163 research outputs found

    Aquaporins and Neurodegenerative Diseases

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    Aquaporins (AQPs) are a family of widely distributed membrane-inserted water channel proteins providing a pathway for osmotically-driven water, glycerol, urea or ions transport through cell membranes and mechanisms to control particular aspects of homeostasis. Beside their physiological expression patterns in Central Nervous System (CNS), it is conceivable that AQPs are also abnormally expressed in some pathological conditions interesting CNS (e.g. neurodegenerative diseases) in which preservation of brain homeostasis is at risk

    Sirtuins, aging, and cardiovascular risks

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    4noThe sirtuins comprise a highly conserved family proteins present in virtually all species from bacteria to mammals. Sirtuins are members of the highly conserved class III histone deacetylases, and seven sirtuin genes (sirtuins 1-7) have been identified and characterized in mammals. Sirtuin activity is linked to metabolic control, apoptosis, cell survival, development, inflammation, and healthy aging. In this review, we summarize and discuss the potential mutual relations between each sirtuin and cardiovascular health and the impact of sirtuins on oxidative stress and so age-related cardiovascular disorders, underlining the possibility that sirtuins will be novel targets to contrast cardiovascular risks induced by aging.openopenFavero, Gaia; Franceschetti, Lorenzo; Rodella, Luigi Fabrizio; Rezzani, RitaFavero, Gaia; Franceschetti, Lorenzo; Rodella, Luigi Fabrizio; Rezzani, Rit

    A comparison of melatonin and α-lipoic acid in the induction of antioxidant defences in L6 rat skeletal muscle cells.

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    Aging is characterized by a progressive deterioration in physiological functions and metabolic processes. The loss of cells during aging in vital tissues and organs is related to several factors including oxidative stress and inflammation. Skeletal muscle degeneration is common in elderly people; in fact, this tissue is particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress since it requires large amounts of oxygen, and thus, oxidative damage is abundant and accumulates with increasing age. Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) is a highly efficient scavenger of reactive oxygen species and it also exhibits beneficial anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects. This study investigated the susceptibility of rat L6 skeletal muscle cells to an induced oxidative stress following their exposure to hydrogen peroxide (50 ÎĽM) and evaluating the potential protective effects of pre-treatment with melatonin (10 nM) compared to the known beneficial effect of alpha-lipoic acid (300 ÎĽM). Hydrogen peroxide-induced obvious oxidative stress; it increased the expression of tumour necrosis factor-alpha and in turn promoted nuclear factor kappa-B and overrode the endogenous defence mechanisms. Conversely, pre-treatment of the hydrogen peroxide-exposed cells to melatonin or alpha-lipoic acid increased endogenous antioxidant enzymes, including superoxide dismutase-2 and heme oxygenase-1; moreover, they ameliorated significantly oxidative stress damage and partially reduced alterations in the muscle cells, which are typical of aging. In conclusion, melatonin was equally effective as alpha-lipoic acid; it exhibited marked antioxidant and anti-aging effects at the level of skeletal muscle in vitro even when it was given in a much lower dose than alpha-lipoic acid

    Browning of Adipose Tissue and Sirtuin Involvement

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    Obesity is an important risk factor for many diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome and cancers. Excessive dietary intake of caloric food results in its accumulation in white adipose tissue (WAT), whereas energy expenditure by fat utilization and oxidation predominately occurs in brown adipose tissue (BAT). Reducing obesity has become an important prevention strategy of research interest, focusing in the recent years, mainly on browning of WAT, the process during which the enhance of the mitochondria biogenesis occurs and then white adipocytes are converted to metabolically active beige adipocytes. Sirtuin1 (SIRT1), the most known isoform of sirtuin deacetylases, is implied in the browning of WAT process. In fact, it is a sensitive sensor of cell energy metabolism and, together with other sirtuin isoforms, contributes to this differentiation process. This chapter provides an overview about SIRT1 involvement in browning of WAT as a target molecule that can thereby contrast obesity

