4 research outputs found

    Analisa Pengaruh Pengendalian Kinerja Proyek Terhadap Mutu Proyek Konstruksi Dengan Menggunakan Uji Statistika

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    In the construction project planning and controlling is the most basic function in realizing the success of an activity in construction project. A success a project cannot be separated by a series of activities which is included the stages of planning, implementation and controlling. Controlling, monitoring and performance measurement needs to be done as to determine whether there are deviation in the work implementation of what has been set. Then, in this case needs to be analyzed to know the effect of controlling project performance indicators (Occupational Safety and Health, Cost and Time) toward the quality of construction project.The result of the research shows there is simultaneously a positive and significant influence between the variables of Occupational Safety and Health (X1), a Cost variable (X2) and a Time variable (X3) simultaneously toward Quality (Y1) is showed the value Fcount (25.755) is larger than Ftable (2.71) with significance level of 0.000 is smaller than sig. (α) of 0.05.For the partial variable of Occupational Safety and Health (X1) indicates tcount amounted to 3.672 with significance level amount of 0.000 is larger than ttable 1.98667 and a percentage of (37%), a cost variable (X2) indicates tcount amounted to 1.705 with significance level amount of 0.092 is smaller than ttable 1.98667 and a percentage of (17%), and a time variable (X3) is showed value of tcount amounted to 1.705 with significance level amount of 0.334 is smaller than ttable 1.98667 and a percentage amount of (17%)

    Faktor Psikologis, Lingkungan dan Bauran Pemasaran yang Mempengaruhi Pembelian Sepeda Motor Studi pada Konsumen Sepeda Motor Bebek 4-tak Merk Suzuki dan Honda di Kota Banjarmasin

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    This research has been done to know psychological, environmental, marketing mix to influence 4 stroke bebek motorcycle (Honda and Suzuki) buying in Banjarmasin, and also to know the dominant variable on buying decision. This research has been done in Banjarmasin. Writer uses non random sampling technique with convenience sampling method. The total samples are 706 respondents (355 Suzuki consumers and 351 Honda consumers). A standard significant level in this research is 5%. All 12 variables of psychological, environmental, and marketing mix factors are being asked into 49 question items. The test of all instruments research show the reliability and validity levels are high. The results of this research are all free variables, that are perception (XI), attitude (X2), life style (X3), personality (X4), culture (X5), social class (X6), reference group (X7)situational determinants (X8), product (X9), price (X10), promotion (X11), and distribution (X12), have a significant correlation to buying decision of Suzuki and Honda 4-stroke bebek motorcycle. Among 12 variables, perception variable (X1), attitude (X2), life style (X3), referent group (X7), situational determinants (X8), and product (X9) are really influence to buying decision of 4-stroke Bebek Motorcycle (Suzuki and Honda) in Banjarmasin. Determination coefficient (R2) is 0.591, it shows the contribution of independent variables to explain the dependent variable, that is 59.1%. While the most dominant variable to influence the research is the Attitude (X2), that is 39.6%

    Handout Biologi Berbasis Potensi Lokal Pantai Ujong Blang untuk Siswa SMK Perairan dan Kelautan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui kevalidan dan kepraktisan handout biologi berbasis potensi lokal pantai Ujong Blang. Penelitian ini mengadaptasi model penelitian & pengembangan ADDIE. Kevalidan handout diketahui dari skor validasi para ahli, sedangkan kepraktisan diketahui dari respon siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa skor validasi ahli media, ahli materi dan praktisi lapangan memiliki tingkat nilai validitas tinggi (rerata > 90) sehingga dikategorikan sangat valid. Sementara itu, uji keterbacaan oleh siswa juga menunjukkan tingkat nilai validitas sangat valid terhadap handout. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa handout biologi berbasis potensi lokal pantai Ujong Blang yang dikembangkan layak diimplementasikan lebih lanjut kepada siswa kelas XI SMK dalam proses pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis, pemahaman konsep, dan sikap peduli lingkungan