10 research outputs found

    About possibility to locate an EQ epicenter using parameters of ELF/ULF preseismic emission

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    A relation between parameters of preseismic ULF/ELF emissions and EQ is studied. The magnetic data measured at Karymshino station (Kamchatka, Russia) along with data on local seismic activity during eight years of observations (2001–2008) are taken for the analysis. Source azimuth is detected in different techniques, based on the analysis of the total field and its polarized pulsed component. The latter technique shows a better accuracy in the source azimuth detection. The errors of the method are associated with existence of non-seismic sources and with use of one-point observation. The second error can be eliminated by development of multi-point observations

    Study of electromagnetic emissions associated with seismic activity in Kamchatka region

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    International audienceA review of data processing of electromagnetic emission observation collected at the Complex Geophysical Observatory Karimshino (Kamchatka peninsula) during the first 5 months (July?November, 2000) of its operation is given. The main goal of this study addresses the detection of the phenomena associated with Kamchatka seismic activity. The following observations have been conducted at CGO: variations of ULF/ELF magnetic field, geoelectric potentials (telluric currents), and VLF signals from navigation radio transmitters. The methods of data processing of these observations are discussed. The examples of the first experimental results are presented

    Geophysical Observatory in Kamchatka region for monitoring of phenomena connected with seismic activity

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    Regular monitoring of some geophysical parameters in association with seismicity has been carried out since last year at the Japan-Russian Complex Geophysical Observatory in the Kamchatka region. This observatory was organized in connection with the ISTC project in Russia and was motivated by the results of the FRONTIER/RIKEN and FRONTIER/NASDA research projects in Japan. The main purpose of the observations is to investigate the electromagnetic and acoustic phenomena induced by the lithosphere processes (especially by seismic activity). The seismicity of the Kamchatka area is analyzed and a description of the observatory equipment is presented. At present, the activity of the observatory includes the seismic (frequency range &#x2206;F = 0.5 – 40 Hz) and meteorological recordings, together with seismo-acoustic (&#x2206;F = 30 – 1000 Hz) and electromagnetic observations: three-component magnetic ULF variations ( &#x2206;F = 0.003 – 30 Hz), three-component electric potential variations ( &#x2206;F <u><</u> 1.0 Hz), and VLF transmitter’s signal perturbations ( &#x2206;F ~ 10 – 40 kHz)

    Lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere coupling as governing mechanism for preseismic short-term events in atmosphere and ionosphere

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    International audienceWe present a general concept of mechanisms of preseismic phenomena in the atmosphere and ionosphere. After short review of observational results we conclude: 1. Upward migration of fluid substrate matter (bubble) can lead to ousting of the hot water/gas near the ground surface and cause an earthquake (EQ) itself in the strength-weakened area; 2. Thus, time and place of the bubble appearance could be random values, but EQ, geochemistry anomaly and foreshocks (seismic, SA and ULF electromagnetic ones) are casually connected; 3. Atmospheric perturbation of temperature and density could follow preseismic hot water/gas release resulting in generation of atmospheric gravity waves (AGW) with periods in a range of 6?60min; 4. Seismo-induced AGW could lead to modification of the ionospheric turbulence and to the change of over-horizon radio-wave propagation in the atmosphere, perturbation of LF waves in the lower ionosphere and ULF emission depression at the ground

    European Administration. Normative Fundaments and Systemic Models

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    Making use of the relevant literature in the area, this paper proposes a systemic approach to the European administration. The difficulty of the research design stems from the inconsistency of the regulations European treaties exhibit, as well as from the sectorial approaches, mostly of legal nature, on the conceptualization of the EU administration. To this we add the complexity of the analyzed process which, under the conditions set by the EU enlargement tends to overcome, both in sphere and content, many of the administrations of the federal states or international organizations. The systemic model we propose is a complex system, of a mixed architecture. It is there that the self-regulatory processes have a unique specificity and make use of both a legal foundation and of complementary processes such are those of Europeanization, convergence and administrative dynami