13 research outputs found

    Direct Visualization Reveals Kinetics of Meiotic Chromosome Synapsis

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    Direct Visualization Reveals Kinetics of Meiotic Chromosome Synapsis

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    The synaptonemal complex (SC) is a conserved protein complex that stabilizes interactions along homologous chromosomes (homologs) during meiosis. The SC regulates genetic exchanges between homologs, thereby enabling reductional division and the production of haploid gametes. Here, we directly observe SC assembly (synapsis) by optimizing methods for long-term fluorescence recording in C. elegans. We report that synapsis initiates independently on each chromosome pair at or near pairing centers—specialized regions required for homolog associations. Once initiated, the SC extends rapidly and mostly irreversibly to chromosome ends. Quantitation of SC initiation frequencies and extension rates reveals that initiation is a rate-limiting step in homolog interactions. Eliminating the dynein-driven chromosome movements that accompany synapsis severely retards SC extension, revealing a new role for these conserved motions. This work provides the first opportunity to directly observe and quantify key aspects of meiotic chromosome interactions and will enable future in vivo analysis of germline processes

    Building the synaptonemal complex: Molecular interactions between the axis and the central region.

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    The successful delivery of genetic material to gametes requires tightly regulated interactions between the parental chromosomes. Central to this regulation is a conserved chromosomal interface called the synaptonemal complex (SC), which brings the parental chromosomes in close proximity along their length. While many of its components are known, the interfaces that mediate the assembly of the SC remain a mystery. Here, we survey findings from different model systems while focusing on insight gained in the nematode C. elegans. We synthesize our current understanding of the structure, dynamics, and biophysical properties of the SC and propose mechanisms for SC assembly

    SC components across model organisms.

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    The successful delivery of genetic material to gametes requires tightly regulated interactions between the parental chromosomes. Central to this regulation is a conserved chromosomal interface called the synaptonemal complex (SC), which brings the parental chromosomes in close proximity along their length. While many of its components are known, the interfaces that mediate the assembly of the SC remain a mystery. Here, we survey findings from different model systems while focusing on insight gained in the nematode C. elegans. We synthesize our current understanding of the structure, dynamics, and biophysical properties of the SC and propose mechanisms for SC assembly.</div

    SC structure in <i>C</i>. <i>elegans</i>.

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    Top: Electron micrograph of meiotic chromosomes in C. elegans (adapted from [12]). The electron-dense mass to the sides of the SC is chromatin. Axes (salmon) organize each of the parental chromosomes into an elongated structure by stacking the bases of chromatin loops (blue). The CR (green) assembles between the parallel axes of the homologs. Bottom: Magnified views of the CR and the axis. The CR (left) is composed of SYP-1 through SYP-6. The axis (right) is composed of ring-shaped cohesins (mauve) and the HORMA-domain proteins HTP-3 (orange), which, in turn, recruits the HORMA-domain proteins HIM-3 and HTP-1 and HTP-2 (pink). See Table 1 for more details.</p

    The synaptonemal complex has liquid crystalline properties and spatially regulates meiotic recombination factors.

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    The synaptonemal complex (SC) is a polymer that spans ~100 nm between paired homologous chromosomes during meiosis. Its striated, periodic appearance in electron micrographs led to the idea that transverse filaments within this structure 'crosslink' the axes of homologous chromosomes, stabilizing their pairing. SC proteins can also form polycomplexes, three-dimensional lattices that recapitulate the periodic structure of SCs but do not associate with chromosomes. Here we provide evidence that SCs and polycomplexes contain mobile subunits and that their assembly is promoted by weak hydrophobic interactions, indicative of a liquid crystalline phase. We further show that in the absence of recombination intermediates, polycomplexes recapitulate the dynamic localization of pro-crossover factors during meiotic progression, revealing how the SC might act as a conduit to regulate chromosome-wide crossover distribution. Properties unique to liquid crystals likely enable long-range signal transduction along meiotic chromosomes and underlie the rapid evolution of SC proteins