17 research outputs found

    Manipulative experiments demonstrate how long-term soil moisture changes alter controls of plant water use

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    Tree transpiration depends on biotic and abiotic factors that might change in the future, including precipitation and soil moisture status. Although short-term sap flux responses to soil moisture and evaporative demand have been the subject of attention before, the relative sensitivity of sap flux to these two factors under long-term changes in soil moisture conditions has rarely been determined experimentally. We tested how long-term artificial change in soil moisture affects the sensitivity of tree-level sap flux to daily atmospheric vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and soil moisture variations, and the generality of these effects across forest types and environments using four manipulative sites in mature forests. Exposure to relatively long-term (two to six years) soil moisture reduction decreases tree sap flux sensitivity to daily VPD and relative extractable water (REW) variations, leading to lower sap flux even under high soil moisture and optimal VPD. Inversely, trees subjected to long-term irrigation showed a significant increase in their sensitivity to daily VPD and REW, but only at the most water-limited site. The ratio between the relative change in soil moisture manipulation and the relative change in sap flux sensitivity to VPD and REW variations was similar across sites suggesting common adjustment mechanisms to long-term soil moisture status across environments for evergreen tree species. Overall, our results show that long-term changes in soil water availability, and subsequent adjustments to these novel conditions, could play a critical and increasingly important role in controlling forest water use in the future.Peer reviewe

    Decline in canopy gas exchange with increasing tree height, atmospheric evaporative demand, and seasonal drought in co-occurring inland Pacific Northwest conifer species

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    Interspecific variation in stomatal conductance (GS) and transpiration (EL) has been documented in stands of co-occurring species, and this variation has been observed to differ with tree size and canopy height increase. In this study, we present data that examine fluctuations in canopy gas exchange across co-occurring species and varying canopy heights for three montane forest chronosequences located in an inland Pacific Northwest mixed-conifer forest. With the exception of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca (Beissn.) Franco), we observed consistent declines in canopy EL and GS with increasing height for the majority of species examined in our 2-year study. Along with declines in canopy GS, we observed decreases in leaf-specific hydraulic conductance (KL) across species as canopy height increased. Seasonally, we observed declines in canopy GS during warmer and dryer summer months of both years. These decreases in GS were significant (up to 50%) and suggest that carbon assimilation in trees was limited during dryer months due to a combination of high evaporative demand and reduced soil H2O availability. Such reductions in GS during periods of increased plant water stress suggest that forest productivity in the inland Pacific Northwest may be impacted negatively if future climate predictions of increasing growing-season water stress are realized

    Description and test of a simple process-based model of forest growth for mixed-species stands

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    Process-based models of forest growth have been discussed for decades, but their utility as management tools has only recently begun to increase. Ideally this type of model would be tested by treating it as a complex hypothesis that relates independently measured parameters to predicted responses. This approach provides a test of the structure and the parameterization of the model that is not possible if the model has been calibrated (or tuned). We conduct such a test of a new model of forest production and allocation. The test uses a series of plots located across complex terrain in northern Idaho, USA. The production model scales leaf-level gas exchange to the canopy, and is parameterized with foliar nitrogen, leaf area index (LAI), and canopy structural parameters. New biomass is allocated such that tree allometry is maintained while foliage and branches turn over. A simple approach combines allometric equations across species in mixed-species stands. Predictions of volume increment for a 10-year period were higher than measurements, but the two were significantly correlated. The discrepancy was reduced when leaf area index was estimated from canopy light transmission rather than allometric equations. We argue that one likely reason for the overprediction is the occurrence of soil water deficits in the summer. A sensitivity analysis showed that estimates of production were most sensitive to leaf area index and canopy average foliar nitrogen content, but much less to other parameters. We conclude that comparing the model to observed data reveals shortcomings that might have been hidden if the parameters had been tuned. The mixed-species allometric constraint provides a new tool for modeling biomass allocation in mixed-species stands

    Is desiccation tolerance and avoidance reflected in xylem and phloem anatomy of two coexisting arid-zone coniferous trees?

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    Plants close their stomata during drought to avoid excessive water loss, but species differ in respect to the drought severity at which stomata close. The stomatal closure point is related to xylem anatomy and vulnerability to embolism, but it also has implications for phloem transport and possibly phloem anatomy to allow sugar transport at low water potentials. Desiccation-tolerant plants that close their stomata at severe drought should have smaller xylem conduits and/or fewer and smaller interconduit pits to reduce vulnerability to embolism but more phloem tissue and larger phloem conduits compared with plants that avoid desiccation. These anatomical differences could be expected to increase in response to long-term reduction in precipitation. To test these hypotheses, we used tridimensional synchroton X-ray microtomograph and light microscope imaging of combined xylem and phloem tissues of 2 coniferous species: one-seed juniper (Juniperus monosperma) and pinon pine (Pinus edulis) subjected to precipitation manipulation treatments. These species show different xylem vulnerability to embolism, contrasting desiccation tolerance, and stomatal closure points. Our results support the hypothesis that desiccation tolerant plants require higher phloem transport capacity than desiccation avoiding plants, but this can be gained through various anatomical adaptations in addition to changing conduit or tissue size

    Evaluating theories of drought-induced vegetation mortality using a multimodel-experiment framework.

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    SummaryModel-data comparisons of plant physiological processes provide an understanding of mechanisms underlying vegetation responses to climate. We simulated the physiology of a piñon pine-juniper woodland (Pinus edulis-Juniperus monosperma) that experienced mortality during a 5 yr precipitation-reduction experiment, allowing a framework with which to examine our knowledge of drought-induced tree mortality. We used six models designed for scales ranging from individual plants to a global level, all containing state-of-the-art representations of the internal hydraulic and carbohydrate dynamics of woody plants. Despite the large range of model structures, tuning, and parameterization employed, all simulations predicted hydraulic failure and carbon starvation processes co-occurring in dying trees of both species, with the time spent with severe hydraulic failure and carbon starvation, rather than absolute thresholds per se, being a better predictor of impending mortality. Model and empirical data suggest that limited carbon and water exchanges at stomatal, phloem, and below-ground interfaces were associated with mortality of both species. The model-data comparison suggests that the introduction of a mechanistic process into physiology-based models provides equal or improved predictive power over traditional process-model or empirical thresholds. Both biophysical and empirical modeling approaches are useful in understanding processes, particularly when the models fail, because they reveal mechanisms that are likely to underlie mortality. We suggest that for some ecosystems, integration of mechanistic pathogen models into current vegetation models, and evaluation against observations, could result in a breakthrough capability to simulate vegetation dynamics

    Redeeming the Welshed Guarantee: A Scheme for Achieving Justiciability

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