74 research outputs found

    Uji Patogenitas Bacillus Thuringiensis Var. Israelensis Terhadap Larva Nyamuk Aedes SP. Sebagai Biokontrol Penyebab Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue Di Denpasar Tahun 2014

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    The Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Indonesia increases every year. In 2008, cases of DHF in Indonesia accounted 137,469 cases (IR: 59.02 per 100,000 population, CFR 0.86%). This increased in 2009 to 154,855 DHF cases (IR: 66.48 per 100,000, CFR 0.89%). In 2010, Indonesia experienced the highest DHF case in ASEAN, namely 156,086 cases with 1,358 deaths (Kemenkes, 2011). Many preventive efforts had been carried out to eradicate Aedes sp. The bioinsecticide vector control using Bacillus thuringiensis is safe for the environment and humans compared to the synthetic insecticides. This study evaluated the pathogenicity of B. thuringiensis against larvae of Aedes sp. in Denpasar city. This study conducted Quasy Experimental Design of 6 treatments, concentrations of 50 µL, 40 µL, 30 µL, 20 µL, 10 µL and 1 control, with 4 repetitions. The number of cells and spores of B. thuringiensis used in this study was 11.2 x 109 cfu/ml and 7.43 x 109 cfu/ml, respectively. The highest mean score difference compared to the control was the 50 µL concentration with average larvae mortality at 6 hours of 96%, increasing to 100% in 12 and 24 hours. LC50 concentration within 6 hours was 4 µl/L, and LC90 concentration was 16 µl/L. Using statistical test, average mortality of larvae Aedes sp. at all concentrations were similar (p ? 0.005). The greater concentration of B. thuringiensis and the longer exposure time leads to a greater mortality of Aedes sp. larvae

    Pengaruh Penambahan Konsentrasi Ag2S Terhadap Komposit Konduktor (Ag2S)x(Na3PO4)1-x (X = 0,1 - 0,5 )

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    Komposit konduktor (Ag2S)x(Na3PO4)1-x dibuat dengan metalurgi serbuk dengan mencampurkan serbuk Ag2S dengan Na3PO4, dikompaksi dengan tekanan 48,26.106 N/m2 dan diameter 1,5.10-2 m. Komposit konduktor (Ag2S)x(Na3PO4)1-x dilakukan pemanasan pada suhu 150 °C selama 5 jam. Penentuan struktur kristal (Ag2S)x(Na3PO4)1-x dilakukan dengan teknik difraksi sinar- x. Analisis puncak difraksi sinar-x pada komposit konduktor (Ag2S)x(Na3PO4)1-x menunjukkan struktur Ag2S dan Na3PO4. Pengukuran konduktivitas komposit konduktor (Ag2S)x(Na3PO4)1-x dilakukan dengan alat LCR-meter pada frekuensi 0,1 Hz sampai dengan 100 kHz. Konduktivitas komposit konduktor (Ag2S)x(Na3PO4)1-x naik dan impedansinya turun seiring dengan naiknya konsentrasi Ag2S. Analisis morfologi permukaan komposit konduktor (Ag2S)x(Na3PO4)1-x dilakukan dengan mikroskop elektron, hasil menunjukkan terjadi Perubahan seiring dengan bertambahnya konsentrasi Ag2S

    Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk terhadap Infeksi Dengue di Kecamatan Denpasar Selatan, Kota Denpasar, Bali

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    Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a global health problem. Denpasar city is one of endemicareas in Bali Province. Based on Bali Provincial Health Offi ce report during 2008 there were 2,709cases and 14 deaths (CFR: 0.52), in 2009 there were 2,190 cases and 2 deaths (CFR: 0.09) and in 2010there were 4,426 cases with 24 deaths (CFR: 0. 54) with 561,36 incidents per 100,000 population.South Denpasar District was one of areas with the highest dengue cases among other districts. Influence of knowledge factors, attitudes, behaviors eradication of mosquito breeding toward dengue infection is very important. The Purpose of this study is to know the relationship between the level of knowledge, attitude and behavior eradication of mosquito breeding place towards dengue infection in South Denpasar District. This study is an observational study with case-control pairs design. Case is new cases of dengueinfection and control is not suff ering from dengue infection by age, gender and origin of the sameresidence with the case. There were 150 samples of cases and controls studied. Data knowledge, attitudes, and PSN behavior were collected by interview and observation. There is a relationship between the level of knowledge, attitudes and behaviors. The level of knowledge value OR=2.72 (CI95% 1.365 to 5.424), Attitude value OR=4.28 (CI95% 2.159 to 8.497) PSN Behavioral value OR=3.41 (CI95% 1.240 to 7.692). There is a relationship between the level of knowledge, attitude and behavior eradication of mosquito breeding place towards dengue infection in South Denpasar District, Denpasar

    Asosiasi Pengetahuan Tentang Demam Berdarah dan Upaya Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk di Kelurahan Sesetan, Denpasar Selatan, Bali.

