41 research outputs found

    Management of Aceria litchii (Acari: Eriophyidae) on Litchi chinensis.

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    Litchi chinensis fruits are very popular in the international market. The erinose mite, Aceria litchii (Eriophyidae), a major pest of this crop, feeds on the leaves and on all parts of the plants forming erinea. The purpose of this review is to present the most common control methods and to propose integrated management techniques for L. chinensis production systems. A. litchii infestations were detected in Brazilian orchards in 2008. Chemical pesticides are currently the main control measure for this pest; however, the combination of biological, chemical and cultural methods are more promising in the long term. Controlling and preventing the erinose mite are key factors for reducing its spread and establishmen

    Transferosomas conteniendo ftalocianina de aluminio clorada como alternativa terapeútica en leishmaniasis cutánea: permeabilidad y biodistribución en ratas Wistar

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    Introducción: Los transferosomas o liposomas ultradeformables (LUD) conteniendo ftalocianina de aluminio clorada (LUD-PcAlCl) podrían constituir un vehículo transdérmico de liberación de compuestos en el tratamiento de la leishmaniasis cutánea.  Objetivo: Evaluar la permeabilidad, retención y biodistribución de los LUD-PcAlCl in vivo. Metodología: Los trasnferosomas fueron obtenidos mediante rehidratación de película lipídica. Ratas Wistar fueron tratadas tópica e intraperitonealmente con los transferosomas por 5 días. La penetración ex vivo fue determinada mediante el ensayo en celdas de Franz y la retención por el método de la cinta adhesiva. Cinco y treinta días post-tratamiento se obtuvo la piel y órganos para determinar la retención del compuesto y realizar estudios histopatológicos. La PcAlCl fue extraída con solventes y cuantificada por fluorometría. Los resultados se expresaron en nM PcAlCl/mg órgano. Resultados: La PcAlCl no penetró la piel en los ensayos ex vivo reteniéndose principalmente en el estrato corneo. Cinco días post-tratamiento tópico la PcAlCl fue retenida en estrato córneo (41,76±0,02) mostrando concentraciones mínimas en bazo (0,09±0,02), epidermis-dermis (0,06±0,17), hígado (0,03±0,02) y pulmón (0,02±0,01 nM). Por vía intraperitoneal se encontró PcAlCl en bazo (0,58±0,4), cerebro (0,07±0,07), corazón (0,07±0,12), pulmón (0,012±0,01) y piel (0,021±0,02 nM). Treinta días post-tratamiento no se encontró PcAlCl en ningún órgano. Los estudios histopatológicos fueron negativos. Conclusión: La PcAlCl contenida en transferosomas fue retenida principalmente en estrato córneo mostrando bajas concentraciones en la dermis sitio donde se aloja el parásito. Se sugiere modificar los componentes vesiculares del sistema para aumentar la permeación del compuesto

    Insecticidal Activity of Bacillus thuringiensis Strains on the Nettle Caterpillar, Euprosterna elaeasa (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae)

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    In the present work, we evaluated the insecticidal activity of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) strains on Euprosterna elaeasa as an alternative for the organophosphate insecticide use in oil palm plantations in the Americas. The toxic effects of four Bt-strains (HD-1 var. kurstaki, SA-12 var. kurstaki, ABTS-1857 var. aizawai, and GC-91 var. aizawai) were evaluated against E. elaeasa caterpillars for toxicity, survival, anti-feeding, and mortality in field-controlled conditions. The Bt-strains, ABTS-1857 var. aizawai (LC50 = 0.84 mg mL−1), GC-91 var. aizawai (LC50 = 1.13 mg mL−1), and HD-1 var. kurstaki (LC50 = 1.25 mg mL−1), were the most toxic to E. elaeasa. The caterpillar survival was 99% without exposure to Bt-strains, and decreased to 52–23% in insects treated with the LC50 and 10–1% in insects exposed to LC90 after 48 h. Furthermore, Bt-strains decreased significantly the consumption of oil palm leaves of E. elaeasa 3 h after exposure. Mortality of E. elaeasa caterpillars caused by Bt-strains had similar lethal effects in the laboratory and in field conditions. Our data suggest that Bt-strains have insecticidal activity against E. elaeasa and, therefore, have potential applications in oil palm pest management schemes

    Assesment of germplasm for plant breeding and conservation of the macaw palm

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    Lodd. Ex. Mart.) (Arecales: Arecaceae)] é uma espécie oleaginosa de grande potencial de produção de matéria prima para processos bioenergéticos, industriais e alimentícios. Num programa de melhoramento com a espécie é indispensável avaliar as características morfológicas dos acessos e o desempenho agronômico. É importante também distinguir indivíduos divergentes afim de agregar alelos favoráveis entre indivíduos para as características de interesse. O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar a divergência genética e os parâmetros genéticos por meio da variabilidade morfológica entre progênies de macaúba baseada em caracteres quantitativos. Cinqüenta e quatro progênies de A. aculeata pertencentes ao banco de germoplasma de palmáceas BGP-Macaúba (Araponga, Minas Gerais, Brasil) foram avaliadas com utilização de 27 características morfo-agronômicas quantitativas na fase vegetativa para dois períodos de inverno seco e um período de verão chuvoso. A diversidade genética foi estimada com base na distância euclidiana media padronizada com o método de agrupamento hierárquico UPGMA e o método de Otimização Tocher. Os métodos supracitados utilizados são baseados em valores genéticos preditos pelo método BLUP. Análises pelo método dos componentes principais e correlação de Pearson sobre dados fenotípicos foram também realizadas. Os parâmetros genéticos estimados foram: herdabilidade individual no sentido restrito, coeficiente da variância genética entre famílias, coeficiente de determinação dos efeitos de ambiente permanente, coeficiente de determinação dos efeitos de interação genótipo por medição, coeficiente de repetibilidade, correlação genética através das medidas repetidas e ganhos esperados com a seleção baseada em valores genéticos preditos pelo método BLUP. Os resultados do trabalho realizado sustentaram que existe elevada variabilidade entre as progênies estudadas. As progênies formaram grupos relacionados à proximidade geográfica. A avaliação precoce (fase juvenil) é mais informativa do que avaliações mais tardias. Avaliações sazonais podem interferir na formação de grupos pelo método de UPGMA. Os resultados dos parâmetros genéticos estimados sustentaram que há excelente potencial seletivo e variabilidade genética suficiente para o melhoramento genético da população estudada a médio e longo prazo. De maneira geral, a maioria das características apresentou alta herdabilidade, alta repetibilidade e baixa interação entre progênies por medições. Foram identificadas progênies superiores para uso em dois sistemas de cultivo: monocultura e silvipastoril.Ex Lodd Mart.) (Arecales: Arecaceae)] is a specie of great potential as oilseed for the feedstock production of bioenergetical, industrial and food processes. In a plant breeding program of this species is essential to evaluate the morphological characteristics of the accessions and their agronomic perfomance, it is important to distinguish different individuals in order to aggregate favorable alleles among these individuals for traits of interest. The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic divergence and genetic parameters through morphological variability among macaw palm progenies based on quantitative characters. Fifty-four progenies of A. aculeata belonging to the banco de germoplasma de palmáceas BGP- Macaúba (Araponga, Minas Gerais, Brasil) were evaluated using 27 morpho-agronomic characteristics in quantitative vegetative stage for two periods of dry winter and a wet summer period assessment. Genetic diversity was estimated based on Euclidean distance with mean standardized hierarchical clustering method (UPGMA) and Tocher optimization method. These methods are based on breeding values predicted by BLUP method. Analyses using principal components and Pearson correlation on phenotypic data were also performed. The genetic parameters estimated were: individual heritability in narrow sense, coefficient of genetic variance among families, coefficient of determination of permanent environmental effects, coeff1cient of determination of the effects of genotype by measuring coefficient of repeatability, genetic correlation across repeated measures and gains expected from selection based on breeding values predicted by BLUP method. The results of this study argued that there is high variability among the assessed progenies. The progenies formed groups related to geographical proximity. Early review (juvenile stage) is more informative than the later reviews. Seasonal reviews can interfere with the formation of groups by the UPGMA method. The results of the estimated genetic parameters maintained that there is excellent selective potential in this population and genetic variability enough for the plant breeding population in the medium and long term. In general, most of the features showed high heritability, high repeatability and low interaction of progenies by measurements. Superior progenies were identiñed for use in two cropping systems: monoculture and silvopastoral.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio

    Multiplicación clona de materiales Elite de palma de aceite Elaeis guineensis Jacq. y Elaeis oleífera Cortez del programa de fitomejoramiento de Cenipalma

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    IP 7262-07-17490Introducción: La aplicación de técnicas de cultivo in Vitro para la propagación vegetativa de la palma de aceite, representa un complemento al mejoramiento tradicional. La ventaja radica en que se pueden clonar individuos elites independiente de su origen genético, ejemplo: variedad paréntales (duras y pisiferas), materiales promisorios evaluados en pruebas de progenie dura x pisifera (tenera, oleíferas puras con características deseables, e híbridos inter específicos entre la palma africana (E.guinenesis) con la palma americana (E. oleífera) y oleíferas puras, en forma masiva y a corto plaz

    Effects of Insect Growth Regulators on Mortality, Survival, and Feeding of Euprosterna elaeasa (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae) Larvae

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    The potential of insecticides that affect the growth and insect development to control Euprosterna elaeasa was evaluated. Fenoxycarb, methoxyfenozide, pyriproxyfen, and tebufenozide were assessed against E. elaeasa larvae for toxicity, survivorship, and feeding inhibition in the laboratory, and mortality in semifield conditions. Concentration–mortality bioassays demonstrated that insect growth regulators (IGRs) have a lethal effect on this insect, with pyriproxyfen (LC50 = 0.141 g L−1) being the most effective, followed by fenoxycarb (LC50 = 0.199 g L−1), methoxyfenozide (LC50 = 0.233 g L−1), and tebufenozide (LC50 = 0.259 g L−1). The survival rate was 99.8% in the control group, compared to 44.6%, 42.9%, 42.2%, and 39.5% in insects treated with pyriproxyfen, fenoxycarb, methoxyfenozide, and tebufenozide, respectively. IGRs caused feeding inhibition in E. elaeasa larvae 3 h after exposure. Furthermore, mortality in semifield conditions was similar to the results found in the laboratory. Our findings suggest that fenoxycarb, methoxyfenozide, pyriproxyfen, and tebufenozide are effective against E. elaeasa and, therefore, we confirm the potential of these IGRs for the control of this pest

    Effect of Benzoylphenyl Ureas on Survival and Reproduction of the Lace Bug, Leptopharsa gibbicarina

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    The lace bug, Leptopharsa gibbicarina is a vector of Pestalotiopsis fungal complex in oil palm crops in the Americas. The effects of four benzoylphenyl ureas (BPUs) (lufenuron, novaluron, teflubenzuron, and triflumuron) were evaluated against L. gibbicarina for toxicity, survival, reproduction, and mortality in semi-field conditions. Concentration-mortality bioassays demonstrated that novaluron (LC50 = 0.33 ppm), teflubenzuron (LC50 = 0.24 ppm), lufenuron (LC50 = 0.17 ppm), and triflumuron (LC50 = 0.42 ppm) are toxic to L. gibbicarina nymphs. The survival rate was 99% in control nymphs, decreasing to 50% in nymphs exposed to LC50 of triflumuron, 47% in nymphs treated with lufenuron, 43% in nymphs treated with teflubenzuron, and 43% in those treated with novaluron. Sublethal concentrations of BPUs showed detrimental effects on the adult emergence, longevity, fecundity, and fertility of this insect. The mortality of nymphs caused by these insecticides was similar in both laboratory and semi-field conditions. Our results suggest that novaluron, teflubenzuron, and triflumuron are highly effective against L. gibbicarina, and therefore, have potential applications for this oil palm pest

    Comparative toxicity of six insecticides on the Rhinoceros Beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)

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    Strategus aloeus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) is a dangerous pest of oil palms in the Americas, because the adults cause several kinds of damage and kill palm trees. Effective methods for pest management are needed urgently. Bioassays were conducted to compare the toxicity to S. aloeus of the insecticides: fipronil, imidacloprid, lambda-cyhalothrin, spinosad, thiacloprid and thiamethoxam. The toxicity of each insecticide to the adults of S. aloeus was determined as: (1) the LC50 and LC90 under laboratory conditions, after exposure of six concentrations of each insecticide applied in a semi-solid diet and used to feed each insect and (2) the mortality under semi-controlled field conditions after applications of insecticides into the beetle galleries in the oil palm tree. The mortality of S. aloeus was higher with fipronil, imidacloprid, lambda-cyhalothrin and thiamethoxam, while spinosad and thiacloprid were less effective. Higher mortalities were obtained with concentrations of 12.5, 25, 50 µL mL-1 for determining LC50 values and 50, 100 µL mL-1 for determining LC90 values during 72 h. The mortalities of S. aloeus had similar tendencies under laboratory and semi-controlled field conditions. Fipronil, imidacloprid, lambdacyhalothrin and thiamethoxam caused substantial mortality in S. aloeus and, thus, can be used rotationally in integrated pest management programs (IPM) against this pest in the oil palm plantations.Strategus aloeus es una plaga peligrosa de la palma de aceite en América porque los adultos causan diversos daños y matan las palmas. Esto sugiere la necesidad de buscar métodos efectivos para el control de plagas. Se llevaron a cabo bioensayos para comparar la toxicidad del fipronil, imidacloprid, lambdacialotrina, spinosad, tiacloprid y tiametoxam sobre S. aloeus. La toxicidad de cada insecticida sobre adultos de S. aloeus fue determinada: (1) la concentración letal CL50 y CL90 en condiciones de laboratorio, después de la exposición de seis concentraciones de cada insecticida aplicadas en una dieta semisólida y utilizada para alimentar cada insecto y (2) mortalidad en condiciones semi-controladas de campo con la aplicación de insecticidas sobre galerías hechas por los insectos en árboles de palma de aceite. La mortalidad de S. aloeus fue mayor con fipronil, imidacloprid, lambdacialotrina y tiametoxam, mientras spinosad y tiacloprid fueron menos eficaces. Altas mortalidades se obtuvieron con concentraciones de 12.5, 25, 50 µL mL-1 para la CL50 y CL90, 100 µL mL-1 para la CL90 durante 72 horas. La mortalidad de S. aloeus fue similar en las condiciones controladas de laboratorio y de campo. La acción insecticida de esos compuestos puede ser producido debido a su capacidad de penetrar rápidamente en el cuerpo del insecto y afectar el sistema nervioso. Los insecticidas como fipronil, imidacloprid, lambdacialotrina y tiametoxam causaron mortalidad en S. aloeus y, por lo tanto, pueden ser utilizados en programas de Manejo Integrado de Plagas (MIP) de esa plaga en plantaciones de palma de aceite

    <i>Origanum vulgare</i> Essential Oil against <i>Tenebrio molitor</i> (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae): Composition, Insecticidal Activity, and Behavioral Response

