1,415 research outputs found

    Spatially Invariant Coding of Numerical Information in Functionally Defined Subregions of Human Parietal Cortex

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    Macaque electrophysiology has revealed neurons responsive to number in lateral (LIP) and ventral (VIP) intraparietal areas. Recently, fMRI pattern recognition revealed information discriminative of individual numbers in human parietal cortex but without precisely localizing the relevant sites or testing for subregions with different response profiles. Here, we defined the human functional equivalents of LIP (feLIP) and VIP (feVIP) using neurophysiologically motivated localizers. We applied multivariate pattern recognition to investigate whether both regions represent numerical information and whether number codes are position specific or invariant. In a delayed number comparison paradigm with laterally presented numerosities, parietal cortex discriminated between numerosities better than early visual cortex, and discrimination generalized across hemifields in parietal, but not early visual cortex. Activation patterns in the 2 parietal regions of interest did not differ in the coding of position-specific or position-independent number information, but in the expression of a numerical distance effect which was more pronounced in feLIP. Thus, the representation of number in parietal cortex is at least partially position invariant. Both feLIP and feVIP contain information about individual numerosities in humans, but feLIP hosts a coarser representation of numerosity than feVIP, compatible with either broader tuning or a summation cod

    First record of \u3ci\u3eOrsilochides scurrilis\u3c/i\u3e (Stål) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Scutelleridae: Pachycorinae) in the United States, with notes on the biology and distribution of U.S. species of \u3ci\u3eOrsilochides\u3c/i\u3e Kirkaldy

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    Orsilochides scurrilis (Stål) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Scutelleridae) is reported from the United States for the first time based on a specimen collected in Santa Cruz County, Arizona. A key to separate the U.S. species of Orsilochides Kirkaldy is provided. In addition, host plant records and distribution of the other two species of Orsilochides that occur in the U.S., Orsilochides guttata (Herrich-Schäffer) and Orsilochides stictica (Dallas), are analyzed through a combination of digital photo records and museum specimens

    Excessive visual crowding effects in developmental dyscalculia

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    Visual crowding refers to the inability to identify objects when surrounded by other similar items. Crowding-like mechanisms are thought to play a key role in numerical perception by determining the sensory mechanisms through which ensembles are perceived. Enhanced visual crowding might hence prevent the normal development of a system involved in segregating and perceiving discrete numbers of items and ultimately the acquisition of more abstract numerical skills. Here, we investigated whether excessive crowding occurs in developmental dyscalculia (DD), a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulty in learning the most basic numerical and arithmetical concepts, and whether it is found independently of associated major reading and attentional difficulties. We measured spatial crowding in two groups of adult individuals with DD and control subjects. In separate experiments, participants were asked to discriminate the orientation of a Gabor patch either in isolation or under spatial crowding. Orientation discrimination thresholds were comparable across groups when stimuli were shown in isolation, yet they were much higher for the DD group with respect to the control group when the target was crowded by closely neighbouring flanking gratings. The difficulty in discriminating orientation (as reflected by the combination of accuracy and reaction times) in the DD compared to the control group persisted over several larger target flanker distances. Finally, we found that the degree of such spatial crowding correlated with impairments in mathematical abilities even when controlling for visual attention and reading skills. These results suggest that excessive crowding effects might be a characteristic of DD, independent of other associated neurodevelopmental disorders

    The ideal gas as an urn model: derivation of the entropy formula

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    The approach of an ideal gas to equilibrium is simulated through a generalization of the Ehrenfest ball-and-box model. In the present model, the interior of each box is discretized, {\it i.e.}, balls/particles live in cells whose occupation can be either multiple or single. Moreover, particles occasionally undergo random, but elastic, collisions between each other and against the container walls. I show, both analitically and numerically, that the number and energy of particles in a given box eventually evolve to an equilibrium distribution WW which, depending on cell occupations, is binomial or hypergeometric in the particle number and beta-like in the energy. Furthermore, the long-run probability density of particle velocities is Maxwellian, whereas the Boltzmann entropy lnW\ln W exactly reproduces the ideal-gas entropy. Besides its own interest, this exercise is also relevant for pedagogical purposes since it provides, although in a simple case, an explicit probabilistic foundation for the ergodic hypothesis and for the maximum-entropy principle of thermodynamics. For this reason, its discussion can profitably be included in a graduate course on statistical mechanics.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Reduced 2D form coherence and 3D structure from motion sensitivity in developmental dyscalculia

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    Developmental dyscalculia (DD) is a specific learning disability affecting the development of numerical and arithmetical skills. The origin of DD is typically attributed to the suboptimal functioning of key regions within the dorsal visual stream (parietal cortex) which support numerical cognition. While DD individuals are often impaired in visual numerosity perception, the extent to which they also show a wider range of visual dysfunctions is poorly documented. In the current study we measured sensitivity to global motion (translational and flow), 2D static form (Glass patterns) and 3D structure from motion in adults with DD and control subjects. While sensitivity to global motion was comparable across groups, thresholds for static form and structure from motion were higher in the DD compared to the control group, irrespective of associated reading impairments. Glass pattern sensitivity predicted numerical abilities, and this relation could not be explained by recently reported differences in visual crowding. Since global form sensitivity has often been considered an index of ventral stream function, our findings could indicate a cortical dysfunction extending beyond the dorsal visual stream. Alternatively, they would fit with a role of parietal cortex in form perception under challenging conditions requiring multiple element integration

    Automated universal chip platform for fluorescence based cellular assays

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.The advantage of cell based assays used as biosensors is the direct access to hardly obtainable parameters like toxicity, mutagenicity and pharmacological effectiveness. Within the last few years we established a micro fluidic platform including a peristaltic micro pump as well as several valves, manifolds and micro channels [1]. For optical online monitoring the micro fluidic system is bonded to a glass slide. Furthermore the biochip is fixed on an electrically heated support. The pneumatically actuated peristaltic pump as well as the temperature control is performed by a control device. For the fluorescence based online monitoring a robotic guided fluorescence measurement module was developed, which supports the detection of fluorescence in microtiter plates and microfluidic systems. This measurement module allows the fluorescence detection of two different excitation / detection wavelengths (480 / 530 nm and 570 / 620 nm) and was successfully characterised using EGFP and Rhodamine 6G. Additionally three cell based assays with bacterial, yeast and human cells were characterized