91 research outputs found

    Komposisi Kimia, Sifat Fisik dan Organoleptik Bakso Daging Kambing dengan Bahan Pengenyal yang Berbeda

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi kimia, sifat fisik dan organoleptik bakso daging kambing yang diberi bahan pengenyal putih telur, soda kue dan boraks. Bakso disiapkan dari daging kambing yang sudah dipisahkan jaringan lemaknya dengan penambahan salah satu bahan pengenyal tersebut diatas dengan dosis 0,2 persen. Parameter yang diamati adalah komposisi kimia, sifat fisik dan organoleptik bakso. Data komposisi kimia dan sifat fisik dianalisis dengan analisis variansi acak lengkap pola searah. Perbedaan diantara perlakuan diuji lanjut dengan Duncan's New Multiple Range Test. Data sifat organoleptik dianalisis dengan analisis non parametrik metode Kruskal dan Wallis. Hasil analisis statistik terhadap komposisi kimia dan sifat fisik bakso menunjukkan bahwa bahan pengenyal berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap pH dan keempukan serta berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap kadar lemak dan protein, tetapi berpengaruh tidak nyata terhadap kadar air. Hasil analisis statistik terhadap sifat organoleptik bakso menunjukkan bahwa bahan pengenyal berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap tekstur, tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap warna, rasa dan kekenyalan. Dari hasil penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa bakso daging kambing dengan bahan pengenyal yang berbeda mempunyai komposisi kimia, sifat fisik dan organoleptik yang berbeda

    Pengaruh Kemasan Retorted dan Penyimpanan pada Suhu Ruang Terhadap Kualitas Fisik dan Mikrobiologi Sate Ayam

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    Sate ayam merupakan produk olahan daging tradisional yang diminati masyarakat luas namun memiliki daya simpan yang rendah. Ready-to-eat (RTE) sate ayam diproduksi dengan menggunakan metode sterilisasi pada temperature 121°C selama 45 menit.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan bahan pengemas, pengaruh lama penyimpanan produk pada suhu ruang.  Sampel sate ayam dikemas dengan kemasan polyethylene dan retort pouch. Masing-masing sampel diuji pada minggu 0, 2, 4, 6, dan 8. Parameter yang diamati adalah kualitas fisik (pH, daya ikat air -DIA, dan keempukan) and TPC (Total Plate Count). Data kualitas fisik dan mikrobiologi dianalisis dengan rancangan acak lengkap pola faktorial. Perbedaan rerata diuji dengan uji Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test. Masing-masing perlakuan dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali ulangan. Hasil analisis statistik terhadap kualitas fisik dan mikrobiologi menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan masa simpan pada suhu ruang memberikan pengaruh nyata pada nilai rata-rata (P<0,05) kualitas fisik (meningkatkan nilai pH, menurunkan DIA, dan meningkatkan kealotan selama penyimpanan). Selain itu, pengemasan retorted dapat mempertahankan jumlah bakteri dibawah SNI sampai dengan 8 minggu penyimpanan, sedangkan pengemasan polyethylene hanya sampai dengan 2 minggu penyimpanan.  Hasil yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa perbedaan bahan pengemas dan lama penyimpanan pada suhu ruang memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap kualitas dari sate ayam

    Karakteristik Mikrostruktur dan Nilai Gizi Bakso Ayam yang Difortifikasi Kalsium Oksida dan Nanokalsium Laktat Kerabang Telur Ayam

