32 research outputs found

    Schizophrenia classification using machine learning on resting state EEG signal

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    Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder associated with a wide spectrum of cognitive and neurophysiological dysfunctions. Early diagnosis is still difficult and based on the manifestation of the disorder. In this study, we have evaluated whether machine learning techniques can help in the diagnosis of schizophrenia, and proposed a processing pipeline in order to obtain machine learning classifiers of schizophrenia based on resting state EEG data. We have computed well-known linear and non-linear measures on sliding windows of the EEG data, selected those measures which better differentiate between patients and healthy controls, and combined them through principal component analysis. These components were finally used as features in five standard machine learning algorithms: k-nearest neighbours (kNN), logistic regression (LR), decision trees (DT), random forest (RF) and support vector machines (SVM). Complexity measures showed a high level of ability in differentiating schizophrenia patients from healthy controls. These differences between groups were mainly located in a delimited zone of the right brain hemisphere, corresponding to the opercular area and the temporal pole. Based on the area under the curve parameter in receiver operating characteristic curve analysis, we obtained high classification power in almost all of the machine learning algorithms tested: SVM (0.89), RF (0.87), LR (0.86), kNN (0.86) and DT (0.68). Our results suggest that the proposed processing pipeline on resting state EEG data is able to easily compute and select a set of features which allow standard machine learning algorithms to perform very efficiently in differentiating schizophrenia patients from healthy subjects.Spanish Government European Commission PID2019-105145RB-I00 MCIN/AEI/10.13039/50110001103

    Spatio-Temporal Fractal Dimension Analysis from Resting State EEG Signals in Parkinson’s Disease

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    Complexity analysis of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals has emerged as a valuable tool for characterizing Parkinson’s disease (PD). Fractal dimension (FD) is a widely employed method for measuring the complexity of shapes with many applications in neurodegenerative disorders. Nevertheless, very little is known on the fractal characteristics of EEG in PD measured by FD. In this study we performed a spatio-temporal analysis of EEG in PD using FD in four dimensions (4DFD).We analyzed 42 resting-state EEG recordings comprising two groups: 27 PD patients without dementia and 15 healthy control subjects (HC). From the original resting-state EEG we derived the cortical activations defined by a source reconstruction at each time sample, generating point clouds in three dimensions. Then, a sliding window of one second (the fourth dimension) was used to compute the value of 4DFD by means of the box-counting algorithm. Our results showed a significantly higher value of 4DFD in the PD group (p < 0.001). Moreover, as a diagnostic classifier of PD, 4DFD obtained an area under curve value of 0.97 for a receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. These results suggest that 4DFD could be a promising method for characterizing the specific changes in the brain dynamics associated with PDProject PID2019-105145RB-I00Spanish Government (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033)Italian Ministry of Health—(Ricerca Corrente 2022–2024)National PhD in Artificial Intelligence, XXXVII cycleHealth and life sciences, organized by Università Campus Bio-Medico di Rom

    Herramienta web para la propuesta, realización y corrección interactiva de ejercicios de informática gráfica

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    En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de un proyecto de innovación docente consistente en el desarrollo de una plataforma web para la propuesta, realización y corrección interactiva y de forma visual de ejercicios relativos a conceptos tridimensionales del campo de la informática gráfica. A través de la plataforma web el profesor configura y plantea de forma interactiva ejercicios relativos a los principales conceptos 3D estudiados en la asignatura. El alumno accede a los ejercicios propuestos a través de la aplicación web y propone una solución también de forma visual e interactiva utilizando la propia herramienta. El profesor puede visualizar las soluciones propuestas por los alumnos, comparándolas en un entorno 3D con la solución correcta. Adicionalmente, la plataforma proporciona una pre-evaluación automática de los ejercicios, la cual puede ser adoptada por el profesor o modificarse en base a la evaluación visual. La herramienta ya se ha utilizado en clase y en este trabajo se presentan los primeros resultados de la experiencia. La aplicación está accesible a través del enlace: https://exercises-computergraphics.rhcloud.com.This work presents the results of a project consisting of developing a web platform for proposing, doing and correcting exercises about three-dimensional concepts of Computer Graphics in an interactive and visual way. The professor uses the web platform to interactively configure and propose exercises about the basic 3D concepts studied in the subject. The students access the exercises through the web platform and propose a solution by using the web application in a visual and interactive way too. The professor can visualize the solutions of the students and compare them with the correct solution in a 3D environment. The web platform also provides an automatic pre-evaluation of the student exercises. This preevaluation can be adopted by the professor or can be modified according to the 3D visual inspection of the solution provided by the student. The web platform has already been used in the classroom and in this work we present the first results of our experience. The web platform is available through this link: https://exercises-computergraphics.rhcloud.com

