37 research outputs found

    Genetic risk and a primary role for cell-mediated immune mechanisms in multiple sclerosis.

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    Multiple sclerosis is a common disease of the central nervous system in which the interplay between inflammatory and neurodegenerative processes typically results in intermittent neurological disturbance followed by progressive accumulation of disability. Epidemiological studies have shown that genetic factors are primarily responsible for the substantially increased frequency of the disease seen in the relatives of affected individuals, and systematic attempts to identify linkage in multiplex families have confirmed that variation within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) exerts the greatest individual effect on risk. Modestly powered genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have enabled more than 20 additional risk loci to be identified and have shown that multiple variants exerting modest individual effects have a key role in disease susceptibility. Most of the genetic architecture underlying susceptibility to the disease remains to be defined and is anticipated to require the analysis of sample sizes that are beyond the numbers currently available to individual research groups. In a collaborative GWAS involving 9,772 cases of European descent collected by 23 research groups working in 15 different countries, we have replicated almost all of the previously suggested associations and identified at least a further 29 novel susceptibility loci. Within the MHC we have refined the identity of the HLA-DRB1 risk alleles and confirmed that variation in the HLA-A gene underlies the independent protective effect attributable to the class I region. Immunologically relevant genes are significantly overrepresented among those mapping close to the identified loci and particularly implicate T-helper-cell differentiation in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis

    Phalaecus Stal 1862

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    KEY TO SPECIES OF <i>PHALAECUS</i> STÅL, 1862 <p> 1. Dorsal surface pale yellow with longitudinal light brown to ocher stripes on pronotum and scutellum; connexivum alternating light brown and pale yellow areas; antennomeres I to IV concolorous, apical half of V suffused with dark brown............................................................................................. <i>Phalaecus lineatus</i> Grazia, 1983</p> <p>— Pronotum and scutellum without clear longitudinal stripes but with a lacy pattern of color with dark background and yellow to red spots; connexivum contrasted with alternating dark spots and lighter spots on each abdominal segment; antennomeres III, IV, V with large contrasting black spots........................................................... 2</p> <p> 2. Antennomeres I and II all-black glossy, the 2/3 apical of antennomeres III black, and more of the the 4⁄5 apical of antennomeres IV and V black........................................................ <i>Phalaecus nigromaculatus</i> Grazia, 1983</p> <p> — Clear contrasted spots with a different color than the background dorsal surface; antennomeres I and II not entirely black glossy with only a distal black ring on second segment, and in <i>P. carmini</i> n. sp. also a distal dark ring on first segment. Antennomeres III-V with black areas smaller than above........................................... 3</p> <p> 3. One large central impunctate orange spot on each corium, surrounded by numerous small orange coalescent spots (forming a network of impunctate light spots) occupying a large part of the surface whose darker background is punctuated; black apical spot on antennomeres IV shorter than half of its length......................................................................................................................................... <i>Phalaecus pustulatus</i> (De Geer, 1773)</p> <p>— Small spots of the corium in lower number than above and generally separated from each other, not coalescent. Clear spots therefore are well individualized and more contrasted with respect to the background; black apical spot on antennomeres IV larger than or equal to half of its length............................................................... 4</p> <p> 4. Antennomeres I black matt, black apical part on antennomeres III larger than half of its length; red carmine background color; legs yellow with rufous tarsus, knees and apex of tibiae................ <i>Phalaecus carmini</i> n. sp. Antennomeres I brownish, black apical part on antennomeres III less than half of its length; brown background color; legs brownish almost concolorous.......................................................... <i>Phalaecus ruckesi</i> Grazia, 1983</p>Published as part of <i>Lupoli, Roland, 2019, The genus Phalaecus StÃ¥l, 1862 in French Guiana, description of P. carmini n. sp., and the female of P. lineatus Grazia, 1983 from Mitaraka (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), pp. 21-28 in Zoosystema 41 (3)</i> on page 27, DOI: 10.5252/zoosystema2019v41a3, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3718476">http://zenodo.org/record/3718476</a&gt

