48 research outputs found

    Low Water Availability Enhancing Soil Receptivity to Fusarium Pathogen: Case of Root Rot on Mulberry

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    In mulberry, Fusarium root rot (FRR) causes considerable damage\ud with the symptoms being the most visible in the dry season. A\ud study was conducted using mulberry plants grown in pots to\ud evaluate the effect of soil water availability on the Fusarium disease\ud incidence and the pathogen and other microbe populations in the\ud soil. Treatments consisted of low, medium, and high soil water\ud availabilities in the range between the permanent wilting point\ud and the field capacity. Another factor of the treatment was with\ud and without addition of Fusarium oxysporum to each of the water\ud availability treatments. The increases of disease incidence at low,\ud medium, and high water availability were 10.1% per week, 1.0% per\ud week, and 0.5% per week, respectively. At the same water contents\ud but with the addition of pathogen, the rates of incidence were 13.2%\ud per week, 1.9% per week and 2.4% per week, respectively. The\ud disease incidence was correlated with the density of F. oxysporum\ud populations in the soil. For soil without the addition of F. oxysporum,\ud the pathogen densities were 20.5x104 cfu/g soil, 1.25x104 cfu/g soil\ud and 1.92x104 cfu/g soil for low, medium, and high availabilities of\ud water, respectively. While for soil treated with F. oxysporum, the\ud pathogen densities were 30.75x104 cfu/g soil, 3.0x104 cfu/g soil,\ud and 3.67x104 cfu/g soil for low, medium, and high availabilities of\ud water, respectively. In contrast, the population of other fungi was\ud respectively 0,5x104 cfu/g soil, 4.70x104 cfu/g soil, and 11.88x104\ud cfu/g soil in that non treated and 0,50x104 cfu/g soil, 6.33x104 cfu/g\ud soil, and 12.88x104 cfu/g soil in that treated with F. oxysporum.\ud Also the population of bacteria was low at low water availability\ud and increased with augmentation of water availability. Therefore,\ud the severity of incidence not only depends on the population\ud density of F. oxysporum, but also on the ratio of this fungus to other\ud microorganisms in the soil

    Fungi associated with Paraeucosmetus pallicornis causing apparent symptoms of toxicity in rice grains and rice seedlings

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    OkInfestation of rice grains in the field by Paraeucosmetus pallicornis (Dallas)\ud (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae) causes the rice to become broken and bitter, and the bran\ud to become unpalatable for consumption by poultry. This article offers the\ud hypothesis that the insect can carry fungi producing toxic substances, which in turn\ud cause these symptoms. On adult insects collected in four regencies in South\ud Sulawesi Indonesia we identified Aspergillus sp and on two samples, we also found\ud Gliocladium sp. Both the Aspergillus sp. and Gliocladium sp. isolates from\ud different regions showed different cultural characteristics, suggesting different\ud species in each genus associate with the insect. Aspergillus sp. isolated from rice\ud grains was similar to that isolated from the insect, providing evidence that the\ud Aspergillus sp. was transferred from insect to rice grains. Inoculation of these two\ud genera into seeds by immersion and seedlings by spraying with concentration of\ud 10??, 10 , and 10 spores/ml showed that only Aspergillus sp. had an impact on the\ud incidence of damage to seedlings which consisted of symptoms of apparent\ud toxicity. Comparison of treatments with the Bone isolate and Bantaeng isolate of\ud Aspergillus sp. indicated that the incidence of symptoms indicative of toxicity in\ud seedlings infected by Aspergillus through seed treatment was 7.4% per one Log\ud spores concentration for Bone isolate and 2.9% per one Log spores concentration\ud for Bantaeng isolate. The incidence in seedling inoculated by Aspergillus sp.\ud through spraying was 6.9% per one Log spores concentrationfor Bone isolate and\ud 13.5% per one Log spores concentration for Bantaeng isolate. This research\ud confirmed the occurence of an association between Aspergillus fungus and insect\ud pest of P. Pallicornis in causing toxiciy symptoms in ric