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh fortifikasi dengan kalsium oksida dan nanokalsium laktat kerabang telur ayam terhadap karakteristik mikrostuktur dan angka kecukupan gizi bakso ayam. Materi penelitian terdiri atas daging ayam, filler, bumbu-bumbu, garam, kalsium oksida dan nanopartikel kalsium laktat kerabang telur ayam. Fortifikasi kalsium dan nanopartikel kalsium laktat kerabang telur ayam pada pembuatan bakso ayam yaitu 0,3% dari total adonan. Terdapat tiga perlakuan yaitu kontrol, kalsium oksida (CaO) kerabang telur (0,3%), dan nanokalsium laktat (NCaL) kerabang telur (0,3%) dari total adonan. Setiap perlakuan terdiri dari 3 ulangan. Data hasil uji mikrostruktur bakso ayam dianalisis secara deskriptif dan data hasil perhitungan nilai gizi bakso ayam dianalisis dengan analisis variansi rancangan acak lengkap pola searah dan apabila terdapat perbedaan rerata diuji dengan uji Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test. Bakso ayam yang difortifikasi kalsium oksida kerabang telur memiliki mikrostruktur dengan tekstur yang lebih halus dan lebih kompak dibandingkan dengan bakso yang difortifikasi nanokalsium laktat kerabang telur. Bakso ayam difortifikasi kalsium kerabang telur memiliki asupan kalsium yang lebih tinggi dan protein yang lebih rendah daripada bakso yang difortifikasi nanokalsium laktat kerabang telur. Nilai gizi bakso yang difortifikasi kalsium oksida kerabang telur lebih baik dengan asupan kalsium yang lebih tinggi

    Monitoring Vibration of a Model of Rotating Machine

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    Mechanical movement or motion of a rotating machine normally causes additional vibration. A vibration sensing device must be added to constantly monitor vibration level of the system having a rotating machine, since the vibration frequency and amplitude cannot be measured quantitatively by only sight or touch. If the vibration signals from the machine have a lot of noise, there are possibilities that the rotating machine has defects that can lead to failure. In this experimental research project, a vibration structure is constructed in a scaled model to simulate vibration and to monitor system performance in term of vibration level in case of rotation with balanced and unbalanced condition. In this scaled model, the output signal of the vibration sensor is processed in a microcontroller and then transferred to a computer via a serial communication medium, and plotted on the screen with data plotter software developed using C language. The signal waveform of the vibration is displayed to allow further analysis of the vibration. Vibration level monitor can be set in the microcontroller to allow shutdown of the rotating machine in case of excessive vibration to protect the rotating machine from further damage. Experiment results show the agreement with theory that unbalance condition on a rotating machine can lead to larger vibration amplitude compared to balance condition. Adding and reducing the mass for balancing can be performed to obtain lower vibration level

    Edible Portion of Carcass and Offal of Indonesian Yearling Kacang Buck Fed Ruminally Undegradable Protein

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    Fish meal and soybean meal are protein source of feeds, and fish meal containing relatively high ruminally undegradable protein that were used in this study to increase the edible portion of Kacang bucks. Twelve of yearling Kacang bucks (17.84 kg ± 1.57 kg) were arranged in Completely Randomized Design with three different treatments: NG (control): natural grass, FM: total mixed ration containing fish meal and SBM: totalmixed ration containing soybean meal. The rations contained 15 % of crude protein, except for NG. Parameters observed were edible portion of carcass and offal. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. About 18.82 kg to 26.62 kg of the goats slaughter weight produced 39.17 % to 52.06 % of carcass and 47.94 % to 60.83 % of offal. Total edible portion of SBM carcass (9.67 kg) was higher than those of FM (7.07 kg) and NG carcass (6.56 kg). Total edible portions of offal were relatively similar among the treatments (NG: 3.89 kg, FM: 4.02 kg, SBM: 4.38 kg). It can be concluded that the use of soybean meal in the ration can improve the edible portion of carcass and offal of Kacang Goats better than fish meal did. Keywords: Edible portion, Fish meal, Local goat, Soybean meal, TM

    Effect of α-Tocopherol and Ascorbic Acids on Performance and Blood Immunity Profile of Male Native Muscovy Duck

