57 research outputs found


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    Quality English teachers are required to have a good mastery of English language skills and language teaching methodology. New teachers or lecturers, in particular, need assistance in improving these two aspects. One of the ways is through Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Traditionally, professional development (PD) is done by attending professional forums and pursuing further education. However, this traditional practice has some weaknesses, one of which is giving little opportunity for teachers to take control over their own learning (Kennedy, 2005; Rose & Reynolds, 2007). While mentoring practices as a form of CPD are common in more developed countries, they are not widely practiced in Indonesia. To respond to the scarcity of research in this area, the current study is conducted by using observations and questionnaire as the instruments to portray the implementation of a mentoring program in an English training institution in East Java, Indonesia. Specifically, the article reports the practice of the mentoring program and the mentees’ perceptions of the mentoring sessions with the mentor. The findings show that the teachers respond positively to the mentoring program, and they also feel that their self-confidence is improved after joining the program. The mentoring program conducted in the institution helps the teachers to enhance their professionalism as English teachers

    Teacher's Questions in Reading Classes

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    The present paper discusses an English teacher's questions in Reading classes at MAN Malang III. Types of questions, functions of teacher's questions, question levels and the strategies applied by the teacher were put as the research problems. Non-participant observation was applied to collect the data with the researcher as the main instrument aided by field-notes and a tape recorder. It was found that the distribution of the questions did not allow the students to talk longer and to think more analytically. Meanwhile, the strategies applied by the teacher helped the students to respond to the questions previously unanswered. The teacher is suggested to produce more open and referential question as well as inference and evaluation questions as to give more chances for the students to think aloud more

    Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

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    Penyajian buku teks untuk disusun dengan tujuan agar peserta didik dapat melakukan proses pencarian pengetahuan berkenaan dengan materi pelajaran melalui berbagai aktivitas para ilmuwan dalam melakukan eksperimen, dengan demikian peserta didik diarahkan untuk menemukan sendiri berbagai fakta, membangun konsep, dan nilai-nilai baru secara mandir


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    This study is a part of a larger research project, by a team of English Language Training for Islamic Schools (ELTIS), into the resources used in MTs. This paper talks about the needs of Islamic Junior High Schools (Madrasah Tsanawiyah, henceforth, MTs) for ELT materials. The research involved a number of principals, teachers and students of MTs in two areas: East Java and West Nusa Tenggara. Presentation and discussion of the analysis of the needs will be followed with some suggestions addressing some major weaknesses in the resources currently available in MTs


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    This article describes strategies to promote collaboration applied by students when expressing disagreements. By using Conversational Analysis (CA), the researcher collected and analyzed data from fourteen doctorate classroom discussions. The results show that the students applied four ways of acknowledging peers during disagreements. Suggestions are put forward at the end of the article


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    This study reports on an internal evaluation of an in service training in Indonesia called English Language Training for Islamic Schools (ELTIS). The data obtained from questionnaires were cross-referenced through document reviews and focus group discussions. A total of 187 Islamic junior high school teachers respond- ed to the questionnaire. The questionnaire asked about any improvements they expe- rienced, the support from their schools to apply the new knowledge and skills, and the relevance of the training to their needs. The results showed that the English abili- ty and the teaching skills of the teachers had improved. Support from the schools was found to be very high, although parental support was not as high as expected. ELTIS materials were generally found to meet needs of madrasahs, but were not re- ally appropriate for the Islamic context. Interestingly, the teachers stated that the ma- terials would be used in their schools after the closure of ELTI


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    This study aims to describe the types of directive acts contained in the Onward film using the theory of Keith Allan (1986). The subject of this study is the main characters of the Onward film by Dan Scanlon. This qualitative-descriptive study collected data from the main characters’ utterances of the film in the form of words, phrases, or sentences that contain directive acts in each scene of the Onward film. The researchers collected data by listening, recording, and note-taking to obtain complete and reliable data on various forms of directive acts. The researchers as the main instruments analyzed the data in four stages: identification, classification, interpretation, and conclusion. The results of the analysis of 51 directive acts show six kinds of directive acts, that is, advice, requirements, permissions, prohibitions, questions, and requests with questions as the most dominant ones


