615 research outputs found

    Encapsulated proanthocyanidins as novel ingredients

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    Proanthocyanidins (OPC) are polyphenolic compounds, derivatives of flavan-3-ol flavonoids. They are abundant in grape seeds and skins, and contribute to most of the polyphenols in red wine. Proanthocyanidins from grape seed have been reported to show various health as well as technological properties. Aim of the study was to investigate the coating efficiency of maltodextrin (MD) in different molecular ratios with arabic gum (AG) on encapsulation of phenolic compounds extracted from grape pomace. The present study was planned to examine the contributions of MD, AG and OPC to the structural architecture of encapsulated OPC by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), their encapsulation efficiency and their functionality (antioxidant activity and bioavailability) by spectrophotometric assays and mass spectrometry analysis (MALDI-TOF-MS). The effect of encapsulated OPC on in vitro polyphenol digestibility was also evaluated according to the Infogest protocol. Encapsulated products were obtained by a mild ultrasonication method in controlled conditions based on the phenomenon of acoustic cavitation, and then freeze-dried. The content of coating material had significant (p>0.05) impact on particle morphology of spray-dried suspensions. SEM analysis of samples of AG/MD and AG/MD/OPC were similar and exhibited cracks and sharp edges, but samples with OPC showed a more enclosed structure. Total and Surface phenolic content of microcapsules showed the best encapsulation efficiency for samples with 4% of AG and 12% of MD. MALDI-TOF-MS characterization of encapsulated samples showed integrity of OPC components in the microcapsules with no changes with respect to original OPC. The in vitro digestion experiments showed also that composition and functionality of encapsulated OPC were better preserved along gastrointestinal digestion process. In conclusion, OPC microcapsules could be utilized both as nutraceuticals and additives in various food application

    Terremoti, ruderi e ricostruzioni. Una proposta per la chiesa di Sant’ Agostino ad Amatrice

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    The Church of Sant’Agostino is an aulic example of medieval mendicant architecture. The church is part of central Italy’s huge heritage reduced to ruin by the earthquake of 2016 and 2017. Those repeated seismic shocks caused the collapse of the rose window, the bell tower, the adjacent urbic door and the northwest side.The following work concerns the cultural and technological issues of the reconstruction project for a ruin which was caused by traumatic events. These ruins have intrinsic cultural values.This essay proposes design solutions for the church of Sant'Agostino: without altering the focus of the intervention, which consists of preservation of the cultural values of what still persists, the project envisages the reconstruction and rubble recycling, using constructive techniques that are both traditional and contemporary. Furthermore, the border line between the ruin and the rebuilt parts is marked out with both modern technological and formal solutions

    Infectious spondylodiscitis and kyphosis correction in an infant: a case report

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    Background Neonatal infectious spondylodiscitis is a rare bony infection with atypical clinical presentation and non-specific systemic symptoms. Diagnosis and treatment are often delayed resulting in vertebral destruction and severe complications. We retrospectively reviewed the case of an infant with infectious spondylodiscitis resulting in T12 body destruction and marked angular kyphosis. Case-report A 4-week-old infant developed an infectious spondylodiscitis resulting in destruction of the T12 vertebral body and involvement of disc between T12 and L1. At 6 months of age, X-ray showed a marked thoracolumbar angular kyphosis above 50 Cobb degrees. Therefore, the patient underwent single time surgery with double anterior and posterior approach. At 9 years follow up, clinical and radiological findings show a stable correction with good aesthetic appearance. Conclusion Neonatal spondylodiscitis could lead to marked kyphosis similar to the congenital one. Since treatment with casts and tutors is often inefficacious, prompt surgery should be considered. The double anterior and posterior approach is the best option in this condition

    Analysis of Catania Flash Flood Case Study by Using Combined Microwave and Infrared Technique

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    Abstract In this paper, the analysis of an extreme convective event atypical for the winter season, which occurred on 21 February 2013 on the east coast of Sicily and caused a flash flood over Catania, is presented. In just 1 h, more than 50 mm of precipitation was recorded, but it was not forecast by numerical weather prediction (NWP) models and, consequently, no severe weather warnings were sent to the population. The case study proposed is first examined with respect to the synoptic situation and then analyzed by means of two algorithms based on satellite observations: the Cloud Mask Coupling of Statistical and Physical Methods (MACSP) and the Precipitation Evolving Technique (PET), developed at the National Research Council of Italy. Both of the algorithms show their ability in the near-real-time monitoring of convective cell formation and their rapid evolution. As quantitative precipitation forecasts by NWP could fail, especially for atypical convective events like in Catania, tools like MACSP and PET shall be adopted by civil protection centers to monitor the real-time evolution of deep convection events in aid to the severe weather warning service

