11 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja, Profesionalisme, dan Penerapan Teknologi Informasi terhadap Kinerja Auditor (Studi pada Kantor Bpk RI Perwakilan Provinsi Aceh)

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    This study is done at BPK RI branch office in Aceh Province which aim to know the influence of job satisfaction, professionalism, and information technology application toward auditor performance either simultaneously or partially.This research uses sample method. Respondents of this research are auditors at BPK RI branch office in Aceh Province. This research uses 52 auditors as samples of population 94 auditors by using stratified random sampling. The data used are primary data by using questionnaires to the respondents directly. Ddata are analyzed by using multiple linear regression.Results of this research indicate that by simultaneously job satisfaction, professionalism, and information technology application influence significanly toward auditor performance. Partially. job satisfaction, professionalism, and information technology application also influence significanly toward auditor performance

    Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja, Profesionalisme, dan Penerapan Teknologi Informasi terhadap Kinerja Auditor (Studi pada Kantor Bpk RI Perwakilan Provinsi Aceh)

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    This study is done at BPK RI branch office in Aceh Province which aim to know the influence of job satisfaction, professionalism, and information technology application toward auditor performance either simultaneously or partially.This research uses sample method. Respondents of this research are auditors at BPK RI branch office in Aceh Province. This research uses 52 auditors as samples of population 94 auditors by using stratified random sampling. The data used are primary data by using questionnaires to the respondents directly. Ddata are analyzed by using multiple linear regression.Results of this research indicate that by simultaneously job satisfaction, professionalism, and information technology application influence significanly toward auditor performance. Partially. job satisfaction, professionalism, and information technology application also influence significanly toward auditor performance

    Perancangan Dan Pembuatan Aplikasi Ecommerce Pada Toko Agung Jaya

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    Perkembangan teknologi pada saat ini telah berkembang secara pesat. Dimana hampir semua kegiatan dapat dilakukan pada dunia maya, misalnya melakukan transaksi pembayaran, pembelian barang, pemesanan tiket, baik tiket pesawat maupun tiket kereta api, dan lainnya.Di jaman sekarang ini penjualan secara online sudah banyak. Hal ini dikarenakan untuk membuka suatu USAha online lebih mudah dan murah dari pada membuka USAha disuatu tempat yang berbentuk bangunan. Selain itu, dengan cara berjualan online orang akan lebih banyak mengetahui barang apa saja yang dijual, karena semua orang dapat melihat tanpa harus mendatangi tempat itu.Berdasarkan hasil pengujian aplikasi yang telah dibuat, aplikasi dapat menampilkan data barang yang dijual beserta promo yang ditawarkan. Selain itu aplikasi ini mempunyai fitur konfirmasi account untuk mengaktifkan account dan kirim detail order

    Application of Magnetics Method to Mapping the Geothermal Source at Seulawah Agam Area

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    Magnetic method had been employed at Seulawah Agam area in term of unveiling the potentially geothermal source. This method was carried out locally in both the geothermal filed of Heutsz's Crater and Cempaga's Crater where the locations are in Seulawah Agam slope which is included in Aceh Besar District. Geologically, the area is mainly controlled by volcanic mudflow and Lam Teuba's rocks consisting of breccia, pumice and tuff and their age are from Tersier to Resen Period. The deployed equipment consisted of Magnetometer GSM-19T, Proton Sensors, Aluminum Stick, Connection Cable, GPS Antenna, Compass, and Watch. Portable GPS (Global Positioning System), Navigation type (map of the survey area), and complemented by the other technical equipment, such as handy talky, umbrella, pens and notes of observed data. This study was done by following two steps. At first, the base station was established as a reference point for all magnetic data of measurements. Furthermore, recording magnetic data at each point by repeating three times until the last point by following the looping pattern as pathway of measurement both in Heutsz's crater whose nine point recordings and in Cempaga's crater whose seventeen points was consecutively done. The data were simply processed by using Microsoft excel that can just plot the magnetic anomaly and interpreted qualitatively being preliminary research. The result showed that at the north pathway had high magnetic anomaly of rocks located at B6 point and it was assumed as the area having the economically mineral in fracture zones. The rocks with low a anomaly value were obtained at –F125 BR is suggested as the thermal sources while at the South pathway from observing station till the Cempaga's crater was obtained the geological structure as the Sumatran Fault of Aceh's segment at CK4 point and this finding showed similar correlation with the result of gravity survey at same pathway published in another paper. In conclusion, this method effectively showed that the Seulawah Agam has potency as thermal source

    Pelatihan Komunikasi Pemasaran Terpadu Berbasis Online bagi Pelaku Usaha Minyak Kayu Putih

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    The aim of this community service is to provide online-based integrated marketing communication training for Sawa Village's principal wood oil business actors. The method used in this community service is theory-based training and online-based integrated marketing communication practice divided into three stages: preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The eucalyptus oil business actors in Sawa Village, Lilialy District, Buru Regency are the beneficiaries of this community service activity. This community service activity results in business people gaining knowledge through training that emphasizes materials based on theory and practice about the introduction of the internet, Application of Website Technology & Digital Economy, e-Business and e-Commerce Websites, e-Marketing, and marketing communications. Following the completion of the training, Sawa Village's wood oil entrepreneurs will be able to practice online marketing via the website, Facebook, and Instagram

    Distribution of Macro Debris in Savu Sea Marine National Park (Kupang, Rote, and Ndana Beaches), East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

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    Marine debris has emerged as a global issue that poses risk to environment systems. This study aimed to investigate the distribution of marine debris in Savu Sea Marine National Park, particularly in Kupang City, Rote Island, and Ndana Island (which are transboundary islands in the Australian and the Indian Ocean). Six beaches were assessed on this study, which comprised of total 12 transects. Debris collected from sampling sites weighed 52.14 kg, with abundance 4.447 ± 1.131 kg/m2 and 215.417 ± 35.609 item/m2. Most debris pieces were accumulated on high tide line and the area that many residents passed through. In terms of type, food wrapper and plastic bag dominated the debris composition due to their occurrence in every transect. It is strongly suggested that beached debris in Kupang and Rote was sourced from the population activities, whereas in Ndana was transported from other places via ocean currents

    Plant functional types and traits as biodiversity indicators for tropical forests: two biogeographically separated case studies including birds, mammals and termites

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    Multi-taxon surveys were conducted in species-rich, lowland palaeotropical and neotropical forested landscapes in Sumatra, Indonesia and Mato Grosso, Brazil. Gradient-directed transects (gradsects) were sampled across a range of forested land use mosaics, using a uniform protocol to simultaneously record vegetation (vascular plant species, plant functional types (PFTs) and vegetation structure), vertebrates (birds, mammals) and invertebrates (termites), in addition to measuring site and soil properties, including carbon stocks. At both sites similar correlations were detected between major components of structure (mean canopy height, woody basal area and litter depth) and the diversities of plant species and PFTs. A plant species to PFT ratio [spp.:PFTs] was the best overall predictor of animal diversity, especially termite species richness in Sumatra. To a notable extent vegetation structure also correlated with animal diversity. These surrogates demonstrate generic links between habitat structural elements, carbon stocks and biodiversity. They may also offer practical low-cost indicators for rapid assessment in tropical forest landscapes