    Phalaecus lineatus Grazia 1983

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    <i>Phalaecus lineatus</i> Grazia, 1983 (Figs 1C; 2 H-J) <p> <i>Phalaecus lineatus</i> Grazia, 1983: 186.</p> <p> MATERIAL EXAMINED. — <b>French Guiana</b>. 60 specimens: 18 ♀, 42 ♂. Maripasoula, massif du Mitaraka, <i>c.</i> 2°14’N, 54°27’O, 25.II-26.III.2015, La Planète Revisitée – MNHN / PNI Guyane 2015 (APA 973 -1), MNHN, UV-MV light trap, 25.II.2015, 1 ♂, coll. RL; Polyvie trap (pink LED), 3.III.2015, 7 ♂, coll. RL; GemLight trap (UV & green LED), 7.III.2015, 2 ♂, coll. RL; Polyvie trap (pink LED), 11.III.2015, 1 ♂, coll. RL; GemLight trap (UV & green LED), 13.III.2015, 1 ♂, coll. RL; Polyvie trap (pink LED), 20.III.2015, 5 ♂, 1 ♀, coll. RL; Polyvie trap (pink LED), 21.III.2015, 9 ♂, 1 ♀, coll. RL; GemLight trap (UV & green LED), 21.III.2015, 3 ♂, 2 ♀, MNHN; Polyvie trap (pink LED), 25.III.2015, 7 ♂ et 1 ♀, coll. RL; GemLight trap (UV & green LED), 25.III.2015, 6 ♀, 2 ♂, coll. RL; Polyvie trap (blue LED), 20.VIII.2015, 2 ♂, 2 ♀, MNHN; Polyvie trap (pink LED), 20.VIII.2015, 2 ♂, 2 ♀, coll. RL. — Saül, Point de vue, Polyvie trap (blue LED), 20.II.2017, 1 ♀, coll. RL; Polyvie trap (blue LED) 6.IV.2017, 2 ♀, coll. RL.</p> <p>DISTRIBUTION. — Surinam: Pepejoe. French Guiana: Maripasoula and Saül (present paper).</p> <p>DIAGNOSIS. — According to the original description of the male holotype from Surinam by Grazia (1983). Dorsal surface globally pale yellow-ocher as well as legs (Fig. 1C). Pronotum with ten longitudinal lines formed by brownish shallow punctures. Base of scutellum with four longitudinal punctured lines in the continuation of the four central pronotal longitudinal lines, only the two external lines reaching the apex. Corium with irregular punctured network of lines, formed by brownish shallow punctures, leaving large irregular pale yellow-ocher impunctate spots. Connexivum impunctate and almost concolorous, weakly marked alternatively with pale rufous spots. Antennomeres I to IV concolorous, apical half of antennomere V slightly darker.</p> <p> Genital plates impunctate pale yellow-ocher (Fig. 2J) as well as ventral surface. Gonocoxites 8 oval with a ratio length/width larger than 1.5, reaching the posterior margin of gonocoxites 9. Gonocoxites 9 and laterotergites 9 are on the same plane. Apex of laterotergites 8 conical and very similar to the female of <i>P. pustulatus</i> (Fig. 2D) but slightly more inclined outwardly. Laterotergites 9 narrow, basally covered by gonocoxites 8, so their lateral margins are not protruding over the lateral sides of gonocoxites 8. Proctiger cylindrical.</p> <p>DESCRIPTION OF FEMALE</p> <p> <i>Measurements (mm)</i></p> <p>Total length: 15.7-17.2; pronotum width (at humeral angles): 9.0-9.6; abdomen width: 10.0-10.9; head length: 1.6-1.9; head width across the eyes: 2.3-2.5; pronotum length: 3.5- 3.6; Antennomeres I: 1.2-1.5, II: 1.6-1.7, III: 2.2-2.6, IV: 3.1-3.3, V: 2.7-2.8.</p> <p>REMARK</p> <p> Described previously only from the male holotype collected in 1952, this species is mentioned here for the first time in French Guiana with 60 specimens collected in 2015 and 2017 from two localities (57 from Mitaraka, three from Saül), in- cluding more than twice more males than females (sex ratio close to 2:1). The males may be more attracted by lights than females. Conversely, <i>P. pustulatus</i> sex ratio is close to 1:1. The female of <i>P. lineatus</i> is described here and this species is photographed for the first time.</p>Published as part of <i>Lupoli, Roland, 2019, The genus Phalaecus StÃ¥l, 1862 in French Guiana, description of P. carmini n. sp., and the female of P. lineatus Grazia, 1983 from Mitaraka (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), pp. 21-28 in Zoosystema 41 (3)</i> on pages 24-25, DOI: 10.5252/zoosystema2019v41a3, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3718476">http://zenodo.org/record/3718476</a&gt