    Pulsed laser deposition of organic and biological materials

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    We report on the deposition of soft matter thin films by Matrix Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation (MAPLE). In particular, thin layers of biological material (Bovine Serum Albumin) and polymers (polyfluorene) for medical and optoelectronic applications, were realized by laser irradiating a frozen solution containing a low amount of material diluted in a laser absorbing volatile solvent. The depositions were carried out varying different parameters as solvent–solute concentration, solvent nature, laser fluencies, etc. The optical, morphological, structural and spectroscopical properties were detected by means of different analyses as FTIR, photoluminescence, AFM and SDS

    Transforming activities of Chlamydia pneumoniae in human mesothelial cells

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    Knowledge in viral oncology has made considerable progress in the field of cancer fight. However, the role of bacteria as mediators of oncogenesis has not yet been elucidated. As cancer still is the leading cause of death in developed countries, understanding the long-term effects of bacteria has become of great importance as a possible means of cancer prevention. This study reports that Chlamydia pneumoniae infection induce transformation of human mesothelial cells. Mes1 cells infected with C. pneumoniae at a multiplicity of infection of 4 inclusion-forming units/cell showed many intracellular inclusion bodies. After a 7-day infection an increased proliferative activity was also observed. Real-time PCR analysis revealed a strong induction of calretinin, Wilms’ tumour gene 1, osteopontin, matrix metalloproteinases-2, and  membrane-type 1 metalloproteinases gene expression in Mes1 cell, infected for a longer period (14 days). The results were confirmed by western blot analysis. Zymography analysis showed that C. pneumoniae modulated the in-vitro secretion of MMP-2 in Mes1 cells both at 7 and 14 days. Cell invasion, as measured by matrigel-coated filter, increased after 7 and 14 days infection with C. pneumoniae, compared with uninfected Mes1 cells. The results of this study suggest that C. pneumoniae infection might support cellular transformation, thus increasing lung cancer risk. [Int Microbiol 2014; 17(4):185-193]Keywords: Chlamydia pneumoniae · cytotoxicity · human mesothelial cells · cellular transformation · tumoral marker

    Oxytocin and fear memory extinction:possible implications for the therapyof fear disorders?

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    Several psychiatric conditions such as phobias, generalized anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are characterized by pathological fear and anxiety. The main therapeutic approach used in the management of these disorders is exposure-based therapy, which is conceptually based upon fear extinction with the formation of a new safe memory association, allowing the reduction in behavioral conditioned fear responses. Nevertheless, this approach is only partially resolutive, since many patients have difficulty following the demanding and long process, and relapses are frequently observed over time. One strategy to improve the efficacy of the cognitive therapy is the combination with pharmacological agents. Therefore, the identification of compounds able to strengthen the formation and persistence of the inhibitory associations is a key goal. Recently, growing interest has been aroused by the neuropeptide oxytocin (OXT), which has been shown to have anxiolytic effects. Furthermore, OXT receptors and binding sites have been found in the critical brain structures involved in fear extinction. In this review, the recent literature addressing the complex effects of OXT on fear extinction at preclinical and clinical levels is discussed. These studies suggest that the OXT roles in fear behavior are due to its local effects in several brain regions, most notably, distinct amygdaloid regions

    Heterologous protein production by yeast in aerated fed-batch cultures:relevance of the host strain viability.

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    The auxotrofic S. cerevisiae BY4741, carrying the fusion PIR4-IL1β, and able to secrete the human interleukin-1β into the culture medium, has been employed in an aerated bioreactor working as a fed-batch. Notwithstanding proper formulation of the culture medium, the performance of the host strain BY4741 [Pir4-IL1β] in fed-batch was not satisfactory: biomass density was far from that expected, glucose and ethanol accumulated during the runs. To test if the oxidative stress was responsible for the observed behaviour, the mutant BY4741 Δyca1, deleted for the YCA1 gene, coding for a caspase-like protein involved in yeast apoptosis, was transformed with the expression cassette containing the fusion PIR4-IL1β, and assayed in the same aerated fed-batch system. The different performances exhibited by both BY4741[Pir4-IL1β] and BY4741 Δyca1 [Pir4-IL1β], together with the study of death kinetics during operation runs, evidenced the relevance of strain viability in the operative conditions employed
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