628 research outputs found

    Nitric oxide modulates the angiogenic phenotype of middle-T transformed endothelial cells.

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    The role of nitric oxide (NO) in the induction of angiogenesis was evaluated in a murine heart endothelioma cell line (H.end.FB) carrying the mT oncogene. Two clonal derivatives of H.end.FB, H80 and H73, exhibiting different NO synthase (NOS) activities were selected and used in the study. The relationship among NOS activity and tumor cell behaviour (growth, and angiogenic capacity) and the molecular control of gene expression were investigated. H.end.FB and H80 on one side and H73 on the other side exhibited the highest and lowest NOS activity, respectively. Cell growth was inversely correlated to the amount of NO produced by the cell lines. Conversely, in the avascular rabbit cornea assay, H.end.FB and H80 cells were strongly angiogenic, while H73 were poorly angiogenic, indicating that the ability of the cells to induce neovascularization was associated with the extent of NO produced. Consistently, systemic administration to rabbits of the NOS inhibitor N(w)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) significantly reduced the angiogenicity of H.end.FB cells. RT-PCR evidenced that H.end.FB expressed mRNA for TGF-beta1 and all VEGF isoforms, VEGF165 being predominantly expressed. NOS inhibition reduced the basal expression of VEGF isoforms, while it markedly potentiated TGF-beta1 expression. These results indicate that the endogenous production of NO in tumor cells can serve as an autocrine/paracrine signalling mechanism of progression, by controlling angiogenic factor/modulator expressio

    Accurate three states model for amino acids with two chemically coupled titrating sites in explicit solvent atomistic constant pH simulations and pK<sub>a</sub> calculations.

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    Correct protonation of titratable groups in biomolecules is crucial for their accurate description by molecular dynamics simulations. In the context of constant pH simulations, an additional protonation degree of freedom is introduced for each titratable site, allowing the protonation state to change dynamically with changing structure or electrostatics. Here, we extend previous approaches for an accurate description of chemically coupled titrating sites. A second reaction coordinate is used to switch between two tautomeric states of an amino acid with chemically coupled titratable sites, such as aspartate (Asp), glutamate (Glu), and histidine (His). To this aim, we test a scheme involving three protonation states. To facilitate charge neutrality as required for periodic boundary conditions and Particle Mesh Ewald (PME) electrostatics, titration of each respective amino acid is coupled to a “water” molecule that is charged in the opposite direction. Additionally, a force field modification for Amber99sb is introduced and tested for the description of carboxyl group protonation. Our three states model is tested by titration simulations of Asp, Glu, and His, yielding a good agreement, reproducing the correct geometry of the groups in their different protonation forms. We further show that the ion concentration change due to the neutralizing “water” molecules does not significantly affect the protonation free energies of the titratable groups, suggesting that the three states model provides a good description of biomolecular dynamics at constant pH

    Aplicación de indicadores cuali-cuantitativos para evaluar un programa de admisión a la educación superior

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    Las altas tasas de deserción observadas en los primeros años de la educación superior, podrían tener su origen en buena medida en dificultades de estudio generadas por insuficiencias en los conocimientos y capacidades adquiridas en las instancias educativas anteriores. Esto ha llevado a que buena parte de las instituciones implementen programas de admisión que, a través de cursos de nivelación, pretenden facilitar la inserción de los alumnos en la etapa universitaria. Sin embargo, si la proporción de alumnos ingresantes que no logran superarlos convenientemente es alta, dichos programas pueden llegar a entenderse como un obstáculo para el acceso a la educación superior. Las causas del mal desempeño de los ingresantes pueden ser diversas y no debe descartarse que entre ellas se encuentre un mal diseño de los cursos de nivelación. Los indicadores que en este trabajo se aplicarán intentarán por un lado cuantificar los resultados del programa a través del desempeño de los alumnos en el mismo, y por otro analizar cualitativamente, a través de la opinión de los alumnos, en que medida los cursos implementados cumplen con los objetivos del programa

    Dbl oncogene expression in MCF-10 A epithelial cells disrupts mammary acinar architecture, induces EMT and angiogenic factor secretion.

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    The proteins of the Dbl family are guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) of Rho GTPases and are known to be involved in cell growth regulation. Alterations of the normal function of these proteins lead to pathological processes such as developmental disorders, neoplastic transformation, and tumor metastasis. We have previously demonstrated that expression of Dbl oncogene in lens epithelial cells modulates genes encoding proteins involved in epithelial-mesenchymal-transition (EMT) and induces angiogenesis in the lens. Our present study was undertaken to investigate the role of Dbl oncogene in epithelial cells transformation, providing new insights into carcinoma progression. To assess how Dbl oncogene can modulate EMT, cell migration, morphogenesis, and expression of pro-apoptotic and angiogenic factors we utilized bi- and three-dimensional cultures of MCF-10░A cells. We show that upon Dbl expression MCF-10░A cells undergo EMT. In addition, we found that Dbl overexpression sustain

    Linomide blocks angiogenesis by breast carcinoma vascular endothelial growth factor transfectants.

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    The blocking of angiogenesis provides a novel therapeutic target to inhibit tumour spreading. In this study, we investigated the effect of linomide on angiogenesis induced in vivo by highly angiogenic breast carcinoma cells. The rabbit cornea was used to assess neovascular growth in the absence of a tumour mass. MCF-7 cells stably transfected with the cDNA encoding for vascular endothelial growth factor 121 (VEGF121) (V12 clone) were used to elicit a potent VEGF-dependent corneal angiogenesis. After tumour cell implant, albino rabbits received 100 mg kg(-1) day(-1) linomide for 5 consecutive days. Daily observation of neovascular progression indicated that linomide blocked angiogenesis. The antiangiogenic effect of linomide was apparent within 48 h from the beginning of the treatment and was both angiosuppressive and angiostatic. The block of neovascular growth lasted over 10 days from treatment suspension, and preformed vessels, which had regressed, remained dormant, suggesting the persistence of unfavourable conditions for capillary progression. Linomide (50-200 microg ml[-1]) was not cytotoxic in vitro on resting capillary endothelial cells but blocked endothelial cell replication induced by VEGF. Our data indicate that linomide can efficiently and persistently block VEGF-dependent angiogenesis in vivo in the absence of a growing tumour mass. These data suggest that linomide could be a chemopreventive drug in breast cancer patients and a valuable tool in clinical settings in which metastatic spreading occurs in the absence of a detectable tumour mass

    Preclinical models in oncological pharmacology: limits and advantages

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    A wide range of experimental tumor models, each with distinct advantages and disadvantages, is nowadays available. Due to the inherent differences in their complexity and functionality, the choice of the model is usually dependent on the application. Thus, to advance specific knowledge, one has to choose and use appropriate models, which complexity is largely dependent on the hypotheses to test, that is on the objectives. Whatever the model chosen, the complexity of cancer is such that none of them will be able to fully represent it. In vitro tumor models have provided important tools for cancer research and still serve as low-cost screening platforms for drugs. The improved understanding of cancer as "organ system" has pushed for increased accuracy and physiological relevance of in vitro tumor models that have in parallel increased in complexity, diversifying their output parameters as they progressed in view to recapitulate the most critical aspects such as the dimensionality of cell cultures (2D versus 3D), the mechanical stimuli, the multicellular interactions, the immune interactions and the soluble signaling. Animal models represent the in vivo counterpart to cell lines and are commonly used for studies during the preclinical investigation of cancer therapy to determine the efficacy and safety of novel drugs. They are super to in vitro models in terms of physiological relevance offering imitation of parental tumors and a heterogeneous microenvironment as part of an interacting complex biochemical system. In the present review we describe advantages and limits of major preclinical models used in Oncological Pharmacology