20 research outputs found

    Reduced intra-individual reaction time variability during a Go-NoGo task in detoxified alcohol-dependent patients after one right-sided dorsolateral prefrontal HF-rTMS session

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    Aims: As alcohol dependency is characterized by severe executive function deficits, we examined the influence of high-frequency (HF) repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) applied to the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) on executive functioning in recently detoxified alcohol-dependent patients. Methods: In this randomized, single blind, sham (placebo)controlled, crossover study, we included 50 detoxified alcohol-dependent patients. We examined the effect of a single right DLPFC HF-rTMS session on commission errors, mean reaction times (RTs) and intra-individual reaction time variability (IIRTV) during a Go-NoGo task (50% Go/50% NoGo condition) in 29 alcohol-dependent patients. Patients completed this cognitive task immediately before and immediately after the stimulation session. In order to avoid carry-over effects between stimulation sessions, a 1-week inter-session interval was respected. Because rTMS treatment has been shown to affect subjective craving, all patients were also assessed with the Obsessive Compulsive Drinking Scale (OCDS). Results: After both stimulation conditions, we observed a significant decrease of commission errors, without differences between active and sham HF-rTMS stimulation. No significant difference was observed between active and sham stimulation on mean RT. However, only active stimulation resulted in a significant decrease in IIRTV. No effects of stimulation were found for the craving measurements. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that in recently detoxified alcohol-dependent patients, one right-sided HF-rTMS session stabilizes cognitive performance during executive control tasks, implying that active stimulation reduces patients' proneness to attentional lapses

    Surveillance of pathogens in the Netherlands - Detailed characterization of pathogens which are relevant for the public health

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    Increased surveillance of pathogens may for strengthen the prevention and control of infectious diseases. Infectious diseases cause a considerable burden of disease the Netherlands. Detailed characterization of pathogens will yield insight in changes of the pathogen itself, in changes in transmission patterns, and in changes in virulence and resistance. Therefore it is necessary to determine which pathogens should be studied, to what level of detail, and how they should be collected. In this report , the bacteria, viruses and parasites that give the the greatest burden of disease or present the greatest risk for the public health have been described in a standardized way. Several pathogens emerge from this study for which an increase in collection and characterization is desirable. Examples are: 1) Human papillomavirus, to improve assessment of the potential vaccine efficacy. 2) Influenza virus, to better characterize resistance to antiviral drugs. 3) Bordetella pertusis (whooping cough), to detect population changes that can influence vaccine efficacy. 4) Meticillin-resistance Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), to reduce delays in contact-source tracing and containment. The pathogen surveillance in the Netherlands will be intensified on basis of this report. This enhanced surveillance will be executed in close co-operation with the peripheral microbiological laboratories.Verdere intensivering van de analyse van pathogenen in Nederland is nodig om preventie en bestrijding van infectieziekten te verbeteren. Infectieziekten veroorzaken een aanzienlijke ziektelast in Nederland. Daarnaast gaat van infectieziekten ook een grote dreiging uit voor de openbare gezondheidszorg. Detailkarakterisering van pathogenen geeft inzicht in mogelijke veranderingen van de pathogeen zelf, zoals veranderde virulentie of resistentie. Daarnaast levert het ook inzicht in mogelijk veranderde transmissieroutes. Wel is het noodzakelijk om goed af te wegen welke pathogenen gekarakteriseerd moeten worden, tot welk detailniveau, en hoe groot de steekproef van een bepaalde pathogeen moet zijn om een representatief beeld te krijgen. In dit rapport zijn de bacterien, virussen en parasieten die de grootste ziektelast veroorzaken of de grootste bedreiging vormen voor de openbare gezondheidszorg op een gestandariseerde manier beschreven. In deze beschrijving is in het bijzonder aandacht besteed aan de relevantie van de pathogenen voor de openbare gezondheidszorg. Uit deze inventariserende studie komen een aantal pathogenen naar voren waarvan het wenselijk is om die intensiever te verzamelen en te karateriseren. Voorbeelden hiervan zijn: 1) Humaan papillomavirus, om de potentiele vaccineffectiviteit beter te kunnen inschatten. 2) Influenzavirus, om resistentie tegen antivirale middelen beter in kaart te brengen. 3) Bordetella pertusis (kinkhoest), om populatieveranderingen, die mogelijk de vaccineffectiviteit verlagen, beter te kunnen waarnemen. 4) Meticilline resistente Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), om bron-en-contact opsporing en inperkingsmaatregelen te versnellen. Dit rapport zal als basis dienen voor de intensivering van de kiemsurveillance van pathogenen in Nederland, die in samenwerking met de perifere microbiologische laboratoria uitgevoerd zal gaan worden

    Transcranial electrical and magnetic stimulation (tES and TMS) for addiction medicine: A consensus paper on the present state of the science and the road ahead.

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    There is growing interest in non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) as a novel treatment option for substance-use disorders (SUDs). Recent momentum stems from a foundation of preclinical neuroscience demonstrating links between neural circuits and drug consuming behavior, as well as recent FDA-approval of NIBS treatments for mental health disorders that share overlapping pathology with SUDs. As with any emerging field, enthusiasm must be tempered by reason; lessons learned from the past should be prudently applied to future therapies. Here, an international ensemble of experts provides an overview of the state of transcranial-electrical (tES) and transcranial-magnetic (TMS) stimulation applied in SUDs. This consensus paper provides a systematic literature review on published data - emphasizing the heterogeneity of methods and outcome measures while suggesting strategies to help bridge knowledge gaps. The goal of this effort is to provide the community with guidelines for best practices in tES/TMS SUD research. We hope this will accelerate the speed at which the community translates basic neuroscience into advanced neuromodulation tools for clinical practice in addiction medicine