9 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Model Kompetensi Karyawan dalam Meningkatkan Pelayanan Program Pengembangan Masyarakat (Community development) di Departemen Social Responsibility PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara

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    Empower the community is an effort to improve states and dignity levels of society which in the condition of being unable to escape from retardation. On a number of occasions, PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara ( NNT ) often asserted, that it gives serious attention for the management of the environment and social responsibility to the community. This research is done in social responsibility department PTNNT with consideration, the social responsibility department which is a division that directly connected with the community, and became a leading to the community in mine circumference to express their opinions and complaint against PT.NNT policies and employees in social responsibility department has strategic role in running PTNNT community development program. Research methodology to be used is descriptive qualitative research method. Informants were chosen based on several criteria that has been set, and were in purposive have based on initial information obtained. The informants are managers and employees of PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara SR (social responsibility) department and the company circle community amount to 12 people. The SR department  has strategic role in running PT. NNT community development program, however the role has not supported by  knowledge and skills mastery about fine approach method, communication , information and education a community development program itself. In other words, there should have been development competence employees the department of SR in terms of skill and knowledge . Education background with employees different kinds of work, so that knowledge and skills employees department social responsibility PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara ( PTNNT ) where the ability and skills still need to be trained, so with the understanding of corporate social responsibility in a community development program  is not perfect yet. Competence knowledge at least from an employee of  PTNNT SR department relating to the work, PTNNT  community development programs, conformity work programs with the vision of the company a pretty reasonable. Competence skills base PTNNT SR employees includes the ability of communication, socialization, the delivery of information, approach to the community and ability affecting the public. Development model competence for employees department of  SR PTNNT based on a dictionary competence Spencer & Spencer, then adapting model competence of the learning organization. The new model of competence for employees of SR departetemen can help for  PTNNT  understand how to achieve success in employment


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    Wacana seksualitas adalah hal yang tabu dalam masyarakat Asia, umumnya masyarakat penganut agama tertentu. Namun perkembagan media terlihat pesat telah mengikis paradigm lama dan memunculkan wacana yang tanpa sekat di media sosial. Penelitian yang sederhana ini berusaha mengupas unsur mikro linguistik dan makro linguistik dalam wacana pemberitaan di channel youtube BBC London mengenai skaldal X menggunakan teori analisis wacana yang dikembangkan oleh Michel Foucolt, Norman Fairclough, dan Teun A. Van Dijk. Analisis unsur mikro dalam wacana dibutuhkan untuk mengidentifikasi kohesi dan koherensi teks. Adapun analisis wacana makro digunakan untuk melihat unsur kognisi sosial, power, dan praktik sosial budaya yang ada dalam wacana. Hasil analisis menampilkan wacana bersifat netral dan tidak memberatkan salah satu jenis kelamin bahkan tidak menonjolkan korban sebagai pihak yang dirugikan dalam wacana dengan tidak menggunakan pilihan kata victim dan lebih memilih kata pronominal bagi para korban.Kata kunci: Analisis Wacana; Mikro –makro linguistic


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang strategi pengembangan sumber daya manusia melalui pelatihan berbasis Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) di Desa Kerato Kabupaten Sumbawa Besar. Desa ini dipilih karena memiliki potensi yang sangat strategis untuk pengembangan UMKM, sehingga pengembangan sumber daya manusia pelaku ekonomi berbasis UMKM masih memerlukan peningkatan keterampilan dan pengetahuan untuk meningkatkan daya saing dan keberlanjutan usaha, sehingga mengarah pada peningkatan perekonomian. Metode kegiatan ini meliputi analisis masalah, permasalahan pembangunan berbasis program, dan implementasi strategi pemberdayaan masyarakat pelaku ekonomi di desa Kerato, melalui pemanfaatan teknologi berbasis media sosial dan mengintegrasikannya ke dalam kegiatan UMKM. Hasil dari kegiatan ini menunjukkan kebutuhan pelatihan diidentifikasi melalui aspek manajemen administrasi dan sistem manajerial, pengenalan teknologi melalui media sosial, dan pemanfaatan marketplace dalam pemasaran. Dengan menerapkan strategi tersebut diharapkan UMKM di desa Kerato dapat meningkatkan kualitas dan produktivitasnya serta memberikan dampak positif bagi perekonomian desa melalui sistem pemasaran berbasis penguasaan teknologi sehingga dapat menjadi acuan dalam mengembangkan UMKM di desa lainny


