13,948 research outputs found

    Closed time path approach to the Casimir energy in real media

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    The closed time path formalism is applied, in the framework of open quantum systems, to study the time evolution of the expectation value of the energy-momentum tensor of a scalar field in the presence of real materials. We analyze quantum fluctuations in a fully non-equilibrium scenario, when the scalar field is interacting with the polarization degrees of freedom of matter, described as quantum Brownian particles. A generalized analysis was done for two types of couplings between the field and the material. On the one hand, we considered a bilinear coupling, and on the other hand, a (more realistic) current-type coupling as in the case of the electromagnetic field interacting with matter. We considered the high temperature limit for the field, keeping arbitrary temperatures for each part of the volume elements of the material. We obtained a closed form for the Hadamard propagator, which let us study the dynamical evolution of the expectations values of the energy-momentum tensor components from the initial time. We showed that two contributions always take place in the transient evolution: one of these is associated to the material and the other one is only associated to the field. Transient features were studied and the long-time limit was derived in several cases. We proved that in the steady situation of a field in n + 1 dimensions, the material always contribute unless is non-dissipative. Conversely, the proper field contribution vanishes unless the material is non-dissipative or, moreover, at least for the 1 + 1 case, if there are regions without material. We conclude that any steady quantization scheme in 1 + 1 dimensions must consider both contributions and we argue why these results are physically expected from a dynamical point of view, and also could be valid for higher dimensions based on the expected continuity between the non-dissipative and real material cases.Comment: 28 pages, no figures. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Oscillations of Thick Accretion Discs Around Black Holes - II

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    We present a numerical study of the global modes of oscillation of thick accretion discs around black holes. We have previously studied the case of constant distributions of specific angular momentum. In this second paper, we investigate (i) how the size of the disc affects the oscillation eigenfrequencies, and (ii) the effect of power-law distributions of angular momentum on the oscillations. In particular, we compare the oscillations of the disc with the epicyclic eigenfrequencies of a test particle with different angular momentum distributions orbiting around the central object. We find that there is a frequency shift away from the epicyclic eigenfrequency of the test particle to lower values as the size of the tori is increased. We have also studied the response of a thick accretion disc to a localized external perturbation using non constant specific angular momentum distributions within the disc. We find that in this case it is also possible (as reported previously for constant angular momentum distributions) to efficiently excite internal modes of oscillation. In fact we show here that the local perturbations excite global oscillations (acoustic p modes) closely related to the epicyclic oscillations of test particles. Our results are particularly relevant in the context of low mass X-ray binaries and microquasars, and the high frequency Quasi-Periodic Oscillations (QPOs) observed in them. Our computations make use of a Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) code in azimuthal symmetry, and use a gravitational potential that mimics the effects of strong gravity.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication as a paper in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Benchmarking Nonequilibrium Green's Functions against Configuration Interaction for time-dependent Auger decay processes

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    We have recently proposed a Nonequilibrium Green's Function (NEGF) approach to include Auger decay processes in the ultrafast charge dynamics of photoionized molecules. Within the so called Generalized Kadanoff-Baym Ansatz the fundamental unknowns of the NEGF equations are the reduced one-particle density matrix of bound electrons and the occupations of the continuum states. Both unknowns are one-time functions like the density in Time-Dependent Functional Theory (TDDFT). In this work we assess the accuracy of the approach against Configuration Interaction (CI) calculations in one-dimensional model systems. Our results show that NEGF correctly captures qualitative and quantitative features of the relaxation dynamics provided that the energy of the Auger electron is much larger than the Coulomb repulsion between two holes in the valence shells. For the accuracy of the results dynamical electron-electron correlations or, equivalently, memory effects play a pivotal role. The combination of our NEGF approach with the Sham-Schl\"uter equation may provide useful insights for the development of TDDFT exchange-correlation potentials with a history dependence.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Oscillations of Thick Accretion Discs Around Black Holes

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    We present a numerical study of the response of a thick accretion disc to a localized, external perturbation with the aim of exciting internal modes of oscillation. We find that the perturbations efficiently excite global modes recently identified as acoustic p--modes, and closely related to the epicyclic oscillations of test particles. The two strongest modes occur at eigenfrequencies which are in a 3:2 ratio. We have assumed a constant specific angular momentum distribution within the disc. Our models are in principle scale--free and can be used to simulate accretion tori around stellar or super massive black holes.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication as a letter in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Discovering a misaligned CO outflow related to the red MSX source G034.5964-01.0292

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    The red MSX source G034.5964-01.0292 (MSXG34), catalogued as a massive YSO, was observed in molecular lines with the aim of discover and study molecular outflows. We mapped a region of 3'x3' centered at MSXG34 using the Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment in the 12CO J=3-2 and HCO+ J=4-3 lines with an angular and spectral resolution of 22" and 0.11 km/s, respectively. Additionally, public 13CO J=1-0 and near-IR UKIDSS data obtained from the Galactic Ring Survey and the WFCAM Sciencie Archive, respectively, were analyzed. We found that the 12CO spectra towards the YSO present a self-absorption dip, as it is usual in star forming regions, and spectral wings evidencing outflow activity. The HCO+ was detected only towards the MSXG34 position at v_LSR ~ 14.2 km/s, in coincidence with the 12CO absorption dip and approximately with the velocity of previous ammonia observations. HCO+ and NH3 are known to be enhanced in molecular outflows. Analyzing the spectral wings of the 12CO line, we discovered misaligned red- and blue-shifted molecular outflows associated with MSXG34. The near-IR emission shows a cone-like shape nebulosity composed by two arc-like features related to the YSO, which can be due to a cavity cleared in the circumstellar material by a precessing jet. This can explain the misalignment in the molecular outflows. From the analysis of the 13CO J=1--0 data we suggest that the YSO is very likely related to a molecular clump ranging between 10 and 14 km/s. This suggests that MSXG34, with an associated central velocity of about 14 km/s, may be located in the background of this clump. Thus, the blue-shifted outflow is probably deflected by the interaction with dense gas along the line of sight.Comment: Accepted in A&A June 10, 201

    Time dependent transport phenomena

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    The aim of this review is to give a pedagogical introduction to our recently proposed ab initio theory of quantum transport.Comment: 28 pages, 18 figure