1,284 research outputs found

    Planspiele: zum Verhältnis von Bild und Musik bei Peter Greenaway und Michael Nyman

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    Der folgende Artikel entstand für ein Buch über Filmmusik, das Hans-Christian Schmidt (Universität Osnabrück) bei der Wissenschaftlichen Buchgesellschaft Darmstadt mit zahlreichen in- und ausländischen Beiträgen 1994 herausgeben wollte. Leider scheiterte das Vorhaben, da es ihm nicht gelang, die versprochenen Aufsätze rechtzeitig zu bekommen. 1996 wurde das Buchprojekt abgesagt. Mein Beitrag war damals zwar rechtzeitig fertig, droht nun allerdings durch den immer länger werdenden Zeitverzug - und neue Bücher über Greenaway - an Aktualität zu verlieren. Vielleicht ist dies hier ein geeigneter nostalgischer Ort zur Veröffentlichung

    Reducing Depression and Suicide Ideation Among College Students

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    Suicide rates have been on the rise for the past 30 years; 42,773 Americans dying every year by suicide. Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death among all ages, but the second leading cause of death among Americans ages 15-24. College students traditionally fall within this age group, and are especially at risk for suicide due to stressful life conditions. The University of Kentucky, located centrally within Kentucky in the city of Lexington, is an ideal location for a suicide prevention intervention. Students demonstrated an increased rate of depression compared to the national population (15.13% of students surveyed reported a recent depressive episode and 11.21% reported a past episode). The Counseling Center within the University is at capacity, and currently sees 5% of students. In support of this grant, the University of Kentucky has created the Suicide Prevention Operations Task force (UK SPOT), with three main objectives: 1) deliver gatekeeper training to students and faculty; 2) increase screening efforts in healthcare settings; and 3) enhance availability of current mental health services. For objective 1, Kognito At-Risk program is administered to university students, faculty, and staff. The Kognito At-Risk program is a 30- minute online training that prepares participants to recognize symptoms of mental health distress that, left unaddressed, could lead to severe depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and suicide ideation. The interactive program is self-paced and narrative driven, which provides and engaging simulation that is representative of real life stressors and situations faced by college students. Kognito teaches users to recognize signs of distress, engage in meaningful conversation, and refer students to appropriate services. For objective 2, additional screening will occur at University Health Services (UHS) through administration of the Beck Depression Inventory of Primary Care to students, and additional suicide prevention training with providers with Kognito At-Risk training and suicide consultation. For objective 3, additional staff will be utilized to increase capacity of the Counseling Center. The Kognito At-Risk program will be evaluated with a pre-test, post-test, and three-month follow-up survey to gauge self-efficacy, knowledge, course satisfaction, and demographics. Additional measures will include campus-wide mental health surveys, monitoring of referral rates at UHS, and service uptakes at the Counseling Center. Long-term outcomes will lead to increased use of Counseling Center resources and reduced rates of suicide ideation

    "...vom Paradies ein gold´ner Schein" - Schlagerpräsentationen im Tonfilm der Weimarer Republik

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    Arts in Conversation

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    A system for control of use of didactic material at the distance

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    The increases checked in the processing capacity and in the power of communication of the nets they allow to propose didactic systems with the integration of new technologies to the education, such as audio and video. Today, it can observe an expressive increase of digital information published through the Internet. This research emphasizes the use of the computer and of the Internet as parts of the teaching atmosphere at the distance. The implemented system allows to establish (i) measures of control of use of the available didactic material in the Internet, as well as the application of (ii) evaluation techniques for, finally, (iii) to specify concrete approaches to compose the evaluation process of the learning at the distance. For so much, it was projected and implemented a software for this atmosphere type with the objective of checking that the ideas proposals are viable. A direct consequence of the use of this atmosphere type is the need of a larger training so much of teachers as of students, for demanding a change of the habitual teaching-learning process, such as (i) the operation of the atmosphere of computerized teaching, (ii) the softwares involved for sailing and responsibility, (iii) notions of nets of computers and (iv) the introduction of evaluation approaches in the system.Eje: Tecnología informática aplicada en la EducaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Agri-food importing firms amid a global health crisis

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    This paper exploits daily customs transaction data on the universe of Swiss agri-food importing firms to assess the response of firms to a global shock. Estimating a linear model that regresses product-level import margins on daily COVID19 shocks and a host of fixed effects, we find that the pandemic had a substantial trade-reducing effect on imports. The trade effects were driven mainly by a reduction in the number of importing firms (i.e., 63% of the total effect), and much less by the number of products imported and the average import value per product per firm. We explore several sources of heterogeneity and show, among others, that larger and incumbent firms were affected more by the trade adjustments. Our results also reveal that the relative contribution of each import margin to the decline in aggregate imports depends on the level of data aggregation (i.e., daily, weekly or monthly). Finally, we validate and confirm our main findings by testing two mechanisms: (i) third-country supply-side effects using insights from structural gravity models and (ii) changes to consumer demand using consumer mobility, and retailer and consumer scanner data

    Inhibitory Action of Five Tannins on Growth Induced by Several Gibberellins

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