201 research outputs found

    Determining the Teacher Education Needs for the Treatment of the Problem Behaviors of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    This study was carried out to test the effect of the training program developed for teachers who are involved in the education of students with ASD to enable them to provide quality education in the education and training process. To determine the teacher training needs for the treatment of problem behaviors that occur in students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is the aim of this study. For this purpose, inter-views under four sub-headings were conducted. These titles are the determination of behavior, programming, program implementation, and Program Evaluation. In the research, a qualitative case study design was preferred. The data were obtained from 22 teachers working with ASD students through face-to-face interviews, audio and video recordings using semi-structured interview forms. The analysis of the data was done through the descriptive analysis technique. As a result of the research, most of the teachers stated that they did not find themselves sufficient regarding the problem behaviors and treatment of students with ASD. The in-depth results of the study were discussed in line with the teacher needs, relevant qualitative research, and implications for future research and applications were suggested


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    GeoPortal Systems are being considered one of the most important object in interoperability concept for Spatial data Management. With the developing technology of the information age, the need for accessing to spatial data is caused to effort for establishing national, regional and local information systems by institutes and organizations. Sharing and accessing of spatial datasets between institutes and organizations are being more important within interoperability concept.In this study, Open Access GeoPortal System is designed and applied to establish a common platform for institutes/organizations to analyze, interact, view, query and share spatial data. Open Access GeoPortal System, which is aimed to develop effective solutions in the field of using and sharing spatial data and establish interoperability concept, intends to provide an infrastructure for users to realize functions related with spatial data on web without installing any software. Open Access GeoPortal System is providing standardization stage acceleration, interoperability concept establishment and solutions to problems of spatial data thanks to the developed functions and processes which are working on international standardization organizations as like INSPIRE, ISO, W3C and OGC

    Návrh a optimalizace reproduktorové soustavy vyšší třídy

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    This thesis deals with the design process of a loudspeaker system, what should be considered when designing the loudspeaker system, the inside parts the loudspeaker system and the features of these parts, and the path followed by the integration of all these components. After all the theory and descriptions, system is simulated and after that prototype is obtained. Subsequently, the results which are obtained from the simulation and the prototype are compared to decide about the success of designed loudspeaker.Tato práce se zabývá procesem návrhu reproduktorového systému. V úvodní teoretické části popisuje, co mělo být vzato v úvahu při navrhování reproduktorového systému, vnitřních částí systému reproduktorů a vlastností těchto částí. Po teoretickém rozboru následuje vlastní návrh načež je systém simulován. V praktické části jsou provedená akustická měření na prototype reprosoustavy. Následně jsou porovnány výsledky získané ze simulace a prototypu, aby se rozhodlo o úspěšnosti provedeného a realizovaného návrhu.330 - Katedra aplikované mechanikyvelmi dobř


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    Recently, for ensuring human life and safety, routing and intervening emergency vehicles as soon as possible an important subject. Ambulance, firefighter, police and other emergency vehicles are the main object of the intervention. Reaching the emergency area as soon as possible is important for saving human life and preventing economic loss. Directing and routing emergency vehicles from the moment they receive an emergency call to the event location must be considered carefully. In this study, ensuring the shortest response time for the emergency vehicles, obstacles like speed bumps, traffic lights, parking status of the streets, railroad crossings and crossroads which reduce the speed of emergency vehicles and increasing the intervention time are detected. In order to determine the effect of obstacles, a new Segment Effect Value (SEV) formula is developed. Values are assigned to the street segments according to obstacles in particular streets. SEV formula makes possible to determine the routes that provides the shortest intervention time. Results are compared with the shortest route and the shortest time route


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    Nowadays, beside Geographical Information Systems (GIS) analysis capabilities, Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) techniques have been applied to a large amount of spatial decision problems. MCDA techniques are widely used in different kind of site suitability analysis in the field of environmental, engineering, topographical, social and economic perpectives. When planners are giving decision to related problems, there are limitations, expectations and requirements are involved in this stage. Right decision giving require to characterize the complex criteria structure and select appropriate data. The most used MCDA techniques in GIS are Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), The Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) and Vise Kriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR). In this study, TOPSIS and VIKOR techniques are compared to each other according to the models and capabilities

    A process independent of the anaphase-promoting complex contributes to instability of the yeast S phase cyclin Clb5

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    Proteolytic destruction of many cyclins is induced by a multi-subunit ubiquitin ligase termed the anaphase promoting complex/ cyclosome (APC/C). In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the S phase cyclin Clb5 and the mitotic cyclins Clb1-4 are known as substrates of this complex. The relevance of APC/C in proteolysis of Clb5 is still under debate. Importantly, a deletion of the Clb5 destruction box has little influence on cell cycle progression. To understand Clb5 degradation in more detail, we applied in vivo pulse labeling to determine the half-life of Clb5 at different cell cycle stages and in the presence or absence of APC/C activity. Clb5 is significantly unstable, with a half-life of ∼8-10 min, at cell cycle periods when APC/C is inactive and in mutants impaired in APC/C function. A Clb5 version lacking its cyclin destruction box is similarly unstable. The half-life of Clb5 is further decreased in a destruction box-dependent manner to 3-5 min in mitotic or G 1 cells with active APC/C. Clb5 instability is highly dependent on the function of the proteasome. We conclude that Clb5 proteolysis involves two different modes for targeting of Clb5 to the proteasome, an APC/C-dependent and an APC/C-independent mechanism. These different modes apparently have overlapping functions in restricting Clb5 levels in a normal cell cycle, but APC/C function is essential in the presence of abnormally high Clb5 levels. © 2007 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc

    Pengembangan Media Komik Digital Berbasis Flipbook Maker Materi IPS Peristiwa Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia Di SDIT Wildan Mukholladun Kabupaten Blitar

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    Media komik digital berbasis flipbook maker dikembangkan sebagai alternatif media pendukung dalam mata pelajaran IPS khususnya materi Peristiwa Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia.  Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE. Tujuan pengembangan ini adalah untuk menghasilkan media yang valid. Media ini mendapat hasil validasi ahli media dengan persentase sebesar 92.8% dengan kriteria sangat valid, hasil validasi ahli materi dengan persentase sebesar 96.4% dengan kriteria sangat valid dan hasil validasi ahli bahasa dengan persentase sebesar 100% dengan kriteria sangat valid. Uji coba kemenarikan oleh pengguna (guru) mendapat hasil dengan persentase 95.8% dengan kriteria sangat menarik, dan uji coba kemenarikan oleh siswa mendapat hasil dengan persentase 95.2% dengan kategori sangat menarik. Berdasarkan hasil persentase dari ahli media, ahli materi dan ahli bahasa, uji coba pengguna (guru) dan uji coba siswa, maka produk media komik digital berbasis flipbook maker layak digunakan dalam pembelajara


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    In today’s society for the purpose of providing human transportation, human‐powered vehicles (bicycle etc...) are commonly used as well as motor vehicles depend to terrain. In most of the countries, because it provides convenient access in terms of traffic and economic solutions, bicycles are using in urban transportation intensely. But there are some risk factors when using bicycles on traffic as like accidents. Konya province in Turkey has a smoothest terrain model comparing the other provinces. Because of this, it has intensive bicycle traffic in daily life. Therefore, this situation can cause fatal traffic accidents when crushing with the motor vehicles. For the purpose of preventing the bicycle accidents, with considering urban settlements and population, a web based geographical information system is created for Konya province. This web based geographical information system is created by integrating ArcGIS and GeoServer softwares. By using ArcGIS ArcObjects software language, there is a user form created for process of the bicycle accident information as like accident coordinates, addresses and type of accidents. With this form, all the information is saved into geodatabases and required analysis techniques are realized with this information. Roads, trade and urban regions, population and past accident layers are integrated into database for analyzing new accidents and determine the solutions for preventing the accidents. Günümüz  toplumunda  insanların  ulaşım  ihtiyaçlarını  karşılamak  üzere  motorlu  araçların yanında insan gücüyle çalışan araçlarda topografyaya bağlı olarak yoğun bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır. Ekonomik olması ve trafik yönünden rahat bir ulaşım sağlaması nedeniyle bisiklet kullanımı birçok kent merkezinde  kullanılmaktadır.  Ancak  getirdiği  kolaylıklar  yanında  bazı  riskleri  de  beraberinde getirmektedir. Konya ili Türkiye’nin en düz coğrafyasına sahip illerinden birisi olması nedeniyle yoğun bir bisiklet kullanımına  sahiptir.  Bu  nedenle  gerçekleşen  trafik  kazalarına  bakıldığında  bisikletlerin  karıştığı kazalarda azımsanamayacak kadar çok olmaktadır. Bunların bir kısmı ölümcül olabilmekte ve bisiklet kullanıcıları hayatını kaybetmektedirler. Bu nedenle bisiklet yollarının yoğunlukla doğru orantılı olarak genişletilmesi ve gerekli önlemlerin alınması amacıyla coğrafi bilgi sistemleri kullanılarak kazaların analizi ve önlenmesi için bir çalışma yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla Konya ilinde yoğun olarak bisiklet kazalarının yaşandığı yolların incelenmesi ve analizlerin gerçekleştirilebilmesini sağlamak amacıyla web tabanlı coğrafi bilgi sistemleri oluşturulmuştur. ArcGIS ve GeoServer yazılımları kullanılarak geliştirilen formlar ve modeller sayesinde kaza verileri işlenerek analiz edilmekte ve sonuç ürünler web ortamında anlık olarak sunulabilmektedir. Mahalle statüleri ve ticaret alanlarının da eklenmesi ile birlikte sosyo‐ekonomik açıdan değerlendirmeler yapılabilmektedir.

    Should Ultrasonographic Giant-Cell Arteritis Signs be Detected in Patients with Polymyalgia Rheumatica?

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    Based on the presence of ultrasonographic findings of Giant-Cell Arteritis in Polymyalgia Rheumatica patients using Ultrasonography on the temporal artery, the study contributes to the literature evaluating the unclear relationship between Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant-Cell Arteritis. It raises awareness that Ultrasonography can be used instead of biopsy in patients with suspected Giant-Cell Arteritis. Twenty patients were newly diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica and included 20 participants as a control group in the study. The Polymyalgia Rheumatica group was evaluated at baseline and sixth month, while the control group was only assessed at baseline. Laboratory, clinical, and ultrasonographic findings of all participants were assessed. Gray-scale Ultrasonography and colored Doppler Ultrasonography were used to present halo and compression, occlusion, and stenosis in addition to intima-media complex thickness in bilateral temporal arteries and frontal-parietal branches by an experienced radiologist blinded to the subject. No significant difference was found between Polymyalgia Rheumatica and control groups based on demographic features, clinical and ultrasonographic results at baseline and sixth month. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate of Polymyalgia Rheumatica at baseline was statistically higher than the control group. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate values have declined significantly in Polymyalgia Rheumatica patients, but no significant changes were found for clinical or ultrasonographic features during the sixth month. Ultrasonographic findings of Giant-Cell Arteritis are not present in newly diagnosed and six months followed up Polymyalgia Rheumatica patients. Further studies are needed