47 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Model Ruangan Dalam Kajian Corak Pengundian Di Wilayah Utara Semenanjung Malaysia

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    Penyelidikan ini merupakan satu kajian aplikasi sistem maklumat geografi dan pilihan raya. Matlamat utama kajian ialah untuk mengaplikasikan Sistem Maklumat Geografi (GIS) dan pilihan raya dalam membentuk sebuah model ruangan pengundian di wilayah utara yang terdiri daripada empat buah negeri iaitu Perlis, Kedah, Pulau Pinang dan Perak. Kajian ini telah menunjukkan potensi tiga gabungan bidang iaitu GIS, statistik dan pilihan raya dalam pembentukan model pengundian. Pembentukan model corak pengundian telah dilakukan dengan mengintegrasikan teknik GIS dan kaedah regresi logistik

    Supporting needy student in transportation : a population based school bus routing in spatial environment

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    The city government of Surabaya has offered free school tuition to help needy students. However, free tuition is not enough for some because school costs, like transportation, are not covered with the tuition fee. This project designs free school bus models to help needy students with transportation costs. The model proposed in this research is focusing to find the best routes which cover the area with the most number of potential passengers, the needy student. The needy density in a sub-sub-district area is the primary data. This needy population data will accompany street map, school map, and bus depot in the VRP process. The proposed routes from VRP process then graded in its time consumed, covered area, sharing area, and road balance. Next, the chosen route used in an accessibility analyst in order to find its affect in existing transportation system. The result indicates that the process proposed in this project can be used to find the best route and can support the government in making a decision in the limitation they have

    Discovering public preferences for school location in Surabaya

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    Public schools in Surabaya became the major choice for Surabaya citizen in schooling their children. Their zero tuition fee, good quality, and good facilities are the strong attraction. However, the school's location is not well spread in whole city location, especially the secondary level and high level schools. Some analysis to improve this spread has been conducted and good new school location has been noted. Nevertheless, whether this new school location is accepted by the public, moreover, the good school spread is important or not for the public have not been discovered. This research uses Public Participatory GIS concept to discover public preferences in choosing school location. Using web base application at http://participatorygis.net, an online survey has been run about a year. By analyzing the collected data with some programming and spatial analysis tools, it can be seen the preferences level of a whole area in the city. This preferences level area will explain the public acceptance of current condition or the proposed new school location

    Modelling School Bus in Favor of Needy Student: The Conceptual Framework

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    Surabaya city is not yet have a school bus system. With a numerous needy student, the government is realized that free school bus can support the needy student in their transportation cost. The purpose of this research is make a model that can be used by the government to designs the most optimal route and optimal distribution of the free school bus. This paper is focusing on the conceptual framework of the processes in finding the optimal route and analyzing the chosen route. The optimal route is a route that covers the area with the most number of potential passengers, the needy student. The needy density layer is the primary data that will accompanied with street layer, school layer, and bus depot layer. Not just finding the route, the chosen route then used in an accessibility analyst in order to find its effect of the school bus in existing transportation system. The result of this research indicates that the model in this project can be used to find the best route and can support the government in making a decision in the limitation they have

    A GIS-based multi-criteria decision analysis approach for public school site selection in Surabaya, Indonesia

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    Surabaya is one of the old cities of Indonesia and has been inhabited since the Colonial era. It has been continuously growing until today leading to expansion of its area to the south, east, and west. Unfortunately, it has not been supported by the addition of new public schools, particularly at the secondary and high school levels. This research aimed to help the government by determining the suitability level of the whole area of the city for locating a new school and for evaluating current school locations. This research proposed six spatial factors: administration, population, transportation, land-use, student flow, and public preferences. Each factor was represented as raster file built from primary and secondary tabular and spatial data. Each factor then was weighted from the multi-criteria decision analysis step using the analytical hierarchy process method. The results show recommended and non-recommended areas in Surabaya for locating a new school building. This research integrated GIS analysis, web-GIS application, public participation, and MCDA to identify the best solution for this case

    Development of online Spatial Multi-Criteria Decision Analyst application: Case study on determining area suitability for school location in Surabaya, Indonesia

