165 research outputs found

    Dinámica cardiaca del adulto evaluada mediante las proporciones de la entropía

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    Introduction: A new mathematical methodology of clinical application has been developed from the theory of dynamic systems, together with the theory of probability and the concept of entropy. Objective: To apply the methodology previously developed to evaluate the heart dynamics of adult through the probability and proportions of entropy of the attractor. Materials and methods: A blind study was developed taking as Gold Standard the conventional diagnosis issued by an expert with 480 Holter, 30 normal dynamics and 450 with different pathologies. For each Holter, a numerical attractor was generated by quantifying the probability of appearance of consecutive pairs of cardiac frequencies, subsequently evaluating entropy, S/K ratio and proportions for each dynamic for at least 18 hours. The values of sensitivity, specificity and Kappa coefficient were found. Results: The applied methodology allowed to differentiate quantitatively normality of disease, finding the values of the proportions in the established ranges. The sensitivity and specificity values were 100%, and Kappa coefficient was 1. Conclusion: It is possible to diagnose cardiac dynamics for at least 18 hours based on the probability distributions of the appearance of consecutive pairs of cardiac frequencies and their entropy

    Indicador multidimensional de medición de la calidad educativa

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    This work presents a multidimensional indicator for measuring the educational quality of public secondary schools in the department of Atlántico. As an initial step, the factors that directly affect educational quality were identified through databases and a survey of educators. Subsequently, the statistical analysis was carried out using the multiple regression technique, the equation of weighted factors was proposed from the quantification of the importance of each factor that influences the measurement of educational quality, and it was possible to identify the most relevant factors . The results of this study offer a framework for future research in terms of analyzing the behavior of different subregions versus metropolitan area, identifying the relationship of curricular activities with the cognitive development of students, studying the relationship of educational quality management with indicators such with the GDP, poverty indicators or indicators of basic needs and carry out studies on the resilience of educational institutions towards extraordinary events such as natural disasters.En este trabajo se presenta un indicador multidimensional de medición de la calidad educativa de las escuelas públicas de educación secundarias del departamento del Atlántico. Como paso inicial, se identificó mediante bases de datos y encuesta a educadores, los factores que inciden directamente en la calidad educativa. Posteriormente se realizó el análisis estadístico mediante la técnica de regresión múltiple, se planteó la ecuación de factores ponderados a partir de la cuantificación de la importancia de cada factor que influye en la medición de la calidad educativa, y se logró identificar los factores de mayor relevancia. Los resultados de este estudio ofrecen un marco para futuras investigaciones en cuanto a analizar el comportamiento diferentes subregiones versus área metropolitana, identificar la relación de las actividades curriculares con el desarrollo cognitivo de los estudiantes, estudiar la relación de la gestión de la calidad educativa con indicadores tales con el PIB, indicadores de pobreza o indicadores de necesidades básicas y realizar estudios sobre la resiliencia de las instituciones educativas hacia los eventos extraordinarios como desastres naturales

    Predictive methodology of the dynamics of the number of COVID-19 cases: application to China, Belgium, and South Korea

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    Objetivos: Se han desarrollado múltiples metodologías basadas en la teoría de la probabilidad para establecer predicciones de epidemias de dengue, malaria, VIH, obesidad, entre otras. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo desarrollar un nuevo método de predicción de la dinámica del número de casos de COVID-19 para China, Bélgica y Corea del Sur, basado en la teoría de la probabilidad que permite evaluar y comparar su crecimiento.   Materiales y métodos: Se establecieron rangos de probabilidad del número de casos de COVID-19, los cuales fueron asignados a cada uno de los valores diarios del número de casos de COVID-19 reportados por China Bélgica y Corea del Sur evaluados durante 74, 50 y 50 días, respectivamente. Se calculó la frecuencia y probabilidad de cada rango diario para cada país. Se calculó su probabilidad total y la probabilidad de la dinámica en intervalos de 8 días consecutivos y se compararon los valores entre países para evaluar sus diferencias.   Resultados: se establecieron valores de probabilidad de 1.21E-30, 2.03E-22 y 3.15E-12 para China, Bélgica y Corea del Sur, lo que permite diferenciar cuantitativamente las características de su dinámica. Las diferencias de probabilidad de los subespacios de 8 días variaron de 0,003 a 1, lo que permitió evaluar los cambios temporales en la dinámica.   Conclusión: los rangos establecidos para la evaluación del número de casos de COVID-19 permiten diferenciar el comportamiento de las epidemias entre países y estratificar la severidad de la expansión, destacando un orden matemático subyacente para este fenómeno que permite predecir cuantitativamente su dinámica espacio-temporal y indirectamente, la eficacia de las políticas de salud pública implementadas para cada país.Objectives: Multiple methodologies based on probability theory have been developed to establish predictions of dengue, malaria, HIV, obesity epidemics, among others. This research aimed to develop a new method for predicting the dynamics of the number of COVID-19 cases for China, Belgium, and South Korea based on the probability theory that allows the evaluation and comparison of their increment. Material and methods: Probability ranges of the number of COVID-19 cases were established, which were assigned to each of the daily number of COVID-19 cases reported by China, Belgium, and South Korea that were evaluated during 74, 50, and 50 days respectively. The frequency and probability of each daily range for each country was calculated. Their total probability and the probability of the dynamics in intervals of 8 consecutive days were calculated, and the values between countries were compared to evaluate their differences. Results: Probability values of 1.21E-30, 2.03E-22, and 3.15E-12 were established for China, Belgium, and South Korea, which allows the quantitative differentiation of the characteristics of their dynamics. The probability differences of the 8-day subspaces ranged from 0.003 to 1, allowing the temporal changes in the dynamics to be evaluated. Conclusion: The ranges established for the evaluation of the number of COVID-19 cases allow to differentiate the behavior of epidemics between countries and to stratify the severity of expansion. Highlighting an underlying mathematical order for this phenomenon permitted quantitatively predict its spatiotemporal dynamic and indirectly, the efficacy of public health politics implemented for each country

