441 research outputs found

    Reuse of ancient megalithics monuments during Metal Ages: the dolmen of Serrinha (Monforte, Portugal).

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    The set of funerary megalithic monuments in the Alentejo region (Portugal) presents a great variety in its architectures, but also in their uses and reuses. Although often undocumented (in the case of ancient excavations), the collections in the Museums prove their use between the Neolithic Age and at least the Iron Age. The Dolmen of Serrinha (Monforte) recently excavated by the signatories, is a good example of the reuse of necropolis spaces during Metal Ages

    Evidências de vida no mundo dos mortos: o megalitismo do concelho de Arraiolos

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    During the last 150 years, archaeological research has been going through periods of significant stagnation, followed by periods of intense activity, more or less focused in specific areas, chronological periods and/or themes. The current Municipality of Arraiolos is a good example of this situation, especially in regards to the study of megalithism. The information presented in this study is mainly based on data collected during two of the most active periods; I) between 1931 and 1945, when Manuel Heleno drew up an inventory and excavated dozens of funerary megalithic monuments in this area; ii) since 2010 and until the present, with research projects coordinated by the author. The summary of the data collected up until the present has led us, now, to have a good notion of the life and death of the first agrarian societies which inhabited this region between around 6000 and 3000 b.C

    Arte móvel megalítica no Alentejo Central (Portugal): algumas leituras possíveis

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    A arte rupestre no Alentejo conta com cerca de um século de investigação em Portugal tendo-se iniciado, precisamente, numa área megalítica – Pavia - através dos trabalhos desenvolvidos por V. Correia (Correia, 1921). Paralelamente desenvolve-se um tipo de arte móvel, inserida nos espólios dos monumentos megalíticos alentejanos, que apesar de ter sido referida ainda no séc. XVII, e de ter sido catalogada e descrita inúmeras vezes, só teve estudos verdadeiramente científicos a partir da 2ª metade do séc. XX, com os trabalhos de compilação do casal Leisner, no Alentejo – as Placas de Xisto e os Báculos. Nas últimas décadas outros investigadores, nomeadamente V. S. Gonçalves e Katina Lillios apresentaram propostas interpretativas para as gravuras presentes nas Placas de Xisto alentejanas. Procura-se neste trabalho apresentar uma síntese dos trabalhos realizados sobre este assunto mas, também, analisar a sua especificidade, distribuição e simbologia

    O Neolítico no Alentejo: novas reflexões

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    The work carried out in recent decades in Alentejo, inserted in the investigation that the signatory has developed on the Recent Prehistory, aim to study the genesis and evolution of the first peasant societies, an integrated perspective that considers, in general terms, all components of the life and death of these companies, by conducting archaeological excavations and archaeological surveys. The results of this work allow us to conduct a first assessment of its evolution (s), in Central Alentejo

    O monumento megalítico da I Idade do Ferro do Monte da Têra (Pavia, Mora). Sectores 1 e 2

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    The megalithic complex of Monte de Tera was discovered in 1996. The site includes an alignment of menirs (Sector 1) and a necropolis (Sector 2), about 100 m far from each other. The archaeological assemblage indicates that the site approximately dates to the 1st Iron Age (7th-5th century BC). The chronological relationship between the menirs and the necropolis is not clearly established so far, though various data point to their probable contemporaneity

    Legislação de Avaliação de Impacte Ambiental: um estudo comparativo entre Portugal e Angola

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    O presente artigo pretende analisar e discutir duas leis de Avaliação de Impacte Ambiental de países, com percursos distintos nesta área, e em diferentes continentes, Europa e África. Para esta análise considerou-se, apenas, duas leis que versam sobre esta temática, não olvidando, no entanto, o percurso que cada um destes Estados tem, nesta matéria


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    During survey work in January of 1996 in the area of Pavia, the author and Manuel Calado identified the alignment of Tera. At the time, five fallen menhirs were visible, forming a line oriented NW-SE. The following paper presents the results from the first archaeological intervention at the site

    Arqueologia Profissional versus Arqueologia de Investigação: a situação portuguesa

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    The evolution of Archaeology in Portugal in the last century caused great and profound changes in a legislative, institutional and professional level. In this text we try to present its evolution, as will check a few times was positive, others, not so much

    Aspectos do Megalitismo da área de Pavia, Mora (Portugal).

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    The following presents the actud current knowledge of the area of Pavia, Mora (Portugal). New data are now added to the work done in this area by Vergilio Correia in the beginning of the century. These new data result from the field surveys carried out in the last year. At this stage, it is possible to establish parallels between the megalithic group of Pavia and those of Reguengos de Monsaraz and Evora. Still, some chronological differences seem to exist between Pavia and the other groups

    As dinâmicas dos territórios no contexto da Pré e Proto-História do Alentejo (Portugal)

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    Neste trabalho analisa-se a problemática da definição de territórios para os períodos mais recuados da Pré e Proto-História do Alentejo. O processo de ocupação do espaço das primeiras sociedades camponesas variou em função das suas estratégias de exploração do território mas, também, em função da sua evolução e complexificação técnica, económica e social. A necessidade de protegerem pessoas e bens levou-os a construir os primeiros castelos do Alentejo