776 research outputs found

    The Nimbus 7 LIMS (Limb Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere) water vapor measurements

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    Earth orbital instruments, designed to measure the vertical and spatial distribution of atmospheric water vapor is discussed. Specifically, the operation of the Limb Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere (LIMS) experiment is examined. The LIMS is a six channel limb scanning radiometer that was launched aboard Nimbus 7 in 1978. Profiles of stratospheric and mesospheric temperature, water vapor, and various other constituents were obtained by inverting the LIMS radiance measurements. This same technique was used in 1981 to analyze the data returned from another limb scanning radiometer aboard the Solar Mesosphere Explorer

    Middle Atmosphere Program. Handbook for MAP, volume 22

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    A series of plots are presented that describe the state of the stratosphere and to some degree, the mesosphere as revealed by satellite observations. The pertinent instrument features, spatial and temporal coverage, and details of accuracy and precision for the experiments providing the data are described. The main features of zonal mean cross sections and polar stereographic projections are noted and intercomparisons are discussed where a parameter was measured by more than one experiment. It was not the attempt to be exhaustive in this or to present detailed results of scientific investigations. The main purpose was to collect the available data in one place and provide enough information on limitations or cautions about the data so that they could be used in model comparisons and science studies. Without a doubt, when these are used, numerous questions will arise that were not addressed here. In such cases, the reader is encouraged to contact the experimenters for proper clarification

    Gas filter correlation radiometry: Report of panel

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    To measure the concentration of a gas in the troposphere, the gas filter radiometer correlates the pattern of the spectral lines of a sample of gas contained within the instrument with the pattern of the spectral lines in the upwelling radiation. A schematic diagram of a generalized gas filter radiometer is shown. Three instruments (the Gas Filter Radiometer, GFR; the Halogen Occultation Experiment, HALOE; and the Gas Filter Correlation Spectrometer, GASCOFIL) that have application to remotely measuring tropospheric constituents are described. A set of preliminary calculations to determine the feasibility of performing a multiple-layer, tropospheric carbon monoxide measurement experiment was performed. It can be seen that a three-layer measurement in the troposphere is possible

    Stratospheric measurements of continuous absorption near 2400 cm^-1

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    Solar occultation spectra obtained with a balloon-borne interferometer have been used to study continuous absorption by N2 and CO2 near 2400 cm^-1 in the lower stratosphere. Synthetic continuum transmittances, calculated from published coefficients for far-wing absorption by CO2 lines and for pressure-induced absorption by the fundamental band of N2, are in fair agreement with the observed stratospheric values. The continuum close to the ν3 R-branch band head of CO2 is sensitive to the CO2 far-wing line shape. Therefore, given highly accurate knowledge of the N2 continuum from laboratory data, high-resolution stratospheric spectra provide a sensitive means for in situ testing of various air-broadened CO2 line shapes at low temperatures

    Ozone-Temperature Diurnal and Longer Term Correlations, in the Lower Thermosphere, Mesosphere and Stratosphere, Based on Measurements from SABER on TIMED

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    The analysis of mutual ozone-temperature variations can provide useful information on their interdependencies relative to the photochemistry and dynamics governing their behavior. Previous studies have mostly been based on satellite measurements taken at a fixed local time in the stratosphere and lower mesosphere. For these data, it is shown that the zonal mean ozone amounts and temperatures in the lower stratosphere are mostly positively correlated, while they are mostly negatively correlated in the upper stratosphere and in the lower mesosphere. The negative correlation, due to the dependence of photochemical reaction rates on temperature, indicates that ozone photochemistry is more important than dynamics in determining the ozone amounts. In this study, we provide new results by extending the analysis to include diurnal variations over 24 hrs of local time, and to larger spatial regimes, to include the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT). The results are based on measurements by the SABER instrument on the TIMED satellite. For mean variations (i.e., averages over local time and longitude) in the MLT, our results show that there is a sharp reversal in the correlation near 80 km altitude, above which the ozone mixing ratio and temperature are mostly positively correlated, while they are mostly negatively correlated below 80 km. This is consistent with the view that above -80 km, effects due to dynamics are more important compared to photochemistry. For diurnal variations, both the ozone and temperature show phase progressions in local time, as a function of altitude and latitude. For temperature, the phase progression is as expected, as they represent migrating tides. For day time ozone, we also find regular phase progression in local time over the whole altitude range of our analysis, 25 to 105 km, at least for low latitudes. This was not previously known, although phase progressions had been noted by us and by others at lower altitudes. For diurnal variations, we find that between about 40 and 65 km, the ozone amounts and temperatures are mostly negatively correlated or neutral, while below approx. 40 km they are mostly positively correlated or neutral. The correlations are less systematic and less robust than for correlations of the mean. At altitudes above approx.65 km, the correlations are more complex, and depend on the tidal temperature variations. For the diurnal case, consideration needs to be given to transport by thermal tides and to the efficacy of response times of ozone concentrations and temperature to each other

