25 research outputs found

    Primary Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma in a Cow

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    Background: Primary neoplasms of the respiratory tract are rare in cattle, and they present with nonspecific clinical signs and are usually found at post-mortem. Pulmonary adenocarcinoma of the acinar type is uncommon, and information about this neoplasm in cattle is scarce. This paper aims to describe the clinical, laboratory, and pathological findings in a cow with this neoplasm.Case: A 10-year-old, adult, mixed-breed Holstein cow weighing 300 kg was referred to the Garanhuns Cattle Clinic of the Campus of Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil, with a history of decreased appetite, tiredness, weight loss, and difficulty in breathing for two months. The animal had been treated at the farm of origin with enrofloxacin, florfenicol, and flunixin meglumine. The animal’s appetite improved, but no improvement in the respiratory symptoms was observed. On examination at our center, the cow was in an orthopedic position, with neck extension and elbow abduction; and it remained in a recumbent position. The cow had neutrophilia, normochromic normocytic anemia, and hyperfibrinogemia. The body condition score (BCS) was 1 (BCS ranges from 1 to 5), and the cow had moderate enophthalmia, serous secretions in nostrils, tachycardia, and tachypnea. It also had increased breathing intensity; increased breath sounds in the cranial regions of both lungs; areas of reduced breath sounds in the medial portions of the lungs; intermittent wheezing in the cranial region of the left lung medially and in the cranial region of the right lung medially; intermittent crepitations in the cranial region of the right lung medially; reduced thoracic expansion; and expiratory dyspnea. Pulmonary ultrasonography revealed hyperechogenic multifocal structures in both lungs. In view of the severe clinical condition and unfavorable prognosis, the owner opted for euthanasia. Necropsy revealed that there was a significant amount of yellow fluid in the thoracic cavity, and the cut surfaces of the lungs were covered with fibrin and pleural adhesions. The lungs had irregular surfaces with multifocal nodules of various sizes and firm consistency. The texture of the cut nodules was solid, and the nodules had a yellowish color. Histologically, the pulmonary nodules were composed of neoplastic cells. They were pleomorphic, infiltrative epithelial cells with little cytoplasm; large and spherical nuclei with abundant euchromatin; occasional anisokaryosis; visible nucleolus; and numerous mitotic figures. Results of anti-cytokeratin immunohistochemistry were strongly positive for cytokeratin in the lungs and lymph nodes. Discussion: The diagnosis of acinar pulmonary adenocarcinoma was based on clinical, laboratory, histopathological, and immunohistochemical findings. Clinical signs and lung ultrasound suggested a severe respiratory disease. Pulmonary tumors are usually solid, and they show areas of central necrosis that resemble granulomas. However, the histopathological findings in the current case were compatible with a primary pulmonary neoplasm. Primary pulmonary neoplasms, although rare, should be considered in the differential diagnosis of weight loss, cachexia, and respiratory symptoms in adult cattle. The morphological pattern and the strong immunoreactivity on immunohistochemical examination were conclusive for a diagnosis of a primary pulmonary adenocarcinoma of the acinar type because these tumors specifically contain cytokeratin

    Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Ileal Intussusception in Calf

