2,716 research outputs found

    Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma

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    Peripheral ossifying fibroma is a relatively uncommon gingival growth that is considered to be reactive in nature and postulated to appear secondary to irritation or trauma. They usually occur in young adults with a female predominance and are solitary in nature. We report a case of peripheral ossifying fibroma in a 55-year old femal

    Monitoring Social Distancing Using OpenCv

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    The paper proposes a method for social separating identification based on deep understanding of how to measure the gap between people in order to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. By evaluating with the aid of videos as feedback, the position instrument was developed to make people aware of the importance of keeping a safe distance from one another. The input video outline from the camera has been used as details, along with a free and open source object location system based on YOLOv3. Calculation that was used to determine walker recognition. After that, the input frame outline was modified to elevated perspective for distance estimation in the 2-Dimensional plane. The RED edge and line represent the range between individuals being measured and a part of the rebellious pairing of individuals during the showcase. The proposed strategy is accepted using a pre-recorded feedback frame of people walking around the city on foot. This result demonstrates how the presented methodology can make decisions about social removing estimates for a large number of people in the input picture. As the discovery apparatus was gradually introduced, this developed technique evolved as well

    Drug utilization study of antihypertensive drugs used in the treatment of second and third trimester of pregnancy in tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Hypertensive disorders are major cause of the perinatal and maternal mortality and morbidity worldwide. Aim of study was to evaluate current trend of antihypertensive drugs and to assess frequency and distribution of antihypertensive drugs in pregnancy.Methods: A retrospective observational study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital for period of six months in collaboration with department of obstetrics and gynaecology. Patients data recorded in case report form and analysed to study prescription pattern and related information.Results: Total of 104 cases were enrolled in this study. Prescribed antihypertensive drugs in pregnancy were Labetalol, Nifedipine, MgSO4 and furosemide. Most commonly prescribed drug was labetalol. In this study, Gestational hypertension was most common diagnosis in hypertensive disorder. Majority of drug prescribed from category C and A. In present study, Single drug therapy was most commonly prescribed for hypertension in pregnancy was 64.42% whereas multiple drug therapy was 35.57%. Most common maternal complication was anaemia i.e. 54.05% followed by placental abruption in 24.3%. Neonatal outcome was low birth weight i.e.36% followed by preterm birth i.e.24%.Conclusions: Labetalol found to be most common prescribed drug. Single drug therapy prescription was high as compared to multiple drug therapy prescription in hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. Gestational hypertension was most common cause of hypertensive disorder. Anaemia was found to be most common maternal complication encountered in hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. Most common adverse neonatal outcome was low birth weight

    Multi-Criteria Service Selection Agent for Federated Cloud

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    Federated cloud interconnects small and medium-sized cloud service providers for service enhancement to meet demand spikes. The service bartering technique in the federated cloud enables service providers to exchange their services. Selecting an optimal service provider to share services is challenging in the cloud federation. Agent-based and Reciprocal Resource Fairness (RRF) based models are used in the federated cloud for service selection. The agent-based model selects the best service provider using Quality of Service (quality of service). RRF model chooses fair service providers based on service providers\u27 previous service contribution to the federation. However, the models mentioned above fail to address free rider and poor performer problems during the service provider selection process. To solve the above issue, we propose a Multi-criteria Service Selection (MCSS) algorithm for effectively selecting a service provider using quality of service, Performance-Cost Ratio (PCR), and RRF. Comprehensive case studies are conducted to prove the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Extensive simulation experiments are conducted to compare the proposed algorithm performance with the existing algorithm. The evaluation results demonstrated that MCSS provides 10% more services selection efficiency than Cloud Resource Bartering System (CRBS) and provides 16% more service selection efficiency than RPF

    Journey of a fish from the vagina to the bladder: a case report

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    Foreign bodies in the genitourinary tracts are not uncommon and is often a challenge to remove them from the bladder. This case is a peculiar one where there was a migration of a live fish from the vagina to the bladder. A 60- year- old post-menopausal woman while taking bath in a pond felt that there was an entry of fish into the vagina. Her complaints were pain and bleeding per vagina and there was no leakage of urine. At the peripheral health facility, she underwent exploration of the vagina under local anesthesia after placing the foley catheter which was draining blood-stained urine. The patient was then referred to us. There was a laceration at the right anterolateral fornix. Fish could be palpated with the finger. She underwent routine blood tests and CT KUB which revealed a foreign body at the right anterolateral side of the vagina. Cystoscopy showed a laceration of 1×1 cm noted in the posterior wall of bladder approximately 1cm above right ureteric orifice, through which the fish was seen. Through speculum examination, the rent was visible and the remnants of the fish were removed vaginally. Laparotomy and rent repair was done because of the rent in the bladder. Foreign bodies into the bladder are common and invariably seen among children, women who have psychiatric problems. Common foreign bodies seen are broomsticks, toothbrushes, pencils, gauze, sutures, clips, IUCD, etc. Fish as a foreign body is a very rare condition. The unusual entry of a fish into the vagina has eroded and entered the bladder. Prompt investigations like CT scans and cystoscopy can help in the removal of foreign bodies

