388 research outputs found

    Universal Quantum Computation with the nu=5/2 Fractional Quantum Hall State

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    We consider topological quantum computation (TQC) with a particular class of anyons that are believed to exist in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect state at Landau level filling fraction nu=5/2. Since the braid group representation describing statistics of these anyons is not computationally universal, one cannot directly apply the standard TQC technique. We propose to use very noisy non-topological operations such as direct short-range interaction between anyons to simulate a universal set of gates. Assuming that all TQC operations are implemented perfectly, we prove that the threshold error rate for non-topological operations is above 14%. The total number of non-topological computational elements that one needs to simulate a quantum circuit with LL gates scales as L(logL)3L(\log L)^3.Comment: 17 pages, 12 eps figure

    Universal topological phase of 2D stabilizer codes

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    Two topological phases are equivalent if they are connected by a local unitary transformation. In this sense, classifying topological phases amounts to classifying long-range entanglement patterns. We show that all 2D topological stabilizer codes are equivalent to several copies of one universal phase: Kitaev's topological code. Error correction benefits from the corresponding local mappings.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The Bose-Hubbard model is QMA-complete

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    The Bose-Hubbard model is a system of interacting bosons that live on the vertices of a graph. The particles can move between adjacent vertices and experience a repulsive on-site interaction. The Hamiltonian is determined by a choice of graph that specifies the geometry in which the particles move and interact. We prove that approximating the ground energy of the Bose-Hubbard model on a graph at fixed particle number is QMA-complete. In our QMA-hardness proof, we encode the history of an n-qubit computation in the subspace with at most one particle per site (i.e., hard-core bosons). This feature, along with the well-known mapping between hard-core bosons and spin systems, lets us prove a related result for a class of 2-local Hamiltonians defined by graphs that generalizes the XY model. By avoiding the use of perturbation theory in our analysis, we circumvent the need to multiply terms in the Hamiltonian by large coefficients

    A short proof of stability of topological order under local perturbations

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    Recently, the stability of certain topological phases of matter under weak perturbations was proven. Here, we present a short, alternate proof of the same result. We consider models of topological quantum order for which the unperturbed Hamiltonian H0H_0 can be written as a sum of local pairwise commuting projectors on a DD-dimensional lattice. We consider a perturbed Hamiltonian H=H0+VH=H_0+V involving a generic perturbation VV that can be written as a sum of short-range bounded-norm interactions. We prove that if the strength of VV is below a constant threshold value then HH has well-defined spectral bands originating from the low-lying eigenvalues of H0H_0. These bands are separated from the rest of the spectrum and from each other by a constant gap. The width of the band originating from the smallest eigenvalue of H0H_0 decays faster than any power of the lattice size.Comment: 15 page

    Lieb-Robinson Bounds and the Generation of Correlations and Topological Quantum Order

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    The Lieb-Robinson bound states that local Hamiltonian evolution in nonrelativistic quantum mechanical theories gives rise to the notion of an effective light cone with exponentially decaying tails. We discuss several consequences of this result in the context of quantum information theory. First, we show that the information that leaks out to spacelike separated regions is negligible and that there is a finite speed at which correlations and entanglement can be distributed. Second, we discuss how these ideas can be used to prove lower bounds on the time it takes to convert states without topological quantum order to states with that property. Finally, we show that the rate at which entropy can be created in a block of spins scales like the boundary of that block

    Entanglement entropy of multipartite pure states

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    Consider a system consisting of nn dd-dimensional quantum particles and arbitrary pure state Ψ\Psi of the whole system. Suppose we simultaneously perform complete von Neumann measurements on each particle. One can ask: what is the minimal possible value S[Ψ]S[\Psi] of the entropy of outcomes joint probability distribution? We show that S[Ψ]S[\Psi] coincides with entanglement entropy for bipartite states. We compute S[Ψ]S[\Psi] for two sample multipartite states: the hexacode state (n=6,d=2n=6, d=2) and determinant states (n=dn=d). The generalization of determinant states to the case d<nd<n is considered.Comment: 7 pages, REVTeX, corrected some typo

    A time-dependent variational principle for dissipative dynamics

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    We extend the time-dependent variational principle to the setting of dissipative dynamics. This provides a locally optimal (in time) approximation to the dynamics of any Lindblad equation within a given variational manifold of mixed states. In contrast to the pure-state setting there is no canonical information geometry for mixed states and this leads to a family of possible trajectories --- one for each information metric. We focus on the case of the operationally motivated family of monotone riemannian metrics and show further, that in the particular case where the variational manifold is given by the set of fermionic gaussian states all of these possible trajectories coincide. We illustrate our results in the case of the Hubbard model subject to spin decoherence.Comment: Published versio

    On measurement-based quantum computation with the toric code states

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    We study measurement-based quantum computation (MQC) using as quantum resource the planar code state on a two-dimensional square lattice (planar analogue of the toric code). It is shown that MQC with the planar code state can be efficiently simulated on a classical computer if at each step of MQC the sets of measured and unmeasured qubits correspond to connected subsets of the lattice.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure