3 research outputs found

    Quadratures of Pontryagin extremals for optimal control problems

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    We obtain a method to compute effective first integrals by combining Noether's principle with the Kozlov-Kolesnikov integrability theorem. A sufficient condition for the integrability by quadratures of optimal control problems with controls taking values on open sets is obtained. We illustrate our approach on some problems taken from the literature. An alternative proof of the integrability of the sub-Riemannian nilpotent Lie group of type (2,3,5) is also given.control theory group (cotg)CEOCFCTPOCI/MAT/55524/200

    First integrals for problems of calculus of variations on locally convex spaces

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    The fundamental problem of calculus of variations is considered when solutions are differentiable curves on locally convex spaces. Such problems admit an extension of the Eulcr-Lagrange equations (Orlov. 2002) for continuously normally differentiable Lagrangians. Here, we formulate a Legcndre condition and an extension of the classical theorem of Emmy Noethcr, thus obtaining first integrals for problems of the calculus of variations on locally convex spaces. © Balkan Society of Geometers, Geometry Balkan Press 2008

    Optically Generated Quaternary Packets: Transmission Over The Kyatera Network

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    We demonstrate that fibre four-wave mixing may optically multiplex a binary payload and a binary label Into a single quaternary amplitude packet We also compare the payload and label BER performances after20 km of fibre propagation. © 2006 IEEE.557558Zhang, T., (2004) IEEE J. Light. Tech, 22, pp. 2523-2535Blumental, D.J., (2000) IEEE J. Light. Tech, 18, pp. 2058-2075Chi, N., (2003) IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett, 15, pp. 760-762T. Koonen et al ECOC'02, Paper 5.5.2, Copenhagen- Denmark, 2002Abbade, M.L.F., (2006) IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett, 18, pp. 331-333N. Shibata et al J. of Quantum Electron., QE23 (1987), 1205-121