40 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Achieving Goals: Program for Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities

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    The implementation of restrictions on community activities as a government program that is implemented nationally in suppressing the spread of Covid 19. Restrictions are carried out on work, school, worship activities and social interaction with the community. This study uses a qualitative design in understanding the effectiveness of the program through the achievement of objectives. Data were obtained by conducting direct interviews and using google forms, making direct observations in community activities. Data collection is also done by means of a narrative review of journals and other related documents. The data collected is then compiled, analyzed, and presented to get a systematic picture so that research results and conclusions can be obtained on the object of the problem being studied. The research findings are that the effectiveness of achieving program objectives by implementing restrictions on community activities is carried out by work units that have personnel with educational and knowledge backgrounds who understand the program's objectives, can coordinate vertically and horizontally with other work units, and are able to implement collaborative governance

    Fungsi Koordinasi dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan di Kecamatan Gemeh Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud

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    Coordination is an important function of government management. The purpose of this study was todetermine how the implementation of the coordination function in governance in the sub Gemeh TalaudIslands. The method used is descriptive qualitative method. The informants who were interviewed as many as12 people are: sub-district, sub-district secretary, Head of Unit Department / Agency (4), Head of VerticalInstitutions (2), the village head (2), Leaders / Community Leaders (2). Data collection techniques used wereinterviews. Data was analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques-interactive model of Milesand Hubernann.Based on the results of the study conclude: 1. Coordination in the planning of programs / activitiesof governance among government agencies (Government of the District, SKPD and Agencies Vertical) in theDistrict Gemeh is good enough, which is done through the forum district level coordination meeting led andcoordinated by the Head, so as to realize the synchronization, harmony, harmony, balance, and overallintegrity of the programs / activities of government. (2) Coordination in the implementation of programs /activities in the district administration Gemeh is good enough, namely through: district level coordinationmeetings; demand for and delivery of data / information or report on progress in the implementation ofprograms / activities of all SKPD and agencies existing vertical; and through monitoring / monitoring Headof the implementation of the program / activity.Based on the conclusions suggested: (1) There must be communication reciprocal harmony betweenthe district governments (Head and his staff) with all the regional work units or SKPD (UPT Department /Agency and other work units), and Vertical Institutions in the region employment districts. (2) Head as theleader and coordinator of the sub-district government administration should seek to optimize the use ofmeans of coordination such as coordination meetings, demand and delivery of data / information between allgovernment work units in districts, and consulting

    Peranan Kepemimpinan Perempuan dalam Jabatan Publik (Studi pada Kantor Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan)

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    Issues or women's issues always interesting to demand, even today more and more scientists or researchers focused more on the assesment of women in particular. It is certainly not in spite of the complexity of the issues relating to women themselves, where there had been no agreement on “How the actual existence of the women is placed”. General overview of the Leadership Role of Women in Public Office can be found at area South Minahasa, especially at the District Secretariat Office South Minahasa. The purpose of this study was to determine how the Leadership Role of Women in Public Office. The research method used is a qualitative method. Research on District Secretariat Office South Minahasa shows that the role of women's leadership has gone well. Women leaders have been very involved in the activities of the organization in the respective fields of the existing. In program planning and activities of women leaders has been very active. Women leaders always give ideas of programs and activities and always give opinions for ease in planning programs and activities

    Implementasi Standar Operasional Prosedur dalam Pelayanan Bpjs Kesehatan di RSU Prof. Dr. Kandou Manado

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    In early 2014 the government held health insurance for all of society,namely the NationalHealth Insurance with the program implementing agency is the Agency Social Security Health.Institutionof Social Security health,is a helath insurance program for all people.In the program of social securityhealth agencies have determined a standard operating procedure for a smooth service to be provided.Inconnection with this research was to determine how to implementation of standard operating proceduresin the ministry of health of social security agencies in public hospitals Prof.Dr.Kandou.This study used a qualitative research method using four variables from the policyimplementation Edward George III consisting of communication, resources, disposition and bureaucraticstructure through interviews to 15 informants.Observation and document tracking aided additionalinstruments such as interview guides.Based on the results of the study show that the first variable communications programmanagers,service providers and the community is effective,human resources and adequate financialresources also,the third variable that is the dispositionof executing and caregiversviews of commitmentand consistency is good enough,and the last variable that the existing bureaucratic structure has beenarranged in accordance with the provisions in force.Based on the results obtained it can concluded that the implementation of standard operatingprocedure in the ministry of social security organizing body public healthhospital Prof.Dr.Kandou prettywell and runs fairly effectively viewed from four variables implementation of Edward III.Suggested shouldbe increased again in the effectiveness and efficiency of exsting standard operating procedures in theministry of social security agencies in order to become better health and quality

    Implementation of the Entrepreneurship Capability Improvement Program in the Tourism Sector in Manado City

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    Tourism and entrepreneurship are related to strengthening the country's economy, income and community welfare. The growth of business actors in the tourism sector needs to continue to be improved in terms of quality and quantity. So various programs have been carried out by the government related to the implementation of programs to increase entrepreneurial abilities. Using a qualitative design, this research was conducted to examine the implementation of an entrepreneurial capacity building program in Manado City. Research findings show that the "human error" factor in business management and less innovative product quality are problems currently being faced. The Manado City Government, through Regional Work Units and in collaboration with the Central Government and the Private Sector, has implemented a program to increase entrepreneurial capacity in the form of socialization, training, mentoring, protection and provision of facilities. There has been an increase in the quantity of business actors but not yet in the quality of business management. Therefore, there needs to be good synergy between the government and business actors in supporting the tourism sector through entrepreneurial activities

    Implementasi Good Governance dalam Proses Rekrutmen Aparatur Sipil Negara di Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kota Manado

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    This research was conducted by focusing the discussion on the issue of the implementation of goodgovernance in the process of Staffing of the Agency\u27s employees in the rekruitment area of the city ofManado. This research aims to find out how the implementation of good governance in the process ofrekruitment of the civil State apparatus in manado City area staffing agency.The research was conducted using qualitative research methods to explore and build a preposition or explainthe meaning behind the reality of regional Staffing Agency in Manado city with number of respondents asmuch as 5 employees. The techniques used to conduct the data collection is the observation, interviews, anddocumentation. Technique of data analysis used in qualitative research is a model, Miles and Huberman.Based on research done then it is known that there is a good and clear communication regarding the processof Staffing of the Agency\u27s employees in the rekruitment area of the city of Manado; the availability ofresources that support such as HUMAN RESOURCES and means as well as infrastructure in therekruitment employees; the level of honesty and commitment to employee-owned well enough; as well as thebureaucratic structure that is not such a convoluted process of rekruitment which made online to anticipategoing wild charges, already felt good. In terms of transparency and accountability in the process ofrekruitment has been very good but there are still some things that need to be enhanced to further improvethe quality of existing employees