4,995 research outputs found

    On the Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás property for numeri9cal radius in C(K) spaces

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    [EN] We study the Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás property for numerical radius within the framework of C(K) spaces. We present several sufficient conditions on a compact space K ensuring that C(K) has the Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás property for numerical radius. In particular, we show that C(K) has such property whenever K is metrizable.Research supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and FEDER under project MTM2011-25377. A. Avilés was supported by Ramón y Cajal contract (RYC-2008-02051). A.J. Guirao was supported by Generalitat Valenciana (GV/2010/036)Avilés López, A.; Guirao Sánchez, AJ.; Rodríguez, J. (2014). On the Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás property for numeri9cal radius in C(K) spaces. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 419(1):395-421. doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2014.04.039S395421419

    La flexion nominale en -is, -in

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    El desarrollo de las terminaciones de la segunda declinación -ios y -ion a -is, -in a partir del siglo III a.C., documentado a partir de una fecha más temprana y de modo más frecuente en Egipto, debe ser puesto en relación probablementente, entre otros factores secundarios, con el paso del acento musical al acento de intensidad.Peer reviewe

    Safeguarding Health at the Workplace: A Study of Work Engagement, Authenticity and Subjective Wellbeing among Religious Workers

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    : Research in work and organizational psychology has paid little attention to religious workers, something certainly surprising as faith-based organizations play a key role in the welfare state of many countries. This research shows that religious workers in a Catholic order present a high degree of subjective wellbeing, both in terms of flourishing and satisfaction with life in general, and a positive balance of positive and negative feelings. More specifically, this study examines the relationship between authenticity and wellbeing amongst religious workers. Survey responses from 142 religious workers in Spain were analyzed using partial least squares path modelling. The results reveal that subjective wellbeing at work is positively related to authenticity. In addition, this relationship is mediated by their level of work engagement

    The Subjective Well-Being Challenge in the Accounting Profession: The Role of Job Resources

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    The main activity of the accountant is the preparation and audit of the financial information of a company. The subjective well-being of the accountant is important to ensure a balanced professional judgment and to offer a positive image of the profession in the face of the incorporation and retention of talent. However, accountants are subjected to intense pressures that affect their well-being in the performance of their tasks. In this paper, the job demands–resources theoretical framework is adopted to analyze the relationships between job demands, job resources, and the subjective well-being of a large sample of 739 accounting experts at the European level. Applying a structural equations model, the results confirm, on the one hand, the direct effects provided in the theoretical framework and, on the other, a new mediating role of job demands–subjective well-being relationship resources

    Influencia de las pautas de crecimiento en lactancia y recría sobre los rendimientos de novillas de dos razas de aptitud cárnica con parto a dos años

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    Esta Tesis Doctoral se planteó con el fin de analizar la posibilidad de adelantar el primer parto de las novillas de razas Parda de Montaña y Pirenaica a los dos años de edad. Para ello se aplicaron distintos manejos alimentarios durante la lactancia (0-6 meses) y la recría (6-15 meses), y se estudiaron en ambas razas las repercusiones de distintas pautas de crecimiento sobre parámetros productivos, reproductivos y fisiológicos de novillas paridas a dos años. Los ensayos se prolongaron hasta el final de la primera lactación de las novillas.El doctorando ha disfrutado de una Beca PreDoctoral de formación de personal investigador del Subprograma FPI-INIA, RTA2010-2010-00057-C3-01" . Y un contrato en el marco de los siguientes proyectos de investigación: "Conservación "in situ" de razas autóctonas de vacuno y ovino del Pirineo aragonés". INIA RZP2012-00002-00. "Efectos de la alimentación materna sobre el desarrollo embrionario y la descendencia: implicaciones en la eficiencia productiva de la vaca nodriza". INIA RTA2013-00059-C02-00.Publishe

    Algunos aspectos sociales de la salud mental. Some social aspects of mental health

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    Algunos aspectos sociales de la salud mental. Some social aspects of mental health

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    Nowcasting solar radiation using cloud satellite and high resolution numerical model outputs

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    Póster presentado en: EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology celebrado del 4–8 de septiembre de 2017 en Dublin, IrelandAEMET (the Spanish Meteorological Agency) is currently developing a project for the Spanish transmission system operator, Red Eléctrica de España, to improve hourly Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) and direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) forecasts in Spanish solar power plants. Nowcasting is a technique for very short-range forecasting (normally within 6h ahead) covering only a very specific geographic region. There is a need of using nowcasting models to forecast the availability of solar radiation in order to low electricity generating costs. We present the current status of a nowcasting tool developed by AEMET that provides every 15 min the hourly solar radiation accumulated fluxes for the coming 4 hours. The meteorological data used for this model are: satellite cloud type observations and forecasts based on high resolution winds (EUMETSAT SAFNWC/MSG software package outputs), radiation from high resolution numerical weather prediction model (HARMONIE/AROME radiation outputs) or a combination of both sources of information depending on different forecast time horizons. The accuracy of the tool has been analyzed comparing the GHI and DNI forecasts with the ground solar radiation measurements from seven stations of AEMET network. The verification results in terms of RMSE are similar to those found in the bibliography, with the advantage that the satellite component of the tool does not require the use of a model to convert satellite imagery to average insolation on the groun

    Completeness in the Mackey topology by norming subspaces

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    [EN] We study the class of Banach spaces X such that the locally convex space (X, mu(X,Y)) is complete for every norming and norm-closed subspace Y subset of X*, where mu(X, Y) denotes the Mackey topology on X associated to the dual pair . Such Banach spaces are called fully Mackey complete. We show that fully Mackey completeness is implied by Efremov's property (epsilon) and, on the other hand, it prevents the existence of subspaces isomorphic to l(1)(omega(1)). This extends previous results by Guirao et al. (2017) [9] and Bonet and Cascales (2010) [3]. Further examples of Banach spaces which are not fully Mackey complete are exhibited, like C[0, omega(1)] and the long James space J(omega(1)). Finally, by assuming the Continuum Hypothesis, we construct a Banach space with w*-sequential dual unit ball which is not fully Mackey complete. A key role in our discussion is played by the (at least formally) smaller class of Banach spaces X such that (Y, w*) has the Mazur property for every norming and norm-closed subspace Y subset of X*. (C) 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.The authors wish to thank A. Aviles for valuable discussions on the topic of this paper. They are also grateful to the referee for his/her comments and suggestions. A.J. Guirao was supported by projects MTM2017-83262-C2-1-P (AEI/FEDER, UE) and 19368/PI/14 (Fundacion Seneca). G. Martinez-Cervantes and J. Rodriguez were supported by projects MTM2014-54182-P and MTM2017-86182-P (AEI/FEDER, UE) and 19275/PI/14 (Fundacion Seneca).Guirao Sánchez, AJ.; Martínez-Cervantes, G.; Rodríguez Ruiz, J. (2019). Completeness in the Mackey topology by norming subspaces. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 478(2):776-789. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmaa.2019.05.054S776789478

    Isópodos, tanaidáceos y cumáceos (Crustacea, Peracarida) asociados al alga Stypocaulon scoparium en la Península Ibérica

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    The distribution and abundance patterns of isopods, tanaids and cumaceans (Crus - tacea: Peracarida) associated with the alga Stypocaulon scoparium (L.) Kützing were studied. Fourteen stations were selected along the Iberian Peninsula and five environmental factors were measured (seawater temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity and pH). The Atlantic coast was characterised by lower temperature and conductivity and higher values of oxygen and turbidity than the Mediterranean coast. Cover of S. scoparium was higher in the Strait of Gibraltar than in the remaining stations, coinciding with maximum values of number of peracaridean species. Twenty three species were collected (15 isopods, 4 tanaids and 4 cumaceans). Isopods were more abundant in Atlantic stations of the Iberian Peninsula while tanaids and cumaceans were dominant in the Mediterranean coast. The classif ication of species in geographical distribution groups showed that most species had an Atlantic-Mediterranean distribution (76%) and only 9% were endemic Mediterranean species. Multivariate analy - sis showed that distribution of species was mainly correlated to temperature, conductivity and oxygen, although the cover of S. scoparium also influenced the abundances of some taxa.Se estudiaron los patrones de distribución y abundancia de isópodos, tanaidáceos y cumáceos (Crustacea: Peracarida) asociados al alga Stypocaulon scoparium (L.) Kützing. Se seleccionaron catorce estaciones a lo largo de la Península Ibérica y se midieron cinco variables ambientales (temperatura del agua, con - ductividad, oxígeno disuelto, turbidez y pH). La costa atlántica mostró valores más bajos de temperatura y conductividad y valores más altos de oxígeno y turbidez que la costa mediterránea. La cobertura de S. scoparium fue superior en el Estrecho de Gibraltar que en las estaciones restantes, coincidiendo con los valores máximos del número de especies de peracáridos. Se recolectaron 23 especies (15 isópodos, 4 tanaidáceos y 4 cumáceos). Los isópodos fueron más abundantes en las estaciones atlánticas de la Península Ibérica mientras que tanaidáceos y cumáceos fueron dominantes en la costa mediterránea. La clasif icación de las especies en grupos biogeográficos mostró que la mayoría de especies tenían distribución atlántico-mediterránea (76%) y sólo un 9% fueron endemismos del Mediterráneo. Los análsisis multivariantes mostraron que la distribución de las especies estuvo correlacionada fundamentalmente con la temperatura, conductividad y oxígeno, aunque la cobertura de S. scoparium también influyó en la abundancia de algunos taxones
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