    Edessa amazonica Fernandes & Doesburg, 2000, espèce nouvelle pour la Guyane française et le Suriname, et première description de la femelle (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae, Edessinae)

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    Edessa amazonica Fernandes & Doesburg, 2000, first mention in French Guiana and Surinam, and first description of the female (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae, Edessinae). The holotype of Edessa amazonica was not collected in French Guiana but in Surinam. Then, this species is new for Surinam, as well as for French Guiana since four specimens of E. amazonica were recently discovered there, including one female photographed and described for the first time. Amazonian geographical distribution of the three closely related species Edessa beckeri, E. xingu and E. amazonica, is updated, as well as the distribution of E. amazonica in French Guiana.L’holotype d’Edessa amazonica ne provient pas de Guyane française mais du Suriname. L’espèce est ainsi nouvelle pour le Suriname, mais également pour la Guyane française car quatre exemplaires d’E. amazonica y ont récemment été découverts, dont une femelle photographiée et décrite pour la première fois. La distribution géographique en Amazonie des trois espèces proches Edessa beckeri, E. xingu et E. amazonica, est mise à jour, ainsi que celle d’E. amazonica en Guyane.Lupoli Roland. Edessa amazonica Fernandes & Doesburg, 2000, espèce nouvelle pour la Guyane française et le Suriname, et première description de la femelle (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae, Edessinae). In: Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, volume 122 (2),2017. pp. 199-202

    Recherches sur la caracterisation intraspecifique moleculaire et biologique des pucerons en vue de son application a l'epidemiologie des virus de type non persistant

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    SIGLEINIST T 76349 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    First catalogue of the Asopinae (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) from French Guiana

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    Lupoli, Roland (2019): First catalogue of the Asopinae (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) from French Guiana. Zootaxa 4668 (1): 76-88, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4668.1.

    Phalaecus nigromaculatus Grazia 1983

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    <i>Phalaecus nigromaculatus</i> Grazia, 1983 (Figs 1D; 2 K-N) <p> <i>Phalaecus nigromaculatus</i> Grazia, 1983: 185.</p> <p> MATERIAL EXAMINED. — <b>French Guiana.</b> 2 specimens: 1 ♀, 1♂. Roura, Montagne de Kaw, pK 37.5, hand catching, 12.VI.2003, Alexandre Bout leg., 1♀, coll. RL. — Montagne des Chevaux RN2 pK 22, Glass interception trap, 19.II.2012, 1♂, coll. RL.</p> <p>DISTRIBUTION. — Brazil: Mato Grosso (Humbolt) & Amapa (Rio Amapari). Surinam: Brokopondo (Browsberg). French Guiana: Roura (present paper).</p> <p>REMARK</p> <p>This species does not seem to be attracted by lights. The female specimen was collected by sight and the male specimen with a glass interception trap. Also Grazia (1983) did not mention the use of light traps to collect the three specimens observed, 1 ♀ & 1 ♂ from Brazil and 1♀ from Surinam. This species is photographed for the first time. The dorsal color of the female collected is globally red although the color of the male is mostly dark orange.</p>Published as part of <i>Lupoli, Roland, 2019, The genus Phalaecus StÃ¥l, 1862 in French Guiana, description of P. carmini n. sp., and the female of P. lineatus Grazia, 1983 from Mitaraka (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), pp. 21-28 in Zoosystema 41 (3)</i> on page 26, DOI: 10.5252/zoosystema2019v41a3, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3718476">http://zenodo.org/record/3718476</a&gt

    Edessa amazonica Fernandes & Doesburg, 2000, espèce nouvelle pour la Guyane française et le Suriname, et première description de la femelle (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae, Edessinae)

