2,498 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Citra Merek Dan Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen Produk Kartu Prabayar Simpati Di Kota Palembang

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of brand image and service quality of the prepaid card products sympathies of the people buying interest in the city of Palembang. Population used is the consumer prepaid cards of simpati in the city of Palembang. In this study, researchers spread as many as 100 sheets of questionnaires to the users of prepaid card products Simpati brand in the city of Palembang. Deployment of 100 questionnaires was done as a precaution, so that the data in this study is sufficient to serve as the study sample. Deployment of 100 pieces of questionnaire will be carried out evenly across the city of Palembang, namely 50 questionnaires at the Ulu Palembang and 50 questionnaires in the city of Palembang Ilir. The technique in the determination of the sample was purposive sampling with the specified criteria for the study was duration of use of prepaid cards Simpati at least 1 year and at least 17 years old and over, and reside in the region of Palembang. The reason for the use of such methods because researchers want to get the right information in a practical way. These results indicate that the brand image of a prepaid card Simpati no significant effect on the buying interest because it has a significance value greater than 0.05. While the quality of service significantly influence the buying public interest because it has a significance value less than 0.05. Adjusted R Square value generated in this study is equal to 0.026. This indicates that the variable of brand image and service quality has a percentage of 2.6% effect on consumer buying interest on the prepaid card products Simpati. While the remaining 97.4% influenced by other factors beyond the quality of service and brand image such as product prices, quality products and the other is not examined

    Direct numerical simulation of heat transfer from the stagnation region of a heated cylinder affected by an impinging wake

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    Copyright © 2011 Cambridge University Press.The effect of an incoming wake on the flow around and heat transfer from the stagnation region of a circular cylinder was studied using direct numerical simulations (DNSs). Four simulations were carried out at a Reynolds number (based on free-stream velocity and cylinder diameter D) of Re = 13200: one two-dimensional (baseline) simulation and three three-dimensional simulations. The three-dimensional simulations comprised a baseline simulation with a uniform incoming velocity field, a simulation in which realistic wake data - generated in a separate precursor DNS - were introduced at the inflow plane and, finally, a simulation in which the turbulent fluctuations were removed from the incoming wake in order to study the effect of the mean velocity deficit on the heat transfer in the stagnation region. In the simulation with realistic wake data, the incoming wake still exhibited the characteristic meandering behaviour of a near-wake. When approaching the regions immediately above and below the stagnation line of the cylinder, the vortical structures from the wake were found to be significantly stretched by the strongly accelerating wall-parallel (circumferential) flow into elongated vortex tubes that became increasingly aligned with the direction of flow. As the elongated streamwise vortical structures impinge on the stagnation region, on one side they transport cool fluid towards the heated cylinder, while on the other side hot fluid is transported away from the cylinder towards the free stream, thereby increasing the heat transfer. The DNS results are compared with various semi-empirical correlations for predicting the augmentation of heat transfer due to free-stream turbulence.German Research Foundatio


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui tingkat efektivitas penyembuhan luka bakar derajat II dengan pemberian salep getah jarak pagar 10% (Jatropha curcas, Linn) dan pemberian salep Gentamisin 0,1% pada kulit mencit (Mus musculus). Dalam penelitian ini digunakan 12 ekor mencit perlakuan yang dibagi kedalam 3 kelompok yaitu kelompok pemberian salep vaselin kuning (K0), pemberian salep getah jarak pagar 10% (KI), dan pemberian salep Gentamisin 0,1% (KII). Parameter yang diukur dalam penelitian ini yaitu lama penyembuhan luka bakar derajat II dalam hitungan hari yang ditandai dengan luka tidak terlihat/sembuh (diameter luka = 0 cm). Data lama penyembuhan luka dianalisis menggunakan analisis varian (ANAVA) dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Beda Nyata Terkecil. Dari hasil analisis varian (ANAVA) diketahui bahwa pemberian salep getah jarak pagar 10% (Jatropha curcas, Linn) berpengaruh sangat nyata (

    The Signaling Problem: Using Exploding Dots to Solve an Accessible Mystery in an Elementary-Aged Math Circle

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    Many people want to facilitate Math Circles for younger students but don’t know how. This article provides a model for how to create an engaging Math Circle for students aged 8-10 to explore different number bases and gives a detailed narrative to guide prospective instructors through the class. The narrative follows a group of eight students spending six weeks joyfully discovering underlying mathematical structure without being told what to do

    Large eddy simulation of river flows

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    Quantitative analysis of the spontaneous activity and response profiles of odorant receptor neurons in larval Xenopus laevis using the cell-attached patch-clamp technique

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    The scope of this thesis was to investigate the activity of ORNs in larval Xenopus laevis in the absence and presence of adequate stimuli. Acute nose-brain slice preparations of the olfactory epithelium, the olfactory nerves and the anterior part of the brain including the olfactory bulb were used as an experimental approach. The olfactory receptor neurons were incubated with the calcium dye Fluo-8-AM and following Ca2+-imaging enabled the detection of amino acid-sensitive ORNs. Patching the amino acid-sensitive ORNs in the cell-attached voltage clamp mode allowed the recording of both spontaneous and stimulus induced activities. All ORNs (n = 46) showed activity in the absence of obvious stimulus. Thereby, the SFRs of ORNs were constant during recording time but differed across different neurons, ranging from 0.24 to 5.5 APs per second on average (median 1.64/s). Furthermore, it was shown that in almost all ORNs the spontaneous activity was a Poisson process and the SFRs were a good first estimate of the event rate λ. The application of stimuli revealed diverse tuning of ORNs, 3/46 ORN responding to concentrations in the nanomolar range, all of them responding to stimulus concentrations as high as 50 μM. The calculated virtual EC-50 value is 8.8 μM. The post-stimulatory instantaneous frequencies and number of APs covered a range of 3.19 to 59.17 Hz and 13 APs to 135 APs, respectively. The reported results were comparable with studies in other species regarding spontaneous activity and the calculated EC-50 value for ORNs in larval Xenopus laevis. Future studies could investigate the origin and function of spontaneous activity in ORNs and its contribution to olfactory coding in the neuronal network.2020-07-0

    Sintesi di nuovi attivatori dei canali al potassio ATP-sensibili (Mito-KATP) a struttura spirociclica benzopiranica

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    I canali al potassio ATP-sensibili sono distribuiti in molti organi e tessuti e vengono ritenuti importanti bersagli farmacologici in diverse patologie come ischemia, Parkinson, Alzheimer, diabete, ipoglicemia, asma, sindrome della vescica iperattiva, disfunzione erettile, disturbi della prostata. In questa tesi è stata ideata la sintesi di nuovi composti 4-spiromorfolinici e 4-spiromorfolonici al fine di studiare la loro attività cardioprotettiva