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    Tenebrio molitor is one of the main stored product pests. This study characterized oregano essential oil (OEO) by gas chromatography (GC/FID and GC/MS) and assessed its insecticidal properties against T. molitor. Mortality, survival, respiration, and behavioral response in larva, pupa, and adult of this insect were determined. The major components of OEO were carvacrol (25.6%), p-cymene (12.3%), linalool (8.71%), thymol (7.22%), γ-terpinene (7.21%), caryophyllene oxide (4.67%), α-pinene (2.71%), and eucalyptol (2.69%). OEO caused high contact toxicity in larvae (LD50 = 3.03 µg insect–1), pupae (LD50 = 5.01 µg insect–1), and adults (LD50 = 5.12 µg insect−1) of T. molitor. Survival rates were 100% in larvae, pupae, and adults of T. molitor not treated with OEO, declining to 65–54%, 38–44%, 30–23%, and 6–2% in insects treated with LD25, LD50, LD75, and LD90, respectively. Low respiration rates of T. molitor at different developmental stages was observed after OEO exposure. Additionally, OEO exposure affects behavioral avoidance response and causes repellency in larvae and adults. These findings show that OEO exerts insecticidal and repellent effects against T. molitor, suggesting a potent alternative to synthetic insecticides for controlling the beetle

    Leucothyreus femoratus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): feeeding and behavioral activities as an oil palm defoliator

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    Leucothyreus femoratus Burmeister (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) is an important insect pest of oil palm plantations, because larvae and adults feed on plant roots and leaves, respectively. This suggests the necessity of comprehending the pest's feeding and behavioral habits for pest management. Food consumption and injury to leaves of Elaeis guineensis Jacq. (Arecales: Arecaceae, African oil palm) by adults of L. femoratus in Colombia were studied. Locomotion of adults was evaluated with respect to 6 behaviors, i.e., emergence, hiding in the ground, walking, flying, feeding, and mating. In addition, larvae were collected from the roots of other plants found in the oil palm plantation in order to determine possible alternative hosts. Leaf consumption per adult L. femoratus was 13 mm2/day/insect (χ2 = 19.33, P < 0.0001). Leaf injury was in the form of squares or rectangles and cumulative defoliation reached 15.5% in 60 days. The insect showed predominantly nocturnal feeding and mating (χ2 = 95.53, P < 0.05; χ2 = 207.01, P < 0.05, respectively). Larvae of L. femoratus were found in abundance on the roots of Croton trinitatis Millsp. (Euphorbiaceae, road side croton) and Imperata cilindrica (L.) P. Beauv. (Poaceae, cogon grass). The feeding habits of larvae and adults of this insect may be main factors in their adaptation to oil palm plantations. The understanding of the feeding habits and behaviors of L. femoratus are important to define strategies for the management of their populations in oil palm plantations.Leucothyreus femoratus Burmeister (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) es una plaga importante en plantaciones de palma de aceite, ya que las larvas y los adultos se alimentan de raíces y hojas, respectivamente. Esto sugiere la necesidad de comprender la alimentación del insecto y los hábites de comportamiento para el manejo de esta plaga. El consumo alimentario y el daño a las hojas de Elaeis guineensis por parte de adultos de L. femoratus en Colombia fueron estudiados. La actividad locomotora de los adultos se evaluó con respecto a 6 comportamientos, es decir, emergencia y ocultamiento en el suelo, caminata, vuelo, alimentación y apareamiento. Además, las larvas se recolectaron en las raíces de otras plantas que se encuentran en plantaciones de palma de aceite con el fin de determinar los posibles hospederos alternos. El consumo foliar de L. femoratus por adulto fue de 13 mm2/día/insecto (χ2 = 19.33, P < 0.0001). La lesión en la hoja presentó una forma de cuadrados o rectángulos y la defoliación acumulada alcanzó el 15.5% en 60 d. El insecto mostró predominantemente há;bitos de alimentación y apareamiento nocturnos (χ2 = 95.53, P < 0.05; χ2 = 207.01, P < 0.05). Las larvas de L. femoratus fueron encontradas en abundancia, en las raíces de Croton trinitatis Millsp. (Euphorbiaceae, croto) e Imperata cilindrica (L.) P. Beauv. (Poaceae, vende aguja). Los hábitos de alimentación de las larvas y adultos de este insecto puede ser el factor principal para su adaptación en plantaciones de palma de aceite. La comprensión de los hábitos alimenticios y el comportamiento de L. femoratus son importantes para definir estrategias en el manejo de sus poblaciones en plantaciones de palma de aceite