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    Edessa amazonica Fernandes & Doesburg, 2000, first mention in French Guiana and Surinam, and first description of the female (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae, Edessinae). The holotype of Edessa amazonica was not collected in French Guiana but in Surinam. Then, this species is new for Surinam, as well as for French Guiana since four specimens of E. amazonica were recently discovered there, including one female photographed and described for the first time. Amazonian geographical distribution of the three closely related species Edessa beckeri, E. xingu and E. amazonica, is updated, as well as the distribution of E. amazonica in French Guiana.L’holotype d’Edessa amazonica ne provient pas de Guyane française mais du Suriname. L’espèce est ainsi nouvelle pour le Suriname, mais également pour la Guyane française car quatre exemplaires d’E. amazonica y ont récemment été découverts, dont une femelle photographiée et décrite pour la première fois. La distribution géographique en Amazonie des trois espèces proches Edessa beckeri, E. xingu et E. amazonica, est mise à jour, ainsi que celle d’E. amazonica en Guyane.Lupoli Roland. Edessa amazonica Fernandes & Doesburg, 2000, espèce nouvelle pour la Guyane française et le Suriname, et première description de la femelle (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae, Edessinae). In: Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, volume 122 (2),2017. pp. 199-202

    Phalaecus pustulatus

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    <i>Phalaecus pustulatus</i> (De Geer, 1773) (Figs 1A; 2 A-D) <p> <i>Cimex pustulatus</i> De Geer, 1773: 329.</p> <p> <i>Phalaecus pustulatus</i> – Stål 1872: 47.</p> <p> MATERIAL EXAMINED. — <b>French Guiana</b>. 51 specimens: 26 ♀, 25 ♂. Matoury, La Désirée (Mont Matoury) Polyvie trap (blue LED), 18.X.2014, 1 ♂, coll. RL. — Sinnamary, Route du barrage de Petit Saut, V.1995, Jean-Michel Bérenger leg., 1 ♀, coll. RL. — Ouanary, Montagne Bruyère 19.II.2001, Hydreco leg., 2 ♀, coll. Hydreco; 17.VIII.2001, Hydreco leg., 2 ♂, coll. Hydreco. — Roura, Montagne des Chevaux RN2 pK 22, automatic Light trap, 21.X.2012, 1 ♀, coll. RL; Polyvie trap (blue LED), 21.VIII.2014, 1 ♀, coll. RL; Polyvie trap (blue LED), 22.XI.2014, 1 ♀, coll. RL; Polyvie trap (blue LED), 20.XII.2014, 1 ♂, coll. RL; Polyvie trap (blue LED), 27.XII.2014, 1 ♂, coll. RL; Polyvie trap (blue LED), 24.I.2015, 1 ♀, coll. RL. — Régina, Piste Bélizon pK 32 (14.5 + 17.5), UV-MV light trap, 16.X.2004, Roland Lupoli leg., 1 ♂, coll. RL. — Nouragues, Saut Pararé, 4°02’N, 52°41’W, UV-MV light trap, 17.VII.2009, 1 ♂, coll. RL; UV-MV light trap, 19.VII.2009, 1 ♂, coll. RL; UV-MV light trap, 22.VII.2009, 1 ♂, coll. RL. — Nouragues, Camp Inselberg, 4°02’N, 52°41’W, UV-MV light trap, 10.VIII.2010, 1 ♀, coll. RL; automatic light trap, 9.X.2012, 1 ♀, coll. RL; Crique Orfion, Orapu RN 2 pK 65, Polyvie trap (blue LED) 1.X.2016, 1 ♀, coll. RL. — Mana, Acarouany, Forest 3 km before on D 10, 16.IX. 1998, Lupoli leg., 2 ♀, coll. RL; Laussat ouest, 05°28’31.6N, 053°35’07.3W, UV light trap, 12.V.2010, Greg Lamarre leg., 1 ♂, coll. RL; UV-MV light trap, 11.IX.2010, Greg Lamarre leg., 1 ♀, coll. RL. — Angoulême, Saut-Sabat