    Correction to "Energy Transport in the Thermosphere During the Solar Storms of April 2002"

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    We present corrected computations of the infrared power and energy radiated by nitric oxide (NO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) during the solar storm event of April 2002. The computations in our previous paper underestimated the radiated power due to improper weighting of the radiated power and energy with respect to area as a function of latitude. We now find that the radiation by NO during the April 2002 storm period accounts for 50% of the estimated energy input to the atmosphere from the solar storm. The prior estimate was 28.5%. Emission computed for CO2 is also correspondingly increased, but the relative roles of CO2 and NO remain unchanged. NO emission enhancement is still, far and away, the dominant infrared response to the solar storms of April 2002

    Analysis of observations of the middle atmosphere from satellites

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    Satellite data are being used to investigate problems in middle atmosphere chemistry and dynamics. Efforts have been focused primarily on studies to determine the quality of observed distributions of trace species and derived dynamical quantities. Those data have been used as diagnostics for model-derived constituent profiles and fields and for improving our understanding of some of the fundamental processes occurring in the middle atmosphere. Temperatures and derived winds from Nimbus 7 Limb Infrared Monitoring of the Stratosphere (LIMS) data were compared with long-time series of rawinsonde data at Invercargill, New Zealand, and Berlin, West Germany, and the results are excellent for both quantities. It was also demonstrated that more highly-derived dynamical quantities can be obtained reliably from those LIMS fields. Furthermore, both the diabatic and residual-mean circulations derived using LIMS data agree qualitatively with changes in the distribution of trace species determined independently with the Nimbus 7 SAMS and LIMS experiments. Subsequently, an examination of LIMS data at mid to high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere has revealed a synoptic-scale, upper stratospheric instability during late autumn that is associated with the development of the stratospheric polar jet. Investigation of this phenomenon continues with Stratospheric Sounding Unit (SSU) data sets

    HALOE Algorithm Improvements for Upper Tropospheric Sounding

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    This report details the ongoing efforts by GATS, Inc., in conjunction with Hampton University and University of Wyoming, in NASA's Mission to Planet Earth UARS Science Investigator Program entitled "HALOE Algorithm Improvements for Upper Tropospheric Soundings." The goal of this effort is to develop and implement major inversion and processing improvements that will extend HALOE measurements further into the troposphere. In particular, O3, H2O, and CH4 retrievals may be extended into the middle troposphere, and NO, HCl and possibly HF into the upper troposphere. Key areas of research being carried out to accomplish this include: pointing/tracking analysis; cloud identification and modeling; simultaneous multichannel retrieval capability; forward model improvements; high vertical-resolution gas filter channel retrievals; a refined temperature retrieval; robust error analyses; long-term trend reliability studies; and data validation. The current (first-year) effort concentrates on the pointer/tracker correction algorithms, cloud filtering and validation, and multi-channel retrieval development. However, these areas are all highly coupled, so progress in one area benefits from and sometimes depends on work in others

    Chemical ozone loss in the Arctic winter 1991–1992

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    Chemical ozone loss in winter 1991–1992 is recalculated based on observations of the HALOE satellite instrument, Version 19, ER-2 aircraft measurements and balloon data. HALOE satellite observations are shown to be reliable in the lower stratosphere below 400 K, at altitudes where the measurements are most likely disturbed by the enhanced sulfate aerosol loading, as a result of the Mt.~Pinatubo eruption in June 1991. Significant chemical ozone loss (13–17 DU) is observed below 380 K from Kiruna balloon observations and HALOE satellite data between December 1991 and March 1992. For the two winters after the Mt. Pinatubo eruption, HALOE satellite observations show a stronger extent of chemical ozone loss towards lower altitudes compared to other Arctic winters between 1991 and 2003. In spite of already occurring deactivation of chlorine in March 1992, MIPAS-B and LPMA balloon observations indicate that chlorine was still activated at lower altitudes, consistent with observed chemical ozone loss occurring between February and March and April. Large chemical ozone loss of more than 70 DU in the Arctic winter 1991–1992 as calculated in earlier studies is corroborated here

    Observations of Space Weather and Space Climate Over the Past 15 Years From SABER (And Longer!)

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    The global infrared (IR) energy budget of the thermosphere has been reconstructed back 70 years (to 1947). IR cooling, integrated over a solar cycle, is relatively constant over the 5 complete cycles (19 -23) studied. Result implies that solar energy (particles and photons) has similar, small (< 7%) variation from one cycle to next. From Earth's upper atmosphere perspective, solar cycles are really more similar than different, over their length. No consistent relationship between peak of IR cooling and sunspot number peak. Results submitted to GRL 8/2016