RESULTS: All patients presented with degeneration of the visual system characterised by low fractional anisotropy and high mean diffusivity. There were no apparent microstructural differences between both optic nerves that could explain the different level of visual function across patients. However, we provide evidence suggesting an association between the level of visual function and DTI metrics within the remaining components of the visual system, particularly the optic tract, of the contralateral hemisphere post-surgery. SIGNIFICANCE: We believe this study suggests that diffusion MRI can be used to monitor the integrity of the visual system following hemispherectomy and if extended to larger cohorts and a greater number of time-points, including pre-surgically, can provide a clearer picture of the natural history of visual system degeneration. This knowledge may in turn help to identify patients at greatest risk of poor visual outcomes that might benefit from rehabilitation therapies

    Mega-regional trade Agreements: Costly distractions for developing countries?

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    This paper examines the relationship between mega-regional trade Agreements and diet-related health given that such Agreements aim to liberalize “substantially all trade and investment” that could potentially impact on health through tariff elimination and stronger intellectual property commitments in partner countries. We analyse two interlinked policy concerns: first, how tariff reduction/elimination under mega-regional Agreements impact on the production of sugar? Second, how mega-regional Agreements with Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)-style and TRIPS-plus commitments modify intellectual property rules among partner countries and impact on developing countries’ access to life-saving drugs and medicines? Using a dynamic Global Trade Analysis Project model, we find there are significant health consequences of trade commitments undertaken by developing countries with potential detrimental health effect on populations such that first, higher production of sugar alters consumption trends. Second, despite stricter intellectual property rules, which result in net global gains, developing countries suffer from the regulatory chill effect

    A preliminary audit of medical and aid provision in English Rugby union clubs:compliance with Regulation 9

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    BackgroundGoverning bodies are largely responsible for the monitoring and management of risks associated with a safe playing environment, yet adherence to regulations is currently unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate and evaluate the current status of medical personnel, facilities, and equipment in Rugby Union clubs at regional level in England.MethodsA nationwide cross-sectional survey of 242 registered clubs was undertaken, where clubs were surveyed online on their current medical personnel, facilities, and equipment provision, according to regulation 9 of the Rugby Football Union (RFU).ResultsOverall, 91 (45. 04%) surveys were returned from the successfully contacted recipients. Of the completed responses, only 23.61% (n = 17) were found to be compliant with regulations. Furthermore, 30.56% (n = 22) of clubs were unsure if their medical personnel had required qualifications; thus, compliance could not be determined. There was a significant correlation (p = −0.029, r = 0.295) between club level and numbers of practitioners. There was no significant correlation indicated between the number of practitioners/number of teams and number of practitioners/number of players. There were significant correlations found between club level and equipment score (p = 0.003, r = −0.410), club level and automated external defibrillator (AED) access (p = 0.002, r = −0.352) and practitioner level and AED access (p = 0.0001, r = 0.404). Follow-up, thematic analysis highlighted widespread club concern around funding/cost, awareness, availability of practitioners and AED training.ConclusionThe proportion of clubs not adhering overall compliance with Regulation 9 of the RFU is concerning for player welfare, and an overhaul, nationally, is required

    The Impact of Fillers on Lineup Performance

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    Filler siphoning theory posits that the presence of fillers (known innocents) in a lineup protects an innocent suspect from being chosen by siphoning choices away from that innocent suspect. This mechanism has been proposed as an explanation for why simultaneous lineups (viewing all lineup members at once) induces better performance than showups (one-person identification procedures). We implemented filler siphoning in a computational model (WITNESS, Clark, Applied Cognitive Psychology 17:629–654, 2003), and explored the impact of the number of fillers (lineup size) and filler quality on simultaneous and sequential lineups (viewing lineups members in sequence), and compared both to showups. In limited situations, we found that filler siphoning can produce a simultaneous lineup performance advantage, but one that is insufficient in magnitude to explain empirical data. However, the magnitude of the empirical simultaneous lineup advantage can be approximated once criterial variability is added to the model. But this modification works by negatively impacting showups rather than promoting more filler siphoning. In sequential lineups, fillers were found to harm performance. Filler siphoning fails to clarify the relationship between simultaneous lineups and sequential lineups or showups. By incorporating constructs like filler siphoning and criterial variability into a computational model, and trying to approximate empirical data, we can sort through explanations of eyewitness decision-making, a prerequisite for policy recommendations.Charges for publication of this article sponsored by University of Oklahoma Libraries Open Access/Subvention Fund.Ye

    Sea-level constraints on the amplitude and source distribution of Meltwater Pulse 1A.

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    During the last deglaciation, sea levels rose as ice sheets retreated. This climate transition was punctuated by periods of more intense melting; the largest and most rapid of these—Meltwater Pulse 1A—occurred about 14,500 years ago, with rates of sea-level rise reaching approximately 4 m per century1, 2, 3. Such rates of rise suggest ice-sheet instability, but the meltwater sources are poorly constrained, thus limiting our understanding of the causes and impacts of the event4, 5, 6, 7. In particular, geophysical modelling studies constrained by tropical sea-level records1, 8, 9 suggest an Antarctic contribution of more than seven metres, whereas most reconstructions10 from Antarctica indicate no substantial change in ice-sheet volume around the time of Meltwater Pulse 1A. Here we use a glacial isostatic adjustment model to reinterpret tropical sea-level reconstructions from Barbados2, the Sunda Shelf3 and Tahiti1. According to our results, global mean sea-level rise during Meltwater Pulse 1A was between 8.6 and 14.6 m (95% probability). As for the melt partitioning, we find an allowable contribution from Antarctica of either 4.1 to 10.0 m or 0 to 6.9 m (95% probability), using two recent estimates11, 12 of the contribution from the North American ice sheets. We conclude that with current geologic constraints, the method applied here is unable to support or refute the possibility of a significant Antarctic contribution to Meltwater Pulse 1A


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    Proof-of-burn has been used as a mechanism to destroy cryptocurrency in a verifiable manner. Despite its well known use, the mechanism has not been previously formally studied as a primitive. In this paper, we put forth the first cryptographic definition of what a proof-of-burn protocol is. It consists of two functions: First, a function which generates a cryptocurrency address. When a user sends money to this address, the money is irrevocably destroyed. Second, a verification function which checks that an address is really unspendable. We propose the following properties for burn protocols. Unspendability, which mandates that an address which verifies correctly as a burn address cannot be used for spending; binding, which allows associating metadata with a particular burn; and uncensorability, which mandates that a burn address is indistinguishable from a regular cryptocurrency address. Our definition captures all previously known proof-of-burn protocols. Next, we design a novel construction for burning which is simple and flexible, making it compatible with all existing popular cryptocurrencies. We prove our scheme is secure in the Random Oracle model. We explore the application of destroying value in a legacy cryptocurrency to bootstrap a new one. The user burns coins in the source blockchain and subsequently creates a proof-of-burn, a short string proving that the burn took place, which she then submits to the destination blockchain to be rewarded with a corresponding amount. The user can use a standard wallet to conduct the burn without requiring specialized software, making our scheme user friendly. We propose burn verification mechanisms with different security guarantees, noting that the target blockchain miners do not necessarily need to monitor the source blockchain. Finally, we implement the verification of Bitcoin burns as an Ethereum smart contract and experimentally measure that the gas costs needed for verification are as low as standard Bitcoin transaction fees, illustrating that our scheme is practical

    Clinical and cost effectiveness of mechanical support for severe ankle sprains: design of a randomised controlled trial in the emergency department [ISRCTN 37807450]

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    Background The optimal management for severe sprains (Grades II and III) of the lateral ligament complex of the ankle is unclear. The aims of this randomised controlled trial are to estimate (1) the clinical effectiveness of three methods of providing mechanical support to the ankle (below knee cast, Aircast® brace and Bledsoe® boot) in comparison to Tubigrip®, and (2) to compare the cost of each strategy, including subsequent health care costs. Methods/design Six hundred and fifty people with a diagnosis of severe sprain are being identified through emergency departments. The study has been designed to complement routine practice in the emergency setting. Outcomes are recovery of mobility (primary outcome) and usual activity, residual symptoms and need for further medical, rehabilitation or surgical treatment. Parallel economic and qualitative studies are being conducted to aid interpretation of the results and to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the interventions. Discussion This paper highlights the design, methods and operational aspects of a clinical trial of acute injury management in the emergency department

    Ultrafast optical control of entanglement between two quantum dot spins

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    The interaction between two quantum bits enables entanglement, the two-particle correlations that are at the heart of quantum information science. In semiconductor quantum dots much work has focused on demonstrating single spin qubit control using optical techniques. However, optical control of entanglement of two spin qubits remains a major challenge for scaling from a single qubit to a full-fledged quantum information platform. Here, we combine advances in vertically-stacked quantum dots with ultrafast laser techniques to achieve optical control of the entangled state of two electron spins. Each electron is in a separate InAs quantum dot, and the spins interact through tunneling, where the tunneling rate determines how rapidly entangling operations can be performed. The two-qubit gate speeds achieved here are over an order of magnitude faster than in other systems. These results demonstrate the viability and advantages of optically controlled quantum dot spins for multi-qubit systems.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure