3 research outputs found

    Cleaning Efficacy of Root Canal Irrigation with Positive and Negative Pressure System

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    Introduction: The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences between irrigant replacement in the positive and negative pressure irrigation systems regarding root canal cleaning efficacy. Methods and Materials: A total of 27 extracted single-root mandibular premolars with 18-20 mm root canal length were decoronated and equally divided into three groups (n=9) based on the irrigation system used: positive irrigation with side-vented needle as the control group (C), positive irrigation with an open-ended needle as the first group (T1) and negative irrigation as the second group (T2). The root canals were irrigated with 2.5% NaOCl between each instrumentation, followed by a final irrigation with 5 mL of sterile distilled water. The irrigation replacements were monitored by means of computational fluid dynamic (CFD), while a scanning electrone microscope (SEM) was used to observe the smear layers and plug evaluations after the teeth had been sectioned longitudinally and buccolingually halves subsequently cut in apical third area. The result was analyzed using the Kruskal Wallis, Mann Whitney and Spearman correlation tests. The level of significance was set at 0.05. Result: Irrigant replacement in the negative pressure irrigation system tends to produce a greater effect in reaching the apical end compared to in the positive pressure irrigation system. This resulted in significantly superior smear layer removal in the apical third area (P<0.05). Conclusion: The irrigation solution exchange of the negative pressure irrigation system is more capable of reaching the apical end compared to the positive pressure irrigation system, resulting in a higher sanitation level in the apical third of the root canal.Keywords: Computational Fluid Dynamics; Negative Pressure Irrigation; Positive Pressure Irrigation; Root Canal Irrigants; Smear Laye


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    Abstrak: Rendahnya kemandirian siswa pada saat melakukan pembelajaran praktikum berbasis online berdampak pada saat kegiatan pembelajaran secara daring berlangsung, Hal ini disebabkan pembelajaran pada materi praktikum sistem transmisi biasanya dilaksanakan dengan sistem praktik secara langsung yang dilaksanakan di bengkel, berhubung dalam keadaan darurat pada masa pandemic covid 19 maka pembelajaran praktik bengkel diganti dengan sistem onlie. Berlatar belakang tersebut guru pada kedua mitra yakni SMK Islam 1 Blitar dan SMKN 1 Blitar merasa kesulitan dalam melaksanakan praktikum dengan sistem online. Tujuan dari pengandian masyarakat ini adalah melaksanakan whorksop pembuatan media pembelajaran berbasis android pada materi praktikum transmisi mobil dengan Metode yang digunakan dalam workshop ini adalah metode observasi, diskusi, Tanya jawab, dan demontrasi tutor teman sebaya. Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan pada tangal 7-9 Agusttus 2021 bertempat di SMKN 1 Blitar dengan jumlah peserta 30 orang. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah para peserta workshop dapat menghasilkan aplikasi android yang diberi nama Edutech dan telah siap untuk menerapkan di sekolah pada materi sistem transmisi, sedangkan tanggapan para peserta terhadap pelatihan ini berada pada kategori memuaskan dari segi materi yang diberikan, fasilitas, dan narasumber pelatihan.Abstract: The low independence of students when conducting online-based practicum learning has an impact on online learning activities, this is because learning on transmission system practicum materials is usually carried out with a direct practice system carried out in workshops, due to an emergency during the covid pandemic. 19 then the workshop practice learning is replaced with an online system. With this background, teachers at the two partners, namely SMK Islam 1 Blitar and SMKN 1 Blitar find it difficult to carry out practicum with an online system. The purpose of this community drawing is to carry out a workshop for making android-based learning media on car transmission practicum material. The methods used in this workshop are the method of observation, discussion, question and answer, and peer tutor demonstrations. This community service will be held at SMKN 1 Blitar with 30 participants. The result of this activity is that the workshop participants can produce an android application called Edutech and are ready to apply it in schools to the transmission system material, while the participants' responses to this training are in the satisfactory category in terms of the material provided, facilities, and training resource persons


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    Irrigation is a key part of successful root canal treatment. Much of the research on endodontic irrigation has focused on the effect of irrigation on the smear layer. Studies have shown that irrigant replacement in positive pressure irrigation systems can not reach apical thereby affecting debridement processes in apical areas. Purpose : To Analyze the difference of irrigant replacement in positive and negative pressure irrigation system to root canal cleaning efficacy. Methode : Twenty seven human single-root mandibular premolar were decoronated and root canals were instrumented using ProTaper Next rotary files up to size X3 with 2,5% NaOCl irrigation between each instrumentation followed by final irrigation with 5 ml sterile aquadest. Prepared teeth were randomly divided three groups irrigation system. After instrumentation and irrigation teethh were sectioned longitudinally bucco-lingually halves then cut in the apical third part and examined under scanning electrone microscope (SEM) for smear layer and smear plug evaluation. Irrigant replacement is simulated with computational fluid dynamic (CFD). Results : Irrigant replacement in negative pressure irrigation system is better able to reach the apical end compared with irrigant replacement in the positive pressure irrigation system. This causes better smear layer removal in apical third area. Conclusion : The root canal cleaning efficacy with a negative pressure irrigation system is cleaner than a positive pressure irrigatio