124 research outputs found

    A device for determining the opening of the cervix in childbirth

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    The aim of the study - development of the necessary parameters for the use of an experimental sample of the device to determine the degree of opening of the cervix in childbirth for embedding in existing protocols on obstetrics.Цель исследования - разработка необходимых параметров по использованию экспериментального образца 206 прибора по определению степени открытия шейки матки в родах для встраивания в существующие протоколы по акушерств

    The frequency of multiple pregnancies in the maternity hospital of the Ryazan region

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    The aim of the study - to study the number of twin births and to analyze the frequency of cesarean sectionЦель исследования - изучить количество родов с рождением двоен и проанализировать частоту проведения кесарева сечения

    Application of whey of Mozzarella di Bufala Campana fermented by lactic acid bacteria as a bread biopreservative agent

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    A total of nine isolated lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from tomato and sourdough with antifungal activity were employed to revaluate the whey of Mozzarella di Bufala through the fermentation process for 72 h at 37 °C. Then, the fermented whey (BWF) was characterised and used as biopreservative in bread formulation. L. plantarum TR7 and L. plantarum TR2 strains showed average lactic acid concentration in BWF of 13.8 g L 1. Also, the bread volatile organic compounds (VOC) analysis showed an increase in hexanal, benzeneacetaldehyde, benzaldehyde and pyrazine tetramethyl when using BWF as ingredient. Moreover, the DPPH-inhibitory activity of bread with BWF extract also reflected a 33% rise in comparison with control bread. The application of BWF as a biopreservation agent in bread showed an increase in shelf life compared with bread with 0.3% calcium propionate and bread control for 2 and 15 days, respectively. BWF can be used as an interesting biopreservation strategy of bread

    Features of the kinetics of calcium deficiency replenishment in the process of remineralization of tooth enamel when using toothpastes with an aqua complex of titanium glycerosolvate

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    Freedom toothpastes "Dentaswiss" contain a unique remineralizing component Omyadent - particles with a calcium carbonate core and a membrane of porous structured hydroxyapatite with a large specific surface area. The combination of the use of the aqua complex of titanium glycerosolvate and the Omyadent component allows the formation of calcium-containing colloidal particles with an effective remineralizing ability. The calculation of the diffusion coefficients and the permeability coefficients through the cellulose acetate membrane made it possible to estimate the membrane permeability of colloidal particles of the new toothpaste against smoking. Using the calculated diffusion coefficients in the cellulose acetate membrane of samples of 2% suspension of toothpastes prepared in a solution of calcium chloride with a concentration of 2.5 mmol / l, "Dentaswiss" Enamel Repair & Protect and "Dentaswiss" Extra whitening and "Dentaswiss" Stop Smoking ... Using the calculated diffusion rate, the kinetics of penetration of the aggregate of the aqua complex of titanium glycerosolvate with the innovative remineralizing component Omyadent of the studied toothpastes was evaluated. The limiting stage is the diffusion of calcium-containing components through a semipermeable membrane. It proceeds at the slowest rate of 5.0– 19.1±0.1 pcg / s.Зубные пасты фабрика «Свобода» (Москва) «Dentaswiss» содержат уникальный реминерализующий компонент Omyadent – частицы, имеющие сердцевину карбоната кальция и оболочку из пористого структурированного гидроксиапатита с большой удельной поверхностью. Совокупность использования аквакомплекса глицеросольвата титана и компонента Omyadent позволяет формироваться кальцийсодержащим коллоидным частицам, обладающих эффективной реминерализующей способностью. Расчет коэффициентов диффузии и коэффициентов проницаемости через мембрану из ацетата целлюлозы, позволил оценить мембранную проницаемость коллоидных частиц новой зубной пасты против курения. С помощью рассчитанных коэффициентов проницаемости диффузии в мембране из ацетата целлюлозы образцов 2%-ной суспензии зубных паст, приготовленных на растворе хлорида кальция с концентрацией 2,5 ммоль/л, «Dentaswiss» Enamel Repair&Protect и «Dentaswiss» Extra whitening и «Dentaswiss» Stop Smoking. С помощью рассчитанной скорости диффузии оценена кинетика проникновения агрегата аквакомплекса глицеросольвата титана с инновационным реминерализирующим компонентом Omyadent исследуемых зубных паст. Лимитирующей стадией является диффузия кальцийсодержащих компонентов через полупроницаемую мембрану. Она протекает с наиболее медленной скоростью 5,0–19,1±0,1 пкг/с