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    Background: Intussusception, characterized by invagination of an intestinal segment into the lumen of the adjacent segment, is one of the main causes of intestinal obstruction in cattle, and occurs more frequently in calves. The diagnosis of the disease is based on the history, clinical examination, and complementary exams, which are a challenge in this species, especially in calves, in which transrectal palpation is limited. As it is a non-invasive, effective, and low-cost test, ultrasonography could be an important tool in the diagnosis of intestinal obstructions, in which time is essential for the prognosis. Therefore, the objective was to report a case of intussusception in a calf diagnosed by ultrasound.Case: A 4-month-old calf, weaned at 3 months and raised intensively, was treated at the Clínica de Bovinos de Garanhuns, campus of the Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (CBG/UFRPE), with a history of apathy, anorexia, and dyschezia for 3 days. On physical examination, fever, moderate dehydration, tachycardia, tachypnea with polypnea, bilaterally bulging abdomen, sound of fluid on ballottement, ruminal and intestinal hypomotility, and melena were observed. The hematological findings revealed leukocytosis due to neutrophilia (degenerate neutrophils), hypoproteinemia, and hyperfibrinogenemia. The analysis of the ruminal fluid showed compromised microbiota and increased chloride content. The transabdominal ultrasonography demonstrated, in the right ventral region, hypermotile and full small bowel loops and an increase in the volume of the peritoneal fluid. In addition, there was a segment of the small intestine which, in cross-section, showed multiple concentric rings (“onion rings”, “target pattern”, or “bull’s eye”) and adherence to adjacent loops, compatible with intestinal obstruction due to intussusception. Due to the seriousness of the clinical condition and the ultrasound findings, the animal was euthanized and the necropsy revealed focal fibrinous peritonitis and intestinal obstruction due to intussusception in ileum intestinal segments.Discussion: Intussusception has previously been reported in calves, however this is the first report of ultrasound diagnosis of the disease in Brazil. Although the etiology is rarely confirmed, the age group and recent changes in diet (weaning) were predisposing factors. The history, clinical signs, and laboratory tests were similar to those described in cattle with intussusception, however they may be present in other gastrointestinal illnesses. Other authors have also reported that the nonspecificity of the signs and the impossibility of performing transrectal palpation made it difficult to diagnose intestinal obstruction in calves without the use of other diagnostic tools. As it is a non-invasive and accurate technique, ultrasound has been used in ruminants for diagnostic purposes, including intestinal obstructions. In the present case, the main findings are described as the presence of a lesion with the appearance of multiple concentric rings, hypermotile, dilated, and full intestinal loops. The pathological findings were compatible with the ultrasound images and similar to those described by other authors, confirming the diagnosis. The use of ultrasonography as a diagnostic tool in cattle should be expanded, aiming at the early determination of diagnosis and prognosis, to reduce producer costs and animal discomfort. In cases of intussusception, late diagnosis makes treatment unfeasible


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    O presente trabalho tem por objetivo verificar os níveis séricos hormonais de triiodotironina (T3) e tiroxina (T4) em ovelhas diagnosticadas com toxemia da prenhez (TP), bem como avaliar sua participação e reflexo neste tipo de transtorno metabólico. Foram analisadas as fichas clínicas de 24 ovelhas atendidas na Clínica de Bovinos, Campus Garanhuns/UFRPE, diagnosticadas com TP, no período de 2007 a 2012. Os animais foram submetidos ao exame clínico e ultrassonográfico, seguido de coleta de sangue e urina para exames laboratoriais. As principais alterações clínicas apresentadas pelos animais foram apatia, aumento da temperatura corporal, mucosas congestas, desidratação, edema dos membros, amaurose, taquicardia, inapetência a anorexia, diminuição da motilidade ou atonia ruminal. Vieram a óbito 50 % dos animais, destes 58,33% estavam hiperglicêmicos. A pesquisa de corpos cetônicos revelou um quadro de cetonúria. Quanto a glicemia, foram constatadas três condições nas ovelhas com TP. Os resultados laboratoriais revelaram valores elevados para ácidos graxos não-esterificados (AGNES) e β-hidroxibutirato (BHB). Enquanto que a média dos níveis séricos de T3 (3,21 nmol/L) e de T4 (69,16 nmol/L) nas ovelhas com TP foram consideradas como de baixas concentrações. Dessa forma, é possível concluir que a TP é caracterizada por alterações endócrinas que refletem o estado de balanço energético negativo em que as ovelhas acometidas se encontram

    Enfermidades neurológicas de origem viral em bovinos no estado de Pernambuco, Brasil: estudo clínico e anatomopatológico

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    Os estudos relacionados as doenças neurológicas assumem grande importância na Medicina Veterinária, particularmente os que envolvem animais de produção como os bovinos, em virtude da grande importância sanitária e de saúde pública. Nesse contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever a frequência de ocorrência dos principais achados clínicos, laboratoriais e anatomopatológicos dos bovinos diagnosticados com doenças neurológicas de origem viral. Realizou-se a triagem no livro de registro geral dos pacientes com enfermidades que cursaram com sintomatologia neurológica e que foram diagnosticados através de exame anatomopatológico e/ou complementares com enfermidades de origem viral, os quais deram entrada (vivos ou mortos) na Clínica de Bovinos de Garanhuns-UFRPE no período de janeiro de 2009 a dezembro de 2019. As informações obtidas foram inseridas em um banco de dados elaborado no programa de computador Microsoft Excel 2010® distribuídas em dados clínicos, laboratoriais e anatomopatológicos. Os achados clínicos das enfermidades neurológicas de etiologia viral foram muito variados e inespecíficos, sendo os achados anatomopatológicos, aliados aos métodos laboratoriais, de importância fundamental para o estabelecimento do diagnóstico. A elevada frequência dos casos de raiva neste estudo demonstra a importância sanitária desta enfermidade para a pecuária bovina, como também para a saúde pública. Ressalta-se a importância da inclusão da febre catarral maligna e da meningoencefalite herpética no diagnóstico diferencial das doenças neurológicas na região, assim como a adoção de medidas sanitárias. Palavras-chave: achados clínicos; raiva; meningoencefalite herpética; febre catarral maligna; achados anatomopatológicos

