105 research outputs found


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    Prolog ved Cecilie Rubo

    Phil Zuckerman: Samfund uden Gud

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    En boganmeldelse af Phil Zuckermans Samfund uden Gud - En amerikaner ser på religion i Danmark og Sverig

    Klimaforandringernes metafysik. Verden som natur, om- givelser og ophav

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    I denne artikel vises eksempler på kristne former for økoteologi, der forholder sig til udsigterne til omfattende klimaforandringer. Disse eksempler sammenlignes med Bruno Latours seneste økoteologiske eksperiment med henblik på at vise, hvordan teologiske og antropologiske perspektiver væver sig ind i hinanden, og med det formål at identificere centrale begreber for en antropologi om klima- forandringernes metafysik. Selv om Latours projekt formentlig falder mellem alt for mange veletablerede perspektiver, foreslås det, at der i studiet af klimaforan- dringer skabes en opmærksomhed over for de nye hybride former for metafysik, som opstår i de mange moralske, praktiske og politiske spørgsmål i kølvandet på de videnskabelige beskrivelser af klimaforandringer og befolkningernes erfaringer med at leve i en forandret verden. Søgeord: klimaforandringer, metafysik, kristendom, moral, natur.English: The Metaphysics of Climate Change. The World as Nature, Environment and CreationIn this paper examples of Christian eco-theology that respond to the prospects of major climate change are reviewed and contrasted with a recent eco-theological experiment launched by Bruno Latour. The aim of the article is to identify how theological and anthropological perspectives are interwoven and, moreover, to discuss how an anthropology of the metaphysics of climate change may develop an explorative repertoire of concepts. Although Latour’s project may fall between too many well established perspectives, it is suggested that the study of the metaphysics of climate change keep an eye open to the new hybrid forms of metaphysics; these forms appear in the many moral, practical and political questions that follow in the wake of the scientific findings of climate change and the experiences of people living in a changing environment. Key words: Climate change, metaphysics, Christianity, moral issues, nature

    Margit Warburg & Brian Jacobsen (red.): Tørre tal om troen. Religions demografi i det 21. århundrede

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    Anmeldes af Cecilie Rubow &nbsp

    Den skjulte religion

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    Hvordan kan vi leve som om kloden betød noget?

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    Cecilie Rubows tale ved Folkets Klimamarch 202

    Physicians' communication with patients about adherence to HIV medication in San Francisco and Copenhagen: a qualitative study using Grounded Theory

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    BACKGROUND: Poor adherence is the main barrier to the effectiveness of HIV medication. The objective of this study was to explore and conceptualize patterns and difficulties in physicians' work with patients' adherence to HIV medication. No previous studies on this subject have directly observed physicians' behavior. METHODS: This is a qualitative, cross-sectional study. We used a Grounded Theory approach to let the main issues in physicians' work with patients' adherence emerge without preconceiving the focus of the study. We included physicians from HIV clinics in San Francisco, U.S.A. as well as from Copenhagen, Denmark. Physicians were observed during their clinical work and subsequently interviewed with a semi-structured interview guide. Notes on observations and transcribed interviews were analyzed with NVivo software. RESULTS: We enrolled 16 physicians from San Francisco and 18 from Copenhagen. When we discovered that physicians and patients seldom discussed adherence issues in depth, we made adherence communication and its barriers the focus of the study. The main patterns in physicians' communication with patients about adherence were similar in both settings. An important barrier to in-depth adherence communication was that some physicians felt it was awkward to explore the possibility of non-adherence if there were no objective signs of treatment failure, because patients could feel "accused." To overcome this awkwardness, some physicians consciously tried to "de-shame" patients regarding non-adherence. However, a recurring theme was that physicians often suspected non-adherence even when patients did not admit to have missed any doses, and physicians had difficulties handling this low believability of patient statements. We here develop a simple four-step, three-factor model of physicians' adherence communication. The four steps are: deciding whether to ask about adherence or not, pre-questioning preparations, phrasing the question, and responding to the patient's answer. The three factors/determinants are: physicians' perceptions of adherence, awkwardness, and believability. CONCLUSION: Communication difficulties were a main barrier in physicians' work with patients' adherence to HIV medication. The proposed model of physicians' communication with patients about adherence – and the identification of awkwardness and believability as key issues – may aid thinking on the subject for use in clinical practice and future research