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    Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) merupakan salah satu permasalahan kesehatanmasyarakat yang serius di Indonesia, termasuk di kota Denpasar, Bali. Pengetahuan terhadapdemam berdarah merupakan salah satu faktor yang sangat mempengaruhi perilaku pencegahandemam berdarah.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat asosiasi antara pengetahuan danperilaku masyarakat dalam upaya pemberantasan sarang nyamuk (PSN) di kelurahan Sesetan,kecamatan Denpasar Selatan. Penelitian ini merupakan salah satu bagian dari hasil penelitiantentang kajian perilaku sosial budaya masyarakat dalam pemberantasan sarang nyamuk yangdilaksanakan pada tahun 2011 di kelurahan Sesetan.Metode kuantitatif dan design cross sectional digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Pengumpulandata dilaksanakan selama bulan Januari sampai dengan Maret tahun 2011 di kelurahan Sesetan.Jumlah sampel sebanyak 125 responden yang dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik probabilityproportional to size (PPS). Analisis data bivariate dilakukan dengan chi square untuk mengetahuiapakah terdapat asosiasi antara pengetahuan tentang DBD dan perilaku PSN.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 20,6% responden dengan tingkat pengetahuan kurang dan79,2% dengan tingkat pengetahuan kurang.Demam (95,2%) dan bintik merah (56%) merupakanciri ciri penyakit demam berdarah yang paling banyak diketahui responden. Kategori perilakuPSN baik dimiliki 21,6% responden dan kurang baik 78,4% responden.Analisis data dengan ch

    Keefektifan Asap Cair dan Elektroterapi untuk Mengeliminasi Infeksi Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae pada Benih Padi

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    The Effectiveness of Liquid Smoke and Electrotherapy to Eliminate Infection of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae in Rice SeedBacterial leaf blight caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae is a seed-borne disease that can reduce the productivity of rice. Alternative treatments that have not been widely developed is application of liquid smoke and electrotherapy. The aim of this research was to study the effectiveness of liquid smoke and electrotherapy and their combinations to eliminate X. oryzae pv. oryzae without damaging seed quality. The study consisted of three experimental stages: (1) Liquid smoke treatment on the viability of the bacteria and rice seeds; (2) Electrotherapy treatment on the viability of bacteria and rice seeds; (3) Combination of liquid smoke and electrotherapy treatment in bacteria-infected rice seed. The results showed that liquid smoke concentration (5% for 30 minutes) was able to reduce 83.33% population of X. oryzae pv.oryzae on rice seeds with 94.33% seed vigor, 98.00% germination, and time required to achieve 50% of total seed emergence (T50) of 3.13 days. Electrotherapy treatment (400 mA for 20 minutes) was not only eliminated X. oryzae pv. oryzae on rice seeds up to 100% but also maintained seed vigor 81.67%, germination 89.33%, and T50 3.47 days. Electrotherapy treatment (400 mA for 20 minutes) followed by immersion of infected rice seeds in liquid smoke concentration (1% for 30 minutes) could reduce 94.59% bacteria population while maintaining 86.00% seed germination. Treatment of electrotherapy (400 mA for 20 minutes) followed by immersion seeds into liquid smoke concentration (5% for 30 minutes) could reduce bacterial population up to 100%, but caused phytotoxicity effect to the seedling.</p

