2,902 research outputs found

    Anomalous monism and mental causality : on the debate of Donald Davidson’s philosophy of the mental

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    The English version of the first chapter of Erwin Rogler and Gerhard Preyer: Materialismus, anomaler Monismus und mentale Kausalität. Zur gegenwärtigen Philosophie des Mentalen bei Donald Davidson und David Lewis (2001) "Anomaler Monismus und Mentale Kausalität. Ein Beitrag zur Debatte über Donald Davidsons Philosophie des Mentalen" is a contribution to the current debates on the philosophy of the mental and mental causality initiated from Donald Davidson's philosophy with his article "Mental Events" (1970). It is the intent of the English version to give a response to the controversy among American, British and Australian philosophers in the context of a global exchange of ideas on problems understanding the mental. Contents 1. Preliminary Remarks 2. The Critique of Property-Epiphenomenalism and Counterarguments (a) The Enlargement of Nomological Reasoning (b) The Counterfactual Analysis (c) Supervenient Causality 3. Are Mental Properties real or unreal (fictive)? Abstract Things and events are fundamental entities in Davidson's ontology. Less distinct is the ontological status of properties, especially of mental types. Despite of some eliminative allusions there are weighty reasons to understand Davidson's philosophy of mind as including intentional realism. With it, the question of mental causality arises. There are two striking solutions to this problem: the epiphenomenalism of mental properties and the downward causation of mental events. Davidson cannot accept either. He claims to justify the mental as supervenient causality in order to thus integrate it into physicalism (his version of monism). But his argument at best proves the explanatory, not the causal relevance of mental properties. For this and for other reasons, Davidson fails the aspired synthesis of a sufficiently strong physicalism and the autonomy of the mental; a project whose realization is anyhow hard to achieve

    Energy Modeling and Implementation of Complex Building Systems, Pt. 2

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    Complex/dynamic systems and technologies are gaining traction in architecture, but accurate analysis and simulation of conflicting dynamic systems within a building model has yet to be achieved. Most ideas of analysis and simulation revolve around a set process: model one instance of a building (i.e. without changing parameters) and analyze in a separate program. The use of a parametric base for analysis/simulation plugins, as well as an easily manipulatable and responsive model would not only further the accuracy of testing the effects of multiple dynamic systems, but become a new tool that merges model, behavior, analysis and simulation to strive for efficient implementation of these technologies and act as a platform for testing systems’ compensation for introduced variables (bio-responsiveness, enviro-responsiveness, manipulability, system responsiveness). My method for testing this system utilizes Grasshopper, which excels at: providing a base for parametric plugins linking ‘static’ software, using data trees for complex behavioral modeling, and easing the manipulability of a parametric model. This method for analysis and optimization would facilitate the efficient implementation of dynamic/advanced/sustainable technologies in any number of building typologies

    JAK efficacy in Crohn’s disease

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    Inhibition of Janus kinases in Crohn’s disease (CD) patients has shown conflicting results in clinical trials. Tofacitinib, a pan-JAK inhibitor showed efficacy in ulcerative colitis (UC) and has been approved for the treatment of patients with moderate to severe UC. In contrast, studies in patients suffering from CD were disappointing and the primary endpoint of clinical remission could not be met in the respective phase II induction and maintenance trials. Subsequently, the clinical development of tofacitinib was discontinued in CD. In contrast, efficacy of filgotinib, a selective JAK1 inhibitor, in CD patients was demonstrated in the randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled phase II FITZROY study. Upadacitinib also showed promising results in a phase II trial in moderate to severe CD. Subsequently phase III programs in CD have been initiated for both substances, which are still ongoing. Several newer molecules of this class of orally administrated immunosuppressants are tested in clinical programs. The concern of side effects of systemic JAK inhibition is addressed by either exclusively intestinal action or higher selectivity (Tyk2 inhibitors). In general, JAK inhibitors constitute a new promising class of drugs for the treatment of CD

    Energy Modeling and Implementation of Complex Building Systems, Pt. 3

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    Complex/dynamic systems and technologies are gaining traction in architecture, but accurate analysis and simulation of conflicting dynamic systems within a building model has yet to be achieved. Most ideas of analysis and simulation revolve around a set process: model one instance of a building (i.e. without changing parameters) and analyze in a separate program. The use of a parametric base for analysis/simulation plugins, as well as an easily manipulatable and responsive model would not only further the accuracy of testing the effects of multiple dynamic systems, but become a new tool that merges model, behavior, analysis and simulation to strive for efficient implementation of these technologies and act as a platform for testing systems’ compensation for introduced variables (bio-responsiveness, enviro-responsiveness, manipulability, system responsiveness). My method for testing this system utilizes Grasshopper, which excels at: providing a base for parametric plugins linking ‘static’ software, using data trees for complex behavioral modeling, and easing the manipulability of a parametric model. This method for analysis and optimization would facilitate the efficient implementation of dynamic/advanced/sustainable technologies in any number of building typologies

    Energy Modeling and Implementation of Complex Building Systems, Pt. 1

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    Complex/dynamic systems and technologies are gaining traction in architecture, but accurate analysis and simulation of conflicting dynamic systems within a building model has yet to be achieved. Most ideas of analysis and simulation revolve around a set process: model one instance of a building (i.e. without changing parameters) and analyze in a separate program. The use of a parametric base for analysis/simulation plugins, as well as an easily manipulatable and responsive model would not only further the accuracy of testing the effects of multiple dynamic systems, but become a new tool that merges model, behavior, analysis and simulation to strive for efficient implementation of these technologies and act as a platform for testing systems’ compensation for introduced variables (bio-responsiveness, enviro-responsiveness, manipulability, system responsiveness). My method for testing this system utilizes Grasshopper, which excels at: providing a base for parametric plugins linking ‘static’ software, using data trees for complex behavioral modeling, and easing the manipulability of a parametric model. This method for analysis and optimization would facilitate the efficient implementation of dynamic/advanced/sustainable technologies in any number of building typologies

