12 research outputs found

    Oncolytic Viruses Partner With T-Cell Therapy for Solid Tumor Treatment

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    Adoptive T-cell immunotherapies, including chimeric antigen receptor-modified T-cells (CAR-T cells), have revolutionized cancer treatment, especially for hematologic malignancies. Clinical success of CAR-T cell monotherapy in solid tumors however, has been only modest. Oncolytic viruses provide direct cancer cell lysis, stimulate systemic immune responses, and have the capacity to provide therapeutic transgenes. Oncolytic virotherapy has shown great promise in many preclinical solid tumor models and the first oncolytic virus has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of advanced melanoma. As monotherapies for solid tumors, oncolytic virotherapy provides only moderate anti-tumor effects. However, due to their complementary modes of action, oncolytic virus and T-cell therapies can be combined to overcome the inherent limitations of each agent. This review focuses on the aspects of oncolytic viruses that enable them to synergize with adoptive T-cell immunotherapies to enhance anti-tumor effects for solid tumors

    Gender-specific effects of HIV protease inhibitors on body mass in mice

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    Protease inhibitors, as part of highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART), have significantly increased the lifespan of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected patients. Several deleterious side effects including dyslipidemia and lipodystrophy, however, have been observed with HAART. Women are at a higher risk of developing adipose tissue alterations and these alterations have different characteristics as compared to men. We have previously demonstrated that in mice the HIV protease inhibitor, ritonavir, caused a reduction in weight gain in females, but had no effect on male mice. In the present study, we examined the potential causes of this difference in weight gain. Low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDL-R) null mice or wild-type C57BL/6 mice, were administered 15 mug/ml ritonavir or vehicle (0.01% ethanol) in the drinking water for 6 weeks. The percent of total body weight gained during the treatment period was measured and confirmed that female LDL-R gained significantly less weight with ritonavir treatment than males. In wild type mice, however, there was no effect of ritonavir treatment in either sex. Despite the weight loss in LDL-R null mice, ritonavir increased food intake, but no difference was observed in gonadal fat weight. Serum leptin levels were significantly lower in females. Ritonavir further suppressed leptin levels in (p \u3c 0.05). Ritonavir did not alter serum adiponectin levels in either gender. To determine the source of these differences, female mice were ovariectomized remove the gonadal sex hormones. Ovariectomy prevented the weight loss induced by ritonavir (p \u3c 0.05). Furthermore, leptin levels were no longer suppressed by ritonavir (p \u3c 0.05). This study demonstrates that gonadal factors in females influence the hormonal control of weight gain changes induced by HIV protease inhibitors in an environment of elevated cholesterol

    Generation of a Kupffer Cell-evading Adenovirus for Systemic and Liver-directed Gene Transfer

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    As much as 90% of an intravenously (i.v.) injected dose of adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad5) is absorbed and destroyed by liver Kupffer cells. Viruses that escape these cells can then transduce hepatocytes after binding factor X (FX). Given that interactions with FX and Kupffer cells are thought to occur on the Ad5 hexon protein, we replaced its exposed hypervariable regions (HVR) with those from Ad6. When tested in vivo in BALB/c mice and in hamsters, the Ad5/6 chimera mediated \u3e10 times higher transduction in the liver. This effect was not due to changes in FX binding. Rather, Ad5/6 appeared to escape Kupffer cell uptake as evidenced by producing no Kupffer cell death in vivo, not requiring predosing in vivo, and being phagocytosed less efficiently by macrophages in vitro compared to Ad5. When tested as a helper-dependent adenovirus (Ad) vector, Ad5/6 mediated higher luciferase and factor IX transgene expression than either helper-dependent adenoviral 5 (HD-Ad5) or HD-Ad6 vectors. These data suggest that the Ad5/6 hexon-chimera evades Kupffer cells and may have utility for systemic and liver-directed therapies

    Generation of a Kupffer Cell-evading Adenovirus for Systemic and Liver-directed Gene Transfer

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    As much as 90% of an intravenously (i.v.) injected dose of adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad5) is absorbed and destroyed by liver Kupffer cells. Viruses that escape these cells can then transduce hepatocytes after binding factor X (FX). Given that interactions with FX and Kupffer cells are thought to occur on the Ad5 hexon protein, we replaced its exposed hypervariable regions (HVR) with those from Ad6. When tested in vivo in BALB/c mice and in hamsters, the Ad5/6 chimera mediated \u3e10 times higher transduction in the liver. This effect was not due to changes in FX binding. Rather, Ad5/6 appeared to escape Kupffer cell uptake as evidenced by producing no Kupffer cell death in vivo, not requiring predosing in vivo, and being phagocytosed less efficiently by macrophages in vitro compared to Ad5. When tested as a helper-dependent adenovirus (Ad) vec- tor, Ad5/6 mediated higher luciferase and factor IX trans- gene expression than either helper-dependent adenoviral 5 (HD-Ad5) or HD-Ad6 vectors. These data suggest that the Ad5/6 hexon-chimera evades Kupffer cells and may have utility for systemic and liver-directed therapies