    Complexity Analysis of Cortical Surface Detects Changes in Future Alzheimer’s Disease Converters

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurological disorder that creates neurodegenerative changes at several structural and functional levels in human brain tissue. The fractal dimension (FD) is a quantitative parameter that characterizes the morphometric variability of the human brain. In this study we investigate spherical harmonic-based FD (SHFD), thickness and local gyrification index (LGI) to assess whether they identify cortical surface abnormalities toward the conversion to AD. We study 33 AD patients, 122 mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients (50 MCI-converters and 29 MCI-non converters) and 32 healthy controls (HC). SHFD, thickness and LGI methodology allowed us to perform not only global but also local level assessments in each cortical surface vertex. First, we found that global SHFD decreased in AD and future MCI-converters compared to HC, and in MCI-converters compared to MCI-non-converters. Second, we found that local white matter SHFD was reduced in AD compared to HC and MCI mainly in medial temporal lobe. Third, local white matter SHFD was significantly reduced in MCI-converters compared to MCI-non-converters in distributed areas, including the medial frontal lobe. Thickness and LGI metrics presented a reduction in AD compared to HC. Thickness was significantly reduced in MCI-converters compared to healthy controls in entorhinal cortex and lateral temporal. In summary, SHFD was the only surface measure showing differences between MCI individuals that will convert or remain stable in the next four years. We suggest that SHFD may be an optimal complement to thickness loss analysis in monitoring longitudinal changes in preclinical and clinical stages of AD

    Integration–segregation dynamics in functional networks of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia

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    Schizophrenia has been associated with dysfunction in information integration/ segregation dynamics. One of the neural networks whose role has been most investigated in schizophrenia is the default mode network (DMN). In this study, we have explored the possible alteration of integration and segregation dynamics in individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia with respect to healthy controls, based on the study of the topological properties of the graphs derived from the functional connectivity between the nodes of the DMN in the resting state. Our results indicate that the patients show a diminution of the modularity of the DMN and a higher global efficiency, in sparse graphs. Our data emphasise the interest in studying temporal changes in network measures and are compatible with the hypothesis of randomization of functional networks in schizophrenia.Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, AEI PID2019-105145RB-I0

    Mutual Information of Multiple Rhythms in Schizophrenia

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    Interactions between different cortical rhythms, such as slow and fast oscillations, have been hypothesized to underlie many cognitive functions. In patients diagnosed with schizophrenia, there is some evidence indicating that the interplay between slow and fast oscillations might be impaired or disrupted. In this study, we investigated multiple oscillatory interactions in schizophrenia using a novel approach based on information theory. This method allowed us to investigate interactions from a new perspective, where two or more rhythm interactions could be analyzed at the same time. We calculated the mutual information of multiple rhythms (MIMR) for EEG segments registered in resting state. Following previous studies, we focused on rhythm interactions between theta, alpha, and gamma. The results showed that, in general, MIMR was higher in patients than in controls for alpha–gamma and theta–gamma couplings. This finding of an increased coupling between slow and fast rhythms in schizophrenia may indicate complex interactions in the Default Mode Network (DMN) related to hyperactivation of internally guided cognition.This research was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (PID2019-105145RB-I00 to Sergio Iglesias-Parro), and Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Salud (RH_0055-2021 y AP-0033-2020-C1-F2 to María Felipa Soriano). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Jaén/CBU

    Prácticas para una asignatura de Fundamentos de Informática

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    La impartición de asignaturas de contenidos de fundamentos informática se está extendiendo a muchas disciplinas no informáticas. Cuando se trata con una asignatura de este tipo es necesario poder cubrir una amplia variedad de temas, siendo uno de los temas más importantes a tener en cuenta el de programación, que ha de ir complementado con unas buenas prácticas. Nuestra asignatura, para la que desarrollamos estas prácticas, es Fundamentos de Informática, que se imparte en el primer curso de Ingeniería Técnica Industrial y Topográfica, perteneciendo al plan de estudios de la Universidad de Jaén. Los objetivos que perseguimos, teniendo en cuenta los alumnos a los que la asignatura, y en este caso particular las prácticas, va dirigida, es que adquieran los conocimientos que forman la base de la programación, además de aprender el manejo básico de un S.O. Por otro lado creemos que el contenido de las prácticas no es completo si no se intenta introducir al alumno en algo tan actual como es Internet

    Metodología de clase inversa con aprendizaje entre pares en una asignatura de programación orientada a objetos de primer curso. Resultados preliminares

