35 research outputs found

    Capabilities of breast sonotomography (automated breast volume sonography) in the evaluation of the glandular structure of the breast in the context of its cancer risk

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    Objective: to study the capabilities of a procedure for sonotomography (STG) versus that of X-ray mammography (MG) in patients from different age groups who have different radiological types of the breast structure and to estimate the diagnostic   possibilities of the STG and X-ray MG procedures in detecting cancer in patients its the X-ray dense background.Materail and methods. The investigation enrolled 143 patients aged 38 to 77 years who had undergone STG after primary X-ray MG. Particular emphasis was placed on a methodological approach to optimizing STG in patients from different age groups with a varying radiological type of the breast structure in different physiological periods. The international breast imaging and reporting data system was used to standardize detected breast masses.Results. Out of the 143 patients, 102 persons, including 16 patients with verified breast cancer (BC), were found to have space-occupying lesions. During the  performed investigation, computed processing of 3D scans at the working station confirmed the entire quadrant-by-quadrant consentaneity of the glandular structure of the breast at STG and X-ray MG. There were a higher proportion of abnormal breast masses with the increased percentage ratio of glandular tissue in the breast. Emphasis was laid on the role of STG as an additional examination technique in patients from all age groups with the radiologically dense breast in order to detect cancer due to a high sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 96%.Conclusion. The procedure of STG versus that of X-ray MS showed a high degree of compatibility of opinions as to the type of the breast structure in the patients. Due to the fact that standardprojection STG scans can be compared, during mammography the procedure of STG must hold a firm place in the examination algorithm of the breast in women with its X-ray dense structure


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    Introduction. War is a super-powerful extreme event that causes adaptive capacity to decline. The need for a clearer understanding of the specifics of war psychotrauma and its clinical consequences for all components of human health determines the relevance of the topic of this study. The aim of the work is to study the peculiarities of psychosomatic relationships in persons with the consequences of war psychotrauma. Materials and methods. The experimental study group consisted of 32 patients from the number of temporarily displaced persons, the control group – 34 patients who did not change their place of residence during the entire period of the full-scale war. The diagnosis was aimed at identifying neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders, according to the rubric (F40-F48) of the ICD-10. Assessment of the somatic condition was carried out on the basis of analysis of anamnestic data, clinical examination of the patient and indicators of laboratory tests. Psychodiagnostic methods were used to assess the mental states of patients (Clinical Questionnaire for the Detection and Assessment of Neurotic States; Methodology for the express diagnosis of neurosis by K. Heck and H. Hess; Questionnaire SAN (Mood, Activity, Mood); Methodology for the diagnosis of Taylor's anxiety level; Self-assessment of mental states according to Eysenck; Ch. Spibleger's Reactive and Personal Anxiety Assessment Scale in the modification of Y. Hanin. Statistical processing of the research results was carried out in the Microsoft Excel program and with the help of the Social Science Statistics online calculator. Results. As a result of the analysis of anamnestic data, clinical examination and analysis of laboratory tests, psychosomatic disorders were found in patients of both research groups: in 29 (90.63%) patients of the experimental group and in 26 (74.47%) patients of the control group. Conclusions. It has been confirmed that a prolonged stressful extreme situation of a full-scale war causes the formation of negative mental states accompanied by psychosomatic manifestations, the formation of a closed vicious circle of a pathological psychosomatic process. A high close direct correlation was found between the level of reactive anxiety, autonomic disorders, well-being, activity, mood of patients and psychosomatic symptoms. The absence of a statistically significant difference in the risk of developing psychosomatic disorders as a result of war psychotrauma in temporarily displaced persons and those who did not change their place of residence was revealed

    Уровень обструкции сосудистого русла при тромбоэмболии легочной артерии и риск развития инфаркта легкого