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    The purpose of the research was to assess the effect of α-tocopherol and ascobic acids on the performance and immunity blood profile of male native Muscovy duck. The materials used were 84 male Muscovy ducks at 9 weeks old. The research used completely randomized design with 7 treatments. The treatments were E0C0 : basal diet without α-tocopherol and ascobic acids, E400: basal diet+ α-tocopherol 400IU, E600: basal diet+α-tocopherol 600IU, C400: basal diet+ascorbic acid 400mg/kg, C600: basal diet+ascorbic acid 600mg/kg, E200C200: basal diet+α-tocopherol 200IU+ ascorbic acid 200mg/kg, and E300C300: basal diet+α-tocopherol 300IU+ ascorbic acid 300mg/kg. Each treatment was repeated 4 times and each replication consisted of 3 ducks. The observed variables were body weight, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio, packed cell volume (PCV), total of plasma protein (TPP), leucocyte count, basophil, heterophil, eosinophil, monocyte, lymphocytes count and heterophil/lymphocyte (H/L) ratio of Muscovy duck. The result indicated that E0C0, E400, E600, C400, C600, E200C200 and E300C300 had no significant difference in body weight, feed intake and feed conversion. There were significant effects on PCV, leucocyte count, percentage of heterophil and lymphocytes, but had no significant effect on eosinophil, monocyte and the H/L ratio. The C400 resulted a higher PCV count, percentage of heterophil, and H/L ratio. The C 600 produced the highest leucocyte count. In conclusion, the supplementation of ascorbic acid at 400 - 600 mg/kg feed ascorbic acid could improve the immune profile, but could not improve the performance of Muscovy duck

    Pengaruh Fortifikasi Kalsium dan Nanopartikel Kalsium Laktat Kerabang Telur Terhadap Sifat Sensoris Bakso Ayam

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh fortifikasi kalsium dan nanopartikel kalsium laktat kerabang telur terhadap sifat sensoris bakso ayam. Materi penelitian terdiri atas daging ayam, filler, bumbu-bumbu, garam, kalsium dan nanopartikel kalsium laktat kerabang telur. Fortifikasi kalsium dan nanopartikel kalsium laktat kerabang telur pada pembuatan bakso ayam yaitu 0,3% dari total adonan. Sifat sensoris bakso diuji menggunakan metode skoring oleh 15 orang panelis yang tidak terlatih. Data hasil uji sifat sensoris bakso ayam dianalisis dengan analisis non parametrik melalui uji Hedonic Kruskal-Wallis. Perbedaan rerata diuji dengan uji Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test. Bakso ayam yang difortifikasi nanopartikel kalsium laktat kerabang telur memiliki skor warna, rasa, aroma, kekenyalan, dan daya terima paling rendah dibandingkan dengan bakso kontrol dan bakso yang difortifikasi kalsium kerabang telur secara berturut-turut yaitu 1,73; 2,40; 2,80; 2,27; dan 2,40. Bakso ayam yang difortifikasi kalsium kerabang telur memiliki sifat sensoris terbaik dengan nilai daya terima yang tertinggi yaitu 4,13


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji suplementasi vitamin E dan C dalam pakan terhadap kualitas daging, kadar thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) dan mioglobin daging itik Manila. Materi yang digunakan itik Manila jantan sebanyak 84 ekor dan perlakuan yang dicobakan ada 7 (tujuh) yang terdiri dari E 0 C 0 : pakan tanpa disuplementasi vitamin E dan vitamin C, E 400 : pakan yang disuplementasi vitamin E sebesar 400 IU, E 600 : pakan yang disuplementasi vitamin E sebesar 600 IU, C400 : pakan yang disuplementasi vitamin C sebesar 400 mg, C600 : pakan yang disuplementasi vitamin C sebesar 600 mg, E 200 C 200 : pakan yang disuplementasi vitamin E sebesar 200 IU dan vitamin C sebesar 200 mg, E 300 C 300 : pakan yang disuplementasi vitamin E sebesar 300 IU dan vitamin C sebesar 300 mg, masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak 4 kali. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dan masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak 4 kali. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis variansi. Hasil analisis ragam menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan berpengaruh sangat nyata (P&gt;0,01) terhadap kualitas fisik daging, kadar mioglobin dan angka TBARS. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah suplementasi vitamin E dan C mampu memperbaiki pH akhir daging itik Manila. Suplementasi vitamin E 300 IU dan C 300 mg pada pakan berprotein 21% dan energi metabolis 3100 kcal/kg mampu memperbaiki DIA, susut masak, flavor dan warna daging itik Manila, namun untuk menghasilkan keempukan yang tinggi sebaiknya pakan disuplementasi dengan vitamin E sebanyak 400 IU. Kata kunci : mioglobin, senyawa volatil, kualitas daging ABSTRACT This research was aimed to analyze vitamin E and C supplementation in feed on meet quality, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and myoglobin level of muscovy duck. This research used 84 Indonesian muscovy duck divided into 7 group of experimental diet, namely E 0 C 0 : basal feed without vitamin E and C supplementation, E 400 : basal feed with 400 IU of vitamin E supplementation, E 600 : basal feed with 600 IU of vitamin E supplementation, C 400 : basal feed with 400mg vof itamin C supplementation, C 600 : basal feed with 600mg of vitamin C supplementation, E 200 C 200 : basal with 200 IU of vitamin E and 200mg of vitamin C supplementation, E 300 C 300 : basal feed with 300 IU of vitamin E and 300mg of vitamin C. A completely randomized design was applied and each treatment had 4 replications. The data were analyzed using analysis of variance. Analysis of variance showed that treatments significantly affect (P&gt;0.01) meat quality, myoglobin level and TBARS level. Vitamin E and C was proven able to improve final pH of muscovy duck meat. Supplementation of 300 IU of vitamin E and 300mg of vitamin C at feed with 21% of protein and 3100 kcal/kg of energy could improve DIA, cooking loss, flavor, and color of muscovy duck meat; however, the highest meat tenderness was resulted from 400 IU vitamin E supplementation

