138 research outputs found

    Analisis Pendapatan Peternak Ayam Ras Pedaging Pola Kemitraan Inti –Plasma (Studi Kasus Peternak Plasma Pt.genesis Di Kecamatan Grabag Kabupaten Magelang Jawa Tengah)

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    A broiler chicken meat producer that has some advantages including, rapid capital turnover rate and a short maintenance period ie within five weeks of broiler already be harvested and weighs 1.9 kg / head. This has encouraged many farmers who seek broiler farms. PT. Genesis is one of the broiler farms, which work closely with the farmers in the district through a partnership Grabag core-plasama. The partnership goal is to increase revenue, and increase both the scale of the company\u27s businesses and farmers. The purpose of this study was to analyze the mechanism of partnerships undertaken in partnership plasma core, know the maintenance management (cultivation) of cattle in partnership nucleus-plasma, and calculates the income and value of the R / C ratio obtained in the plasma farmer-core partnership plasma. The research was conducted in partnership with farmers who farm company PT. Genesis. Nucleus location is in Taman Anggrek Unggaran Housing. Plasma breeders located in District Grabag, Magelang regency. The research was carried out for 1 month, ie in February and March 2013 which was designed as a case study, a total of 11 respondents breeders who partnered with PT. Genesis is currently in production. Data were collected by census method. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Maintenance of production data using the data on the plasma farmers February to March 2013 period (1 period). Analysis of the data used is descriptive analysis, revenue analysis, and analysis of R / C ratio. Results of the analysis showed that the income on the income earned period February to March 2013 were farmers Rp 3,332,844.97 per period. Analysis results Net B / C ratio showed 1.02 and BEP are at the point 66,524,262.0

    Strategi Pengembangan PT Xyz Dalam Agribisnis Teh Hijau

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    The growth of tea demand in Indonesia increased, while the national production was not sufficient. Therefore, import is increasing since Asean Free Trade Agreement (AFTA) enforced with 0% tariff import. The cheapness of imported tea causing domestic producers must increase their competitiveness, including XYZ Company as the biggest green tea producers in Indonesia. The objectives of this study are to: (1) to evaluate the internal and external environmental condition that affect value chain development of XYZ Co.; (2) to formulate alternative strategy for improve production efficiency and value chain effectiveness of XYZ Co.; (3) to determine priority strategy which can be implemented by XYZ Co., for value chain of tea development. The method of the study used was by using observation, in depth interviews and questionnaires to analyze company’s value chain, internal and external industry analysis, SWOT analysis, AHP-SWOT for priority strategic and implication managerial. The result of the study showed that the priority strategy were as follow: (1) enhancement capacity production of green tea; (2) build strategically partnerships; (3) production development; (4) product and marketing development; (5) enhancement operational standard; (6) enhancement publication of business&nbsp

    Sustainability Strategies of Indonesian Mega-Dairy Farm Business: a Case of Greenfields Indonesia

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    The increase of milk import in Indonesia can be anticipated through the development of dairy farms based on mega-farm. Indonesia has already got dairy farms that adopt the mega-farm, one of which is the Greenfields Indonesia (GFI). GFI has become an export-oriented company, so GFI needs to pay attention to its sustainability on their business processes. This study was conducted at Dairy farm of Greenfields Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to analyze the business sustainability factors and to evaluate the factors of GFI dairy farming business based on the success factor of sustainability relation structure. The combination of delphi fuzzy and DEMATEL (Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) was used for data processing. The research results showed that the standardization of the company's management system was the first priority based on the relation structure. The priority could affect the resilience of farm models that depended on manure management impact and create animal care through the availability of management of feed and drinking water