    Ocorrência de afecções podais em bovinos atendidos pela Clínica de Bovinos de Garanhuns: aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos, terapêuticos e econômicos

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    Objetivou-se estudar a ocorrência das afecções podais em bovinos atendidos na Clínica de Bovinos de Garanhuns, Campus da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, no intervalo de 1999 a 2021. Realizou-se estudo retrospectivo dos prontuários, com total 334 casos, dos quais foram diagnosticadas 613 lesões digitais. Foi realizada a distribuição de frequência, média simples e desvio padrão para avaliação dos dados. A dermatite interdigital foi a mais frequente, sendo observada em 12,4% (76/613) dos casos, seguida por sola dupla 9,79% (60/613), laminite crônica 8,81% (54/613), úlcera de sola 7,83% (48/613) e a hiperplasia interdigital 7,24% (45/613). A laminite e suas consequências representaram 45% do total de lesões identificadas, acompanhadas por 36% das injúrias de causa secundárias ou incertas e de doenças infecciosas com 19%. A distribuição das lesões entre os membros foi de 68% nos pélvicos e 32% nos torácicos. As fêmeas criadas em sistema semi-intensivo, holandesas, com escore corporal III e porte grande eram mais acometidas. A claudicação estava presente em 78% dos animais, enquanto 10% não claudicavam. As taxas de letalidade e recuperação foram de 9% (31/334) e 73 % (243/334), respectivamente. No período chuvoso foram 51% dos casos e 49% na época seca. Os principais municípios de origem foram Bom Conselho 22,75% (76/334), Garanhuns 18, 86% (63/334) e Brejão 12,57% (42/334). O custo estimado com tratamento foi de US$ 150,13/caso. Provavelmente falhas de manejo nas propriedades foram importantes fatores de risco para as doenças. Sugere-se a implementação de medidas profiláticas para evitar as perdas econômicas associadas às enfermidades podais. Palavras-chave: doenças de casco; podologia bovina; afecções digitais; estojo córneo digita

    Achados epidemiológicos e anatomopatológicos de úlceras do abomaso tipo 1 e 2 em bovinos com diferentes comorbidades primárias

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    Objetivou-se estudar os achados epidemiológico e anatomopatológico de úlceras do abomaso tipo 1 e 2 em bovinos com diferentes comorbidades primárias. Um total de 201 animais; 40/201 (20%) eram bovinos jovens com idade inferior a dois anos e 161/201 (80%) eram bovinos adultos com idade superior a dois anos, os quais foram internados para atendimento clínico 152/201 (75,62%), 19/201 (9,45%) obstétrico, 17/201 (8,46%) para atendimento clínico-cirúrgico e 13/201 (6,47%) para diagnóstico anatomopatológico, sendo eutanasiados ou tiveram morte natural. O diagnóstico das úlceras foi baseado no exame post-mortem (análise macroscópica e histopatológica). O exame histopatológico foi realizado em 201 fragmentos de úlceras e classificado como tipo 1 ou do tipo 2. Destes, 193/201 (96,01%) corresponderam a úlceras tipo 1, das quais, 12/193 (5,97%) corresponderam a lesões subtipo 1a, 101/193 (50,25%) a subtipo 1b, 77/193 (38,31%) a subtipo 1c, 03/193 (1,49%) ao subtipo 1d, enquanto 08/201 (3,98%) foram úlceras tipo 2. As úlceras foram caracterizadas por processo inflamatório focal, focalmente extenso, multifocais ou difusos, principalmente por células mononucleares. Abomasite associada à mucosa ulcerada foi encontrada em 160/201 (79,60%). Em 26/201 (12,93%) a abomasite apresentava focos difusos de proliferação linfocítica multifocal por linfócitos atípicos. As comorbidades digestivas e reprodutivas foram observadas com maior frequência em bovinos com úlceras tipo 1 ou tipo 2. As úlceras focais subtipo 1b e úlceras multifocais subtipo 1a e 1b foram mais prevalentes. Além da presença de comorbidades, a maioria dos casos ocorrerem no período seco, associados à alimentação com maiores aportes de concentrados e silagens. Palavras Chave: bovinos leiteiros; doenças do abomaso; melena; úlcera; histopatologia