RN1 pK 206+4, Polyvie trap (pink LED), 5.VIII.2016, 1 ♂, coll. RL. — St-Laurent-du-Maroni, Sommet Massif Lucifer (500 m), Polyvie trap (pink LED), 28.X.2014, 2 ♂, coll. RL. — Saül, VII.1980, Gérard Tavakilian leg., 1 ♀, MNHN; UV-MV light trap, 13.VIII.2009, 1 ♀, coll. RL. — Maripasoula, Borne 1, 02°12’50’’N, 54°26’20’’W, Cryldé trap, 25.IX.2006, Jean-Philippe Champenois leg., 1 ♀, coll. RL. — Mont Itoupé sommet 830 m, GemLight trap (UV & green LED), 11.I.2016, 1 ♀, coll. RL; Polyvie trap (pink LED), 16.I.2016, 1 ♂, coll. RL. — Mont Itoupé ouest 600 m, UV-MV light trap, 24.XI.2014, 1 ♂, coll. RL; Polyvie trap (pink LED), 11.I.2016, 2 ♂, coll. RL; GemLight trap (UV & green LED), 16.I.2016, 1 ♀, coll. RL; Polyvie trap (pink LED), 16.I.2016, 2 ♀, coll. RL. — Massif du Mitaraka, <i>c.</i> 2°14’N, 54°27’O, 25.II-26.III.2015, La Planète Revisitée – MNHN / PNI Guyane 2015 (APA 973 -1), UV-MV light trap, 1.III.2015, 1 ♂, MNHN; Polyvie trap (blue LED), 3.III.2015, 1 ♂, coll. RL; Polyvie trap (pink LED), 13.III.2015, 1 ♂, coll. RL; Polyvie trap (blue LED), 17.III.2015, 1 ♂, coll. RL; Polyvie trap (pink LED), 19.III.2015, 1 ♀, MNHN; Polyvie trap (blue LED), 21.III.2015, 1 ♂, MNHN; Polyvie trap (blue LED), 25.III.2015, 1 ♀, MNHN; GemLight trap (UV & green LED), 25.III.2015, 2 ♂, coll. RL; GemLight trap (UV & green LED), 20.VIII.2015, 1 ♀, coll. RL; Polyvie trap (blue LED), 20.VIII.2015, 1 ♀, coll. RL; Polyvie trap (pink LED), 20.VIII.2015, 1 ♂ 2 ♀, coll. RL.</p> <p>DISTRIBUTION. — Colombia: Nuqui (Choco), Leticia, Tarapaca, Puerto Nariño (Amazonas). Brazil: Parecis (Mato Grosso). Guyana: Rupununi, Moraballi Creek. Surinam: Kraka & Brownsberg (Brokopondo), Nickerie (Sipaliwini). French Guiana: Matoury, Sinnamary, Ouanary, Roura, Régina, Mana, St-Laurent du Maroni, Saül, Maripasoula (present paper).</p> <p>REMARK</p> <p> Although our male specimens fit on descriptions of this species made by Bergroth (1910) and Grazia (1983), these specimens (Fig. 2B) do not agree completely with the pygophore illustration of Grazia (Grazia 1983: 178, fig. 1 and Fig. 2A). Shapes of ventral and dorsal rims of the pygophore look similar but parameres from our specimens are much smaller, never go beyond the ventral rim and their tridimentional form is not clearly represented in the illustration. Bergroth (1910) and Grazia (1983) mentioned this species was previously collected from French Guiana, but no locality was reported. This species is the most “common” <i>Phalaecus</i> species, and it is actually well distributed among nine municipalities all over French Guiana. More than a third of the specimens were collected with UV-MV light traps, and about two third were attracted by LED automatic light traps. Since the previous distribution reported by Grazia (1983), this species was also mentioned from Colombia by Torres Gutiérez (2005).</p>Published as part of <i>Lupoli, Roland, 2019, The genus Phalaecus StÃ¥l, 1862 in French Guiana, description of P. carmini n. sp., and the female of P. lineatus Grazia, 1983 from Mitaraka (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), pp. 21-28 in Zoosystema 41 (3)</i> on pages 22-24, DOI: 10.5252/zoosystema2019v41a3, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3718476">http://zenodo.org/record/3718476</a&gt