    Identifikasi Penyebab Diare di Kabupaten Karangasem, Bali

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    In February to March 2008, Bali was shocked by the outbreak of diarrhea in Karangasem District, Bali. It was recorded that 600 people were having diarrhea and 5 people were died due to the disease. This outbreak was the first time happened in Bali and the causing pathogen was not yet identified. The aim of this study was to identify the causing pathogen of diarrhea in the outbreak case in Karangasem, as well as to identify the possible transmitting pathway. The tracking of outbreak cause was carried out by analyzing water sample taken from communal clean water source, private clean water reservoir, food sample, as well as rectal swab of the patient with the combination of pathogen enrichment technique and specific PCR with Escherichia coli as the target of toxin forming agent. Based on the culture growth from food samples, it was found that 11 from 21 samples were E. colipositive. From samples that E. colipositive, 2 sam-ples that were taken from patient's house were detected a shiga like toxic forming gene, type I and II on the E. coli. The similar shiga like toxin forming genetype I was also detected on samples from patient and samples from water of private family Cubang. This shows that E. colithat forms shiga like toxin type I was the diarrhea causing pathogen in this particular outbreak in Karangasem. Furthermore, it was found out that the ribbon formed by shiga like toxin type I and II differ from the strain of EHEC. Thus, it is possible that the strain found in Karangasem was a new strain of E. colipathogen due to genetic transformation on shiga like toxin forming E. colithat was found in Bali

    Optimasi Pembacaan Spektrum Raman Portabel Untuk Pembacaan Spektrum Raman Preparathistologi Jaringanbph (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia)

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    Optimasi pembacaan spektrum Raman preparat jaringan menggunakan Raman portablediperlukan menghindari hasil spektrum yang bias dan mendapatkan spektrum serapan raman sampel biologis yang terbebas dari noise pembacaan, yang berakibat pada kesalahan interpretasi pembacaan data serapan/vibrasional gugus-gugus fungi senyawa kimia penyusun sampel biologi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan metode optimasi pembacaan spektrum raman preparat jaringan yang valid dengan menggunakan Raman portable. Tahapan penelitian meliputi optimasi pengaruh background,pengaruh stabilitas penempatan preparat jaringan pada Raman portabel,pengaruh variasititik pengukuran, pengaruh variasi exposure time, pengaruh variasi laser power, dan pengaruh laser focal probe tip. Masing –masing spektrum Raman hasil optimasi metode dianalisis dengan metode HCA (Hierarchical Cluster Analysis). Hasil penelitian menunjukan metode pembacaan spektrum preparat jaringan dengan menggunakan Raman portabel yang optimal adalah dengan koreksi background, pembacaan preparat jaringan sampel dalam kondisi statis, pembacaan dilakukan pada satu titik pengukuran, penggunaan exposure time tertinggi yang sama pada setiap pembacaan, penggunaan laser power dengan nilai tertinggi yang sama setiap pembacaan, dan penggunaan nilai laser focal probe tip yang sama pada setiap pembacaan serta sampel harus berada menempel didepan probe tip

    Perspectives, practices, and challenges of online teaching during COVID-19 pandemic: A multinational survey

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    The result of the movement restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic was an impromptu and abrupt switch from in-person to online teaching. Most focus has been on the perception and experience of students during the process. The aim of this international survey is to assess staffs' perspectives and challenges of online teaching during the COVID-19 lockdown. Cross-sectional research using a validated online survey was carried out in seven countries (Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Indonesia, India, the United Kingdom, and Egypt) between the months of December 2021 and August 2022, to explore the status of online teaching among faculty members during the COVID-19 pandemic. Variables and response are presented as percentages while logistic regression was used to assess the factors that predict levels of satisfaction and the challenges associated with online instruction. A total of 721 response were received from mainly male (53%) staffs. Most respondents are from Brazil (59%), hold a Doctorate degree (70%) and have over 10 years of working experience (62%). Although, 67% and 79% have relevant tools and received training for online teaching respectively, 44% report that online teaching required more preparation time than face-to-face. Although 41% of respondents were uncertain about the outcome of online teaching, 49% were satisfied with the process. Also, poor internet bandwidth (51%), inability to track students' engagement (18%) and Lack of technical skills (11.5%) were the three main observed limitations. Having little or no prior experience of online teaching before the COVID-19 pandemic [OR, 1.58 (95% CI, 1.35–1.85)], and not supporting the move to online teaching mode [OR, 0.56 (95% CI,0.48–0.64)] were two main factors independently linked with dissatisfaction with online teaching. While staffs who support the move to online teaching were twice likely to report no barriers [OR, 2.15 (95% CI, 1.61–2.86)]. Although, relevant tools and training were provided to support the move to online teaching during COVID-19 lockdown, barriers such as poor internet bandwidth, inability to track students’ engagement and lack of technical skills were main limitations observed internationally by teaching staffs. Addressing these barriers should be the focus of higher education institution in preparation for future disruptions to traditional teaching modes
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