    Predictive methodology of the dynamics of the number of COVID-19 cases: application to China, Belgium, and South Korea

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    Objetivos: Se han desarrollado múltiples metodologías basadas en la teoría de la probabilidad para establecer predicciones de epidemias de dengue, malaria, VIH, obesidad, entre otras. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo desarrollar un nuevo método de predicción de la dinámica del número de casos de COVID-19 para China, Bélgica y Corea del Sur, basado en la teoría de la probabilidad que permite evaluar y comparar su crecimiento.   Materiales y métodos: Se establecieron rangos de probabilidad del número de casos de COVID-19, los cuales fueron asignados a cada uno de los valores diarios del número de casos de COVID-19 reportados por China Bélgica y Corea del Sur evaluados durante 74, 50 y 50 días, respectivamente. Se calculó la frecuencia y probabilidad de cada rango diario para cada país. Se calculó su probabilidad total y la probabilidad de la dinámica en intervalos de 8 días consecutivos y se compararon los valores entre países para evaluar sus diferencias.   Resultados: se establecieron valores de probabilidad de 1.21E-30, 2.03E-22 y 3.15E-12 para China, Bélgica y Corea del Sur, lo que permite diferenciar cuantitativamente las características de su dinámica. Las diferencias de probabilidad de los subespacios de 8 días variaron de 0,003 a 1, lo que permitió evaluar los cambios temporales en la dinámica.   Conclusión: los rangos establecidos para la evaluación del número de casos de COVID-19 permiten diferenciar el comportamiento de las epidemias entre países y estratificar la severidad de la expansión, destacando un orden matemático subyacente para este fenómeno que permite predecir cuantitativamente su dinámica espacio-temporal y indirectamente, la eficacia de las políticas de salud pública implementadas para cada país.Objectives: Multiple methodologies based on probability theory have been developed to establish predictions of dengue, malaria, HIV, obesity epidemics, among others. This research aimed to develop a new method for predicting the dynamics of the number of COVID-19 cases for China, Belgium, and South Korea based on the probability theory that allows the evaluation and comparison of their increment. Material and methods: Probability ranges of the number of COVID-19 cases were established, which were assigned to each of the daily number of COVID-19 cases reported by China, Belgium, and South Korea that were evaluated during 74, 50, and 50 days respectively. The frequency and probability of each daily range for each country was calculated. Their total probability and the probability of the dynamics in intervals of 8 consecutive days were calculated, and the values between countries were compared to evaluate their differences. Results: Probability values of 1.21E-30, 2.03E-22, and 3.15E-12 were established for China, Belgium, and South Korea, which allows the quantitative differentiation of the characteristics of their dynamics. The probability differences of the 8-day subspaces ranged from 0.003 to 1, allowing the temporal changes in the dynamics to be evaluated. Conclusion: The ranges established for the evaluation of the number of COVID-19 cases allow to differentiate the behavior of epidemics between countries and to stratify the severity of expansion. Highlighting an underlying mathematical order for this phenomenon permitted quantitatively predict its spatiotemporal dynamic and indirectly, the efficacy of public health politics implemented for each country

    Economic losses reduction through the implementation of statistical process control: case study in the process of medical accounts in a technology company

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    Statistical process control (SPC) is one of the most important tools for process continuous improvement. Its usefulness lies on the fact that it helps in the identification of causes of variation in the process. This allows the decision maker to take the corresponding actions in such a way that the improvement of the associated indicators is achieved. In this particular case, the methodology of the SPC was used to intervene a process of verification and collection of medical accounts by a technology company. The errors in these accounts can cause that the health companies do not pay the correct amount to hospitals. This situation may affect the service to users or that the health companies have economic losses. The implementation of the statistical process control (SPC) had a big impact in the identification of problems, stabilization of the process, and improvement of satisfaction and reduction of quality costs