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    La asignatura Programación Orientada a Objetos en nuestra universidad ha venido presentando indicadores académicos con un nivel por debajo de lo esperado, lo que ha suscitado la preocupación del profesorado por implementar mejoras para corregirlos. El curso pasado se introdujo una metodología de clase inversa con aprendizaje entre pares, y este trabajo presenta los resultados preliminares de su implantación. Las clases de teoría de la asignatura se han realizado mediante clase inversa, apoyada en cuestionarios previos de trabajo autónomo, y utilizando aprendizaje entre pares asistido por el software Socrative. Los principales resultados académicos, indicadores de participación en las actividades y opinión de los estudiantes han sido recopilados y comparados con los cursos previos. Todos los indicadores estudiados han mejorado respecto a los valores obtenidos en los cursos anteriores. Se han encontrado diferencias significativas en los conocimientos adquiridos con la nueva metodología respecto de los valores obtenidos en los cursos previos donde se utilizaban metodologías más tradicionales. Estos resultados sugieren que la nueva metodología implantada favorece el estudio autónomo del estudiante, la participación y seguimiento de las clases y por tanto la adquisición de conocimientos. Este análisis preliminar debe ser ampliado y contrastado con los resultados de los próximos cursos académicos.For many years, the values of the academic indicators for the course Object-Oriented Programming taught at our university have been below the expectations. This provoked an increasing concern in the course teachers to implement new strategies to improve these results. The combination of flipped-classroom and peer instruction methodologies was implemented last academic year, and this study presents the preliminary results that have been obtained. Theory lectures were delivered using a flipped-classroom methodology, based on previous homework questionnaires and peer instruction in the classroom, assisted by the Socrative application. The values of the main academic indicators, the degree of involvement in the course activities and the students’ feedback were collected and compared with the data from previous academic years. We have found significant differences in the students’ academic results with respect to previous academic years (when traditional teaching methodologies were used). These preliminary results suggest that the application of the new methodology results in an improvement of the quality of the autonomous work of the students, as well as their involvement in the lectures, and therefore their level of knowledge acquisition regarding the course. This preliminary analysis is to be extended with further comparison with the results of forthcoming academic years.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por la Universidad de Jaén a través del Proyecto de Innovación Docente de código PID22_201617

    Evaluation of interpolation methods for generating maps in cultural heritage chemical applications

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    The different non-invasive techniques that have been developed for the study of works of art in Cultural Heritage have become an indispensable tool for researchers and practitioners. In particular, the creation of images showing the spatial distribution of chemical elements and pigments, called maps, helps give a better understanding of the artwork. While high-cost devices can measure the artwork at many positions with high resolution, the cheapest and most common devices are often used manually producing a small number of measurements. The solution is to use interpolation methods. In this article we present a sta- tistical study of the feasibility of using interpolation, we discuss the accuracy of the results and propose the best solutions and a scheme of work. Additionally, we provide all the data developed and programs for future use.MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 50110 0 011033Project PID2020-118638RB-I00Project A-HUM-164-UGR18FEDER/Junta de Andalucía - Consejería de Economía y ConocimientoGroup FQM-338 (University of Granada)

    Herramienta Web para la propuesta, realización y corrección interactiva de ejercicios de informática gráfica

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    En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de un proyecto de innovación docente consistente en el desarrollo de una plataforma web para la propuesta, realización y corrección interactiva y de forma visual de ejercicios relativos a conceptos tridimensionales del campo de la informática gráfica. A través de la plataforma web el profesor configura y plantea de forma interactiva ejercicios relativos a los principales conceptos 3D estudiados en la asignatura. El alumno accede a los ejercicios propuestos a través de la aplicación web y propone una solución también de forma visual e interactiva utilizando la propia herramienta. El profesor puede visualizar las soluciones propuestas por los alumnos, comparándolas en un entorno 3D con la solución correcta. Adicionalmente, la plataforma proporciona una pre-evaluación automática de los ejercicios, la cual puede ser adoptada por el profesor o modificarse en base a la evaluación visual. La herramienta ya se ha utilizado en clase y en este trabajo se presentan los primeros resultados de la experiencia. La aplicación está accesible a través del enlace: https://exercises-computergraphics.rhcloud.com.This work presents the results of a project consisting of developing a web platform for proposing, doing and correcting exercises about three-dimensional concepts of Computer Graphics in an interactive and visual way. The professor uses the web platform to interactively configure and propose exercises about the basic 3D concepts studied in the subject. The students access the exercises through the web platform and propose a solution by using the web application in a visual and interactive way too. The professor can visualize the solutions of the students and compare them with the correct solution in a 3D environment. The web platform also provides an automatic pre-evaluation of the student exercises. This pre-evaluation can be adopted by the professor or can be modified according to the 3D visual inspection of the solution provided by the student. The web platform has already been used in the classroom and in this work we present the first results of our experience. The web platform is available through this link: https://exercises-computergraphics.rhcloud.com.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por la Universidad de Jaén a través de los Proyectos de Innovación Docente de códigos PID6_201214 y PID11_201416