614 research outputs found

    Pibok-pb: A collaborative framework to improve software development productivity through projects and process assets reuse and measurement with six sigma techniques

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    The Software Engineering Lab (SEL-UC3M) is aimed to develop solutions to software projects processes related problems having an accessible, collaborative, practiced and manageable focus. We are interested to collaborate with research centers and universities worldwide that share our philosophy as well as with enterprises and public administrations interested in our novel methods

    Pibok-pb: marco de trabajo colaborativo para la mejora de la productividad de desarrollo software a través de la reutilización de activos de procesos y proyectos y medición con técnicas de six sigma

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    El grupo de investigación Software Engineering Lab (SEL-UC3M) trabaja en el desarrollo de soluciones a problemas relativos al uso de procesos en proyectos para generar productos software, todo ello con un enfoque accesible, colaborativo, práctico y gestionable. Estamos interesados en colaborar con centros de investigación y Universidades alrededor del mundo que compartan nuestra filosofía así como con empresas y administraciones interesadas en los métodos vanguardistas en los que trabajamos

    Collaborative E-Learning Platform for Software Engineering Best Practices Training

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    The Software Engineering Lab (SEL-UC3M) is aimed to develop solutions to software projects processes related problems having an accessible, collaborative, practiced and manageable focus. We are interested to collaborate with research centers and universities worldwide that share our philosophy as well as with enterprises and public administrations interested in our novel methods

    Aproximación metodológica a la construcción de entornos virtuales

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    RESUMEN Los Entornos Virtuales (EVs), son un tipo de sistemas software cuya aplicación en campos como la medicina, la educación, el entretenimiento, el ocio, etc., está teniendo muy buena acogida. Tanto en las grandes compañías como en los centros de investigación, los EVs son considerados los sistemas interactivos del futuro. Incluso se prevé que los EVs tengan en el siglo XXI la misma repercusión que tuvieron la televisión y la radio en el siglo XX. Hasta la fecha se han construido bastantes EVs. En todos los casos dichos desarrollos han sido tan rápidos que no ha dado tiempo a desarrollar un conocimiento sobre la construcción sistemática e ingenieril de este tipo de software. En el desarrollo de los EVs, hay actividades que requieren mucho esfuerzo y tiempo. Dichas actividades se verían aligeradas si se consiguiera reutilizar de EVs desarrollos previamente. Además, otro de los grandes problemas, con los que ha tenido que enfrentarse el desarrollo de EVs, ha sido con el carácter multidisciplinar de éstos, lo que obliga a que tengan que trabajar juntos equipos humanos provenientes de distintas disciplinas. La comunicación, en estos casos, se complica debido a la disparidad en la formación de los miembros de los equipos de trabajo. La experiencia en el desarrollo de sistemas software constituye el pilar para los desarrollos de forma ingenieril. Al tratar de aplicar la Ingeniería del Software a la construcción de los EVs, nos encontramos con que, a pesar de que el paradigma de la orientación a objetos es el que mejor se adapta a los EVs, quedan otros aspectos del desarrollo de EVs que no son contemplados en la orientación a objetos. En este trabajo se analiza la forma en que actualmente se construyen los EVs, y se propone un Marco Metodológico que incluye la definición de los elementos de que consta un EV así como de los mecanismos asociados a dichos elementos. Se proponen un conjunto de técnicas y tareas capaces de enriquecer los procesos de desarrollo tradicionales con el fin de que se puedan desarrollar correctamente EVs. Además se propone una estrategia de desarrollo estructurada en ciclos que facilita el desarrollo de este tipo de sistemas. Gracias a la aplicación de esta Marco Metodológico, se ha conseguido desarrollar EVs en los que la comunicación entre los miembros del equipo de trabajo se ha visto mejorada. Cuya trazabilidad a permitido tanto a los desarrolladores como al jefe de proyecto tener un mejor control sobre el proyecto y donde se ha fomentado la reutilización entre proyectos de este tipo tanto en fase de diseño como de implementación. ABSTRACT Virtual Environments (VEs) are a special kind of information systems whose acceptance in the field of medicine, education, entertainments, etc., is growing in big companies and in research institutions. It is expected that VEs will have the same impact in the 21* century as the televisión and the radio had in the 20* century. To date, many VEs have been implemented, but the necessity of doing a adhoc impeded the knowledge acquisition of the systematic procedure to develop this kind of software. In VEs development there are some activities which require a lot of effort and time. Tríese activities could be shortened reusing models from other similar projects. The communication between the members of the project is difficult because VEs have a multidistiplinary character. People with different training must work together. Experience is the basis for software engineers to implement software, but when the Software Engineering discipline is applied to the development of VEs, we fínd that the object oriented paradigm can be used to develop VEs but it is not enough. The object oriented paradigm must be enriched with new techniques, etc. In this research, it is analysed the way VEs has been done and it is proposed a Framework to develop VEs in the rutare. The Framework includes the definition of the elements which inhabit the VEs as well as their mechanisms. It is proposed a ser of tasks and techniques to endow traditional processes with the enough tools to develop VEs correctly. Even the development strategy proposed, allow the easier development of VEs. With the application of the proposed Framework the communication between team work has been improved, the product trazability lets project manager a better control over the project, and the reuse has been improved both in design and in implementation processes