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    A decision sometimes needs to consider many aspects and to be judged by many people. Presenting a case of finding a suitable location for a new school this research proposes seven factors which its emphasis will be differently sorted by various people perspective. Each factor comes in a form of a multi-polygon layer that valued from 0 to 9, representing the suitability value of the certain aspect in the whole city area. The Public and some expert will judge by using the pair-wise comparison of those aspects. This research will provide web GIS application that will use by the public and the expert in this justification process and analyzing the result

    Pembangunan program perumahan rakyat (PPR): impak geopolitik di Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur dalam Pilihan Raya Umum 2004, 2008 dan 2013

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    Taburan geografi penduduk di Malaysia masih lagi mengikut kelompok kumpulan kaum dan wilayah. Keadaan ini dimanifestasikan melalui pembangunan petempatan sama ada di luar bandar, bandar-bandar kecil dan bandar raya. Hal ini memberi kesan terhadap kelas sosial, hak milik antara kaum, dan fahaman politik. Dominasi sesuatu kaum di kawasan tertentu menjadikan kaum itu lebih kuat dari aspek kekuasaan politik dan mempengaruhi kaum calon atau pemimpin yang akan bertanding dalam pilihan raya. Justeru, tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk menganalisis kesan pembangunan perumahan kepada hak milik dan impak geopolitik di Kuala Lumpur. Berdasarkan data sekunder daripada pihak berkuasa perumahan dan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR), didapati pembangunan Program Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) telah mewujudkan seterusnya menambahkan kuasa undi/geopolitik di kawasan-kawasan di Kuala Lumpur. Orang Melayu ramai menghuni rumah-rumah kos rendah di bawah kendalian kerajaan namun bagi rumah kos tinggi pula didominasi oleh kaum Cina dan hanya segelintir sahaja orang Melayu mendiami rumah kos tinggi. Justeru, semestinya bagi kawasan majoriti kaum tertentu, mereka ingin wakil rakyat di kalangan kaum mereka dan ini menunjukkan sikap etnisiti terus mewarnai senario sosial dan politik di Kuala Lumpur khasnya dan di Malaysia amny

    Sokongan politik terhadap Barisan Nasional pra-PRU14 di Felda Chiku, Gua Musang : analisis spatial berasaskan sistem maklumat geografi

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    Kesesuaian penggunaan Sistem Maklumat Geografi (GIS) dalam kajian politik pilihanraya di Malaysia masih belum diterokai dengan lebih mendalam. Oleh itu, penyelidikan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis corak taburan sokongan politik berdasarkan lokasi geografi penduduk FELDA Chiku, Gua Musang, Kelantan terhadap kerajaan Malaysia sebelum Pilihanraya Umum ke 14 menggunakan perisian GIS berdasarkan tiga aspek iaitu parti Barisan Nasional (BN), kepimpinan parti dan FELDA. Kajian turut mengenalpasti corak taburan kesejahteraan subjektif, kesejahteraan ekonomi, pendidikan dan pembangunan di FELDA Chiku, dan mengkaji pengaruh faktor-faktor ini ke atas sokongan politik. Kajian dijalankan secara kuantitatif melalui soal selidik ke atas 500 responden yang dipilih secara rawak berkelompok daripada populasi FELDA Chiku. Kajian mendapati majoriti responden memberikan persepsi yang positif terhadap kesejahteraan subjektif, kesejahteraan ekonomi dan pembangunan di FELDA Chiku. Tahap sokongan politik kepada BN, pemimpin Barisan Nasional dan FELDA pula adalah sederhana. Sokongan politik adalah tertinggi di Chiku 7 dan terendah di Perasu. Kajian ini juga telah membuktikan bahawa sokongan politik kepada parti BN dipengaruhi oleh pendidikan secara negatif. Sokongan politik kepada kepimpinan parti pula dipengaruhi oleh kesejahteraan ekonomi, pembangunan dan kesejahteraan subjektif, manakala sokongan kepada FELDA hanya dipengaruhi oleh kesejahteraan ekonomi. Secara keseluruhannya, kajian ini mengesahkan kesesuaian GIS dalam kajian geografi politik di Malaysia dan menyokong kajian terdahulu tentang hubungan di antara pembolehubah. Oleh itu, kajian ini boleh dijadikan rujukan oleh kerajaan dan pengurusan FELDA untuk menambahbaik perkhidmatan dan polisi awam bagi meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi rakyat. Kajian ini juga boleh memberikan maklumat berguna kepada parti, pemimpin dan calon politik dalam merancang strategi dan kempen yang lebih berkesan sebagai persediaan pilihanraya akan datang