    Clinical and laboratory indicators predictive of the negative outcome of gastrointestinal emergencies in cattle

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    This study aimed to identify clinical and laboratory variables that could help predict the negative outcome in cattle affected by gastrointestinal emergencies. A retrospective cohort study was carried out using multivariate logistic regression analysis based on data collected from the clinical records of cattle hospitalized at the Garanhuns Bovine Clinic, UFRPE campus. One hundred and twenty-two cattle met the inclusion criteria established for the study. Among the clinical variables, heart rate (HR) and abdominal distension are associated with the outcome in animals with right displaced abomasum (RDA), and anorexia and 10% dehydration in animals with an obstructive intestinal disorder. Among the laboratory variables, plasma fibrinogen (PF) and total leukocyte count were associated with the outcome in animals with RDA, while PF and plasma L-lactate were associated with animals with an obstructive intestinal disorder. HR and the total leukocyte count remained in the final model of the regression adjusted for animals with RDA. On the other hand, plasma L-lactate and PF remained in the final model in the adjusted model for animals with an obstructive intestinal disorder. Cattle with RDA and HR higher than 90 bpm present an increased chance of having a negative outcome whereas cattle with obstructive intestinal disorder and plasma L-lactate higher than 1.84 mmol/L or PF higher than 850 mg/dL have a higher chance of not survive. Therefore, clinical and laboratory variables such as HR, fibrinogen, and plasma L-lactate are useful to predict the negative outcome in cattle with gastrointestinal emergencies, especially RDA and obstructive intestinal disorders. Keywords: biomarkers; gastrointestinal disease; prognostic factor

    Indicadores proteicos, enzimáticos e minerais da toxemia da prenhez clínica e subclínica durante o período de transição de cabras leiteiras

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência das formas clínica e subclínica da toxemia da prenhez (TP) na dinâmica dos metabólitos sanguíneos, compondo os perfis proteico, enzimático e mineral das cabras leiteiras durante o período de transição. Foram utilizadas 111 cabras multíparas que eram criadas em sistema intensivo. Grupos experimentais (n=3) foram criados utilizando diferentes concentrações séricas de βHB como ponto de corte, o G1 grupo controle (n=40), G2 grupo subclínico da TP (n=39) estabelecido quando pelo menos um dos momentos experimentais apresentou valores de βHB entre 0,8 mmol/L e 1,6 mmol/L; e o grupo G3, com manifestação clínica da TP (n=32), que em qualquer um dos momentos os valores de βHB foram superiores a 1,6 mmol/L. Os animais foram avaliados aos 30º, 20º e 10º dias antes do parto (dap), no parto e no 10º, 20º e 30º dia pós-parto (dpp). Proteínas totais (PT), albumina, globulina, ureia, creatinina, aspartato aminotransferase (AST), gama glutamiltransferase (GGT), creatina quinase (CK), amilase, fósforo, cloreto e cálcio, sódio e potássio foram mensurados. A análise de variância (Teste F) foi realizada com o objetivo de investigar os efeitos e interações entre os tempos dos grupos. A doença clínica e/ou subclínica resultou num aumento das concentrações de fósforo e potássio (P0,05). A ocorrência da forma subclínica foi maior que a clínica durante o período de transição. As variáveis que compõem o perfil mineral foram as que apresentaram alterações decorrentes da TP, destacando-se, o cálcio ionizado. Chama-se a atenção o impacto que a doença reflete nesses componentes e na saúde do animal. Palavras-chave: caprinos; cetose; final da gestação; lactação; metabólitos sanguíneos

    Epidemiological, clinical and hematological aspects of bovine anaplasmosis: a retrospective hospital-based study (2012-2021)