    Promising Antineoplastic Actions of Melatonin

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    Melatonin is an endogenous indoleamine with an incredible variety of properties and activities. In recent years, an increasing number of studies have investigated this indoleamine’s interaction with cancerous cells. In particular, it seems that melatonin not only has the ability to improve the efficacy of many drugs used in chemotherapy but also has a direct inhibitory action on neoplastic cells. Many publications underlined the ability of melatonin to suppress the proliferation of various cancer cells or to modulate the expression of membrane receptors on these cells, thereby reducing tumor aggressiveness to metastasize. In addition, while melatonin has antiapoptotic actions in normal cells, in many cancer cells it has proapoptotic effects; these dichotomous actions have gained the interest of researchers. The increasing focus on melatonin in the field of oncology and the growing number of studies on this topic require a deep understanding of what we already know about the antineoplastic actions of melatonin. This information would be of value for potential use of melatonin against neoplastic diseases

    Hepatic Macrosteatosis Is Partially Converted to Microsteatosis by Melatonin Supplementation in ob/ob Mice Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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    Obesity is a common risk factor for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Currently, there are no specific treatments against NAFLD. Thus, examining any molecule with potential benefits against this condition emerged melatonin as a molecule that influences metabolic dysfunctions. The aim of this study was to determine whether melatonin would function against NAFDL, studying morphological, ultrastuctural and metabolic markers that characterize the liver of ob/ob mice


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kompos dan NPK pupuk terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman bawang Brebes dan interaksi antara kedua faktor. Percobaan ini menggunakan Faktorial Rancangan Acak Pola. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dosis diuji kompos terdiri dari 4 tingkatan, yaitu: kontrol, 10, 20 dan 30 faktor ton / ha dan NPK dosis pupuk yang terdiri dari 4 tingkatan, yaitu: kontrol, 100, 200 dan 300 kg / ha, sehingga bahwa ada 16kombinasi perlakuan dengan 3 ulangan dan 48 unit percobaan, setiap unit terdiri dari 5 tanaman sampel percobaan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dosis kompos cenderung lebih baik pada dosis pengobatan 30 ton / ha untuk pertumbuhan dan hasil bawang. Sementara itu, NPK dosis pupuk untuk pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman bawang merah cenderung lebih baik pada dosis pengobatan 200 kg NPK / ha. Tidak ada interaksi yang nyata antara perlakuan dosis pupuk NPK untuk kompos dengan semua variabel yang diamati pada pertumbuhan dan hasil bawang.Kata kunci: bawang, kompos, NPKBanda Ace

    The myloglossus muscle: anatomical and clinical observations

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    The myloglossus muscle is considered an anomalous muscle among the extrinsic muscle of the tongue. In the past, only few Authors provided an anatomical description of the myloglossus muscle (Valenti, 1925; Jude, 1973; Gruber, 1980) and recently a description of myloglossus muscle in Japanese cadaver was reported (Nakajima and Nakamura, 2008). Dissection studies showed that the myloglossus muscle arises from the inner surface of the mandible between the alveolar process and the distal part of the mylohyoid groove and inserts into the tongue root, joining the palatoglossus muscle. Some anatomical variations regarding its origin could be present: it could originate from stylomandibular ligament or partially replace the styloglossus muscle. In patients, with discrete muscle trophism, the myloglossus muscle provides a lateral to medial mucosal fold in the posterior portion of the sublingual sulcus that is evident when the tongue is controlaterally moved. On the contrary, in patients with poor muscle trophism these mucosal folds were not observed. The myloglossus muscle acts primarily as an antagonist of both the controlateral muscle and other muscles that move the tongue toward the opposite side; moreover, it acts together with the controlateral and the palatoglossus muscle, determining the upward movements of the tongue and pharynx, especially in the last phase of deglutition. Its location should be considered to well determine the distal lingual extension of the removable prosthesis. Gruber W. 1880. Uber den musculus myloglossus bei mangel und vorkommen des styloglossus. Arch Path Anat Physiol Klin Med 81:453-457. Jude HD. 1973. Anatomiche untersuchungen uber extensionmoglichkeiten unterer total prothesen im retromolaren raum. Dtsch Zahnarztl Z 28:486. Nakajima K, Nakamura M. Rare case of myloglossus in Japanese cadaver: anatomical and developmental considerations. Anat Sci Int. 2008; 83: 1-5 Valenti G. 1925. Sur un muscle mandibulo-glosse (M. Mylo-Glossus Wood). Arch Ital Biol 75: 77
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