    Understanding insect foraging in complex habitats by comparing trophic levels: insights from specialist host-parasitoid-hyperparasitoid systems

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    Insects typically forage in complex habitats in which their resources are surrounded by non-resources. For herbivores, pollinators, parasitoids, and higher level predators research has focused on how specific trophic levels filter and integrate information from cues in their habitat to locate resources. However, these insights frequently build specific theory per trophic level and seldom across trophic levels. Here, we synthesize advances in understanding of insect foraging behavior in complex habitats by comparing trophic levels in specialist host-parasitoid-hyperparasitoid systems. We argue that resources may become less apparent to foraging insects when they are member of higher trophic levels and hypothesize that higher trophic level organisms require a larger number of steps in their foraging decisions. We identify important knowledge gaps of information integration strategies by insects that belong to higher trophic levels

    Supplementation of Vitamin E and C in the Feed to Meat Quality of Muscovy Ducks Stored in a Temperature Chamber, Refrigerator and Freezer

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    Research has been conducted to determine the effectiveness of antioxidant supplementation of vitamin E and C in the feed to meat quality of the Muscovy duck meat stored at room temperature, refrigerator and freezer. Eighty-four Muscovy duck tail males aged 9 weeks maintained for 5 weeks and allocated into 7 treatments with 4 replications and each replication consisted of Muscovy duck 3 heads. Completely Randomized Design was applied, in the which treatments were vitamin E and vitamin C supplementation to the basal feed containing 21% protein and 3100 kcal / kg administered metabolic energy into seven groups namely E0C0: basal feed without Vit E and Vit C, E400: basal feed plus 400 IU of vitamin E, E600: basal feed plus 600 IU of vitamin E, C400: basal feed plus 400 mg / kg feed vitamin C, C600: basal feed plus 600 mg / kg feed as much vitamin C, E200C200: basal feed plus 200 IU vitamin E and 200 mg / kg feed vitamin C, and E300C300: basal feed plus 300 IU of vitamin E and 300 mg / kg feed of vitamin C. The parameters measured were the color of meat that includes the value of L * (lightness), a * (Redness) and b * (yellowness), tenderness and cooking looses. The data obtained and the analysis of variance followed honestly significant difference test.Muscovy duck meat that vitamin E-supplemented feed brightness levels did not differ (P> 0.05) with non-supplemented, otherwise Muscovy duck meat that feed supplemented vitamin C or a combination of vitamin E and C levels of brightness up to 3 days either at room temperature or stored the refrigerator is still high. Supplementation of vitamin E and C was highly significant (P 0.05) between the age of 0 hours with that stored in the refrigerator or freezer. B * value of Muscovy duck meat that feed not given vitamin E and C as well as different combinations (P <0.05) with Muscovy duck meat that feed supplemented with vitamin C or a combination of vitamins E and C. The Muscovy duck meat that feed supplemented vitamin E, C or a combination of vitamins E and C if stored at room temperature or refrigerator up to 3 days the value of L* and a* is still high, but the b * low
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