    Diagnóstico matemático de ecocardiografías pediátricas con medidas de dimensión fractal evaluadas con armonía matemática intrínseca

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    Background and objectivesGeometry allows the objective mathematical characterization of forms. Fractal geometry characterizes irregular objects. The left ventricle dynamical states form observed through echocardiography can be objectively evaluated through fractal dimension measures.MethodsA measurement of fractal dimension was performed using the Box-counting method of three defined objects in 28 echocardiographic images, 16 from normal children (group A) and 12 ill children (group B), in order to establish differences between health and illness from its comparison with the fractal dimensions of 2 normality prototypes and 2 disease prototypes.ResultsA new diagnostic, clinical application methodology was developed based in the “intrinsic mathematical harmony“(IMH) concept, and it was observed that the fractal dimensions of the defined objects for an abnormal echocardiogram show similarity to its fourth significant number, thus demonstrating the possibility of following up the evolution from normality towards disease. According to the performed calculations, 68.75% of the cases in group A could be better evaluated with the developed diagnostic methodology, and the ill ones could be diagnosed more effectively.ConclusionsThe pediatric echocardiography images can be objectively characterized with fractal dimension measurements, thus enabling the development of a clinical diagnostic methodology of echocardiography in children from the IMH concep

    Measuring the quality of management in education. Review article

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    The objective of this study is to perform a review and contextualize the existing definitions of educational quality from the managerial point of view. We will be presenting also the factors that have been considered to support managerial decision making within educational institutions. Relevant research related to the different models for measuring educational quality and the different factors that affect this quality are discussed. The existing methodological gap of the statistical processes, the theoretical evidences and the number of investigations in every level of education are identified. The results provide a framework for future research and can become the basis for the design and construction of multidimensional models for educational management quality measurement needs of educational institutions. The results evidence also the lack of a single criterion to build the indicators, as well as the fact that there is a strong of subjectivity in the measuring processes

    Addressing the permutational flow shop scheduling problem through constructive heuristics: A statistical comparison

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    Flow shop problem has been addressed by many researchers around the world. Different heuristic methods has been developed to deal with this kind of problems. Nevertheless, it is necessary to explore the impact that the bottleneck machine has on the performance of each heuristic. In this article an F6 || Cmax (Makespan) flow shop is tackled with different well-known heuristics in open literature, such as Palmer, Johnson, Gupta, CDS, NEH and PAS and their impact on Cmax was measure. The methodology used seeks to find the possible relationship between the different bottleneck machines and the result obtained from each of the heuristics. For this experiment, there were 302 scenarios with six machines in series, in which each machine had a parity number of scenarios in which it was the bottleneck. The values of Cmax obtained for each heuristic were compared against the result of corresponding MILP (Mixed Integer Liner Problem) problem. The results show that the performance of the NEH heuristic is superior in each scenario, regardless of the bottleneck, but also shows a variable behavior in each heuristic, taking into account the bottleneck machine

    Establecimiento de cítricos en los LLanos Orientales mediante el laboreo de franjas alternas

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    Uno de los aspectos de mayor importancia en el desarrollo de procesos productivos en el cultivo de cítricos en los Llanos Orientales de Colombia, está relacionado con el establecimiento del huerto. Las decisiones tecnológicas que se tomen en este momento redundarán en el éxito o fracaso de este proceso. Son pocos los trabajos que se van desarrollando en la región para determinar las mejores prácticas para el establecimiento del huerto citrícola.Adecuación química de Oxisoles de la Orinoquia para el establecimiento del cultivo de cítricos y frutales perennes; y manejo de la nutrición minera

    Performance of ‘Valencia’ sweet orange grafted in different rootstocks, Colombia Tropical Lowland. 2001-2013

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    ‘Valencia’ sweet orange is widely cultivated in Colombian tropical lowlands, with low yields and a lack of technology. As a result, nine rootstocks commonly used in tropical zones: ‘C-35’, ‘Carrizo’, ‘Swingle’ citrumelo or CPB 4475, ‘Cleopatra’, ‘Sunki ´ English’, ‘Volkamer’, ‘Webberi’ and ‘Yuma’ were evaluated. The plants were established in 2001 and were evaluated for vegetative growth, fruit yield and quality for 10 years (2004-2013). The obtained results indicated that ‘Sunki × English’ and ‘Volkamer’ were the best rootstocks for fruit yield and the worst was ‘Yuma’. Furthermore, all of the rootstocks, except ‘Yuma’, stabilized their height in the last year. In terms of volume, ‘Amblycarpa’ and ‘Cleopatra’ were the bigger plants and ‘Yuma’ was the smallest. In addition, for yield efficiency, ‘Yuma’ had the best rootstocks, followed by ‘Sunki × English’. All of the rootstocks showed a similar fruit quality, except for ‘Sunki × English’, which obtained the highest total soluble solids/total titratable acids ratio
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