8 research outputs found


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    Program dan kebijakan pembangunan di suatu masyarakat yang hanya mengejar target pertumbuhan ekonomi, serta mengabaikan pembangunan dalam aspek social budaya, kemungkinan dapat membuka ruang bagi timbulnya berbagai bentuk resistensi atau perlawanan social di masyarakat. Demikian halnya fenomena perlawanan budaya yang belakangan ini terjadi di setiap daerah, dapat dipandang sebagai respon kongkrit masyarakat lapisan bawah yang tidak setuju dengan kebijakan pembangunan yang dominatif dan memarginalitatif. Dinamika gerakan yang terjadi, baik yang bersifat perlawanan individual maupun aksi-aksi kolektif yang memobilisasi simbol-simbol budaya dan aksi penggalangan kekuatan sumber daya lainnya, dapat pahami sebagai bentuk aksi penolakkan dan ketidaksetujuan mereka terhadap system pembangunan yang tidak adil dan merata didaerah.   &nbsp


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    Tenure conflicts between indigenous communities and plantation companies are based on differences in the legality of claims. The community as a subsystem of traditional farmers underlies the claim of management rights based on traditional knowledge. On the other hand, plantation companies based the legality of claims based on agrarian law that is normative positivistic with a capitalistic economic orientation. In Henri Lefebvre's perspective, in fact there is no completely "ideal" space because space itself is spatially in modern capitalist society as an arena of battle that will never be completely contested. All interested parties will continue to try to find ways to dominate the use or utilization of a space and reproduce all knowledge to maintain their hegemony over the use of that space. In that context, social movements can be understood as community efforts in producing social space

    Challenging the Hegemony of the Grand Paradigm of Social Movement Studies: A Review of Paradigmatic Weaknesses

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    The study of social movements today is dominated by three grand paradigms (grand theory) in the 1980s, and even in Indonesia since the 70s. The three major paradigms of study are the "structural tension paradigm", the "resource mobilization paradigm", and the "identity-oriented paradigm", all of which have become the main sources of reference in various studies that have been developed. Through the literature review method, the critical analysis in this article aims to map, classify and categorize the grand theory and its influence on various social movement studies in Indonesia. The findings of this article show that the "structural tension" paradigm fails to consider how individuals experience dispossession as embedded in broader social structures. The "resource mobilization" paradigm places too much emphasis on collective action, which tends to be squeezed into market theory and consumerism. Placing the target achieved is only a political target, oriented towards the "economic man" (socios economiculus), which merely calculates a deterministic hedonistic calculus. While the "identity-oriented" paradigm fails when positioning the identity of new collective actors is recognized, then by themselves their expressive actions can be transformed into instrumental actions whose names can be seen clearly as a case of institutionalizing collective mobility. In conclusion, in many cases today's theorists have synthesized the insights of earlier older schools while adding dimensions that they overlooked. The overall trend, which one would like to focus on, is the clustering of large structures in favor of a concern with the micro-foundations of social and political action


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    Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) adalah upaya untuk memperkuat perilaku seseorang atau masyarakat agar peduli terhadap Kesehatan untuk mewujudkan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas. Pola hidup sehat hendaknya tidak hanya diberlakukan oleh individu, namun diberlakukan oleh semua pihak termasuk kelompok atau masyarakat. Masyarakat di Desa Tumbang Miwan seringkali mengabaikan pola hidup sehat sehingga generasi penerus di desa ikut terpengaruh dengan lingkungan yang ada. Maka dari itu Mahasiswa Kelompok KKN dari Universitas Palangkaraya melaksanakan program kerja di bidang Kesehatan dengan memberikan pendemonstrasi kepada masyarakat mengenai pola hidup bersih dan sehat. Metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan adalah diawali dengan observasi pada kegiatan harian masyarakat, sosialisasi PHBS, dan memberikan penyuluhan mengenai cuci tangan yang baik dan benar, serta di akhiri dengan memberikan susu dan roti kepada siswa-siswi untuk mendukung kegiatan sosialisasi PHBS ini. Pendemonstrasi ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengertian kembali kepada masyarakat, agar dapat menerapkan pola hidup bersih dan sehat di kehidupan sehari-hari sehingga dapat menjadi suatu kebiasaan yang baik. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah masyarakat desa Tumbang Miwan dan siswa-siswi SDN Tumbang Miwan. Hasil kegiatan ini masyarakat mengikuti sosialisasi PHBS dengan baik serta mempraktekkan pola hidup seha


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    This thesis is titled Conflict of Authority, Power and Interest Group of Oil Palm Plantation Companies (Study at PT. Musirawas Citraharpindo in Perspective of Conflict of IndustrialSociety RALF DAHRENDORF). The purpose of this thesis research is to examine and explain the system of authority, power and interest groups of PT. Musirawas Citraharpindo, as well as researching and explaining the authority and power in leadership can affect the emergence of internal conflict PT. Musirawas Citraharpindo. In this study, the approach used by researchers is qualitative approach by conducting direct observation in the field and conducting interviews to PT employees. Musirawas Citraharpindo, recorded the observations and results of interviews and documentation on the grounds that researchers wanted to dig up information, collect data, analyze data and conclude how corporate authority, power, and interest groups and how authority and leadership power affect the dynamics of internal conflicts of the company.Based on the results of research on authority, power and interest groups in PT. Musirawas Citraharpindo was awakened as a result of the dominant role and position of a person who was then used as a regulator and controller to every employee, especially small employees who worked on the plantation. In addition, the conflict in PT. Musirawas Citraharindo was awakened by labor dissatisfaction both individually and collectively that was not organized in fighting for interests and achieving a goal