    Plataforma Colaborativa de E-Learning para la Enseñanza de las Mejores Prácticas de la Ingeniería del Software

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    El grupo de investigación Software Engineering Lab (SEL-UC3M) trabaja en el desarrollo de soluciones a problemas relativos al uso de procesos en proyectos para generar productos software, todo ello con un enfoque accesible, colaborativo, práctico y gestionable. El marco de aprendizaje colaborativo permite la formación de capital humano altamente cualificado, y proporciona técnicas de monitorización del proceso de formación para asegurar la inversión de las empresas. Estamos interesados en colaborar con centros de investigación y Universidades alrededor del mundo que compartan nuestra filosofía así como con empresas y administraciones interesadas en los métodos vanguardistas en los que trabajamos

    Collaborative tools: computer science students' skills versus software industry needs

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    Software companies encourage and further the use of collaborative tools and skills at the workplace in pursuit of the benefits of their use: they improve communication, productivity and efficiency, and competitiveness. Besides, undergraduate and graduate software engineering computing curricula recommend subjects related to effective cooperative working and group learning. In order to align industry needs and curricula recommendations, universities should provide students with the collaborative knowledge and skills that they will require on the labour market once they finish their degrees. In this scenario, we asked three questions: Are collaborative tools beneficial to software projects? Is it easier for students with knowledge and skills of collaborative tools to find a job? Do enterprises use collaborative tools as a marketing strategy for the recruitment process or are they really empowering their employees to use collaborative tools? This paper explores these questions. We devised a survey addressing the above questions, which was administered to 86 recent computer science graduates. We applied statistical techniques to analyse the responses. From the data gathered during the survey, we conclude that the expected benefits of the use of collaborative tools are in fact corroborated, students skilled in the use of collaborative tools do find it easier to get jobs and companies are not only looking for people with collaborative skills but also use collaborative tools in their routine work processes

    Balancing software engineering education and industrial needs

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    In the world of information and communications technologies the demand for professionals with software engineering skills grows at an exponential rate. On this ground, we have conducted a study to help both academia and the software industry form a picture of the relationship between the competences of recent graduates of undergraduate and graduate software engineering programmes and the tasks that these professionals are to perform as part of their jobs in industry. Thanks to this study, academia will be able to observe which skills demanded by industry the software engineering curricula do or do not cater for, and industry will be able to ascertain which tasks a recent software engineering programme graduate is well qualified to perform. The study focuses on the software engineering knowledge guidelines provided in SE2004 and GSwE2009, and the job profiles identified by Career Space

    Principio de causalidad laboral y su incidencia en el impuesto a la renta en "Estación de Servicios El Amigo" SRL.Cutervo-2021

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    En nuestro país hay normas que rigen la consideración de los gastos en el cálculo del IR, principalmente en la LIR, haciendo referencia al principio de causalidad como criterio esencial que debe cumplir un gasto. El principio de causalidad implica, que todo gasto generado por una actividad comercial debe tener una relación directa con la misma, sin embargo, muchas empresas cometen errores al considerar gastos que incumplen el principio de causalidad, el cual generalmente terminan en reparos tributarios. Por ello, ante esta situación nos planteamos la siguiente interrogante ¿Qué incidencia tributaria tiene la falta de aplicación del principio de causalidad laboral en el I. R de EE. SS. El Amigo”? SRL. Cutervo-2021, cuyo objetivo es determinar la incidencia de la no aplicación del principio de causalidad laboral en el I.R.; la metodología utilizada es cuantitativo, la población y la muestra está conformado por el total de trabajadores formales e informales. Las técnicas de investigación son la guía de entrevista, el cuestionario y el análisis documental. Concluimos que, las erogaciones por vínculo laboral, inciden tributariamente, pues al considerarse en su totalidad para el cálculo del I.R., estos disminuyen el pago del impuesto en 7%.TesisGestión empresarial y emprendimient

    Lightly supervised acquisition of named entities and linguistic patterns for multilingual text mining

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    Named Entity Recognition and Classification (NERC) is an important component of applications like Opinion Tracking, Information Extraction, or Question Answering. When these applications require to work in several languages, NERC becomes a bottleneck because its development requires language-specific tools and resources like lists of names or annotated corpora. This paper presents a lightly supervised system that acquires lists of names and linguistic patterns from large raw text collections in western languages and starting with only a few seeds per class selected by a human expert. Experiments have been carried out with English and Spanish news collections and with the Spanish Wikipedia. Evaluation of NE classification on standard datasets shows that NE lists achieve high precision and reveals that contextual patterns increase recall significantly. Therefore, it would be helpful for applications where annotated NERC data are not available such as those that have to deal with several western languages or information from different domains.This researchwork has been supported by the Regional Government of Madrid under the Research Network MA2VICMR (S2009/TIC-1542), by the Spanish Ministry of Education under the project MULTIMEDICA (TIN2010-20644-C03-01) and by the Spanish Center for Industry Technological Development (CDTI, Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade), through the BUSCAMEDIA Project (CEN-20091026)

    Potential Antioxidant and Antiviral Activities of Hydroethanolic Extracts of Selected Lamiaceae Species

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    Medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) are potential sources of natural bioactive phytochemical compounds of an incredible worth for the food industry, such as polyphenols. Lamiaceae medicinal and aromatic plants from Granada’s high plateau, concretely Origanum bastetanum, Thymus zygis gracilis, Thymus longiflorus, Thymus membranaceus and Ziziphora hispanica, were evaluated under different conventional solid–liquid extraction conditions to obtain extracts enriched in bioactive compounds. Phenolic profile was detected by HPLC-QTOF-MS, identifying a high abundance of bioactive constituents. Furthermore, antioxidant and antiviral activities of the mentioned plants were studied as biological properties of interest for the improvement of food shelf-life. Thus, Origanum bastetanum showed the highest antioxidant potential for all assays. Antiviral activity was also tested against some important foodborne viruses, feline calicivirus (FCV), murine norovirus (MNV) and hepatitis A virus (HAV), with the highest activity obtained for Ziziphora hispanica, Thymus longiflorus and Origanum bastetanum. This research proposes the studied plants as rich sources of bioactive compounds with potential use as preservatives in the food industry.Research Group AGR279 Ciencias de la Alimentacion y Nutricion (University of Granada, Spain)Diputacion de GranadaJA PREDOC_0011