201 research outputs found

    Thinning kiwifruit

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    Durante la temporada 1999-2000 un lote de plantas de kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev.) C. F. Liang et A. R. Ferguson var. deliciosa cv Hayward) fue sometido a tres intensidades de raleo: 30, 40 y 50 frutos/m2 a los 19 días post-floración. Se evaluó la calidad de los frutos desarrollados en 3 tipos de ramificación lateral: fuerte, medio y débil. Se registró la evolución del crecimiento del fruto. Se determinó peso, contenido de sólidos solubles, firmeza de la pulpa y pH del jugo al momento de cosecha. • Las intensidades de raleo de 30, 40 y 50 frutos/m2 produjeron frutos de peso promedio 125, 121 y 113 g respectivamente. En los tres casos se superó el peso mínimo exigido para exportación. • Los laterales de tipo débil produjeron los frutos de menor peso y más blandos a cosecha. No se encontraron diferencias entre laterales en contenido de sólidos solubles y pH. • Los raleos intensos favorecieron la tasa de crecimiento del fruto pero la mayor intensidad de raleo (30 frutos/m2) comprometió el rendimiento del cultivo.During 1999-2000 season kiwifruit plants (Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev.) C. F. Liang et A. R. Ferguson var. deliciosa cv Hayward) were thinned 19 days after full bloom, according to 3 thinning levels (30, 40 and 50 fruits/m2). Three fruiting shoot types were identified: strong, medium and week. Growth evolution was registered. At harvest, weight, solid soluble content, firmness and pH were measured. • The highest, medium and lowest levels: 30, 40 and 50 fruits/m2) produced 125, 121 and 113 g average weight respectively. All fruits overcome the minimum exportation weight. • Week fruiting shoots produced the lightest and softest fruits. No effects of fruiting shoots were found for solid soluble content and pH. • Fruit growth rate was favored by intense thinning but thinning at 30 fruits/m2 affected crop yield.Fil: Godoy, Carlos.Fil: Arpaia, Rodolfo.Fil: Tognetti, Jorge

    Morphological Description of Selected Pigeonpea (\u3ci\u3eCajanus cajan\u3c/i\u3e (L.) Millsp.) Lines

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    Seventeen pigeonpea pure line accessions selected for desirable forage traits and three commercial cultivars were described according to morphological characters. The following descriptors were used: growth habit, plant height, number of primary and secondary branches, stem color and thickness, leaf shape and hairiness, flower base and second color, pattern of flower streaks, flowering pattern, immature and mature pod color, pod form and hairiness, seed color pattern, base and second seed color, seed eye (region around hilum) color and seed shape and width. Each individual line and cultivar was satisfactorily distinguished from the others by the chosen characters

    Alternative splicing and transcription elongation in plants

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    Alternative splicing and transcription elongation by RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) are two processes which are tightly connected. Splicing is a co-transcriptional process, and different experimental approaches show that splicing is coupled to transcription in Drosophila, yeast and mammals. However, little is known about coupling of transcription and alternative splicing in plants. The kinetic coupling explains how changes in RNAPII elongation rate influence alternative splicing choices. Recent work in Arabidopsis shows that expression of a dominant negative transcription elongation factor, TFIIS, enhances exon inclusion. Furthermore, the Arabidopsis transcription elongation complex has been recently described, providing new information about elongation factors that interact with elongating RNAPII. Light regulates alternative splicing in plants through a chloroplast retrograde signaling. We have recently shown that light promotes RNAPII elongation in the affected genes, while in darkness elongation is lower. These changes in transcription are consistent with elongation causing the observed changes in alternative splicing. Altogether, these findings provide evidence that coupling between transcription and alternative splicing is an important layer of gene expression regulation in plants.Fil: Godoy Herz, Micaela Amalia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias; ArgentinaFil: Kornblihtt, Alberto Rodolfo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias; Argentin

    Seasonal Variation of Tannin Content on Pigeon Pea (\u3cem\u3eCajanus Cajan\u3c/em\u3e (L.) Millsp) Plants

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    Tannins reduce forage digestibility and palatability by reacting with proteins (Makkar, 1989) and due to that, tannin content is considered to be an important characteristic of leguminous crops and it has been used as a selection criterion on pigeon-pea improvement programs (Godoy et al., 1994). In Southeastern Brazil, pigeon pea is less consumed by bovines in the rainy season (October through March) than in the dry season (from April on), when flowering occurs. Alencar et al. (1991) found very little consumption by Canchim cows during the rainy season, and Lourenço et al. (1984) recommend pigeon-pea for feeding bovines in the dry season

    Leaf, Pod and Whole Plant Tannin Contents in Pigeon Pea (\u3cem\u3eCajanus cajan\u3c/em\u3e (L.) Millsp)

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    Tannin content is an important characteristic of leguminous crops and it has been used as a selection criterion in pigeon-pea improvement programmes (Godoy et al., 1994). In south-eastern Brazil, pigeon pea is often consumed by bovines in the dry season (from April though October), after flowering occurs, and is recommended in some cases, specifically for that time of the year (Lourenço et al., 1994). Since tannin content is being used as a selection criterion and the animals in the dry season preferentially eat pods and leaves, an experiment was conducted to compare whole plant, leaf and pod tannin content