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    The purpose of this work was to study the effect of the obstruction level associated with pulmonary embolism (PE) on development of pulmonary infarction (PI) and infarction-related pneumonia.Materials and Methods. Patients (n = 105) with PTE identified by results of multislice computed tomography (MSCT) with enhancement of pulmonary vessels were enrolled in the study. Among them patients with high risk PTE, survived the 1st week of the disease (n = 53), and with community-acquired pneumonia (n = 54) were present, and in these patients MSCT allowed to detect PTE was performed during week 1.Results. PI was detected in 58 (95.1%) of 61 PTE patients with obstruction of segmental pulmonary artery (PA) branches and 15 (32.6%) of 46 patients without obstruction of segmental arteries (p < 0.001). In PTE patients with upper obstruction level in PA trunk region, the involvement of segmental branches and PI development were observed in 20.0% of cases, with upper obstruction level in main branches region it was reported, respectively, in 31.8 and 52.3% of patients, and with pulmonary branches involvement – in 80.0 and 100.0% of patients.Conclusion. PI development is associated with obstruction of segmental branches of PA. The incidence of segmental branches involvement and risk of PI are increased in association with decreased upper obstruction level of PA.Целью работы явилось изучение влияния уровня обструкции при тромбоэмболии легочной артерии (ТЭЛА) на развитие инфаркта легкого (ИЛ) и инфарктной пневмонии.Материал и методы. В исследование включены пациенты (n = 107) с ТЭЛА, верифицированной по результатам мультиспиральной компьютерной томографии (МСКТ) с контрастированием легочных сосудов. Среди них наблюдались больные с ТЭЛА высокого риска, переживших 1-ю неделю заболевания (n = 53), и внебольничной пневмонией, у которых МСКТ, по данным которой выявлена ТЭЛА, проводилась в 1-ю неделю болезни (n = 54).Результаты. ИЛ выявлен у 58 (95,1%) из 61 больного ТЭЛА с обструкцией сегментарных ветвей легочной артерии (ЛА) и 15 (32,6%) из 46 пациентов, у которых обструкции сегментарных артерий не отмечалось (p < 0,001). У больных ТЭЛА с верхним уровнем обструкции на уровне ствола ЛА поражение сегментарных ветвей и развитие ИЛ отмечены в 20,0% случаев, при верхнем уровне обструкции на уровне главных ветвей – соответственно у 31,8 и 52,3% больных, при поражении долевых ветвей – у 80,0 и 100%.Заключение. Развитие ИЛ ассоциируется с обструкцией сегментарных ветвей ЛА. Частота поражения сегментарных ветвей и риск развития ИЛ возрастают при снижении верхнего уровня обструкции ЛА

    Efficacy of immune correcting therapy at varicose vein disease of pelvis minor in women

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    In the article the complex therapy of varicose vein disease of pelvis minor in women is suggested; it includes phlebotropic, metabolic and immunotropic drugs. Indicated scheme of treatment lead to improvement of hemodynamic parameters of venous system of pelvis minor. Positive changes of parameters of cytokine, cellular and humoral units of immune system are evidence for decrease of inflammatory response of venous vascular wall

    Immune response and cytokine status at varicose vein disease of pelvis minor in women

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    The article describes participation of immune system in pathogenesis of varicose vein of pelvis minor. The study revealed elevation of proinflammatory cytokines, discovered disturbances in cellular and humoral units of immunity. Indicated changes are evidence for inflammatory character of changes in venous vascular wall, causing its destruction and varicose dilatation

    Particular Characteristics of the Synthesis of Titanium Nitride Nanopowders in the Plasma of Low Pressure Arc Discharge

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    The method of producing TiN nanopowders in the plasma of low pressure arc discharge in nitrogen atmosphere is discussed. The influence of gas pressure on nanopowder dispersion is studied. It is shown that the particles have nanometer size and a narrow particle size distribution

    Characteristics of Plantations on Disturbed Lands in Copper Smelting Zone in Urals, Russia

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    In this research, it was aimed to investigate (i) the recultivation efficiency, (ii) to assess the plantation state via a complex estimated indicator, and (iii) to evaluate the environmental quality in disturbed lands in a zone under influence of copper smelting production. The research was carried out on Golden Mountain, located in the influenced zone of the Karabashed Joint Stock Company. In three plantations as reclamation sites established by sowing and planting, silver birch (Betula pendula Roth), aspen (Populus tremula L.), balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera L.), goat willow (Salix caprea L.) as broadleaves, and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Siberian spruce (Picea obovata Ledeb.) as conifers were selected. Moreover, environmental quality was rated based on the condition scores by collecting leaf samples in four different sites of silver birch forests. As a result, the fluctuating activity method of the silver birch leaf blade seems to be effectively used to assess the environmental quality. At a considerable distance of 8.0 and 13.0 km from the pollution source, the environmental quality has an average [condition score: III with .046 integral asymmetry index] and initial level (condition score: II with .041 integral asymmetry index) of deviation from the norm, respectively. In addition, silver birch can be recommended as the main species in forestry on disturbed lands in the South Ural forest steppe region

    Features of Management of the Russian Investment and Construction Projects

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    This article provides an overview of the key English terms used in the information support of modern development. Identified the key information systems used in the development in accordance with their hierarchy, and shows the basic control information flows. The tendencies of development of systems management of construction projects in the General system of the global network economy. It justifies the approach of system development of information tools of management of investment-construction projects of complex infrastructure projects throughout their lifecycle from project initiation to disposal of the object. Examples of the major manufacturers of software for information management, which use aggregation of information flows and integrate management decisions into a single global system