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    The aim was to carry out a retrospective study of bovine anaplasmosis diagnosed at the Bovine Clinic of Garanhuns, Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (CBG/UFRPE) from 2012 to 2021. A descriptive analysis was performed of the epidemiological, clinical, and hematological data of 230 clinical records of cattle of different age groups. The disease represented 79.9% of the hemoparasites diagnosed at the Institution. Females aged ? 24 months of taurine lineage and their crosses, reared under intensive and semi-intensive systems, were the most affected. A higher occurrence of the disease was observed in the months of August to December.   The most frequently observed clinical findings were apathy, decreased appetite, icteric mucous membranes, and tachycardia. Spontaneous abortion occurred in 12.8% of pregnant cows. Hematological findings revealed regenerative anemia, and the severity of the anemia was associated with a greater intensity of bone marrow response. Antimicrobials (oxytetracycline LA and enrofloxacin) were effective in reducing parasitemia, which, together with blood transfusion, were essential for the patient's clinical improvement. Clinical resolution with hospital discharge occurred in 82.6% of patients, with a mean hospital stay of eight days. Anaplasmosis was the most frequent hemoparasitosis in CBG/UFRPE. It is important to provide guidance measures for producers in the region, especially at the end of the rainy season before the dry season, so that the diagnosis and disease treatment are carried out as early as possible, allowing a faster recovery and return of the animals to production, and thus minimizing the economic impact to the dairy basin of the state of Pernambuco

    Epidemiological, clinical and hematological aspects of bovine anaplasmosis: a retrospective hospital-based study (2012-2021)

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    The aim was to carry out a retrospective study of bovine anaplasmosis diagnosed at CBG/UFRPE over a period of 10 years. Descriptive analysis of epidemiological, clinical and hematological data from 230 clinical records was performed. The disease represented 79.9% of the hemoparasites diagnosed at the institution. Females aged ? 24 months of European lineage and their crosses, reared in an intensive and semi-intensive system, were the most affected. As for seasonality, a higher occurrence of the disease was observed in the months of August to December. The most frequently observed clinical findings were apathy, decreased appetite, icteric mucous membranes and tachycardia. Abortion occurred in 12.8% of pregnant cows. Hematological findings revealed regenerative anemia, whose greater intensity of medullary response was associated with anemia severity. Antimicrobials (oxytetracycline LA and enrofloxacin) were effective in reducing parasitemia, which, together with blood transfusion, were essential for the patient's clinical improvement. Clinical resolution with hospital discharge occurred in 82.6% of patients with a mean hospital stay of eight days. Anaplasmosis was the most frequent hemoparasitosis in the care provided by CBG/UFRPE, confirming the economic impact, and it is important to adopt measures to guide producers in the region, especially at the end of the rainy season for the dry season, so that the diagnosis and disease treatment are carried out as early as possible, allowing a faster recovery and return of the animals to production, minimizing the economic impact that the dairy basin of the state of Pernambuco.The aim was to carry out a retrospective study of bovine anaplasmosis diagnosed at the Bovine Clinic of Garanhuns, Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (CBG/UFRPE) from 2012 to 2021. A descriptive analysis was performed of the epidemiological, clinical, and hematological data of 230 clinical records of cattle of different age groups. The disease represented 79.9% of the hemoparasites diagnosed at the Institution. Females aged ? 24 months of taurine lineage and their crosses, reared under intensive and semi-intensive systems, were the most affected. A higher occurrence of the disease was observed in the months of August to December.   The most frequently observed clinical findings were apathy, decreased appetite, icteric mucous membranes, and tachycardia. Spontaneous abortion occurred in 12.8% of pregnant cows. Hematological findings revealed regenerative anemia, and the severity of the anemia was associated with a greater intensity of bone marrow response. Antimicrobials (oxytetracycline LA and enrofloxacin) were effective in reducing parasitemia, which, together with blood transfusion, were essential for the patient's clinical improvement. Clinical resolution with hospital discharge occurred in 82.6% of patients, with a mean hospital stay of eight days. Anaplasmosis was the most frequent hemoparasitosis in CBG/UFRPE. It is important to provide guidance measures for producers in the region, especially at the end of the rainy season before the dry season, so that the diagnosis and disease treatment are carried out as early as possible, allowing a faster recovery and return of the animals to production, and thus minimizing the economic impact to the dairy basin of the state of Pernambuco