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    The research was conducted to determine the effect of job satisfaction on organizational commitment at the Sumbawa Besar Post head office, PT. Indonesian post. This research was aimed to reveal how far job satisfaction affects organizational commitment. This research uses a descriptive quantitative approach. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. The sample in this study was conducted by 14 permanent employees and staff who work at the head office of Pos Sumbawa Besar PT. Indonesian post. This research data uses two scales, namely the scale of job satisfaction and organizational commitment scale. The results showed that there was an effect of job satisfaction on organizational commitment with a significant value (Sig.) Of 0.01 less than 0.05, so the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. These results indicate that if job satisfaction is positive, the organizational commitment will increase. Job satisfaction has an effect of 58.9% while the other 41.1% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study


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    Consumer motivation is an impulse that comes from the ego to make a movement so that what is desired can be achieved. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of consumer motivation on the decision to purchase discounted goods on UTS students at the Sumbawa Besar minimarket. This study uses a quantitative approach. The sampling technique used cluster sampling. The sample in this study amounted to 362 students. The research data was obtained using research instruments in the form of two scales, namely the consumer motivation scale and the purchasing decision scale. The results showed that consumer motivation had an effect on purchasing decisions with the value of Sig. 0.000 (Sig. <0.05) and R Square of 0.376, which means the higher the consumer's motivation, the higher the purchase decision. Consumer motivation has an effect of 37.6% and 62.4% is influenced by other variables outside the study. Consumer motivation in the good category with the highest aspect is the emotional aspect. Meanwhile, purchasing decisions are in the good category with the highest aspect being the rational aspect


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    Sumbawa University of Technology certainly has goals that must be achieved. The study of the psychology of engineering workspace in order to increase the work motivation of educational staff is expected to open the door to achieve this goal. This research was conducted to determine the effect of the psychology of engineering workspace on the work motivation of education staff at the Sumbawa University of Technology by using descriptive quantitative research. The sampling of this research used random sampling technique, obtained as many as 40 samples of education staff from the Sumbawa University of Technology. The research data was obtained using the psychology scale of work layout engineering and work motivation scale. The results showed that there was an influence of the psychology of work layout engineering on the work motivation of the Sumbawa Technology University Education Staff with a significance value (Sig.) of 0.035 (<0.05), obtained R value is 0.334 and R Square value is 0.112. Where the value of R shows the value of the correlation coefficient or the value of the psychological relationship between work layout engineering and work motivation of 0.334, based on the correlation coefficient table, this value is included in the low category, so that the contribution of the influence (R Square) of workspace engineering psychology in increasing work motivation education is only 11.2%, while the other 88.8% is influenced by other variables that are not examined in this study.Sumbawa University of Technology certainly has goals that must be achieved. The study of the psychology of engineering workspace in order to increase the work motivation of educational staff is expected to open the door to achieve this goal. This research was conducted to determine the effect of the psychology of engineering workspace on the work motivation of education staff at the Sumbawa University of Technology by using descriptive quantitative research. The sampling of this research used random sampling technique, obtained as many as 40 samples of education staff from the Sumbawa University of Technology. The research data was obtained using the psychology scale of work layout engineering and work motivation scale. The results showed that there was an influence of the psychology of work layout engineering on the work motivation of the Sumbawa Technology University Education Staff with a significance value (Sig.) of 0.035 (<0.05), obtained R value is 0.334 and R Square value is 0.112. Where the value of R shows the value of the correlation coefficient or the value of the psychological relationship between work layout engineering and work motivation of 0.334, based on the correlation coefficient table, this value is included in the low category, so that the contribution of the influence (R Square) of workspace engineering psychology in increasing work motivation education is only 11.2%, while the other 88.8% is influenced by other variables that are not examined in this study