    Kajian potensi sistem maklumat geografi sebagai mekanisma memantapkan pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) Geografi di sekolah menengah rendah / Zakaria Mat Arof, Ashraf Abdullah and Rosmadi Fauzi

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    Geography is a field of study related to the earth and its features. School teachers have to use their own creativity to clarify and explain the elements of space which is complex using a conventional means. The skill is much-needed in analyzing these elements as they are the foundation for decision-making. The constraint is in providing a good mechanism to process those semi-structure data, which have resulted in lacking of teaching and learning Geography in school. The development of technology especially ICT (Information, Communication and Technology) has opened a new chapter in geographical knowledge exploration and enables better control. This paper displayed a merge of the technology and GIS (Geography Information System) in developing a support mechanism namely Smart_Geog for teaching and learning of geography in schools. GIS is the only computerized information management system that allows geographic data to be collected, processed and manipulated to enhance geographical knowledge. The Smart_Geog design conceptual is highlighted and its application is also discussed. Majority of the respondents from the focus group had agreed with the suggestions. It is expected that Smart_Geog will create new momentum to manage a dynamic spatial data and efficiently enhance the teaching and learning of Geography in Malaysian schools

    Pandangan politik dalam Pilihan Raya Umum 2013: Kajian kes di Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur

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    Sejarah perkembangan dan proses politik demokrasi di Kuala Lumpur telah bermula seawal tahun 1952 apabila berlangsungnya Pilihan Raya Municipal yang ketiga dan diikuti Pilihan Raya Perundangan Persekutuan 1955 berikutan inisiatif kerajaan British memberi peluang kepada pemimpin-pemimpin tempatan Tanah Melayu ke arah berkerajaan sendiri. Dari segi geopolitik, Kuala Lumpur, amat penting bagi mana-mana parti politik terutamanya yang memerintah kerana ia merupakan powerhouse negara di mana tempat letaknya Parlimen Malaysia dan menjadi lokasi cabang utama eksekutif dan kehakiman kerajaan Persekutuan sejak sekian lama. Wilayah ini menonjolkan budaya politik dan pola pengundian yang agak berbeza disebabkan faktor urbanisasi dan demografi penduduknya yang berbeza dengan negeri-negeri lain dan sekaligus menjadikan fokus kajian politik di Kuala Lumpur begitu menarik. Justeru, adalah menjadi tujuan penulisan kertas kerja ini untuk menganalisis persepsi politik pengundi di Kuala Lumpur seterusnya mempengaruhi pilihan politik mereka dalam Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) 2013. Berdasarkan data soal selidik terhadap 1069 responden di 11 kawasan Parlimen dalam Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur dan kajian sekunder terhadap bahan-bahan akademik yang berkenaan didapati responden menyatakan mereka memilih calon yang jujur dan amanah serta mesra rakyat serta menyokong parti yang dapat memacu pembangunan dan membasmi kemiskinan. Mereka turut menyatakan rakyat menyokong BN kerana berpengalaman, janji ditepati serta mengenang jasa pemimpin BN terdahulu manakala rakyat mengundi parti-parti dalam Pakatan Rakyat kerana untuk mencuba pemerintahan yang baru, adil dan janji yang ditawarkan adalah menarik dan menguntungkan rakyat. Responden juga kritis terhadap isu-isu nasional seperti isu ekonomi, sosial dan politik namun mempunyai identifikasi politik yang jelas terhadap parti yang mereka sokong. Seterusnya majoriti responden Melayu dan India menyokong BN berbanding responden Cina yang menyokong parti-parti dalam Pakatan Rakyat dalam PRU 2013 yang lalu