    Energy Modeling and Implementation of Complex Building Systems

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    Complex/dynamic systems and technologies are gaining traction in architecture, but accurate analysis and simulation of conflicting dynamic systems within a building model has yet to be achieved. Most ideas of analysis and simulation revolve around a set process: model one instance of a building (i.e. without changing parameters) and analyze in a separate program. The use of a parametric base for analysis/simulation plugins, as well as an easily manipulatable and responsive model would not only further the accuracy of testing the effects of multiple dynamic systems, but become a new tool that merges model, behavior, analysis and simulation to strive for efficient implementation of these technologies and act as a platform for testing systems’ compensation for introduced variables (bio-responsiveness, enviro-responsiveness, manipulability, systemresponsiveness). My method for testing this system utilizes Grasshopper, which excels at: providing a base for parametric plugins linking ‘static’ software, using data trees for complex behavioral modeling, and easing the manipulability of a parametric model. This method for analysis and optimization would facilitate the efficient implementation of dynamic/advanced/sustainable technologies in any number of building typologies

    Internationalization of Finnish higher education:policy goals and alumni insights

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    Abstract. This thesis interrogates the influences of neoliberalism on the internationalization of Finnish higher education. It starts with an introduction to the way neoliberalism affects higher education while also providing a short introduction to Finnish higher education. It then combines both concepts and discusses the two policy papers: Better together for a better world — Finnish Internationalization Policies of higher education from 2017 to 2025 and Action Plan Report for Global Education Brand Finland. Neoliberal influences are identified in both papers as the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture thrives at improving the reputation of Finnish higher education by turning it into a brand. The future vision, that is outlined in the two documents, is then compared to the experiences of international alumni who have graduated from the study program Education and Globalization (EdGlo) at the University of Oulu. For this purpose, an alumni research has been conducted. Additionally, the author draws on both his own experiences as an EdGlo student, as well as on feedback sessions with current EdGlo students. Both the alumni research participants and the documents stress the need for an alumni network. The participants overall high student’s satisfaction matches the description of the two policy papers. However, despite the policy papers’ goals of integrating international students into the Finnish working life, the participants struggled to find employment and to continue their academic careers in Finland. Teaching methods in the EdGlo program received a mixed review. Additionally, the survey found student diversity to be a main contributor to students’ satisfaction. Therefore, this thesis explores an alternative way of branding Finnish higher education based on an ethos of diversity and inclusion

    Vergleichbarkeit von Gesamt- und Umsatzkostenverfahren: Auswirkungen auf die Jahresabschlussanalyse

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    Sowohl nach Handelsgesetzbuch (HGB) als auch nach International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) kann die Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung entweder nach dem Gesamtkostenverfahren oder nach dem Umsatzkostenverfahren aufgestellt werden. Beide Verfahren führen zwar zum gleichen Ergebnis, unterscheiden sich aber in der Höhe der in einer Periode ausgewiesenen Aufwendungen und Erträge sowie in ihrer Gliederung. Damit beeinträchtigt das Wahlrecht die Vergleichbarkeit der Unternehmen im Rahmen der Jahresabschlussanalyse. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, Möglichkeiten zur Erhöhung der Vergleichbarkeit aufzuzeigen. Dazu wird zunächst analysiert, welche Positionen der Gewinn- und Verlustrechnungen von vornherein vergleichbar sind. Anschließend wird versucht, die Gewinn- und Verlustrechnungen in die jeweils andere Darstellungsform umzuwandeln. Die Untersuchung erfolgt getrennt für die Vorschriften des HGB und der IFRS. --Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung,Gesamtkostenverfahren,Umsatzkostenverfahren

    Early career anthropologists:vocation and occupation

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    This article discusses the main themes and findings of the panel Anthropology as a Vocation and Occupation, held on 3 August 2014 at the 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) in Tallinn, Estonia

    Topische Therapie bei chronisch-entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen: Ein häufig unterschätzter Therapiebaustein

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    Zusammenfassung: Die Inzidenz und Prävalenz der Colitis ulcerosa nimmt sowohl in westlichen Ländern als auch in Entwicklungsländern zu. Grundstein der Behandlung ist die Anwendung von Aminosalicylaten (5-ASA). Alternativ können auch steroidhaltige topische Therapien eingesetzt werden. Häufig werden 5-ASA-Präparate nur peroral verabreicht, obschon insbesondere bei Proktitis und linksseitiger Kolitis topische (oder rektale) 5-ASA-Präparate sogar effizienter sind als perorale/systemische. Dies gilt sowohl für die Remissionsinduktion wie auch für die remissionserhaltende Therapie. Zahlreiche Untersuchungen in Kohorten oder größeren Behandlungszentren zeigen, dass topische Therapien zu selten eingesetzt werden. Insbesondere bei der ausgedehnten Kolitis sollten perorale und topische Therapien kombiniert Anwendung finden. In diesem Übersichtsartikel fassen wir die Evidenz der topischen Therapie bei der Colitis ulcerosa mit 5-ASA und Steroiden zusammen. Damit kann die Therapie optimiert und die Akzeptanz einer topischen Therapie bei den Patienten verbessert werden. Diese ist nach entsprechender Aufklärung höher als generell vermutet wird. Nur bei schweren Kolitisverläufen hat eine topische Therapie keinen Stellenwert, da sie zum einen bei häufigen Darmentleerungen nicht ausreichend wirksam wäre und zum anderen von den Patienten schlecht toleriert wird. Die Evidenz für die Anwendung topischer Therapien bei Morbus Crohn ist unzureichen
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