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    Anak merupakan anugerah dari pencipta yang diamanahkan untuk dirawat, dibimbing dan didik yang nantinya akan menjadi sumberdaya manusia masa mendatang. Penelitian membahas tentang kelekatan aman pada ibu dan kemandirian pada anak. Kelekatan aman (Secure attacment) merupakan keterkaitan yang aman secara emosional antara orangtua dengan anak sebagai dasar perkembangan yang secara konsisten perannya bagi perkembangan psikologis dan kemandirian bagi anak. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif, dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Subjek merupakan 3 orang murid di taman kanak-kanak Riyaadhul Jannah Sumbawa dengan kriteria adalah anak yang bersekolah di Riyaadhul Jannah Sumbawa, ditemani ibu ketika pergi kesekolah, dan duduk di lelas B. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan dari ketiga subjek, salah satunya subjek M memiliki kelekatan aman serta kemandirian yang berbeda dibandingkan subjek yang lain. Hal ini dikarenakan subjek tersebut lebih mampu mengurus pribadinya. Sedangkan dua subjek lainnya memiliki kelekatan yang lebih dengan orangtuanya. Hal tersebut diperlihatkan ketika subjek berada dekat ibu subjek, Baik itu pada saat berada di lingkungan sekolah maupun lingkungan rumah. Maka dari itu para orangtua dapat menumbuhkan rasa percaya diri anak yang akan menimbulkan kemandirian anak disekolah begitu juga ketika anak berada didalam rumah. Perhatian, dukungan dari orang tua dapat memberikan  energi positif  bagi anak.Children are gifts from God who are mandated to be cared, guided and educated who become good person in the future. This research is about secure attachment. Secure attachment is an emotionally safe relationship between parents and children as a basic for development that consistently plays a role in children's psychological development. The research is focus to independence of children. Independence is an attitude of autonomy which a person is relatively free from the influence of the judgments, opinions and beliefs of others. Research methodology to be used is descriptive qualitative research method. Informants were chosen based on several criteria that has been set, and were in purposive have based on initial information obtained. The informants are 3 students in a kindergarten Riyaadhul Jannah Sumbawa the criteria is children attending riyaadhul, and accompanied by their mother at school.   The results of this research were that of the three subjects. Researcher found that one of the subjects, namely M, had a different secure attachment and independence compared to other subjects. Because the subject is better able to take care of their personality, while the other two subjects have more attachment to their parents. This is shown when the subject is near the subject's mother, whether it is in the school environment or the home environment. Therefore, parents can foster children's self-confidence which will lead to children's independence at school as well as when the child is at home. Attention, support from parents can provide positive energy for childre

    The Influence of Cross-Interest Economic Learning on Senior High School Students’ Learning Interest and Student Achievement

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    The 2013 curriculum provides opportunities for learners to develop their abilities, talents and interests more broadly and openly The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of cross-interest economic learning on learning interest and Learning Achievement of Class XI MIA 1 SMA Negeri 3 Sumbawa Besar students. The type of research used by researchers is Quantitative research using experimental methods to measure relationships, the influence of variable differences. The results showed that there was an influence of learners across economic interests on learning interest and learning achievement from the results of the Anova column F test conducted with the spss version 22 application, a significant value for learning interest was obtained by 0.034 So it can be concluded that there is an influence of learning Cross economic interest on learning interest and learning achievemen

    Lihat-Dengar-Hubungkan : Efektivitas Program Dukungan Psikologis Awal untuk Generasi Milenial

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    Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat merupakan salah satu provinsi yang menyumbang angka bunuh diri tertinggi di Indonesia. Sebagai bentuk pencegahan terhadap perilaku bunuh diri, Fakultas Psikologi memiliki peran untuk memberikan edukasi tentang pentingnya bantuan psikologis melalui psikoedukasi Dukungan Psikologis Awal (DPA). Tujuan dari studi ini adalah menguji efektifitas psikoedukasi DPA yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain quasi-experimental pre-post test within subject group. Partisipan diminta untuk mengisi kuesioner berupa pengetahuan terkait DPA yang disampaikan dalam psikoedukasi. 37 partisipan dalam riset ini direkrut secara convenience sampling. Partisipan berasal dari 4 fakultas berbeda dan merupakan generasi milenial (M= 19,10, SD= 1,07). Materi DPA mengacu pada modul psikoedukasi yang dibuat oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Tahun 2018 dan diadaptasi untuk target partisipan remaja dan dewasa awal. Psikoedukasi DPA dilakukan selama satu hari dengan durasi 180 menit. Hasil menunjukan terdapat perubahan pengetahuan DPA yang signifikan pada mahasiswa. Hal tersebut diketahui dari skor respon pretest dan posttest (p < 0,05; p = 0,16). Kegiatan ini sangat disarankan bagi para sivitas akademika di bidang psikologi untuk lebih banyak mengenalkan pentingnya DPA dalam rangka pencegahan pemikiran ide bunuh diri