16,822 research outputs found

    Exclusive photoproduction of quarkonium in proton-nucleus collisions at energies available at the CERN Large Hadron Collider

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    In this work we investigate the coherent photoproduction of psi(1S), psi(2S) and Upsilon (1S) states in the proton-nucleus collisions in the LHC energies. Predictions for the rapidity distributions are presented using the color dipole formalism and including saturation effects that are expected to be relevant at high energies. Calculations are done at the energy 5.02 TeV and also for the next LHC run at 8.8 TeV in proton-lead mode. Discussion is performed on the main theoretical uncertainties associated to the calculations.Comment: 05 pages, 5 figures. Version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Light vector meson photoproduction in hadron-hadron and nucleus-nucleus collisions at the energies available at the CERN Large Hadron Collider

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    In this work we analyse the theoretical uncertainties on the predictions for the photoproduction of light vector mesons in coherent pp, pA and AA collisions at the LHC energies using the color dipole approach. In particular, we present our predictions for the rapidity distribution for rh0 and phi photoproduction and perform an analysis on the uncertainties associated to the choice of vector meson wavefunctionand the phenomenological models for the dipole cross section. Comparison is done with the recent ALICE analysis on coherent production of rho at 2.76 TeV in PbPb collisions.Comment: 07 pages, 6 figures. Version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Diffractive dissociation in proton-nucleus collisions at collider energies

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    The cross section for the nuclear diffractive dissociation in proton-lead collisions at the LHC is estimated. Based on the current theoretical uncertainties for the single (target) diffactive cross section in hadron-hadron reactions one obtains sigma_SD(5.02 TeV) = 19.67 \pm 5.41 mb and sigma_SD(8.8 TeV) = 18.76 \pm 5.77 mb, respectively. The invariant mass M_X for the reaction pPb -> pX is also analyzed. Discussion is performed on the main theoretical uncertainties associated to the calculations.Comment: 04 pages, 2 figures. Final version to be published in European Physical Journal A - "Hadrons and Nuclei

    Impurities near an Antiferromagnetic-Singlet Quantum Critical Point

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    Heavy fermion systems, and other strongly correlated electron materials, often exhibit a competition between antiferromagnetic (AF) and singlet ground states. Using exact Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations, we examine the effect of impurities in the vicinity of such AF- singlet quantum critical points, through an appropriately defined impurity susceptibility, χimp\chi_{imp}. Our key finding is a connection, within a single calculational framework, between AF domains induced on the singlet side of the transition, and the behavior of the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation rate 1/T11/T_1. We show that local NMR measurements provide a diagnostic for the location of the QCP which agrees remarkably well with the vanishing of the AF order parameter and large values of χimp\chi_{imp}. We connect our results with experiments on Cd-doped CeCoIn5_5

    Temperatura e tempo de embebição na germinação de sementes de abacaxizeiro.

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    O abacaxizeiro (Ananas comosus var. comosus) é a terceira fruteira tropical mais plantada no Brasil e ocupa em torno de 67.000 ha. Nos plantios comerciais de abacaxi são utilizadas mudas obtidas por propagação assexuada, como filhote, filhote-rebentão e rebentão. As sementes são raras nos frutos em decorrência da reduzida fertilidade conjugada com a forte auto-incompatibilidade e o cultivo monoclonal em plantios comerciais (Coppens d'Eeckenbrugge et al., 2003). O melhoramento genético do abacaxizeiro é conduzido em diferentes instituições de pesquisa no mundo, com objetivo de desenvolver variedades mais produtivas e de melhor qualidade no fruto. No Brasil, além dessas características, os programas de melhoramento genético de abacaxi buscam variedades resistentes à fusariose (Fusarium subglutinans), principal doença da cultura, além de outras características desejáveis como ausência de espinhos nas folhas, pedúnculo curto e fruto com peso entre 1,5 kg e 2,5 kg (Cabral, 2000).pdf 213