    HydrAd: A Helper-Dependent Adenovirus Targeting Multiple Immune Pathways for Cancer Immunotherapy

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    For decades, Adenoviruses (Ads) have been staple cancer gene therapy vectors. Ads are highly immunogenic, making them effective adjuvants. These viruses have well characterized genomes, allowing for substantial modifications including capsid chimerism and therapeutic transgene insertion. Multiple generations of Ad vectors have been generated with reduced or enhanced immunogenicity, depending on their intended purpose, and with increased transgene capacity. The latest-generation Ad vector is the Helper-dependent Ad (HDAd), in which all viral coding sequences are removed from the genome, leaving only the cis-acting ITRs and packaging sequences, providing up to 34 kb of transgene capacity. Although HDAds are replication incompetent, their innate immunogenicity remains intact. Therefore, the HDAd is an ideal cancer gene therapy vector as its infection results in anti-viral immune stimulation that can be enhanced or redirected towards the tumor via transgene expression. Co-infection of tumor cells with an oncolytic Ad and an HDAd results in tumor cell lysis and amplification of HDAd-encoded transgene expression. Here, we describe an HDAd-based cancer gene therapy expressing multiple classes of immunomodulatory molecules to simultaneously stimulate multiple axes of immune pathways: the HydrAd. Overall, the HydrAd platform represents a promising cancer immunotherapy agent against complex solid tumors

    Generation of a Kupffer Cell-evading Adenovirus for Systemic and Liver-directed Gene Transfer

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    As much as 90% of an intravenously (i.v.) injected dose of adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad5) is absorbed and destroyed by liver Kupffer cells. Viruses that escape these cells can then transduce hepatocytes after binding factor X (FX). Given that interactions with FX and Kupffer cells are thought to occur on the Ad5 hexon protein, we replaced its exposed hypervariable regions (HVR) with those from Ad6. When tested in vivo in BALB/c mice and in hamsters, the Ad5/6 chimera mediated \u3e10 times higher transduction in the liver. This effect was not due to changes in FX binding. Rather, Ad5/6 appeared to escape Kupffer cell uptake as evidenced by producing no Kupffer cell death in vivo, not requiring predosing in vivo, and being phagocytosed less efficiently by macrophages in vitro compared to Ad5. When tested as a helper-dependent adenovirus (Ad) vec- tor, Ad5/6 mediated higher luciferase and factor IX trans- gene expression than either helper-dependent adenoviral 5 (HD-Ad5) or HD-Ad6 vectors. These data suggest that the Ad5/6 hexon-chimera evades Kupffer cells and may have utility for systemic and liver-directed therapies

    Generation of a Kupffer Cell-evading Adenovirus for Systemic and Liver-directed Gene Transfer

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    As much as 90% of an intravenously (i.v.) injected dose of adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad5) is absorbed and destroyed by liver Kupffer cells. Viruses that escape these cells can then transduce hepatocytes after binding factor X (FX). Given that interactions with FX and Kupffer cells are thought to occur on the Ad5 hexon protein, we replaced its exposed hypervariable regions (HVR) with those from Ad6. When tested in vivo in BALB/c mice and in hamsters, the Ad5/6 chimera mediated \u3e10 times higher transduction in the liver. This effect was not due to changes in FX binding. Rather, Ad5/6 appeared to escape Kupffer cell uptake as evidenced by producing no Kupffer cell death in vivo, not requiring predosing in vivo, and being phagocytosed less efficiently by macrophages in vitro compared to Ad5. When tested as a helper-dependent adenovirus (Ad) vector, Ad5/6 mediated higher luciferase and factor IX transgene expression than either helper-dependent adenoviral 5 (HD-Ad5) or HD-Ad6 vectors. These data suggest that the Ad5/6 hexon-chimera evades Kupffer cells and may have utility for systemic and liver-directed therapies

    Modifications of Adenovirus Hexon Allow for Either Hepatocyte Detargeting or Targeting With Potential Evasion From Kupffer Cells

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    In vivo gene transfer with adenovirus vectors would significantly benefit from a tight control of the adenovirus-inherent liver tropism. For efficient hepatocyte transduction, adenovirus vectors need to evade from Kupffer cell scavenging while delivery to peripheral tissues or tumors could be improved if both scavenging by Kupffer cells and uptake by hepatocytes were blocked. Here, we provide evidence that a single point mutation in the hexon capsomere designed to enable defined chemical capsid modifications may permit both detargeting from and targeting to hepatocytes with evasion from Kupffer cell scavenging. Vector particles modified with small polyethylene glycol (PEG) moieties specifically on hexon exhibited decreased transduction of hepatocytes by shielding from blood coagulation factor binding. Vector particles modified with transferrin or, surprisingly, 5,000 Da PEG or dextran increased hepatocyte transduction up to 18-fold independent of the presence of Kupffer cells. We further show that our strategy can be used to target high-capacity adenovirus vectors to hepatocytes emphasizing the potential for therapeutic liver-directed gene transfer. Our approach may lead to a detailed understanding of the interactions between adenovirus vectors and Kupffer cells, one of the most important barriers for adenovirus-mediated gene delivery