3 research outputs found

    Agroforestry Innovation and CAP, impact on climate change, bio-economy and circular economy

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    This PhD analyses the current status of the two most important agroforestry practices in the Mediterranean region: silvoarable and silvopasture as well also evaluate the fertilization with urban sewage sludge as fertilizer in a silvopasture system in Galicia as sustainable land management techniques. The reduced extent of silvoarable and silvopasture practices in Europe is an opportunity that should be promoted by the CAP through supportive actions involving bioeconomy and circular economy concepts. Carbon sequestration in silvopasture depends on the input of external fertilizers to overcome the cation extractions but also depends on weather conditions, which make necessary to establish control plots to account carbon sequestration related with management in the post 2020 CAP

    Silvopasture policy promotion in European Mediterranean areas

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    Silvopasture is the deliberate integration of a woody component with grazed pastures as understorey. It is one of the most extended agroforestry practices all over the world. Silvopasture use is key to increase the sustainability of livestock farming systems as silvopasture reduces the use of concentrates since the woody component provides feed for animals. However, it is not an extensively used practice in Europe. This paper aims at evaluating, from Eurostat, LUCAS database and the 118 rural development programs, the current situation of permanent grasslands in the Mediterranean area of Europe as well as the rural development programmes fostering silvopasture to better understand how sustainable land use systems are promoted and provide insights to foster silvopasture across Europe. The results of this study show that most of the policy measures related to silvopasture are adapted to the local necessity. The already existing agroforestry managed land (dehesas/montado) are related to measures supporting regeneration and maintenance while in those areas where agroforestry does not exist the measures are related to forest fire prevention.MRML was supported by the European Commission through the AFINET (grant agreement no 727872) and the Go-Grass projects (grant agreement no 862674) from the European Union´s H2020 Research and Innovation Programme (https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/ en) and the Open2preserve project (SOE2/P5/E0804) from the Interreg Sudoe Programme (https://interreg-sudoe.eu/gbr/home). ARR was supported by the Xunta de Galicia, Consellerı´a de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional (https://www.edu.xunta.gal/portal/es) through the Consolidation funds 2019–2022. NFD was also supported by the Xunta de Galicia, Consellerı´a de Educacio´n, Universidade e Formación Profesional (https://www.edu.xunta.gal/portal/es) (Programa de axudas a´ etapa posdoutoral modalide B DOG n˚ 213, 08/11/2019 p.48018, exp: ED481D 2019/009). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Aportaciónes a la flora de Galicia, I

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    In this work we give chorological and ecological notes on 25 taxa from Galicia. Among them, the following are new records for the regional floristic catalogue: Cistus laurifolius, Prunus lusitanica and Lamarckia aurea, and the following are second regional records: Vincetoxicum hirundinaria, Ulmus glabra, Allium guttatum subsp. sardoum and Trisetum hispidum. The type inventory of the new subassociation Ulici europaei-Ericetum cinereae ericetosum scopariae is also included.En el presente trabajo damos notas corológicas y ecológicas para 25 táxones dentro de la región gallega. Se citan como novedades para la flora regional: Cistus laurifolius, Prunus lusitanica y Lamarckia aurea y son segundas citas regionales: Vincetoxicum hirundinaria, Ulmus glabra, Allium guttatum subsp. sardoum y Trisetum hispidum. Igualmente se da el inventario tipo de la nueva subasociación Ulki europaei-Ericetum cinereae ericetosum scopariae