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    In recent years, cocoa productivity in South Sulawesi has tended to decline, resulting in many farmers turning to other jobs and planting other commodities whose economic value is no better than cocoa. Various cocoa development programs have been launched, but significant improvements than expected productivity have not yet occurred. Bantaeng Regency has great potential in developing cocoa plants. Although positive results have been obtained for some cocoa farmers, the target of 2000 kg / ha has not been achieved. Various problems have been able to be mapped both at the on-farm level and at the off-farm level. The introduction of cocoa management technology and empowerment of farmers is an important key in increasing cocoa production, involving all stakeholders including universities will be an important and sustainable solution for the sustainability of people's cocoa. In addition, the government has the desire to develop organic cocoa. To support the achievement of productivity targets and organic cocoa, the improvement of the production system using non-chemical fertilizers and pesticides will be carried out in collaboration with the Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University. This activity will focus on good plantation practices, rejuvenation of planting and nursery management, manufacture of fertilizer from plant materials, composition of plant materials, and formulation of plant materials, multiplication of disease control microorganisms, mixing of microorganisms with composted plant material, and post-harvest management. This program has distributed cocoa plantation management technology and improved skills and knowledge to cocoa farmers, especially to students, farmers and farmer groups who were very satisfied with the arrival of KKN PPM DIKTI students who accompanied them to improve their gardens, activities and assistance materials were carried out well and Successful, students are very happy with this activity because of their increased knowledge and skills.  Keywords: Community services, Empowerment, Cacao Farmers, University students.ABSTRAK Dalam beberapa tahun belakangan, produktivitas kakao di Sulawesi Selatan cenderung menurun mengakibatkan banyak petani beralih ke pekerjaan lain dan menanam komoditi lain yang nilai ekonominya tidak lebih baik dari kakao. Berbagai program pengembangan kakao telah banyak diluncurkan, namun peningkatan signifikan daripada produktivitas yang diharapkan belum juga terjadi. Kabupaten Bantaeng memiliki potensi yang besar dalam pengembangan tanaman kakao. Walau hasil positif telah diperoleh bagi sebagian petani kakao, namun target 2000 kg/ha belum dicapai. Berbagai persoalan telah mampu dipetakan baik pada tingkat on-farm maupun pada tingkat off-farm. Introduksi teknologi pengelolaan kakao dan pemberdayaan petani menjadi kunci penting dalam peningkatan produksi kakao, pelibatan semua stakeholder termasuk universitas akan menjadi solusi penting dan berkelanjutan bagi kelangsungan perkakaoan rakyat. Selain itu pemerintah mempunyai keinginan untuk mengembangkan kakao organik. Untuk mendukung pencapaian target produktivitas dan kakao organik, maka perbaikan sistem produksi dengan penggunaan pupuk dan pestisida non kimia akan dilakukan dengan kerjasama Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Hasanuddin. Kegiatan ini akan difokuskan pada praktek perkebunan yang baik, peremajaan tanam dan manajemen pembibitan, pembuatan pupuk  dari bahan tanaman, komposisi bahan tanaman, dan formulasi bahan tanaman, perbanyakan mikroorganisme pengendali penyakit, pencampuran mikroorganisme dengan bahan tanaman yang dikomposkan, dan pengelolaan pasca panen. Program ini telah melakukan distribusi teknologi manajemen kebun kakao dan meningkatkan keterampilan dan pengetahuan kepada petani kakao, terkhusus kepada mahasiswa, Petani dan Kelompok Tani sangat puas dengan kedatangan Mahasiswa KKN-PPM DIKTI yang mendampingi mereka memperbaiki kebun mereka, Kegiatan dan materi Pendampingan terlaksana dengan baik dan berhasil, Mahasiswa sangat senang dengan kegiatan ini karena bertambahnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan mereka.Kata kunci: Pengabdian masyarakat, Pemberdayaan, Petani Kakao, Mahasiswa

    ASOSIASIANTARA CENDAWAN Fusarium oxysporum DAN NEMATODA Helicotylenchus sp. DALAM MENYEBABKAN PENYAKTT LAYU TANAMAN MURBEI Association between Fusarium oxysporum and HeUcotylenchus sp. in causing mulberry wilt disease