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    ABSTRACTThis article investigates the use of online-based application "WordWall Games" as a vocabulary learning tool. The research aims to observe the participants' ability to enhance pronunciation, memorize vocabulary, and construct words into sentences. This study addresses three research questions: How is the design of WordWall games beneficial for developing students' vocabulary?; How is the application of WordWall games integrated into vocabulary teaching?; How do students acquire new vocabulary after being instructed using WordWall? To collect the data for this study, the researchers conducted direct observations involving ten students studying English Literature in Malang as participants of this study. Six game-based media were utilized, including Random Card Games, Crossword Games, True or False Tasks, Translation Tasks, Construct Word Tasks, and Anagram Tasks. The  research findings indicate that using WordWall games as a learning tool effectively improves students’ pronunciation, memorization, and sentence construction skills.ABSTRAKArtikel ini membahas penggunaan aplikasi berbasis online "WordWall games" sebagai alat pembelajaran kosakata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengobservasi kemampuan partisipan dalam meningkatkan pengucapan, menghafal, dan menyusun kata-kata menjadi kalimat. Artikel ini membahas tiga pertanyaan: 1. Bagaimana desain WordWall games bermanfaat untuk mengembangkan kosakata siswa? 2. Bagaimana penerapan WordWall games dalam pengajaran kosakata? 3. Bagaimana siswa memperoleh kosakata baru setelah diajarkan menggunakan WordWall? Peneliti melakukan observasi langsung yang melibatkan sepuluh mahasiswa yang sedang menempuh pendidikan Sastra Inggris di Malang. Enam media berbasis permainan digunakan, termasuk Random Card Games, Crossword Games, True or False Tasks, Translation Tasks, Construct Word Tasks, dan Anagram Tasks. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan WordWall games sebagai alat pembelajaran efektif dalam meningkatkan pengucapan, penghafalan, dan kemampuan menyusun kalimat.How to Cite: Ilahiyati, N., Rohmah, Z., Hamamah. (2023). The Implementation of Wordwall Games in Vocabulary Learning. IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 10(1), 144-159. doi:10.15408/ijee.v10i1.29905

    Pre-service teachers’ perceptions towards the implementation of multimodal texts in microteaching classes

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    In the digital age, technological advances impact EFL language instruction in Indonesia. After examining the current and future demands of education, prospective educators need to attain the minimum standards to fulfill students' needs in the twenty-first century. Multimodal texts in education are one way to solve today's pedagogical needs. The current study explores pre-service teachers' perceptions of their performance in utilizing multimodal texts in micro­teaching classes. Data were collected from the 6th-semester students from the English Language Education Study Program, the Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia. This research applied mixed methods, combining data collection from observation, questionnaires as primary sources, and a focus group discussion (FGD) to support the data. Then, the questionnaire data were analyzed quantitatively, and data from the FGD were coded and analyzed using thematic analysis. The finding shows that the pre-service teachers applied five types of multimodal texts in microteaching classes. In addition, although most of them perceive positively toward the use of multimodal texts in their teaching practice, there are still challenges in implementing digital-based multimodal texts, such as limited access to digital applications and confusion in integrating digital applications into learning activities.Persepsi guru pra-kerja terhadap implementasi teks multimodal di kelas microteachingDi era digital, kemajuan teknologi berdampak pada pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di Indonesia. Setelah melihat tuntutan pendidikan saat ini dan masa depan, calon pendidik perlu mencapai standar minimum untuk memenuhi kebutuhan siswa di abad kedua puluh satu. Teks multimodal dalam pendidikan merupakan salah satu cara untuk menjawab kebutuhan pedagogis saat ini. Studi saat ini mengeksplorasi persepsi calon guru tentang kinerja mereka dalam memanfaatkan teks multimodal di kelas microteaching. Data dikumpulkan dari mahasiswa semester 6 Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran, menggabungkan pengumpulan data dari observasi, kuesioner sebagai sumber data utama, dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) untuk mendukung data. Kemudian data kuesioner dianalisis secara kuantitatif, dan data hasil FGD diberi kode dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis tematik. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa calon guru menerapkan lima jenis teks multimodal di kelas microteaching. Selain itu, meskipun sebagian besar dari mereka berpersepsi positif terhadap penggunaan teks multimodal dalam praktik pengajaran, masih ditemukan beberapa tantangan dalam mengimplementasikan teks multimodal berbasis digital, seperti keterbatasan akses ke aplikasi digital dan kebingungan dalam mengintegrasikan aplikasi digital ke dalam bentuk kegiatan pembelajaran
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