    Irrigação do amendoim por sulcos de infiltração

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    A trial was carried out in Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, Brazil, during 1974, to evaluate the effect of furrow irrigation on the peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) crop grown during late dry season. Six irrigations of 25.5 mm were made as needed, totalizing 153 mm. During the period of this study 161.3 mm of rainfall were registered. Weekly data were taken per plant of irrigated and non-irrigated plots, including: root dry weight, shoot dry weight and pod dry weight. Final data were taken on number of plants per meter of row and yield. The following conclusion could be drawn from this experiment: late planting allowed longer vegetation period than the usual; irrigated plants had better development than the non-irrigated; irrigation improved yield per hectare but not per plant.Com a finalidade de avaliar o comportamento da cultura da seca de amendoim (Arachis hypogaea L.), quando submetida à irrigação, foi realizado em Piracicaba, São Paulo, um experimento, comparando a cultura normal da seca, com a cultura irrigada através de sulcos de infiltração, ambas semeadas em época mais tardia que a usual. A cultura irrigada recebeu um total de 153 mm de água de irrigação, dividido em seis aplicações de 25,5 mm, em adição a 161,3 mm de precipitações naturais. Semanalmente, foram efetuadas as seguintes determinações para as duas culturas: média, por planta, do peso das raízes, parte aérea e frutos secos. Ao final do experimento, foram determinados o número de plantas por metro e produção, por planta e por hectare. As principais conclusões foram: a semeadura tardia provocou aumento na duração do ciclo da cultura; as plantas da cultura irrigada tiveram maior desenvolvimento que as da cultura não irrigada; a irrigação possibilitou maior produção por hectare, mas não por planta

    Fast Mid-IR Flashes Detected During Small Solar X-Ray Bursts

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    Solar observations in the mid-infrared 8-14 \mu\m band continuum were carried out with cadence of 5 frames per second, in December 2007. Rapid small heated sources, with typical duration of the order of seconds, were found on the bright plage-like areas around sunspots, in association with relatively weak GOES soft X-ray bursts. This work presents the analysis of fast mid-infrared flashes detected during a GOES B2.0-class event on 10 December 2007, beginning at about 10:40 UT. Rapid brightness temperature enhancements of 0.5 to 2.0 K were detected at the Earth by a microbolometer array, using a telescope with 10.5 cm diameter aperture producing a diffraction limited field-of-view of 25 arcsec. Minimum detectable temperature change was of 0.1 K. The corresponding fluxes are 30-130 solar flux units. At the solar surface the estimated rapid brightenings were of 50-150 KComment: 12 pages including 6 figures. Accepted by Solar Physics, April 201

    Evaluation of Pigeon Pea Lines for Biological Soil Decompaction

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    Soil decompaction is generally achieved through mechanical cultivation practices; however biological processes can significantly add to this process through root growth, development, and later senescence. This study was carried out in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil and had the purpose of selecting, among forty one pure pigeon pea lines, the most efficient genotypes that promote soil decompaction by roots penetrating compacted soil layers. Utilizing artificially compacted 30 mm high soil blocks, in a series of experiments, these lines were compared to the cultivar Fava Larga taken as a standard. Three lines were preliminarily selected out of the initial group, and afterwards, in more detailed screenings by monitoring soil resistance to penetration and also evaluating the behavior of Tanzania grass plants seeded after pigeon pea, two of them, g5-94 and g8-95, were selected as possessing the most fit root system to penetrate compacted soil layers

    Testes de vigor em sementes de algodão (Gossypium Hirsutum L.) deslintadas quimicamente

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    With the purpose of determining the best vigor tests for cotton seeds, laboratory tests and a field experiment were made, using chemically delinted seeds of two cultivars, I AC 13-1 and IAC RM-3, stored in a dry chamber and under laboratory conditions. The following laboratory tests were performed: 1. percentage of emergence; 2. velocity of emergence - based on the number of plants emerged daily; 3 germination - being it's first counting as a vigor test; 4. rapid aging - the seeds were kept in the rapid aging chamber for 36, 48 60 and 72 hours; 5 ammonium chloride - the seeds were imerged in a 4% solution for 1,2 and 3 hours. Seed yield and the percentage and velocity of emergence were evaluated in the field experiment. The statistical analysis and interpretation of the results indicated that: the number of days required to make the last counting of the germination can be reduced; the first counting of this test was not efficient to determine the seed vigor; the best vigor test was obtained by keeping the seeds in the rapid aging chamber for 72 hours.Sementes deslintadas quimicamente de duas cultivares de algodão, IAC 13-1 e IAC RM 3, armazenadas em câmara sêca e ambiente de laboratório, sem controle de temperatura e umidade, foram submetidas a diversos testes de vigor e a um experimento de campo, com a finalidade de se procurar determinar os testes mais indicados para este tipo de sementes. Foram utilizados os seguintes testes, em cada época: porcentagem de emergência, calculando-se a porcentagem final de emergência em canteiros para cada tratamento; velocidade de emergência, anotando-se diariamente, no teste anteriormente descrito, o número de plântulas emersas e fazendo-se o cálculo do índice de velocidade de emergência; teste de germinação utilizando-se a sua primeira contagem como teste de vigor; quatro testes de envelhecimento rápido, variando entre eles os tempos de permanência das sementes na câmara de envelhecimento, que foram de 36, 48, 60 e 72 horas, após o que eram instalados testes de germinação; três testes de cloreto de amonio, à 4%, variando entre eles períodos de imersão das sementes na solução, que foram de 1, 2 e 3 horas, após o que as sementes eram lavadas e em seguida eram instalados testes de germinação. Os resultados destes testes foram submetidos a análise de correlação; estes mesmos resultados, mais os de porcentagem de emergência, velocidade de emergência e produção, obtidos no ensaio de campo, foram submetidos a análise de variância e teste de Tukey. As análises e interpretações dos resultados permitiram as seguintes conclusões principais: o número de dias para a última contagem do teste de germinação pode ser reduzido; a primeira contagem do teste de germinação não se revelou eficiente como teste de vigor; o teste de envelhecimento rápido, com o período de permanência das sementes na câmara de envelhecimento de 72 horas, foi o melhor teste de vigor