    GERAKAN KULTURAL TAHINTING DI KALIMANTAN TENGAH Studi Kasus Reklaiming Tanah di Desa Tumbang Koling

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    Tidak dipungkiri, bahwa sumber sengketa lahan antara warga masyarakat dan koorporasi di Desa Tumbang Koling di Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur, dilatari adanya perbedaan dasar klaim legalitas pengelolaan tanah. Disatu pihak warga di desa itu, mengacu pada sumber sejarah perlakuan tanah itu secara social dan budaya, sedangkan dilain pihak, korporasi mendasarkan legalitas klaim dari hukum formal yang normatif positivistik. Maka perbedaan itulah yang kemudian menjadi legal gap di antara kedua belah pihak. Dalam konteks itu, maka tujuan penelitian untuk memahami gerakan reklaiming tanah di Desa Koling menggunakan aribut budaya lokal yang disebut tahinting dan kemudian permasalahan tersebut dikaji dalam perspektif perlawanan sosial dalam bingkai budaya (cultural framing). Maka, penelitian ini menggunakan metode etnografi, bagian dari penelitian kualitatif yang berciri khas studi kasus. Peneliti mengungkap fenomena makna dibalik tahinting sebagai budaya subsistem yang membingkai aksi perlawanan dalam konteks gerakan reclaiming menuntut hak tradisional atas tanah. Tahinting sebagai aksi budaya dalam perlawanan, diekspresikan lewat ritual sebagai symbol penolakan sekaligus perjuangan dalam tataran pikiran yang disebut ideologi gerakan. Dan juga aksi budaya tersebut diperlihatkan dalam aksi taratan nyata secara terbuka bersifat ekspresif simbolik. Ekspresi budaya tahinting sebagai bentuk perlawanan itu dimaknai dalam kerangka pemahaman aksi atau tindakan dualitas, bukan dualisme tindakan. Selain itu, hasil penelitian ini juga mengungkapkan di mana dalam aksi budaya tahinting kesadaran kolektif yang dibangun berdasarkan jaringan budaya kekerabatan yang primordial. Demikian juga halnya motivasi dan tujuan dalam aksi tidak dilihat dalam kerangka masyarakat mengejar keuntungan ekonomi semata, akan tetapi hanya aksi yang mencoba mempertahankan susbsistensi kehidupan mereka sebagai petani tradisional di desa. Maka dari itu, budaya yang digunakan dalam aksi perlawanan masyarakat di Desa Koling itulah yang kemudian menjadikan perlawanan tersebut jauh berbeda dengan gerakan petani di tempat lain

    EKSISTENSI PASAR SEBAGAI RUANG PUBLIK Penelitian Pasar Kahayan Kota Palangka Raya

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    In this modern era, the market is not only used as a place for transactions between traders and buyers, but there are many other functions of this traditional market. traditional market as a public space where there is no authoritarian power in the market and everyone is free to express opinions, where the market is also referred to as a public space and a place to interact and communicate.The method used in this research is qualitative. With data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The source of data used in this study is primary data in the form of interviews with key informants in the Kahayan market, Palangka Raya City. Data collection techniques used by researchers are direct observation, interviews and documentation.The results of this study aim to find out about how the Kahayan market has another function for the public sphere of the people of the city of Palangka Raya, not just a place for transactions or a place for buying and selling services. But there is still a function as a public space and a social function of the Kahayan market is indeed a public space that was built by the Palangka Raya city government for the needs of the community

    Papuan Rivalry and Harmony in Indonesia; Papua Student Racism Case in Surabaya City

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    Rivalry and harmony always go hand in hand, moreover as a marker for a group of children of the nation that we can call the existence of Papua who are sometimes treated discriminatory in their own country. Rivalry and harmony in Papua in the context of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is a serious problem, then it has the potential to pose a threat to social disparity and even national disintegration. The emergence of humanitarian incidents was motivated by the existence of discriminatory issues both carried out by fellow children of the nation themselves, as well as the civil apparatus of the state which should legally protect all children of the nation without exception. This research discusses cases of racism against Papuan students who live temporarily to carry out studies in the city of Surabaya, East Java in 2019. Therefore, this study uses a case approach from a phenomenological perspective. Phenomenological study is a thinking methodology (tools), the construction of ideas in viewing, understanding a phenomenon in an event in various experiences of subjectivity that is experienced by the subject himself, giving meaning and meaning to an event in the dynamics of everyday life (everyday life). Conclusion of the discussion states that ideology often appears spontaneously because it has penetrated into the joints of people's lives