7 research outputs found

    ALEE-AO : una realtĂ  in fase di test

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    E' stato installato presso una macchina di Lombardia Informatica la release 1.1 del prodotto ALEE-AO. In questo articolo si intendono illustrare i risultati raggiunti. Tale release sarĂ  oggetto di test entro il primo semestre 2004 da parte di utenti esperti indicati dall'Assessorato alla sanitĂ  della regione Lombardia

    ALEE-AO: Analisi e Progettazione

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    Continua la collaborazione tra Regione Lombardia, UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Milano (Prof. Cesare Cislaghi), Lombardia Informatica e CILEA per la realizzazione dell'Atlante Lombardo Epidemiologico ed Economico dell'AttivitĂ  Ospedaliera (ALEE-AO) dinamico fruibile via Internet. In questo articolo si illustrano a grandi linee l'analisi e la progettazione dei componenti software che saranno la base per lo sviluppo del progetto

    PPOA: work in progress

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    Il sistema PPOA, destinato da molti anni al monitoraggio dei soggetti guariti da leucemie seguiti dalla Clinica Pediatrica presso l'Ospedale di Monza, sta evolvendo sia dal punto di vista informatico in una versione accessibile via Web e adottando tecnologie all'avanguardia, sia in senso scientifico con lo studio in atto da parte della Clinica Pediatrica e dell'U.O. Emato-Oncologica Pediatrica dell'Istituto Gaslini di Genova per abilitare PPOA a seguire i soggetti guariti da una qualunque forma tumorale. L'espansione del progetto, la volontĂ  di costruire un prodotto evoluto destinato anche alla comunitĂ  internazionale ci hanno indotto a utilizzare adeguati supporti all'analisi e alla progettazione

    ALEE-AO : una realtĂ  in fase di test

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    E' stato installato presso una macchina di Lombardia Informatica la release 1.1 del prodotto ALEE-AO. In questo articolo si intendono illustrare i risultati raggiunti. Tale release sarĂ  oggetto di test entro il primo semestre 2004 da parte di utenti esperti indicati dall'Assessorato alla sanitĂ  della regione Lombardia

    Cloud-based XR Services: A Survey on Relevant Challenges and Enabling Technologies

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    In recent years, the emergence of XR (eXtended Reality) applications, including Holography, Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality, has resulted in the creation of rather demanding requirements for Quality of Experience (QoE) and Quality of Service (QoS). In order to cope with requirements such as ultra-low latency and increased bandwidth, it is of paramount importance to leverage certain technological paradigms. The purpose of this paper is to identify these QoE and QoS requirements and then to provide an extensive survey on technologies that are able to facilitate the rather demanding requirements of Cloud-based XR Services. To that end, a wide range of enabling technologies are explored. These technologies include e.g. the ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC), Edge Storage, the ETSI Management and Orchestration (MANO), the ETSI Zero touch network & Service Management (ZSM), Deterministic Networking, the 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) Media Streaming, MPEG’s (Moving Picture Experts Group) Mixed and Augmented Reality standard, the Omnidirectional MediA Format (OMAF), ETSI’s Augmented Reality Framework etc

    Cloud for Holography and Augmented Reality

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    The paper introduces the CHARITY framework, a novel framework which aspires to leverage the benefits of intelligent, network continuum autonomous orchestration of cloud, edge, and network resources, to create a symbiotic relationship between low and high latency infrastructures. These infrastructures will facilitate the needs of emerging applications such as holographic events, virtual reality training, and mixed reality entertainment. The framework relies on different enablers and technologies related to cloud and edge for offering a suitable environment in order to deliver the promise of ubiquitous computing to the NextGen application clients. The paper discusses the main pillars that support the CHARITY vision, and provide a description of the planned use cases that are planned to demonstrate CHARITY capabilities

    New insights into selective PDE4D inhibitors: 3-(Cyclopentyloxy)-4-methoxybenzaldehyde O-(2-(2,6-dimethylmorpholino)-2-oxoethyl) oxime (GEBR-7b) structural development and promising activities to restore memory impairment

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    Phosphodiesterase type 4D (PDE4D) has been indicated as a promising target for treating neurodegenerative pathologies such as Alzheimer's Disease (AD). By preventing cAMP hydrolysis, PDE4 inhibitors (PDE4Is) increase the cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) phosphorylation, synaptic plasticity and long-term memory formation. Pharmacological and behavioral studies on our hit GEBR-7b demonstrated that selective PDE4DIs could improve memory without causing emesis and sedation. The hit development led to new molecule series, herein reported, characterized by a catechol structure bonded to five member heterocycles. Molecular modeling studies highlighted the pivotal role of a polar alkyl chain in conferring selective enzyme interaction. Compound 8a showed PDE4D3 selective inhibition and was able to increase intracellular cAMP levels in neuronal cells, as well as in the hippocampus of freely moving rats. Furthermore, 8a was able to readily cross the blood-brain barrier and enhanced memory performance in mice without causing any emetic-like behavior. These data support the view that PDE4D is an adequate molecular target to restore memory deficits in different neuropathologies, including AD, and also indicate compound 8a as a promising candidate for further preclinical development