    Strategi Peningkatan Daya Saing Rumah Potong Ayam PT Xyz

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) menganalisis peran aktor-aktor di dalam rantai nilai Rumah Potong Ayam (RPA) PT XYZ yang berpengaruh terhadap daya saingnya, (2) menganalisis para pemain kunci dalam stakeholders RPA PT XYZ , (3) menganalisis faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal (IE) yang berpengaruh terhadap daya saing RPA PT XYZ , (4) memformulasikan tujuan dan sasaran jangka panjang strategik untuk meningkatkan daya saing RPA PT XYZ , (5) menganalisis alternatif dan prioritas strategi untuk meningkatkan daya saing RPA PT XYZ . Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif. Analisis yang digunakan adalah global value chain, analisis stakeholder, internal factor evaluation, external factor evaluation, matriks IE, SWOT, dan quantitative strategic planning matrix. Hasil dari analisis global value chain, analisis stakeholders, analisis internal dan eksternal, dan visi-misi Perusahaan, tujuan jangka panjang adalah (a) menyediakan nilai tambah bagi pelanggan, (b) memaksimalkan laba dari hasil operasi bisnis, (c) meningkatkan kesejahteraan stakeholders, (d) melakukan kegiatan sustainable business. Hasil matriks IE dan analisis SWOT, strategi untuk mencapai sasaran dan tujuan jangka panjang strategik adalah (a) meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi manajemen rantai pasok; (b) mengimplementasikan evaluasi kinerja untuk pegawai dan partner bisnis; (c) memperkuat citra sebagai Perusahaan domestik penghasil makanan olahan berbasis daging ayam berkualitas tinggi di Indonesia; (d) meningkatkan kegiatan penelitian dan pengembangan; (e) membangun aliansi strategik dengan pemasok ayam hidup eksternal; (f) melakukan sosialisasi mengenai pentingnya konsumsi protein hewani kepada masyarakat Indonesia. Tiga strategi prioritas dari analisis QSPM adalah meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi rantai pasok, mengimplementasikan evaluasi kinerja untuk pegawai dan partner bisnis, dan memperkuat citra Perusahaan sebagai Perusahaan domestik penghasil makanan olahan berbasis daging ayam berkualitas tinggi di Indonesia

    Hasil Ikutan Pertanian Sebagai Pakan Ruminansia Di Jawa Tengah

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    The major problem faced by farmers in Central Java is the fluctuation of feed availability throughout the year, with feed surplus in the rainy season and less in the dry season. The objective of this study was to evaluate the support ability of agricultural by product as ruminant feed in Central Java. Survey method was used in this study, primary and secondary data were descriptively analyzed. The results showed that based on total population of ruminants and carrying capacity of the potential production of agricultural by product, there was an excess of support ability to 3,699,674 Animal Unit (AU) based on Dry Matter (DM); 1,419,142 AU based on Crude Protein (CP) and 1,825,567 AU based on Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN). However, based on carrying capacity of effective production of agricultural by product, there was an excess of support ability of feed only for 2,003,470 AU based on DM, 335,459 AU based on CP and 687,215 AU based on TDN

    Upaya Meningkatkan Motorik Halus Pada Anak Melalui Kegiatan Melukis Pada Kelompok A Di Tk 02 Kaling Tasikmadu Karanganyar Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015

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    Painting is an easy way for children to learn. But the use of media to paint for kindergarten (TK) is simple and less innovative, so the fine motor skills of children still low. Media candle is one alternative way media in painting to improve fine motor skills in children. This research purposes to improve fine motor skills in children through the medium of wax on a group of children in kindergarten 02 Kaling. The type of research Class Action Research (PTK) with two cycles of work procedures, consists of four stages. The subjects were teachers and kindergarten children in group A at 02 Kaling Tasikmadu Karanganyar. Results of this study indicate candles media can improve the ability to paint. Results are given a percentage of the prior action until the second cycle is prasiklus 44.84%, 54,99% first cycle ie, the second cycle is %. The conclusion of this study is an increase in the fine motor skills of children through the medium of wax in kindergarten 02 Kaling Academic Year 2014-2015
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