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    -The association of Fusarium oxysporum and Helicotylenchus sp. were evaluated by attack intensity,\ud population of F. oxysporum and population of Helicotylenchus sp. in mulberry infected by these two\ud organisms compared with mat infected by F.oxysporum alone and Helicotylenchus alone

    Identification of a Disease on Cocoa Caused by Fusariumin Sulawesi

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    A disease presumed to be caused by Fusarium was observed in cocoa open fields with few or without shade trees. Within the population of cocoa trees in the field, some trees had died, some had yellowing leaves and dieback, and the others were apparently healthy. In order to demonstrate Fusarium species as the causal pathogen and to obtain information concerning the incidence of the disease, its distribution and its impact on sustainability of cocoa, isolation of the pathogen, inoculation of cocoa seedlings with isolates and a survey of disease has been conducted. Fusarium was isolated from roots and branches, and inoculated onto cocoa seedlings (one month old) via soil. Symptoms appeared within 3-4 weeks after infection. These symptoms consisted of yellowing of leaves beginning from the bottom until the leaves falldown, and browning internal of vascular tissue. Darkened vascular traces in the petiole characteristic of vascularstreak dieback infection were absent. The occurrence of Fusarium in the field was characterized by the absence of obvious signs of fungal infestation on root of infected trees, yellowing of leaves on twigs, dieback, and tree mortality in severe infestations. Disease incidence could reach 77% and in this situation it was difficult for trees recover from heavy infections or to be regenerated in the farm. The study proves that Fusarium is a pathogen causing dieback and the disease is called as Fusarium vascular dieback (FVD). Its development is apparently enhanced by dry conditions in the field

    Peranan Semut Iridomirmex cordatus (Hyminoptera: Formicidae) dalam Menularkan Patogen Busuk Buah Phytophthora palmivora

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    Penyakit busuk buah merupakan salah satu penyakit penting pada tanaman\ud kakao. Phytophthora palmivora sebagai penyebab penyakit ini dapat ditularkan\ud secara vertikal dari inokulum primernya melalui tetesan air, rayap dan semut ke\ud permukaan tanaman kakao. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran semut\ud khususnya Iridomyrmex cordatus yang membuat sarang di tanah dalam menularkan\ud patogen ke buah kakao. Identifikasi terhadap empat spesies semut menunjukkan\ud bahwa P. palmivora hanya ditemukan pada I. cordatus dan inokulasi semut ini\ud pada buah kakao memberikan gejala bercak hitam, khas gejala busuk buah.\ud P. palmivora juga ditemukan pada lorong tanah yang dibuat oleh Crematogaster\ud difformis dan I. cordatus. Dengan demikian, lorong tanah berperan penting sebagai\ud sumber inokulum P. palmivora. Pengujian di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan\ud semut I. cordatus berdampak tehadap bertambahnya intensitas penyakit busuk buah\ud kakao. Laju intensitas penyakit mencapai 9,3% per minggu dengan semut dalam\ud populasi yang banyak (>200), 7,3% per minggu dengan semut dalam populasi\ud yang sedikit (1-200); dan 3,8% per minggu dengan tanpa semut. Intensitas penyakit\ud masing masing populasi semut mencapai 60%, 26%, dan 29%. Dengan demikian,\ud semut I. cordatus memegang peranan penting dalam kerusakan tanaman kakao\ud oleh penyakit busuk buah dan perlu mendapatkan perhatian yang serius agar tidak\ud memberikan dampak yang lebih besar terhadap produktivitas tanaman kakao

    CONTROL OF COCOA POD BORER AND PHYTOPHTHORA POD ROT USING DEGRADABLE PLASTIC POD SLEEVES AND A NEMATODE, Steinernema carpocapsae Ade Rosmanaa, Merle Shepardb, Prakash Hebbarc, and Anita Mustaria

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    -Cocoa pod borer (CPB; Conopomorpha cramerella) and Phytophthora\ud pod rot (PPR; Phytophthora palmivora) are serious\ud pest and disease on cocoa plantations in Indonesi