    Correlated singlet phase in the one-dimensional Hubbard-Holstein model

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    We show that a nearest-neighbor singlet phase results (from an effective Hamiltonian) for the one-dimensional Hubbard-Holstein model in the regime of strong electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions and under non-adiabatic conditions (t/ω01t/\omega_0 \leq 1). By mapping the system of nearest-neighbor singlets at a filling Np/NN_p/N onto a hard-core-boson (HCB) tt-VV model at a filling Np/(NNp)N_p/(N-N_p), we demonstrate explicitly that superfluidity and charge-density-wave (CDW) occur mutually exclusively with the diagonal long range order manifesting itself only at one-third filling. Furthermore, we also show that the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) occupation number n0n_0 for the singlet phase, similar to the n0n_0 for a HCB tight binding model, scales as N\sqrt N; however, the coefficient of N\sqrt N in the n0n_0 for the interacting singlet phase is numerically demonstrated to be smaller.Comment: Corrected a few reference

    Sustainable green campus in Nepal: 3E analysis

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    In today's world, where global warming is one of the greatest human challenges, sustainable energy generation is becoming increasingly relevant. The use of green and clean energy sources is the best way to minimize CO2, CO, NOX and other emissions of conventional energy usage. Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems are more beneficial and an exciting application to set up an eco-friendly green educational campus. In this regard, the potential sites within Tribhuvan University, Institute of Engineering, Purwanchal Campus, Dharan city, Nepal are analysed for grid-tied solar PV power plant installation to meet the 100% energy demand of the campus using energy, economic and environment-friendly analysis. The daily, monthly and annual load and solar irradiance data of past years of the campus have been analysed to estimate the solar PV plant's capacity and system performance using PVSYST V7.0 software analysis tools. The simulation results show that 110 kWp of solar PV power plant will be sufficient for the entire campus to qualify for the first fully green-powered campus in Nepal, which corresponds to fulfill 66.4 MWh/year daytime energy demand out of total 161 MWh/year energy consumption of the campus with a capacity to generate a total of 181.5 MWh/year energy from the designed solar PV system. The result also shows that 115.1 MWh/year of surplus energy produced from the PV power plant can be injected into the utility grid to yield considerable savings in utility cost. On the basis of these results, campus authorities and stakeholders may commit to investing and implementing of this project to ensure that the campus is completely green

    Genetic Divergence for Yield, Physiological and Quality Traits in Super-Early Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan. (l.) Millsp.)

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    The present investigation aimed to study genetic divergence and clustering pattern of 37super-early pigeon pea genotypes. Analysis of variance and hierarchical cluster analysis of tocher’s method revealed significant differences among the genotypes for all the traits under study. Based on genetic distance (D2 value), the 37 genotypes were grouped into 9 distinctive clusters, of which cluster I and II formed the largest clusters with 10 genotypes in each. Among all the characters understudy, leaf area index(LAI) at 60 DAS contributed more to the divergence followed by leaf area (17.02) and leaf area index (12.71) at maturity. Based on the average inter-cluster distance, the cluster III and IX (66.93) tailed by cluster III and VIII (64.86) and cluster VI and VIII (64.06) showed higher inter-cluster distance depicting the wider divergence. Trait-wise selection of diverse parents from the above clusters aids in exploitation of heterosis in superearly pigeon pea

    Antihyperlipidemic Activity of Bauhinia purpurea Extracts in Hypercholesterolemic Albino Rats

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    Abstract: Bauhinia purpurea is a flowering plant. Several species of this plant are known to possess pharmacological activities. It is a less explored plant, but it possesses phytoconstituents such as flavonoids which are purported to exhibit wide pharmacological activities. In the present study the ethanol extract of unripe pods and leaves of Bauhinia purpurea was evaluated for antihyperlipidemic activity in cholesterol high fat diet (CHFD) induced hyperlipidemia. Hyperlipidemia was induced by giving high cholesterol diet in standard rat chow diet for thirty days. The groups of rats selected for the study were treated with atorvastatin, ethanol extract of unripe pods and ethanol extract of leaves daily for the whole period. Changes in body weight and the analysis of serum lipids were carried out at the end of the study. There was a marked decrease in body weight, total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), low density lipoprotein (LDL) and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) levels. Also there was a significant increase in high density lipoprotein levels after the treatment with Bauhinia purpurea extracts. Ethanol extract of leaves showed a marked effect over body weight reduction and also had a significant effect on the lipoprotein profile. There is a lowered atherogenic index, TC: HDL-c and LDL: HDL-c ratios in the extract treated groups. The present work indicated that Bauhinia purpurea extracts significantly suppressed the CHFD induced hyperlipidemia in rats, suggesting the antihyperlipidemic and antiatherogenic potential of the extracts. Further studies are needed to characterize the phytoconstituents responsible for the study