1,355 research outputs found

    A metallurgical route to solar-grade silicon

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    The aim of the process is to produce silicon for crystallization into ingots that can be sliced to wafers for processing into photovoltaic cells. If the potential purity can be realized, the silicon will also be applicable for ribbon pulling techniques where the purification during crystallization is negligible. The process consists of several steps: selection and purification of raw materials, carbothermic reduction of silica, ladle treatment, casting, crushing, leaching, and melting. The leaching step is crucial for high purity, and the obtainable purity is determined by the solidification before leaching. The most difficult specifications to fulfill are the low contents of boron, phosphorus, and carbon. Boron and phosphorus can be excluded from the raw materials, but the carbothermic reduction will unavoidably saturate the silicon with carbon at high temperature. During cooling carbon will precipitate as silicon carbide crystals, which will be harmful in solar cells. The cost of this solar silicon will depend strongly on the scale of production. It is as yet premature to give exact figures, but with a scale of some thousand tons per year, the cost will only be a few times the cost of ordinary metallurgical silicon

    A Healthy Work Schedule: Improving Dynamics for Nurses’ Health

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    Rotating shift work is an unavoidable, integral aspect of nursing at a large hospital in the Midwest; however, the fatigue involved in rotating shift work is avoidable. Research has shown how fatigue related to rotating shifts can impact nurses and ultimately affect patients. Fatigue caused by rotating shift work has been proven to decrease nurses’ levels of alertness and vigilance, which directly correlates to higher incidences of errors with patients. In addition, nurses who work rotating shifts have been proven to have problems with psycho-physical health, biological functions, and social relationships. It is through an understanding of the risks related to rotating shift work and the application of Watson’s Caring concepts and Caritas Processes that nurses have the opportunity to explore strategies to combat the associated negative effects. This exploration of strategies led to a search for options to design a three week schedule that allows for sufficient recovery time between rotating shifts for nurses who work on a medical, surgical, progressive care unit. The creation of a healthy work schedule was based on nurses’ feedback and an understanding of the institutional scheduling procedural guidelines. Ultimately the goal is to create a schedule that allocates time for nurses to customize self-care habits and routines that nurtures self in order to serve others

    SB49-18/19: Resolution Regarding ASUM Support for OER Initiatives at the University of Montana

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    SB49-18/19: Resolution Regarding ASUM Support for OER Initiatives at the University of Montan

    SB64-20/21: Resolution Condemning White Supremacy

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    SB64-20/21: Resolution Condemning White Supremacy. This resolution was approved unanimously during the February 24, 2021 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM)

    Communication in elite team sports

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    Prestasjoner i eliteidrett inneholder en rekke sammenkoblede faktorer, der teammedlemmer må koordinere innsats i treningsarbeid og i kampsituasjon, mot kollektive mål. Kommunikasjon er en sentral faktor som er relatert til teamarbeid i eliteidrett. Kommunikasjon i elitelag er sterkt knyttet til hvordan teammedlemmer samarbeider for å løse oppgave-relaterte krav, og er samtidig med å påvirke de sosiale interaksjonene mellom teammedlemmer. Viktigheten av kommunikasjon i team prosesser har blitt fremhevet av flere forskere. Det er likevel behov for mer forskning som undersøker og utforsker kommunikasjon i elitelag i idrett. Resultatene fra denne avhandlingen fremhever viktigheten av kommunikasjon i elitelag, og utvider forståelsen vår av identitetsledelse, intrateam kommunikasjon (dvs., aksept, særpreg, humor), kohesjon, og kampspesifikk kommunikasjon. Treneratferd er identifisert som en sentral faktor som påvirker kommunikasjon i team prosesser (PI), mens momentum og smitte xi er med å påvirke kampspesifikk kommunikasjon innad og mellom to konkurrende lag (PIII). Resultatene understreker at treneren og den konkrete situasjonen er viktige faktorer for å forstå kommunikasjon i elitelag i idrett (PI, PIII). Videre kan vi konkludere med at innholdet og formen av kommunikasjonen (dvs., humor, aksept, kampspesifikk kommunikasjon) påvirker gruppedynamiske uttak som kohesjon (dvs., oppgave og sosial), konflikt, smitte, momentum og prestasjon (PI, PII, PIII). Oppsummert bidrar resultatene fra denne avhandlingen til å øke forståelsen for noen av de underliggende mekanismene som er utbredt innenfor kommunikasjonsprosesser i elitelag i idrett.publishedVersio

    SB11-19/20:Resolution Establishing the Mental Health Advocacy and Education Ad Hoc Committee

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    SB11-19/20:Resolution Establishing the Mental Health Advocacy and Education Ad Hoc Committee passed 11Y-8N-4A in ASUM Senate meeting on September 25, 201

    Monte Carlo Simulations of a Moving Target during Spot-Scanning Particle Therapy with Protons

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    During radiation therapy for cancer, the dose distribution delivered to patients will be affected by the motion of the target volume and the motion of the surrounding tissue and organs. The overall objective of this thesis has been to investigate how the motion of the target volume affects the distribution delivered during spot-scanning particle therapy. This has been investigated with Monte Carlo simulations of a target volume moving step vise between beam spots delivered to the target volume with a proton beam. The Monte Carlo simulations were conducted with the Geant4 Toolkit, version 10.0 patch-02, and with the QGSP_BERT_HP physics list. A detector target volume measuring 20x20x4 mm was placed within a 30x30x30 cm water phantom and moved in accordance to a simple breathing cycle and average motions between irradiation of the beam spots. 25 beam spots from a circular proton beam of radius 2 mm and energy 145,60 MeV, gauss distributed with a 0,1456 MeV standard deviation, was delivered to the target. In total the beam delivered 25*10^7 protons to the phantom. In addition to the effect of simple motion on the dose distribution, the effect of repainting within spill, delivering the dose during a gating window and re-scanning the target, was investigated. The results of the simulations indicate that movement in the beam direction and in the secondary scanning direction, had the most detrimental effect on the dose distribution. The repainting simulations indicate that repainting within a spill average out the effect of the target and beam moving simultaneously, so called interplay effects, letting the dose distribution keep its overall shape. The gating simulations indicate that reducing the magnitude of the target movement, by delivering the dose in a specific part of the breathing cycle, increase the successful delivery of the dose distribution to the target. With movement in the gating window, repainting within spill also lead to an increase in coverage of the CTV when the target was moved in the primary scanning direction. The result that repainting leads to a similar distribution and coverage of the CTV regardless of the direction of the target motion, the only difference being the direction of displacement, that was arrived at earlier. Leads to the conclusion that, a repaint simulation of the target moving in the secondary scanning direction in the gating window, should grant similar results to those of repainting of the target moving in the primary beam direction. The full treatment simulations show motion of the magnitude in the breathing cycle used, lead to an unacceptable dose coverage. This is in line with expectation and is consistent with the ICRU recommendations for maximum motion amplitudes in tumors to be treated with spot- scanning.Master i FysikkMAMN-PHYSPHYS39

    SB59-20/21: Resolution Urging Bereavement and Crisis Leave at the University of Montana

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    SB59-20/21: Resolution Urging Bereavement and Crisis Leave at the University of Montana. This resolution was approved unanimously during the February 3, 2021 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM)
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