    Патоморфология сердца при COVID-19

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    Cardiovascular system is a significant target for SARS-CoV-2.The objective was to study morphological changes in the heart in patients who died from COVID-19.Materials and methods. Autopsy material of the heart of those who died from COVID-19 (700 autopsies) was analyzed. The analysis of autopsy protocols was carried out, macroscopic changes were assessed, histological preparations stained with hematoxylin and eosin, van Gieson stain, Schiff’s reagent, the results of immunohistochemistry with antibodies to CD68, CD3, CD4, CD8, CD45 were analyzed.Results. The leading pathomorphological changes in the heart in COVID-19 are acute discirculatory changes with predominant disorders in small intramyocardial vessels. Lymphocytic myocarditis was confirmed in 1 % of cases.Conclusion. Damage to cardiomyocytes in COVID-19 is multifactorial and associated with manifestations of the underlying cardiovascular pathology, changes in intramyocardial vessels due to the action of SARS-CoV-2, and hypoxia due to progressive lung damage.Сердечно-сосудистая система является значимой мишенью SARS-CoV-2.Цель – изучение морфологических изменений в сердце у больных, умерших от COVID-19.Методы и материалы. Проанализирован аутопсийный материал сердца умерших от COVID-19 (700 аутопсий).Проведен анализ патологоанатомических протоколов, оценены макроскопические изменения, пересмотрены гистологические препараты, окрашенные гематоксилином и эозином, по Ван Гизону, реактивом Шиффа, а также результаты имммуногистохимии с антителами к CD68, CD3, CD4, CD8, CD45.Результаты. Ведущими патоморфологическими изменениями в сердце при COVID-19 являются острые дисциркуляторные изменения с преимущественными нарушениями в мелких интрамиокардиальных сосудах. Лимфоцитарный миокардит подтвержден в 1 % наблюдений.Заключение. Повреждение кардиомиоцитов при COVID-19 является мультифакторным и связано с проявлениями основной сердечно-сосудистой патологии, изменениями интрамиокардиальных сосудов вследствие действия SARS-CoV-2 и гипоксией, обусловленной прогрессирующим повреждением легких

    Affimer proteins for F-actin: novel affinity reagents that label F-actin in live and fixed cells

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    Imaging the actin cytoskeleton in cells uses a wide range of approaches. Typically, a fluorescent derivative of the small cyclic peptide phalloidin is used to image F-actin in fixed cells. Lifeact and F-tractin are popular for imaging the cytoskeleton in live cells. Here we characterised novel affinity reagents called Affimers that specifically bind to F-actin in vitro to determine if they are suitable alternatives as eGFP-fusion proteins, to label actin in live cells, or for labeling F-actin in fixed cells. In vitro experiments showed that 3 out of the 4 Affimers (Affimers 6, 14 and 24) tested bind tightly to purified F-actin, and appear to have overlapping binding sites. As eGFP-fusion proteins, the same 3 Affimers label F-actin in live cells. FRAP experiments suggest that eGFP-Affimer 6 behaves most similarly to F-tractin and Lifeact. However, it does not colocalize with mCherry-actin in dynamic ruffles, and may preferentially bind stable actin filaments. All 4 Affimers label F-actin in methanol fixed cells, while only Affimer 14 labels F-actin after paraformaldehyde fixation. eGFP-Affimer 6 has potential for use in selectively imaging the stable actin cytoskeleton in live cells, while all 4 Affimers are strong alternatives to phalloidin for labelling F-actin in fixed cells

    Destabilization of the Dystrophin-Glycoprotein Complex without Functional Deficits in α-Dystrobrevin Null Muscle

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    α-Dystrobrevin is a component of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC) and is thought to have both structural and signaling roles in skeletal muscle. Mice deficient for α-dystrobrevin (adbn−/−) exhibit extensive myofiber degeneration and neuromuscular junction abnormalities. However, the biochemical stability of the DGC and the functional performance of adbn−/− muscle have not been characterized. Here we show that the biochemical association between dystrophin and β-dystroglycan is compromised in adbn−/− skeletal muscle, suggesting that α-dystrobrevin plays a structural role in stabilizing the DGC. However, despite muscle cell death and DGC destabilization, costamere organization and physiological performance is normal in adbn−/− skeletal muscle. Our results demonstrate that myofiber degeneration alone does not cause functional deficits and suggests that more complex pathological factors contribute to the development of muscle weakness in muscular dystrophy